all: test stroke
include ../../Makefile.common
-CC = gcc -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
+CC = gcc -O2 -g
#CC = gcc -O3
../libbase.a: ../q.c ../q.h ../mem.c ../mem.h
testheap: ../libbase.a testheap.c
$(CC) testheap.c ../libbase.a -o testheap -lm -lz -ljpeg
-OBJS = active.o convert.o poly.o wind.o renderpoly.o xrow.o
+OBJS = active.o convert.o poly.o wind.o renderpoly.o xrow.o stroke.o
active.o: active.c active.h poly.h
$(CC) -c active.c -o active.o
stroke.o: stroke.c poly.h convert.h wind.h
$(CC) -c stroke.c -o stroke.o
-stroke: test_stroke.c stroke.o $(OBJS) ../libgfx.a ../libbase.a ../librfxswf.a ../libgfxswf.a
- $(CC) test_stroke.c stroke.o $(OBJS) ../libgfx.a ../libbase.a ../librfxswf.a ../libgfxswf.a -o stroke $(LIBS)
+GFX=../gfxfont.o ../gfxtools.o ../devices/ops.o ../devices/polyops.o ../devices/text.o ../devices/bbox.o ../devices/render.o ../devices/rescale.o ../devices/record.o
-SWF = ../librfxswf.a ../libpdf.a ../libgfx.a -lstdc++
-test: ../libbase.a ../libgfx.a test.c $(OBJS) poly.h convert.h
- $(CC) test.c $(OBJS) $(SWF) ../libbase.a ../libgfx.a -o test $(LIBS)
+stroke: test_stroke.c $(OBJS) ../libgfxswf.a ../librfxswf.a ../libbase.a
+ $(CC) test_stroke.c $(OBJS) ../librfxswf.a ../libgfxswf.a $(GFX) ../libbase.a -o stroke $(LIBS)
+SWF = ../librfxswf.a ../libpdf.a -lstdc++
+test: ../libbase.a test.c $(OBJS) poly.h convert.h $(GFX)
+ $(CC) test.c $(OBJS) $(SWF) ../libbase.a $(GFX) -o test $(LIBS)
rm -f *.o test stroke
polydraw_internal_t*i = (polydraw_internal_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(polydraw_internal_t));
d->internal = i;
- i->lastx = 0x7fffffff; // convert_coord can never return this value
- i->lasty = 0x7fffffff;
+ i->lastx = INVALID_COORD; // convert_coord can never return this value
+ i->lasty = INVALID_COORD;
d->moveTo = polydraw_moveTo;
d->lineTo = polydraw_lineTo;
d->splineTo = polydraw_splineTo;
i->z = 1.0 / gridsize;
+#if 0
l[count-1].next = 0;
return l;
+ gfxpolystroke_t*stroke;
+ int count = 0;
+ if(!poly->strokes)
+ return 0;
+ dict_t*d = dict_new2(&point_type);
+ dict_t*todo = dict_new2(&ptr_type);
+ for(stroke=poly->strokes;stroke;stroke=stroke->next) {
+ dict_put(todo, stroke, stroke);
+ assert(stroke->num_points>1);
+ count += stroke->num_points;
+ if(stroke->dir == DIR_UP) {
+ dict_put(d, &stroke->points[stroke->num_points-1], stroke);
+ } else {
+ dict_put(d, &stroke->points[0], stroke);
+ }
+ }
+ gfxpolystroke_t*next_todo = poly->strokes;
+ gfxline_t*l = malloc(sizeof(gfxline_t)*count);
+ count = 0;
+ stroke = poly->strokes;
+ point_t last = {INVALID_COORD, INVALID_COORD};
+ while(stroke) {
+ assert(dict_contains(todo, stroke));
+ int t;
+ int pos = 0;
+ int incr = 1;
+ if(stroke->dir == DIR_UP) {
+ pos = stroke->num_points-1;
+ incr = -1;
+ }
+ if(last.x != stroke->points[pos].x || last.y != stroke->points[pos].y) {
+ l[count].x = stroke->points[pos].x * poly->gridsize;
+ l[count].y = stroke->points[pos].y * poly->gridsize;
+ l[count].type = gfx_moveTo;
+ l[count].next = &l[count+1];
+ count++;
+ }
+ pos += incr;
+ for(t=1;t<stroke->num_points;t++) {
+ l[count].x = stroke->points[pos].x * poly->gridsize;
+ l[count].y = stroke->points[pos].y * poly->gridsize;
+ l[count].type = gfx_lineTo;
+ l[count].next = &l[count+1];
+ count++;
+ pos += incr;
+ }
+ last = stroke->points[pos-incr];
+ char del = dict_del(todo, stroke);
+ assert(del);
+ assert(!dict_contains(todo, stroke));
+ /* try to find a poly which starts at the point we drew last */
+ stroke = dict_lookup(d, &last);
+ while(!dict_contains(todo, stroke)) {
+ stroke = next_todo;
+ if(!next_todo) {
+ stroke = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ next_todo = next_todo->next;
+ }
+ }
+ l[count-1].next = 0;
+ dict_destroy(todo);
+ dict_destroy(d);
+ return l;
static windcontext_t onepolygon = {1};
gfxline_t* gfxpoly_circular_to_evenodd(gfxline_t*line, double gridsize)