3 Runs a pdf through the pdf2swf conversion engine, and writes it back to a pdf.
5 Runs a pdf through the pdf2swf conversion engine, and writes it
9 Print short help message and exit
11 Be verbose. Use more than one -v for greater effect.
15 Make sure the output pdf is <width> pixels wide
17 Make sure the output pdf is <height> pixels high
18 -s, --set <parameter>=<value>
19 Set <parameter> to <value>
20 -o, --output <filename>
21 Write output to file <filename>.
22 Write output to file <filename>. (If not given, the output will go
23 to a file with the extension .print.pdf)
25 Print version info and exit
29 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>