3 Headers for rfxswf.c and modules
5 Part of the swftools package.
7 Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Rainer Böhme <rfxswf@reflex-studio.de>
9 This file is distributed under the GPL, see file COPYING for details
13 #ifndef __RFX_SWF_INCLUDED__
14 #define __RFX_SWF_INCLUDED__
19 #include "../config.h"
20 #include "old_rfxswf.h"
26 typedef unsigned long U32;
27 typedef signed long S32;
28 typedef unsigned short U16;
29 typedef signed short S16;
30 typedef unsigned char U8;
31 typedef signed char S8;
32 typedef signed long SFIXED;
33 typedef signed long SCOORD;
37 typedef struct _SPOINT
56 typedef struct _MATRIX
57 { SFIXED sx; // factor x
59 SFIXED r0; // rotation
65 typedef struct _CXFORM
72 typedef struct _TAG // NEVER access a Tag-Struct directly !
82 U32 memsize; // to minimize realloc() calls
83 U32 pos; // for Get/Set-Access
84 U8 bitmask; // for Bit-Manipulating Functions [read]
85 U8 bitcount; // [write]
90 U32 FileSize; // valid after load and save
93 U16 FrameCount; // valid after load and save
99 int ReadSWF(int handle,SWF * swf); // Reads SWF to memory (malloc'ed), returns length or <0 if fails
100 int WriteSWF(int handle,SWF * swf); // Writes SWF to file, returns length or <0 if fails
101 int WriteCGI(SWF * swf); // Outputs SWF with valid CGI header to stdout
102 void FreeTags(SWF * swf); // Frees all malloc'ed memory for swf
104 TAG * InsertTag(TAG * after,U16 id); // updates frames, if necessary
105 int DeleteTag(TAG * t);
107 void SetTagPos(TAG * t,U32 pos); // resets Bitcount
108 U32 GetTagPos(TAG * t);
110 TAG * NextTag(TAG * t);
111 TAG * PrevTag(TAG * t);
113 int GetFrameNo(TAG * t); // should be renamed to TagGetFrame
114 U16 GetTagID(TAG * t); // ... TagGetID
115 U32 GetDataSize(TAG * t); // ... TagGetDataSize
116 U8* GetDataSizePtr(TAG * t);
118 U32 GetBits(TAG * t,int nbits);
119 S32 GetSBits(TAG * t,int nbits);
120 int SetBits(TAG * t,U32 v,int nbits);
122 int GetBlock(TAG * t,U8 * b,int l); // resets Bitcount
123 int SetBlock(TAG * t,U8 * b,int l);
125 U8 GetU8(TAG * t); // resets Bitcount
129 int SetU8(TAG * t,U8 v); // resets Bitcount
130 int SetU16(TAG * t,U16 v);
131 int SetU32(TAG * t,U32 v);
133 int GetPoint(TAG * t,SPOINT * p); // resets Bitcount
134 int GetRect(TAG * t,SRECT * r);
135 int GetMatrix(TAG * t,MATRIX * m);
136 int GetCXForm(TAG * t,CXFORM * cx,U8 alpha);
138 int SetPoint(TAG * t,SPOINT * p); // resets Bitcount
139 int SetRect(TAG * t,SRECT * r);
140 int SetMatrix(TAG * t,MATRIX * m);
141 int SetCXForm(TAG * t,CXFORM * cx,U8 alpha);
142 int SetRGB(TAG * t,RGBA * col);
143 int SetRGBA(TAG * t,RGBA * col);
147 #define GetS8(tag) ((S8)GetU8(tag))
148 #define GetS16(tag) ((S16)GetU16(tag))
149 #define GetS32(tag) ((S32)GetU32(tag))
150 #define GetCoord(tag) ((SCOORD)GetU32(tag))
151 #define GetFixed(tag) ((SFIXED)GetU32(tag))
153 #define SetS8(tag,v) SetU8(tag,(U8)v)
154 #define SetS16(tag,v) SetU16(tag,(U16)v)
155 #define SetS32(tag,v) SetU32(tag,(U32)v)
156 #define SetCoord(tag,v) SetU32(tag,(U32)v)
157 #define SetFixed(tag,v) SetU32(tag,(U32)v)
158 #define SetString(t,s) SetBlock(t,s,strlen(s)+1)
160 #define FAILED(b) ((b)<0)
161 #define SUCCEDED(b) ((b)>=0)
163 // Tag IDs (adopted from J. C. Kessels' Form2Flash)
166 #define ST_SHOWFRAME 1
167 #define ST_DEFINESHAPE 2
168 #define ST_FREECHARACTER 3
169 #define ST_PLACEOBJECT 4
170 #define ST_REMOVEOBJECT 5
171 #define ST_DEFINEBITS 6
172 #define ST_DEFINEBUTTON 7
173 #define ST_JPEGTABLES 8
175 #define ST_DEFINEFONT 10
176 #define ST_DEFINETEXT 11
177 #define ST_DOACTION 12
178 #define ST_DEFINEFONTINFO 13
179 #define ST_DEFINESOUND 14 /* Event sound tags. */
180 #define ST_STARTSOUND 15
184 #define ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS 20 /* A bitmap using lossless zlib compression. */
