+typedef struct _polydraw_internal
+ int32_t lastx, lasty;
+ double z;
+ polywriter_t writer;
+} polydraw_internal_t;
+static void polydraw_moveTo(gfxdrawer_t*d, gfxcoord_t _x, gfxcoord_t _y)
+ polydraw_internal_t*i = (polydraw_internal_t*)d->internal;
+ int32_t x = convert_coord(_x, i->z);
+ int32_t y = convert_coord(_y, i->z);
+ if(i->lastx != x || i->lasty != y) {
+ i->writer.moveto(&i->writer, x, y);
+ }
+ i->lastx = x;
+ i->lasty = y;
+static void polydraw_lineTo(gfxdrawer_t*d, gfxcoord_t _x, gfxcoord_t _y)
+ polydraw_internal_t*i = (polydraw_internal_t*)d->internal;
+ int32_t x = convert_coord(_x, i->z);
+ int32_t y = convert_coord(_y, i->z);
+ if(i->lastx != x || i->lasty != y) {
+ i->writer.lineto(&i->writer, x, y);
+ }
+ i->lastx = x;
+ i->lasty = y;
+static void polydraw_splineTo(gfxdrawer_t*d, gfxcoord_t sx, gfxcoord_t sy, gfxcoord_t x, gfxcoord_t y)
+ polydraw_internal_t*i = (polydraw_internal_t*)d->internal;
+ double c = fabs(x-2*sx+i->lastx) + fabs(y-2*sy+i->lasty);
+ int parts = (int)(sqrt(c)*SUBFRACTION);
+ if(!parts) parts = 1;
+ int t;
+ int32_t nx,ny;
+ for(t=0;t<parts;t++) {
+ nx = convert_coord((double)(t*t*x + 2*t*(parts-t)*sx + (parts-t)*(parts-t)*i->lastx)/(double)(parts*parts), i->z);
+ ny = convert_coord((double)(t*t*y + 2*t*(parts-t)*sy + (parts-t)*(parts-t)*i->lasty)/(double)(parts*parts), i->z);
+ if(nx != i->lastx || ny != i->lasty) {
+ i->writer.lineto(&i->writer, nx, ny);
+ i->lastx = nx; i->lasty = ny;
+ }
+ }
+ nx = convert_coord(x,i->z);
+ ny = convert_coord(y,i->z);
+ if(nx != i->lastx || ny != i->lasty) {
+ i->writer.lineto(&i->writer, nx, ny);
+ i->lastx = nx; i->lasty = ny;
+ }
+static void* polydraw_result(gfxdrawer_t*d)
+ polydraw_internal_t*i = (polydraw_internal_t*)d->internal;
+ void*result = i->writer.finish(&i->writer);
+ rfx_free(i);
+ memset(d, 0, sizeof(gfxdrawer_t));
+ return result;
+void gfxdrawer_target_poly(gfxdrawer_t*d, double gridsize)
+ polydraw_internal_t*i = (polydraw_internal_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(polydraw_internal_t));
+ d->internal = i;
+ i->lastx = 0x7fffffff; // convert_coord can never return this value
+ i->lasty = 0x7fffffff;
+ d->moveTo = polydraw_moveTo;
+ d->lineTo = polydraw_lineTo;
+ d->splineTo = polydraw_splineTo;
+ d->result = polydraw_result;
+ gfxpolywriter_init(&i->writer);
+ i->writer.setgridsize(&i->writer, gridsize);
+ i->z = 1.0 / gridsize;
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "../gfxdevice.h"
+#include "../gfxtools.h"
+/* notice: left/right for a coordinate system where y goes up, not down */
+typedef enum {LEFT=0, RIGHT=1} leftright_t;
+/* factor that determines into how many line fragments a spline is converted */
+#define SUBFRACTION (2.4)
+// spline equation:
+// s(t) = t*t*x2 + 2*t*(1-t)*cx + (1-t)*(1-t)*x1
+// s(0.5) = 0.25*x2 + 0.5*cx + 0.25*x1
+// ds(t)/dt = 2*t*x2 + (2-2t)*cx + (2t-2)*x1
+// ds(0) = 2*(cx-x1)
+static void draw_arc(gfxdrawer_t*draw, double x, double y, double a1, double a2, double r)
+ if(a2<a1) a2+=M_PI*2;
+ double d = (a2-a1);
+ int steps = ceil(8*d/(M_PI*2)); // we use 8 splines for a full circle
+ if(!steps) return;
+ int t;
+ double step = (a2-a1)/steps;
+ double lastx = x+cos(a1)*r;
+ double lasty = y+sin(a1)*r;
+ /* we could probably build a table for this- there are only 8
+ possible values for step */
+ double r2 = r*(2-sqrt(0.5+0.5*cos(step)));
