+++ /dev/null
-/* avi2swf.cc
- Convert avi movie files into swf.
- As soon as the size of the generated swfs is reasonable, this file
- will go to ../../src
- Part of the swftools package.
- Copyright (c) 2001 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
- This file is distributed under the GPL, see file COPYING for details */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include "../rfxswf.h"
-#include "../args.h"
-#include "avifile.h"
-#include "aviplay.h"
-statistics: (for now)
- 37 bytes per shape (rectangle)
- 8-12 bytes per placeobject
- 4 bytes per removeobject2
- 696+ bytes per definejpeg2 (576 jpegtables)
- 576 bytes per jpegtables
- 122+ bytes per definejpeg
- blocks*140 = minimal bytes per frames
- 5000/140 = maximal blocks with framerate 5000
- 2 bytes per showframe
-int cache_size=38; //in frames
-char * filename = 0;
-char * outputfilename = "output.swf";
-unsigned int firstframe = 0;
-unsigned int lastframe = 0x7fffffff;
-int jpeg_quality = 20;
-struct options_t options[] =
- {"v","verbose"},
- {"o","output"},
- {"n","num"},
- {"s","start"},
- {"V","version"},
- {0,0}
-int args_callback_option(char*name,char*val)
- if(!strcmp(name, "V")) {
- printf("avi2swf - part of %s %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
- exit(0);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(name, "o")) {
- outputfilename = val;
- return 1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(name, "n")) {
- lastframe = atoi(val);
- return 1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(name, "s")) {
- firstframe = atoi(val);
- return 1;
- }
-int args_callback_longoption(char*name,char*val)
- return args_long2shortoption(options, name, val);
-void args_callback_usage(char*name)
- printf("\nUsage: %s file.swf\n", name);
- printf("\t-h , --help\t\t Print help and exit\n");
- printf("\t-o , --output=filename\t Specify output filename\n");
- printf("\t-n , --num=frames\t\t Number of frames to encode\n");
- printf("\t-s , --start=frame\t\t First frame to encode\n");
- printf("\t-V , --version\t\t Print program version and exit\n");
- exit(0);
-int args_callback_command(char*name,char*val)
- if(filename) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Only one file allowed. You supplied at least two. (%s and %s)\n",
- filename, name);
- }
- filename = name;
- return 0;
-/* id allocation/deallocation */
-char idtab[65536];
-unsigned int idtab_pos=1;
-int get_free_id()
- while(idtab[idtab_pos] || !idtab_pos)
- idtab_pos++;
- idtab[idtab_pos]=1;
- return idtab_pos;
-void free_id(int id)
- idtab[id] = 0;
-void makeshape(int file, int id, int gfxid, int width, int height)
- TAG*tag;
- RGBA rgb;
- SHAPE*s;
- SRECT r;
- int lines = 0;
- int ls,fs;
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_DEFINESHAPE);
- swf_ShapeNew(&s);
- rgb.b = rgb.g = rgb.r = 0xff;
- if(lines)
- ls = swf_ShapeAddLineStyle(s,20,&rgb);
- swf_GetMatrix(NULL,&m);
- m.sx = 20*65536;
- m.sy = 20*65536;
- fs = swf_ShapeAddBitmapFillStyle(s,&m,gfxid,0);
- swf_SetU16(tag,id); // ID
- r.xmin = 0;
- r.ymin = 0;
- r.xmax = width*20;
- r.ymax = height*20;
- swf_SetRect(tag,&r);
- swf_SetShapeStyles(tag,s);
- swf_ShapeCountBits(s,NULL,NULL);
- swf_SetShapeBits(tag,s);
- swf_ShapeSetAll(tag,s,0,0,lines?ls:0,fs,0);
- swf_ShapeSetLine(tag,s,width*20,0);
- swf_ShapeSetLine(tag,s,0,height*20);
- swf_ShapeSetLine(tag,s,-width*20,0);
- swf_ShapeSetLine(tag,s,0,-height*20);
- swf_ShapeSetEnd(tag);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- swf_ShapeFree(s);
-void setshape(int file,int id,int depth,int x,int y,CXFORM*cx)
- TAG*tag;
- m.sx = 0x10000; m.sy = 0x10000;
- m.r0 = 0; m.r1 = 0;
- m.tx = x*20;
