#define ALLOC_ARRAY(type, num) (((type)*)rfxalloc(sizeof(type)*(num)))
-void* rfxalloc(int size);
-void rfxdealloc(void*data);
+void* rfx_alloc(int size);
+void* rfx_calloc(int size);
+void* rfx_realloc(void*data, int size);
+void rfx_free(void*data);
// SWF Types
void swf_ClearTag(TAG * t); //frees tag data
void swf_ResetTag(TAG*tag, U16 id); //set's tag position and length to 0, without freeing it
+TAG* swf_CopyTag(TAG*tag, TAG*to_copy); //stores a copy of another tag into this taglist
void swf_SetTagPos(TAG * t,U32 pos); // resets Bitcount
U32 swf_GetTagPos(TAG * t);
U8 swf_isDefiningTag(TAG * t);
U8 swf_isPseudoDefiningTag(TAG * t);
U8 swf_isAllowedSpriteTag(TAG * t);
+U8 swf_isImageTag(TAG*tag);
+U8 swf_isShapeTag(TAG*tag);
U16 swf_GetDefineID(TAG * t);
SRECT swf_GetDefineBBox(TAG * t);
void swf_SetDefineID(TAG * t, U16 newid);
void swf_SetVideoStreamMover(TAG*tag, VIDEOSTREAM*s, signed char* movex, signed char* movey, void** image, int quant);
void swf_VideoStreamClear(VIDEOSTREAM*stream);
+// swfrender.c
+typedef struct RENDERBUF
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int posx,posy;
+ void*internal;
+void swf_Render_Init(RENDERBUF*buf, int posx, int posy, int width, int height);
+RGBA* swf_Render(RENDERBUF*dest);
+void swf_RenderShape(RENDERBUF*dest, SHAPE2*shape, MATRIX*m, CXFORM*c, int depth,int clipdepth);
+void swf_Render_AddImage(RENDERBUF*buf, U16 id, RGBA*img, int width, int height);
+void swf_Render_ClearCanvas(RENDERBUF*dest);
+void swf_Render_Delete(RENDERBUF*dest);
#ifdef __cplusplus