+ for(t=1;t<=steps;t++) {
+ double a = a1 + t*step;
+ double c = cos(a)*r;
+ double s = sin(a)*r;
+ double xx = c + x;
+ double yy = s + y;
+ //double dx = (s*step/2 + lastx);
+ //double dy = (-c*step/2 + lasty);
+ double dx = x + cos(a-step/2)*r2;
+ double dy = y + sin(a-step/2)*r2;
+ //draw->lineto(draw, xx, yy);
+ draw->splineTo(draw, dx, dy, xx, yy);
+ lastx = xx;
+ lasty = yy;
+ }
+static void draw_single_stroke(gfxpoint_t*p, int num, gfxdrawer_t*draw, double width, gfx_capType cap, gfx_joinType join, double limit)
+ char do_draw=0;
+ leftright_t lastdir = LEFT;
+ int start = 0;
+ int end = num-1;
+ int incr = 1;
+ int pos = 0;
+ width/=2;
+ if(width<=0)
+ width = 0.05;
+ /* remove duplicate points */
+ int s=1,t;
+ for(t=1;t<num;t++) {
+ p[s] = p[t];
+ if(p[t].x != p[t-1].x || p[t].y != p[t-1].y) {
+ s++;
+ } else {
+ num--;
+ }
+ }
+ double alimit = atan(limit / width);
+ /* iterate through the points two times: first forward, then backward,
+ adding a stroke outline to the right side and line caps after each
+ pass */
+ int pass;
+ for(pass=0;pass<2;pass++) {
+ int pos;
+ double lastw=0;
+ for(pos=start;pos!=end;pos+=incr) {
+ //printf("%d) %.2f %.2f\n", pos, p[pos].x, p[pos].y);
+ double dx = p[pos+incr].x - p[pos].x;
+ double dy = p[pos+incr].y - p[pos].y;
+ double l = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
+ double w = atan2(dy,dx);
+ if(w<0) w+=M_PI*2;
+ if(pos!=start) {
+ double d = w-lastw;
+ leftright_t turn;
+ if(d>=0 && d<M_PI) turn=LEFT;
+ else if(d<0 && d>-M_PI) turn=RIGHT;
+ else if(d>=M_PI) {turn=RIGHT;}
+ else if(d<=-M_PI) {turn=LEFT;d+=M_PI*2;}
+ else {assert(0);}
+ if(turn!=LEFT || join==gfx_joinBevel) {
+ /* TODO: does a bevel join extend beyond the segment (i.e.,
+ is it like a square cap or like a butt cap? */
+ } else if(join==gfx_joinRound) {
+ draw_arc(draw, p[pos].x, p[pos].y, lastw-M_PI/2, w-M_PI/2, width);
+ } else if(join==gfx_joinMiter) {
+ if(d/2<alimit) {
+ double r2 = width*(1-sin(d/2)+tan(d/2));
+ double addx = cos(lastw-M_PI/2+d/2)*r2;
+ double addy = sin(lastw-M_PI/2+d/2)*r2;
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos].x+addx, p[pos].y+addy);
+ } else {
+ /* convert to bevel join, which always looks the same (is
+ independent of miterLimit TODO: verify this */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double addx = cos(w-M_PI/2)*width;
+ double addy = sin(w-M_PI/2)*width;
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos].x+addx, p[pos].y+addy);
+ //printf("-- %.2f %.2f (angle:%d)\n", px1, py1, (int)(180*w/M_PI));
+ double px2 = p[pos+incr].x + addx;
+ double py2 = p[pos+incr].y + addy;
+ //printf("-- %.2f %.2f (angle:%d)\n", px2, py2, (int)(180*w/M_PI));
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos+incr].x+addx, p[pos+incr].y+addy);
+ lastw = w;
+ }
+ /* draw stroke ends */
+ if(cap == gfx_capButt) {
+ double c = cos(lastw-M_PI/2)*width;
+ double s = sin(lastw-M_PI/2)*width;
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos].x-c, p[pos].y-s);
+ } else if(cap == gfx_capRound) {
+ draw_arc(draw, p[pos].x, p[pos].y, lastw-M_PI/2, lastw+M_PI/2, width);
+ } else if(cap == gfx_capSquare) {
+ double c = cos(lastw-M_PI/2)*width;
+ double s = sin(lastw-M_PI/2)*width;
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos].x+c-s, p[pos].y+s+c);
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos].x-c-s, p[pos].y-s+c);