- m.ty = y*20;
- if(cx && !((cx->a0!=256)||(cx->r0!=256)||(cx->g0!=256)||(cx->b0!=256)
- ||(cx->a1|cx->r1|cx->g1|cx->b1))) cx = 0;
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL,ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
- swf_ObjectPlace(tag,id,depth,&m,cx,0);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
-int xblocksize;
-int yblocksize;
-struct GfxBlock {
-// static int xblocksize;
-// static int yblocksize;
- U8*data;
- int len;
-int width=0;
-int height=0;
-int xblocks;
-int yblocks;
-U8* blockbuffer = 0;
-class GfxBlockCache {
- GfxBlock*list;
- char*expire; //0=block's free
- int*ids;
- int size;
- int pos;
- int hits;
- int misses;
- public:
- GfxBlockCache(int file)
- {
- list=0;
- size = xblocks*yblocks*cache_size;
- printf("initializing cache (%d entries)\n", size);
- list = new GfxBlock[size];
- expire = new char[size];
- ids = new int[size];
- memset(expire,0,size);
- memset(list,0,sizeof(GfxBlock)*size);
- memset(ids,0,sizeof(int)*size);
- pos = 0;
- hits =0;
- misses =0;
- }
- void insert(GfxBlock*block, int gfxid)
- {
- int oldpos = pos;
- while(++pos!=oldpos)
- {
- if(pos==size) pos=0;
- if(!expire[pos])
- break;
- }
- if(pos==oldpos) {
- // cache full- don't insert item
- return;
- }
- if(list[pos].data) {
- free(list[pos].data);
- list[pos].data = 0;
- //TODO: free this in the SWF, also
- }
- list[pos].data=(U8*)malloc(block->len);
- memcpy(list[pos].data,block->data,block->len);
- list[pos].len = block->len;
- expire[pos] = cache_size;
- ids[pos] = gfxid;
- }
- int find(GfxBlock*block, CXFORM*cxform)
- {
- //TODO: do least square regression here to derive cxform
- int s;
- int bestsum=-1;
- int bestid;
- float best;
- for(s=0;s<size;s++)
- if(expire[s])
- {
- int t = (block->len);
- U8*ptr1 = block->data;
- U8*ptr2 = list[s].data;
- int sum2 = 0;
- // notice: we treat r,g,b as equal here.
- do {
- int a = (*ptr1++)-(*ptr2++);
- sum2 += a*a;
- } while(--t);
- if(bestsum < 0 || bestsum > sum2) {
- bestid = s;
- bestsum = sum2;
- }
- }
- if(bestsum<0) {
- misses++;
- return -1;
- }
- best = bestsum/block->len;
- if(best > 96.0) {
- misses++;
- return -1;
- }
- expire[bestid]= cache_size;
- hits++;
- cxform->a0 = 256;
- cxform->r0 = 256;
- cxform->g0 = 256;
- cxform->b0 = 256;
- cxform->a1 = 0;
- cxform->r1 = 0;
- cxform->g1 = 0;
- cxform->b1 = 0;
- return ids[bestid];
- }
- void newframe()
- {
- int t;
- for(t=0;t<size;t++)
- if(expire[t])
- expire[t]--;
- }
- ~GfxBlockCache()
- {
- int t;
- printf("destroying cache...\n");
- printf("hits:%d (%02d%%)\n", hits, hits*100/(hits+misses));
- printf("misses:%d (%02d%%)\n", misses, misses*100/(hits+misses));
- for(t=0;t<size;t++)
- if(expire[t] && list[t].data)
- free(list[t].data);
- free(list);
- free(expire);
- free(ids);
- }
-} * cache = 0;
-class GfxBlockEncoder {
- int sizex;
- int sizey;
- int posx;
- int posy;
- int basedepth;
- int depth[3];
- public:
- void init(int depth, int posx,int posy, int sizex, int sizey)
- {
- this->basedepth = depth;
- this->posx = posx;
- this->posy = posy;
- this->sizex = sizex;
- this->sizey = sizey;
- this->depth[0] = this->depth[1] = this->depth[2] = -1;
- }
- void clear(int file)
- {
- /* clear everything in the block */
- int t;
- for(t=0;t<3;t++)
- if(depth[t]>=0)
- {
- TAG*tag;
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_REMOVEOBJECT2);
- swf_SetU16(tag, basedepth+t); //depth
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- depth[t] = -1;
- }
- }
- void writeiframe(int file, GfxBlock*block)
- {
- clear(file);
- int gfxid = get_free_id();
- int shapeid = get_free_id();
- //memset(data,0,sizex*sizey*3);
- TAG*tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_DEFINEBITS);
