+++ /dev/null
-/* This file is only for testing purposes. it replaces swfoutput.cc, and dumps
- the information it gets into an X11 Window, not into an swf.
- Copyright (c) 2001 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
- This file is distributed under the GPL, see file COPYING for details */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "swfoutput.h"
-#include "kramm/xwindows.h"
-#include "spline.h"
-#include "log.h"
-void inline pp(int x,int y)
- if(x<0) return;
- if(y<0) return;
- vga->putpixel(x,y);
-void circle(int mx,int my,int r)
- int d=3-(2*r);
- int x=0;
- int y=r;
- while(x<=y)
- {
- pp(mx+x,my+y);
- pp(mx+x,my-y);
- pp(mx-x,my+y);
- pp(mx-x,my-y);
- pp(mx+y,my+x);
- pp(mx+y,my-x);
- pp(mx-y,my+x);
- pp(mx-y,my-x);
- if(d<0)
- {
- d=d+(4*x)+6;
- }
- else
- {y--;
- d=d+4*(x-y)+10;
- };
- x++;
- }
-void qspline(plotxy p0,plotxy p1,plotxy p2)
- double d;
- //vga->setcolor(0x0000ff);
- for(d=0.00;d<=1.00;d+=0.001) {
- int x = (int)(p0.x * d*d + p1.x * 2*(1-d)*d + p2.x * (1-d)*(1-d));
- int y = (int)(p0.y * d*d + p1.y * 2*(1-d)*d + p2.y * (1-d)*(1-d));
- pp(x,y);
- }
-void transform (plotxy*p0,struct swfmatrix*m)
- double x,y;
- x = m->m11*p0->x+m->m12*p0->y;
- y = m->m21*p0->x+m->m22*p0->y;
- p0->x = x + m->m13;
- p0->y = y + m->m23;
-// p0->x *= 3;
-// p0->y *= 3;
-void spline(plotxy p0,plotxy p1,plotxy p2,plotxy p3,struct swfmatrix*m)
- double d;
- struct qspline q[16];
- int num;
- int t;
- transform(&p0,m);
- transform(&p1,m);
- transform(&p2,m);
- transform(&p3,m);
- //vga->setcolor(0xffff00);
- //vga->drawline(p3.x,p3.y,p2.x,p2.y);
- //vga->drawline(p2.x,p2.y,p1.x,p1.y);
- //vga->drawline(p1.x,p1.y,p0.x,p0.y);
-/* vga->setcolor(0x00ff00);
- circle(p0.x,p0.y,5);
- circle(p1.x,p1.y,5);
- circle(p2.x,p2.y,5);
- circle(p3.x,p3.y,5);*/
-/* vga->setcolor(0xff00ff);
- for(d=0.00;d<1.00;d+=0.001) {
- int x = (int)(p0.x * d*d*d + p1.x * 3*(1-d)*d*d + p2.x * 3*(1-d)*(1-d)*d + p3.x * (1-d)*(1-d)*(1-d));
- int y = (int)(p0.y * d*d*d + p1.y * 3*(1-d)*d*d + p2.y * 3*(1-d)*(1-d)*d + p3.y * (1-d)*(1-d)*(1-d));
- pp(x,y);
- }*/
- num = approximate(p0,p1,p2,p3,q);
- for(t=0;t<num;t++)
- {
- qspline(q[t].start,q[t].control,q[t].end);
- }
-void line(plotxy p0, plotxy p1, struct swfmatrix*m)
- transform(&p0,m);
- transform(&p1,m);
- vga->drawline((int)p0.x,(int)p0.y,(int)p1.x,(int)p1.y);
-void swfoutput_drawpath(swfoutput*output, T1_OUTLINE*outline, struct swfmatrix*m)
- double x=0,y=0;
- double lastx=0,lasty=0;
- vga->setcolor(0xffffff);
- while (outline)
- {
- logf("<debug> Pathtype:%s",outline->type == T1_PATHTYPE_MOVE?"MOVE":
- (outline->type == T1_PATHTYPE_LINE?"LINE"
- :"BEZIER"));
- logf("<debug> relative coordinates: %08x,%08x", outline->dest.x, outline->dest.y);
