}, speed, callback) : this._show();
- // We're overwriting the old hide method
+ // Overwrite the old hide method
_hide: jQuery.fn.hide,
// Figure out the maximum number to run to
z.max = function(){
- return z.el["orig"+prop] || z.cur();
+ return parseFloat( jQuery.css(z.el,prop) );
// Get the current size
z.cur = function(){
- return parseFloat( jQuery.css(z.el,prop) );
+ return parseFloat( jQuery.curCSS(z.el,prop) ) || z.max();
// Start an animation from one number to another
// Simple 'show' function
z.show = function(){
- y.display = "block";
+ // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+ z.el["orig"+prop] = this.cur();
z.o.auto = true;
+ y.display = "block";
// Simple 'hide' function
- // IE has trouble with opacity if it doesn't have layout
+ // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
if ( jQuery.browser.msie && !z.el.currentStyle.hasLayout )
y.zoom = 1;
// Reset the overflow
y.overflow = z.oldOverflow;
// If the element was shown, and not using a custom number,
// set its height and/or width to auto
if ( (prop == "height" || prop == "width") && z.o.auto )
jQuery.setAuto( z.el, prop );
// If a callback was provided, execute it
if( z.o.complete && z.o.complete.constructor == Function ) {
// Yes, this is a weird place for this, but it needs to be executed
// only once per cluster of effects.
// If the element is, effectively, hidden - hide it
- if ( y.height == "0px" || y.width == "0px" )
+ if ( y.height == "0px" || y.width == "0px" ) {
y.display = "none";
+ if ( z.el.origheight )
+ y.height = z.el.origheight;
+ if ( z.el.origwidth )
+ y.width = z.el.origwidth;
+ }
// Execute the complete function
z.o.complete.apply( z.el );