- JPEGBITS * jb = swf_SetJPEGBitsStart(tag,sizex,sizey,jpeg_quality);
- tag->len = 0; //bad hack
- swf_SetU16(tag, gfxid);
- int y;
- for(y=0;y<sizey;y++)
- swf_SetJPEGBitsLine(jb,&block->data[y*sizex*3]);
- swf_SetJPEGBitsFinish(jb);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- cache->insert(block, shapeid);
- makeshape(file, shapeid, gfxid, sizex, sizey);
- setshape(file, shapeid, basedepth+1, posx, posy, 0);
- depth[1] = shapeid;
- }
- void writereference(int file, int shapeid, CXFORM*form)
- {
- if(depth[1]!=shapeid)
- {
- clear(file);
- setshape(file, shapeid, basedepth+1, posx, posy, form);
- depth[1] = shapeid;
- }
- }
- void compress(int file, GfxBlock*block)
- {
- CXFORM form;
- int id = cache->find(block, &form);
- if(id<0)
- writeiframe(file, block);
- else {
- writereference(file, id, &form);
- }
- }
-} *blocks = 0;
-void initdisplay(int file)
- if(blockbuffer)
- free(blockbuffer);
- if(blocks) {
- int t;
- for(t=0;t<xblocks;t++)
- blocks[t].clear(file);
- free(blocks);
- }
- if(cache)
- delete cache;
- xblocksize = (width/3)&~7;
- yblocksize = (height/2)&~7;
- xblocks = width/xblocksize;
- yblocks = height/yblocksize;
- printf("%dx%d blocks of size %dx%d\n", xblocks,yblocks, xblocksize, yblocksize);
- printf("cutting lower %d lines, right %d columns\n",
- height-yblocks*yblocksize, width-xblocks*xblocksize);
- blocks = new GfxBlockEncoder[xblocks*yblocks];
- blockbuffer = new U8[xblocksize*yblocksize*4]; //should be 3
- cache = new GfxBlockCache(file);
- int t;
- for(t=0;t<xblocks*yblocks;t++) {
- blocks[t].init(t*64,
- (t%xblocks)*xblocksize,
- (t/xblocks)*yblocksize,
- xblocksize, yblocksize);
- }
- TAG*tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_JPEGTABLES);
- JPEGBITS * jpeg = swf_SetJPEGBitsStart(tag, xblocksize, yblocksize, jpeg_quality);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- free(jpeg);
-void destroydisplay(int file)
- delete cache;
- free(blocks);
- free(blockbuffer);
-SWF swf;
-int main (int argc,char ** argv)
- int file;
- IAviReadFile* player;
- IAviReadStream* astream;
- IAviReadStream* vstream;
- MainAVIHeader head;
- SRECT r;
- double samplesperframe;
- int samplerate;
- int samplefix;
- processargs(argc, argv);
- lastframe += firstframe;
- if(!filename)
- exit(0);
- memset(idtab, 0, sizeof(idtab));
- player = CreateIAviReadFile(filename);
- player->GetFileHeader(&head);
- printf("fps: %d\n", 1000000/head.dwMicroSecPerFrame);
- printf("frames: %d\n", head.dwTotalFrames);
- printf("streams: %d\n", head.dwStreams);
- printf("streams: %d\n", player->StreamCount());
- printf("width: %d\n", head.dwWidth);
- printf("height: %d\n", head.dwHeight);
- astream = player->GetStream(0, AviStream::Audio);
- vstream = player->GetStream(0, AviStream::Video);
- vstream -> StartStreaming();
- astream -> StartStreaming();
- width = head.dwWidth;
- height = head.dwHeight;
- printf("sound: %u samples (%f seconds)\n", astream->GetEndPos(),
- astream->GetEndTime());
- samplesperframe = astream->GetEndPos()/astream->GetEndTime()*head.dwMicroSecPerFrame/1000000;
- printf("%f samples/frame\n", samplesperframe);
- samplerate = (int)(astream->GetEndPos()/astream->GetEndTime());
- printf("%d samplerate\n", samplerate);
- samplefix = 44100/samplerate;
- if(!samplefix) {
- printf("samplerate too high!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- printf("%d mp3 samples per movie sample\n", samplefix);
- file = open(outputfilename,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644);
- memset(&swf, 0, sizeof(swf));
- swf.frameRate = (int)(1000000.0/head.dwMicroSecPerFrame*256);
- swf.fileVersion = 4;
