<code lang="swfc">
.flash filename="text6.swf"
.font times "Times.swf"
-.text hello text="HELLO" font=times size=100% color=blue
-.text world text="WORLD" font=times size=100% color=red
+.text hello text="HELLO" font=times size=200% color=blue
+.text world text="WORLD" font=times size=200% color=red
.frame 1
.put hello pin=center x=50 y=50
<section title="Clipping">
+Another example for clipping against text:
<code lang="swfc">
-.flash filename="xorclip.swf" bbox=640x480 background=black version=6
+.flash filename="textclip.swf" bbox=400x120 background=black version=6
.font times "Times.swf"
-.textshape helloworld text="HELLO WORLD" font=times size=500%
+.textshape helloworld text="HELLO WORLD" font=times size=300%
.filled helloworld1 outline=helloworld fill=blue line=0
.filled helloworld2 outline=helloworld fill=green line=0
.frame 1
- .box background width=640 height=480 fill=white line=0
- .sprite twotexts
- .put h1=helloworld1 y=200
- .put h2=helloworld2 y=200
- .frame 1000
- .change h1 x=-500
- .change h2 x=-1000
- .end
- .startclip twotexts
- .put background
- .end
+.put h3=helloworld1 y=100
+.startclip h1=helloworld1 y=100
+ .put h2=helloworld2 y=100
.frame 1000
+.change h1 x=-1000
+.change h2 x=-500
+.change h3 x=-1000
<section title="Edittext">
You can generate this type of text with the <c>.edittext</c> command:
<code lang="swfc">
-.flash filename="edittext.swf" bbox=210x110
+.flash filename="edittext.swf" bbox=410x210
.font Arial "Arial.swf"
- .edittext myedittext font=Arial size=20%
- width=200 height=100
+ .edittext myedittext font=Arial size=50%
+ width=400 height=200
color=blue border multiline wordwrap
text="Edit me!\nClick with your mouse on this text to edit it."
.put myedittext x=3 y=3
+<chapter title="Blend Modes">
+Blend modes were introduced in Flash 8. They allow to use different alrithmetrics when
+it comes to putting transparent (or semi transparent) shapes or images on top of each
+The diffent blend modes are:
+For example, in order to set a "invert" blend mode:
+<code lang="swfc">
+.flash filename="invert.swf" fps=50 bbox=511x127
+.jpeg pic stripe.jpg
+.put pic
+.font arial Arial.ttf
+.text txt font=arial text="Test inverted blend mode... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" size=200%
+.put txt x=512 y=120 blend=invert
+.frame 700
+.change txt x=-4096
+The <c>layer</c> blend modes is especially useful, if you want to
+make sprite transparent. Compare the two stacks of rectangles
+in the next example. In the left one (set without <c>layer</c>), when
+the sprite is made transparent via <c>alpha=50%</c>, the rectangles
+also are transparent in respect to each other- i.e., you don't get
+a transparent image of a stack of rectangles, you get an image
+of a stack of transparent rectangles. On the right side, the
+stack is set with <c>layer</c>, and only the whole sprite get's
+<code lang="swfc">
+.flash filename="layer.swf" fps=50 bbox=511x127
+.jpeg background stripe.jpg
+.put background
+.box b1 fill=green width=100 height=100
+.box b2 fill=cyan width=100 height=100
+.box b3 fill=blue width=100 height=100
+.sprite s1
+ .put b1
+ .put b2 x=25 y=25
+ .put b3 x=50 y=50
+.sprite s2
+ .put b1
+ .put b2 x=25 y=25
+ .put b3 x=50 y=50
+.put s1 alpha=50%
+.put s2 alpha=50% x=300 blend=layer
+<chapter title="Filters">
+An especially nice new feature of Flash 8 are filters.
+The current version of swfc supports the following filters:
+<section><title>The "dropshadow" filter</title>
+<c>dropsshadow</c> can be used to add shadows below (or above) flash
+Every shadow has a color, and a direction/distance parameter (<c>angle</c>,<c>distance</c>),
+which controls where the shadow will be placed.
+The shadow is calculated by blurring (radios <c>blur</c> the alpha layer of the corresponding object,
+strengthening it (multiplication with <c>strength</c>), filling it with <c>color</c>
+and then merging it with the background.