185 #define ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG2 21 /* A bitmap using an internal JPEG compression table. */
186 #define ST_DEFINESHAPE2 22
188 #define ST_PROTECT 24 /* This file should not be importable for editing. */
189 #define ST_PLACEOBJECT2 26 /* The new style place w/ alpha color transform and name. */
190 #define ST_REMOVEOBJECT2 28 /* A more compact remove object that omits the character tag (just depth). */
191 #define ST_DEFINESHAPE3 32 /* A shape V3 includes alpha values. */
192 #define ST_DEFINETEXT2 33 /* A text V2 includes alpha values. */
193 #define ST_DEFINEBUTTON2 34 /* A button V2 includes color transform, alpha and multiple actions */
194 #define ST_DEFINEBITSJPEG3 35 /* A JPEG bitmap with alpha info. */
195 #define ST_DEFINEBITSLOSSLESS2 36 /* A lossless bitmap with alpha info. */
196 #define ST_DEFINEEDITTEXT 37
197 #define ST_DEFINEMOVIE 38
198 #define ST_DEFINESPRITE 39 /* Define a sequence of tags that describe the behavior of a sprite. */
199 #define ST_NAMECHARACTER 40 /* Name a character definition, character id and a string, (used for buttons, bitmaps, sprites and sounds). */
200 #define ST_SERIALNUMBER 41
201 #define ST_GENERATORTEXT 42 /* contains an id */
202 #define ST_FRAMELABEL 43 /* A string label for the current frame. */
203 #define ST_SOUNDSTREAMHEAD2 45 /* For lossless streaming sound, should not have needed this... */
204 #define ST_DEFINEMORPHSHAPE 46 /* A morph shape definition */
205 #define ST_DEFINEFONT2 48
207 #define ST_GENERATOR3 51
208 #define ST_EXTERNALFONT 52
210 #define ST_REFLEX 777 /* to identify generator software */
216 void DumpHeader(FILE * f,SWF * swf);
217 void DumpMatrix(FILE * f,MATRIX * m);
218 void DumpTag(FILE * f,TAG * t);
219 char* getTagName(TAG*tag);
223 typedef struct _LINESTYLE
228 typedef struct _FILLSTYLE
235 typedef struct _SHAPE // NEVER access a Shape-Struct directly !
241 // note: changes of shape structure
242 struct // lead to incompatible .efont formats
256 U32 bitlen; // length of data in bits
261 int NewShape(SHAPE ** s);
262 void ShapeFree(SHAPE * s);
264 int GetSimpleShape(TAG * t,SHAPE ** s); // without Linestyle/Fillstyle Record
265 int SetSimpleShape(TAG * t,SHAPE * s); // without Linestyle/Fillstyle Record
267 int ShapeAddLineStyle(SHAPE * s,U16 width,RGBA * color);
268 int ShapeAddSolidFillStyle(SHAPE * s,RGBA * color);
269 int ShapeAddBitmapFillStyle(SHAPE * s,MATRIX * m,U16 id_bitmap,int clip);
271 int SetShapeStyles(TAG * t,SHAPE * s);
272 int ShapeCountBits(SHAPE * s,U8 * fbits,U8 * lbits);
273 int SetShapeBits(TAG * t,SHAPE * s);
274 int SetShapeHeader(TAG * t,SHAPE * s); // one call for upper three functions
276 int ShapeSetMove(TAG * t,SHAPE * s,S32 x,S32 y);
277 int ShapeSetStyle(TAG * t,SHAPE * s,U16 line,U16 fill0,U16 fill1);
278 int ShapeSetAll(TAG * t,SHAPE * s,S32 x,S32 y,U16 line,U16 fill0,U16 fill1);
280 int ShapeSetLine(TAG * t,SHAPE * s,S32 x,S32 y);
281 int ShapeSetCurve(TAG * t,SHAPE * s,S32 x,S32 y,S32 ax,S32 ay);
282 int ShapeSetCircle(TAG * t,SHAPE * s,S32 x,S32 y,S32 rx,S32 ry);
283 int ShapeSetEnd(TAG * t);
288 // does not support wide characters !
290 #define MAX_CHAR_PER_FONT 256
292 typedef struct _SWFLAYOUT
299 U8 * data; // size = count*4 bytes
303 typedef struct _SWFFONT
308 U8 flags; // bold/italic/unicode/ansi ...
310 U16 codes[MAX_CHAR_PER_FONT];
314 U16 gid; // Glyph-ID after DefineFont
316 } glyph[MAX_CHAR_PER_FONT];
319 typedef struct _FONTUSAGE
320 { U8 code[MAX_CHAR_PER_FONT];
323 int FontEnumerate(SWF * swf,void (*FontCallback) (U16,U8*));
324 // -> void fontcallback(U16 id,U8 * name); returns number of defined fonts
326 int FontExtract(SWF * swf,int id,SWFFONT ** f);
327 // Fetches all available information from DefineFont, DefineFontInfo, DefineText, ...