- swf.fileSize = 476549;//0x0fffffff;
- swf.frameCount = lastframe - firstframe;
- r.xmin = 0;
- r.ymin = 0;
- r.xmax = width*20;
- r.ymax = height*20;
- swf.movieSize = r;
- swf_WriteHeader(file, &swf);
- swf_SetU8(tag,0); //black
- swf_SetU8(tag,0);
- swf_SetU8(tag,0);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_SOUNDSTREAMHEAD2);
- swf_SetSoundStreamHead(tag, 1152);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- int frame = 0;
- initdisplay(file);
- int mp3_block_size = 1152;
- int bufsize = mp3_block_size;
- if(mp3_block_size < (int)(samplesperframe+1))
- bufsize = (int)(samplesperframe + 1);
- unsigned char*buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(bufsize);
- short*block = (short*)malloc(bufsize*2*samplefix);
- unsigned samples_read, bytes_read;
- double movie_sound_pos = 0;
- int mp3_sound_pos = 0;
- astream->GetAudioFormatInfo(&wave,0);
- printf("nChannels:%d\n", wave.nChannels);
- printf("nSamplesPerSec:%d\n", wave.nChannels);
- printf("nAvgBytesPerSec:%d\n", wave.nAvgBytesPerSec);
- printf("nBlockAlign:%d\n", wave.nBlockAlign);
- printf("wBitsPerSample:%d\n", wave.wBitsPerSample);
- printf("cbSize:%d\n", wave.cbSize);
- while(1) {
- if(vstream->ReadFrame()<0) {
- printf("\n");
- break;
- }
- if(frame < firstframe)
- {
- if(astream->ReadFrames(buffer, bufsize,
- (int)samplesperframe,
- samples_read, bytes_read)<0) {
- printf("\n");
- break;
- };
- printf("\rskipping frame %d",frame);
- fflush(stdout);
- frame++;
- if(frame == firstframe)
- printf("\n");
- continue;
- }
- printf("\rconvert frame %d",frame);
- fflush(stdout);
- // audio
- movie_sound_pos += samplesperframe;
- int first=1;
- while(mp3_sound_pos<movie_sound_pos) {
- if(astream->ReadFrames(buffer, bufsize,
- mp3_block_size/samplefix,
- samples_read, bytes_read)<0) {
- printf("couldn't read %d samples\n", mp3_block_size);
- break;
- };
- int t=0;
- int s;
- int c=0;
- for(s=0;s<mp3_block_size;s++) {
- block[s] = ((int)buffer[t]-128)*256;
- c++;
- if(c==samplefix) {
- t++;
- c=0;
- }
- }
- if(first) { //first run
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_SOUNDSTREAMBLOCK);
- swf_SetSoundStreamBlock(tag, block, mp3_block_size,1);
- } else {
- swf_SetSoundStreamBlock(tag, block, mp3_block_size,0);
- }
- mp3_sound_pos += mp3_block_size/samplefix;
- if(mp3_sound_pos>=movie_sound_pos) { // last run
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- }
- first = 0;
- }
- // video
- CImage*img = vstream->GetFrame();
- img->ToRGB();
- U8*data = img->data();
- int bpp = img->bpp();
- int x,y;
- int xx,yy;
- int fs,ls;
- SHAPE*s;
- SRECT r;
- RGBA rgb;
- /* some movies have changing dimensions */
- if(img->width() != width ||
- img->height() != height) {
- printf("\n");
- width = img->width();
- height = img->height();
- initdisplay(file);
- }
- for(yy=0;yy<yblocks;yy++)
- for(xx=0;xx<xblocks;xx++)
- {
- int x,y;
- for(y=0;y<yblocksize;y++) {
- U8*mydata = img->at(yy*yblocksize+y);
- for(x=0;x<xblocksize;x++) {
- blockbuffer[(y*xblocksize+x)*3+2] = mydata[(xx*xblocksize+x)*3+0];
- blockbuffer[(y*xblocksize+x)*3+1] = mydata[(xx*xblocksize+x)*3+1];
- blockbuffer[(y*xblocksize+x)*3+0] = mydata[(xx*xblocksize+x)*3+2];
- }
- }
- GfxBlock b;
- b.data = blockbuffer;
- b.len = xblocksize*yblocksize*3;
- blocks[yy*xblocks+xx].compress(file, &b);
- }
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_SHOWFRAME);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- cache->newframe();
- frame++;
- if(frame == lastframe)
- break;
- }
- printf("\n");
- destroydisplay(file);
- tag = swf_InsertTag(NULL, ST_END);
- swf_WriteTag(file, tag);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- close(file);
- return 0;