--- /dev/null
+# Pins.sc
+# tutorial on Pins for the user.
+.swf bbox=autocrop version=4 fps=25 name="Pins.swf"
+.sprite reticle
+ .box box width=5 height=5 color=yellow
+ .put b1=box 0 0
+ .put b2=box 5 0
+ .put b3=box 0 5
+ .put b4=box 5 5
+.circle pin 8 color=blue fill=blue
+.font helv "HelveticaBold.swf"
+.text mesg1 text="(1) This tutorial explains \"pins\" . . ." font=helv color=yellow size=25%
+.text mesg2 text="(2) Every object such as this simple box ..." font=helv color=red size=25%
+.text mesg3 text="(3) ... is \"pinned\" to a screen x,y." font=helv color=yellow size=25%
+.text mesg4 text="(4) The yellow reticle is at 100,100..." font=helv color=yellow size=25%
+.text mesg5 text="(5) The box's \"pin\" is at (relative to the box) 0,0." font=helv color=green size=25%
+.text mesg6 text="(6) When we .put the box at 100,100, its pin lands..." font=helv color=blue size=25%
+.text mesg7 text="(7) ... on 100,100." font=helv color=yellow size=25%
+.text mesg8 text="(8) Relative 0,0 is the default pin for placement." font=helv color=yellow size=25%
+.text mesg9 text="(9) If we rotate..." font=helv color=red size=25%
+.box box1 width=100 height=100 color=red line=5 # a simple red box
+.frame 0
+ .put mesg1 x=0 y=10 # mesg1 bright
+ .put box1 x=100 y=100 alpha=0
+.frame 20
+ .change mesg1 # mesg 1 hold
+.frame 40
+ .change mesg1 alpha=0 # mesg 1 fade
+ .put mesg2 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 2 placed (new message placed during old fade)
+.frame 60
+ .del mesg1 # mesg 1 gone
+ .change mesg2 alpha=100% # MESG 2 bright *** a "slide" lasts 40 frames
+ .change box1 alpha=100% # box bright
+.frame 80
+ .change mesg2 # mesg 2 hold
+ .change box1 # box hold
+ .change box1 alpha=0 # box fade
+.frame 100
+ .change mesg2 alpha=0 # mesg 2 fade
+ .put mesg3 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 3 placed
+.frame 120
+ .del mesg2 # mesg 2 gone
+ .change mesg3 alpha=100% # mesg 3 bright ***
+ .jump box1 alpha=100% # make the box appear suddenly and leap around a bit
+.frame 125
+ .jump box1 x+=20 y+=20 # BUG? why doesn't this work? am I confused?
+.frame 130
+ .jump box1 x-=20 # shouldn't the box be dancing around the screen?
+.frame 135
+ .jump box1 x-=20 y-=20
+.frame 140
+ .change mesg3 # mesg 3 hold
+ .jump box1 x=100 y=100 # put box bck where it belongs
+.frame 160
+ .change mesg3 alpha=0 # mesg 3 fade
+ .put mesg4 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 4 placed
+ .put pin 100 100 alpha=0 pin=center # pin placed (dark, bottom layer)
+ .put reticle 100 100 alpha=0 pin=center # place reticle (dark, top layer)
+ .change box1 alpha=0 # box fade
+.frame 180
+ .del mesg3 # mesg 3 gone
+ .change mesg4 alpha=100 # mesg 4 bright ***
+ .change reticle alpha=100% # reticle bright
+.frame 200
+ .change mesg4 # mesg 4 hold
+ .change reticle # hold reticle
+.frame 220
+ .change mesg4 alpha=0 # mesg 4 fade
+ .put mesg5 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 5 placed
+ .change reticle alpha=0 # reticle dark
+.frame 240
+ .del mesg4 # mesg 4 gone
+ .change mesg5 alpha=100% # mesg 5 bright ***
+ .change box1 alpha=100% # box bright
+ .change pin alpha=100% # pin bright
+.frame 260
+ .change mesg5 # mesg 5 hold
+.frame 280
+ .change mesg5 alpha=0 # mesg 5 fade
+ .put mesg6 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 6 placed
+.frame 300
+ .del mesg5 # mesg 5 gone
+ .change mesg6 alpha=100% # mesg 6 bright ***
+ .jump pin blue=0 red=+100% # blink the pin
+.frame 305
+ .jump pin blue=100% red=0
+.frame 310
+ .jump pin blue=0 red=+100%
+.frame 315
+ .jump pin blue=100% red=0
+.frame 320
+ .change mesg6 # mesg 6 hold
+.frame 340
+ .change mesg6 alpha=0 # mesg 6 fade
+ .put mesg7 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg7 placed
+ .change reticle # hold that reticle!
+.frame 360
+ .change mesg7 alpha=100% # mesg7 bright ***
+ .change reticle alpha=100%
+.frame 380
+ .change mesg7 # mesg 7 hold
+.frame 400
+ .change mesg7 alpha=0 # mesg 7 fade
+ .put mesg8 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 8 placed
+.frame 420
+ .del mesg7 # mesg 7 gone
+ .change mesg8 alpha=100% # mesg 8 bright ***
+.frame 440
+ .change mesg8 # mesg 8 hold
+.frame 460
+ .change mesg8 alpha=0 # mesg 8 fade
+.frame 480
+ .del mesg8 # mesg 8 gone
+.frame 500
+.frame 520
+# life cycle of text
+# .put mesg6 x=0 y=10 alpha=0 # mesg 6 placed
+# .change mesg6 alpha=100% # mesg 6 bright
+# .change mesg6 # mesg 6 hold
+# .change mesg6 alpha=0 # mesg 6 fade
+# .del mesg6 # mesg 6 gone