+ draw->lineTo(draw, p[pos].x-c, p[pos].y-s);
+ }
+ start=num-1;
+ end=0;
+ incr=-1;
+ }
+static void draw_stroke(gfxline_t*start, gfxdrawer_t*draw, double width, gfx_capType cap, gfx_joinType join, double miterLimit)
+ if(!start)
+ return;
+ assert(start->type == gfx_moveTo);
+ gfxline_t*line = start;
+ // measure array size
+ int size = 0;
+ int pos = 0;
+ double lastx,lasty;
+ while(line) {
+ if(line->type == gfx_moveTo) {
+ if(pos>size) size = pos;
+ pos++;
+ } else if(line->type == gfx_lineTo) {
+ pos++;
+ } else if(line->type == gfx_splineTo) {
+ int parts = (int)(sqrt(fabs(line->x-2*line->sx+lastx) + fabs(line->y-2*line->sy+lasty))*SUBFRACTION);
+ if(!parts) parts = 1;
+ pos+=parts+1;
+ }
+ lastx = line->x;
+ lasty = line->y;
+ line = line->next;
+ }
+ if(pos>size) size = pos;
+ if(!size) return;
+ gfxpoint_t* points = malloc(sizeof(gfxpoint_t)*size);
+ line = start;
+ pos = 0;
+ while(line) {
+ if(line->type == gfx_moveTo) {
+ if(pos) draw_single_stroke(points, pos, draw, width, cap, join, miterLimit);
+ pos = 0;
+ } else if(line->type == gfx_splineTo) {
+ int parts = (int)(sqrt(fabs(line->x-2*line->sx+lastx) + fabs(line->y-2*line->sy+lasty))*SUBFRACTION);
+ if(!parts) parts = 1;
+ double stepsize = 1.0/parts;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<parts;i++) {
+ double t = (double)i*stepsize;
+ points[pos].x = (line->x*t*t + 2*line->sx*t*(1-t) + lastx*(1-t)*(1-t));
+ points[pos].y = (line->y*t*t + 2*line->sy*t*(1-t) + lasty*(1-t)*(1-t));
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ lastx = points[pos].x = line->x;
+ lasty = points[pos].y = line->y;
+ pos++;
+ line = line->next;
+ }
+ if(pos) draw_single_stroke(points, pos, draw, width, cap, join, miterLimit);
+ free(points);
+int main()
+ gfxline_t l[4];
+ l[0].type = gfx_moveTo;
+ l[0].x = 100;l[0].sx=2;
+ l[0].y = 100;l[0].sy=2;
+ l[0].next = &l[1];
+ l[1].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ l[1].x = 100;l[1].sx=2;
+ l[1].y = 200;l[1].sy=-2;
+ l[1].next = &l[2];
+ l[2].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ l[2].x = 250;l[2].sx=4;
+ l[2].y = 200;l[2].sy=0;
+ l[2].next = &l[3];
+ l[3].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ l[3].x = 200;l[3].sx=0;
+ l[3].y = 150;l[3].sy=4;
+ l[3].next = 0;
+ gfxdevice_t dev;
+ gfxdevice_swf_init(&dev);
+ dev.setparameter(&dev, "framerate", "25.0");
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<300;t++) {
+ dev.startpage(&dev, 700,700);
+ gfxline_t*g = l;
+ while(g) {
+ g->x += g->sx;
+ g->y += g->sy;
+ if(g->x<200) {g->x=400-g->x;g->sx=-g->sx;}
+ if(g->y<200) {g->y=400-g->y;g->sy=-g->sy;}
+ if(g->x>500) {g->x=1000-g->x;g->sx=-g->sx;}
+ if(g->y>500) {g->y=1000-g->y;g->sy=-g->sy;}
+ g = g->next;
+ }
+ gfxdrawer_t d;
+ gfxdrawer_target_gfxline(&d);
+ double width = t/3.0;
+ if(width>50) width=100-width;
+ draw_stroke(l, &d, width, gfx_capRound, gfx_joinBevel, 500);
+ gfxline_t*line = (gfxline_t*)d.result(&d);
+ //gfxline_dump(line, stdout, "");
+ gfxcolor_t black = {255,0,0,0};
+ gfxcolor_t cyan = {255,0,128,128};
+ dev.stroke(&dev, l, 2, &black, gfx_capRound, gfx_joinRound, 0);
+ dev.stroke(&dev, line, 2, &cyan, gfx_capRound, gfx_joinRound, 0);
+ gfxline_free(line);
+ dev.endpage(&dev);
+ }
+ gfxresult_t* result = dev.finish(&dev);
+ result->save(result, "test.swf");
+ result->destroy(result);