+If the optional <c>knockout</c> option is given, the original object is removed, only the shadow
+is visible. If the <c>innershadow</c> parameter is given, the shadow will be <b>inside</b> the
+<code lang="swfc">
+.flash filename="shadow.swf" version=8 bbox=430x140 background=blue
+ .font myfont "Times.ttf"
+ .text mytext text="SHADOW" font=myfont size=140% color=yellow
+ .dropshadow myshadow color=black blur=5 angle=45 distance=50 passes=2 strength=1
+ .put mytext filter=myshadow y=75
+<section><title>The "bevel" filter</title>
+The <c>bevel</c> filter essentially applies two shadows at once, at opposite directions.
+It supports the same arguments as the <c>dropshadow</c> filter, and also the optional
+<c>ontop</c> argument, which, if given, moves the "shadows" above the image. (useful
+together with <c>knockout</c>).
+The following example demonstrates another feature of the swfc filter implementation: filters
+can also be animated.
+<code lang="swfc">
+.flash filename="bevel.swf" version=8 background=blue fps=12
+ .font arial "Arial.ttf"
+ .text abc text="FILTERS" font=arial size=130% color=red
+ .text beveltxt text="BEVEL" font=arial size=130% color=red
+ .bevel bevel0 highlight=white shadow=black blur=9 angle=45 distance=4 passes=2 strength=2 knockout
+ .bevel bevel1 highlight=white shadow=black blur=14 angle=45 distance=6 passes=2 strength=2 knockout
+ .bevel bevel2 highlight=white shadow=black blur=7 angle=0 distance=6 passes=2 strength=1 innershadow knockout
+ .bevel bevel3 highlight=white shadow=black blur=7 angle=360 distance=6 passes=2 strength=1 innershadow knockout
+ .put beveltxt filter=bevel0
+ .put abc filter=bevel2 y=80
+ .frame 50
+ .change beveltxt filter=bevel1
+ .frame 100
+ .change beveltxt filter=bevel0
+ .change abc filter=bevel3
+<section><title>The "blur" filter</title>
+The <c>blur</c> filter is probably the most simple filter- it only
+takes a blur radius and a number of passes. It then performs a blur effect
+by smoothening an area of <c>blurx</c> times <c>blury</c> pixels.
+<code lang="swfc">
+.flash filename="blur.swf" version=8 fps=50 bbox=200x200
+ .font arial "Arial.ttf"
+ .blur myblur1 blur=100 passes=2 # blur=100 is an abbreviation for blurx=100 blury=100
+ .blur myblur2 blurx=0 blury=0 passes=2
+ .blur myblur3 blurx=0 blury=100 passes=2
+ .textshape abc text="BLUR" font=arial size=100%
+ .filled fabc outline=abc line=2 color=blue fill=white
+ .filled fabc2 outline=abc line=2 color=red fill=yellow
+ .sprite mysprite
+ .put fabc pin=center x=100 y=100
+ .put fabc2 pin=center x=100 y=100
+ .frame 200
+ .change fabc pin=center rotate=360
+ .change fabc2 pin=center rotate=-360
+ .end
+ .put mysprite filter=myblur1
+ .frame 200
+ .change mysprite filter=myblur2
+ .frame 400
+ .change mysprite filter=myblur3
+<section><title>The "gradientglow" filter</title>
+<c>gradientglow</c> is like the <c>shadow filter</c>, only that the
+resulting shadow color is calculated from a gradient instead of a single color.
+<code lang="swfc">
+.flash filename="filters.swf" version=8
+ .font times "Times.ttf"
+ .text abc text="Gradientglow" font=times size=100% color=blue
+ .gradient fire:
+ 0% black/00
+ 25% red/40
+ 50% orange/80
+ 75% yellow/c0
+ 100% white/ff
+ .end
+ .gradientglow fireglow1 gradient=fire blur=20 innershadow angle=1 distance=20
+ .gradientglow fireglow2 gradient=fire blur=20 angle=0 distance=2 passes=1 knockout
+ .gradientglow fireglow3 gradient=fire blur=20 angle=0 distance=2 passes=1 ontop
+ .put abc1=abc filter=fireglow1
+ .put abc2=abc y=50 filter=fireglow2
+ .put abc3=abc y=100 filter=fireglow3