328 // id = FontID, id=0 -> Extract first Font
330 int FontIsItalic(SWFFONT * f);
331 int FontIsBold(SWFFONT * f);
333 int FontSetID(SWFFONT * f,U16 id);
334 int FontReduce(SWFFONT * f,FONTUSAGE * use);
336 int FontInitUsage(FONTUSAGE * use);
337 int FontUse(FONTUSAGE * use,U8 * s);
339 int FontSetDefine(TAG * t,SWFFONT * f);
340 int FontSetInfo(TAG * t,SWFFONT * f);
342 int FontExport(int handle,SWFFONT * f);
343 int FontImport(int handle,SWFFONT * * f);
345 void FontFree(SWFFONT * f);
347 U32 TextGetWidth(SWFFONT * font,U8 * s,int scale);
348 int TextCountBits(SWFFONT * font,U8 * s,int scale,U8 * gbits,U8 * abits);
350 int TextSetInfoRecord(TAG * t,SWFFONT * font,U16 size,RGBA * color,S16 dx,S16 dy);
351 int TextSetCharRecord(TAG * t,SWFFONT * font,U8 * s,int scale,U8 gbits,U8 abits);
353 int TextPrintDefineText(TAG * t,SWFFONT * f);
354 // Prints text defined in tag t with font f to stdout
359 // Always use ST_PLACEOBJECT2 !!!
361 int ObjectPlace(TAG * t,U16 id,U16 depth,MATRIX * m,CXFORM * cx,U8 * name);
362 int PlaceObject(TAG * t,U16 id,U16 depth,MATRIX * m,CXFORM * cx,U8 * name, U16 clipaction);
363 int ObjectMove(TAG * t,U16 depth,MATRIX * m,CXFORM * cx);
376 #define BC_OVERDOWN_IDLE 0x0100
377 #define BC_IDLE_OVERDOWN 0x0080
378 #define BC_OUTDOWN_IDLE 0x0040
379 #define BC_OUTDOWN_OVERDOWN 0x0020
380 #define BC_OVERDOWN_OUTDOWN 0x0010
381 #define BC_OVERDOWN_OVERUP 0x0008
382 #define BC_OVERUP_OVERDOWN 0x0004
383 #define BC_OVERUP_IDLE 0x0002
384 #define BC_IDLE_OVERUP 0x0001
386 #define BC_KEY(c) (c<<9)
388 #define BC_CURSORLEFT 0x0200
389 #define BC_CURSORRIGHT 0x0400
390 #define BC_POS1 0x0600
391 #define BC_END 0x0800
392 #define BC_INSERT 0x0a00
393 #define BC_DELETE 0x0c00
394 #define BC_BACKSPACE 0x1000
395 #define BC_ENTER 0x1a00
396 #define BC_CURSORUP 0x1c00
397 #define BC_CURSORDOWN 0x1e00
398 #define BC_PAGEUP 0x2000
399 #define BC_PAGEDOWN 0x2200
400 #define BC_TAB 0x2400
401 #define BC_SPACE 0x4000
405 #define BF_TRACKMENU 0x01
407 int ButtonSetRecord(TAG * t,U8 state,U16 id,U16 layer,MATRIX * m,CXFORM * cx);
408 int ButtonSetCondition(TAG * t,U16 condition); // for DefineButton2
409 int ButtonSetFlags(TAG * t,U8 flags); // necessary for DefineButton2
410 int ButtonPostProcess(TAG * t,int anz_action); // Set all offsets in DefineButton2-Tags (how many conditions to process)
414 typedef int JPEGBITS,* LPJPEGBITS; // cover libjpeg structures
416 JPEGBITS * SetJPEGBitsStart(TAG * t,int width,int height,int quality);
417 int SetJPEGBitsLines(JPEGBITS * jpegbits,U8 ** data,int n);
418 int SetJPEGBitsLine(JPEGBITS * jpegbits,U8 * data);
419 int SetJPEGBitsFinish(JPEGBITS * jpegbits);
421 int SetJPEGBits(TAG * t,char * fname,int quality); // paste jpg file into swf stream
425 char isDefiningTag(TAG * t);
426 char isAllowedSpriteTag(TAG * t);
427 U16 GetDefineID(TAG * t);
430 char* GetName(TAG * t); //PLACEOBJECT2, FRAMELABEL
431 MATRIX * MatrixJoin(MATRIX * d,MATRIX * s1,MATRIX * s2);
432 MATRIX * MatrixMapTriangle(MATRIX * m,int dx,int dy,
433 int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2);
438 void uncgi(); // same behaviour as Steven Grimm's uncgi-library