- x += (outline->dest.x/(float)0xffff);
- y += (outline->dest.y/(float)0xffff);
- logf("<debug> coordinates: %f,%f", x, y);
- if(outline->type == T1_PATHTYPE_MOVE)
- {
- }
- else if(outline->type == T1_PATHTYPE_LINE)
- {
- plotxy p0;
- plotxy p1;
- p0.x=lastx;
- p0.y=lasty;
- p1.x=x;
- p1.y=y;
- line(p0,p1,m);
- }
- else if(outline->type == T1_PATHTYPE_BEZIER)
- {
- plotxy p0;
- plotxy p1;
- plotxy p2;
- plotxy p3;
- p0.x=x;
- p0.y=y;
- p1.x=o2->C.x/(float)0xffff+lastx;
- p1.y=o2->C.y/(float)0xffff+lasty;
- p2.x=o2->B.x/(float)0xffff+lastx;
- p2.y=o2->B.y/(float)0xffff+lasty;
- p3.x=lastx;
- p3.y=lasty;
- spline(p0,p1,p2,p3,m);
-// vga->drawline(320+lastx, 240+lasty, 320+x, 240+y);
- }
- else {
- printf("outline type:%d\n", outline->type);
- }
- lastx=x;
- lasty=y;
- outline = outline->link;
- }
- XFlush(X.d);
-void processchar(struct swfoutput*obj, int i, char c, swfmatrix*m)
- T1_OUTLINE*outline;
- int width = T1_GetCharWidth(i, c);
- BBox bbox = T1_GetCharBBox(i, c);
- char*charname= T1_GetCharName(i, c);
- logf("<debug> Font name is %s", T1_GetFontFileName(i));
- logf("<debug> char 0x%02x is named %s\n",c,charname);
- logf("<debug> bbox: %d %d %d %d\n",bbox.llx,bbox.lly,bbox.urx,bbox.ury);
- if(!charname || charname[0] == '.')
- {
- logf("<error> Char to set is not defined!");
- logf("<error> - font file is %s\n", T1_GetFontFileName(i));
- logf("<error> - char 0x%02x is named %s\n",c,charname);
- }
- swfmatrix m2=*m;
- m2.m11/=100;
- m2.m21/=100;
- m2.m12/=100;
- m2.m22/=100;
- outline = T1_GetCharOutline( i, c, 100.0, 0);
- swfoutput_drawpath(obj, outline, &m2);
-void swfoutput_init(struct swfoutput* obj, int sizex, int sizey)
- GLYPH *glyph;
- int i;
- logf("<verbose> initializing swf output for size %d*%d\n", sizex,sizey);
- vga=new modexwindow(sizex,sizey,"");
- vga->setdirect();
- if(!vga->on()) exit(1);
- vga->setcolor(0xff00ff);
- obj->t1font = 0;
- obj->t1fontsize = 0.0025;
-int swfoutput_setfont(struct swfoutput*obj, int t1id)
- obj->t1font = t1id;
-void swfoutput_setfontsize(struct swfoutput* obj, double size)
- obj->t1fontsize = size;
-void swfoutput_setfontmatrix(struct swfoutput*obj,double m11,double m12,
- double m21,double m22)
- obj->fontm11 = m11;
- obj->fontm12 = m12;
- obj->fontm21 = m21;
- obj->fontm22 = m22;
-void swfoutput_drawchar(struct swfoutput* obj,double x,double y,char a)
- swfmatrix m;
- m.m11 = obj->fontm11*obj->t1fontsize;
- m.m12 = obj->fontm12*obj->t1fontsize;
- m.m21 = obj->fontm21*obj->t1fontsize;
- m.m22 = obj->fontm22*obj->t1fontsize;
- m.m13 = x;
- m.m23 = y;
- processchar(obj, obj->t1font, a, &m);
-void swfoutput_destroy(struct swfoutput* obj)
- T1_CloseLib();
- vga->off();
- delete vga;