equals( jQuery('#sap').text(), expected, 'Check for merged text of more then one element.' );
-test("wrap(String|Element)", function() {
+var testWrap = function(val) {
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
- var result = jQuery('#first').wrap('<div class="red"><span></span></div>').text();
+ var result = jQuery('#first').wrap(val( '<div class="red"><span></span></div>' )).text();
equals( defaultText, result, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );
ok( jQuery('#first').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
- var result = jQuery('#first').wrap(document.getElementById('empty')).parent();
+ var result = jQuery('#first').wrap(val( document.getElementById('empty') )).parent();
ok( result.is('ol'), 'Check for element wrapping' );
equals( result.text(), defaultText, 'Check for element wrapping' );
jQuery('#check1').click(function() {
var checkbox = this;
ok( checkbox.checked, "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" );
- jQuery(checkbox).wrap( '<div id="c1" style="display:none;"></div>' );
+ jQuery(checkbox).wrap(val( '<div id="c1" style="display:none;"></div>' ));
ok( checkbox.checked, "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
- j.wrap("<i></i>");
+ j.wrap(val( "<i></i>" ));
equals( jQuery("#nonnodes > i").length, 3, "Check node,textnode,comment wraps ok" );
equals( jQuery("#nonnodes > i").text(), j.text() + j[1].nodeValue, "Check node,textnode,comment wraps doesn't hurt text" );
// Try wrapping a disconnected node
- j = jQuery("<label/>").wrap("<li/>");
+ j = jQuery("<label/>").wrap(val( "<li/>" ));
equals( j[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "LABEL", "Element is a label" );
equals( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "LI", "Element has been wrapped" );
+test("wrap(String|Element)", function() {
+ testWrap(bareObj);
-test("wrapAll(String|Element)", function() {
+test("wrap(Function)", function() {
+ testWrap(functionReturningObj);
+var testWrapAll = function(val) {
var prev = jQuery("#firstp")[0].previousSibling;
var p = jQuery("#firstp,#first")[0].parentNode;
- var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll('<div class="red"><div id="tmp"></div></div>');
+ var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll(val( '<div class="red"><div class="tmp"></div></div>' ));
equals( result.parent().length, 1, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );
ok( jQuery('#first').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );
ok( jQuery('#firstp').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );
var prev = jQuery("#firstp")[0].previousSibling;
var p = jQuery("#first")[0].parentNode;
- var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll(document.getElementById('empty'));
+ var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll(val( document.getElementById('empty') ));
equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0], jQuery("#firstp").parent()[0], "Same Parent" );
equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].previousSibling, prev, "Correct Previous Sibling" );
- equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
+ equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
+test("wrapAll(String|Element)", function() {
+ testWrapAll(bareObj);
+// TODO: Figure out why each(wrapAll) is not equivalent to wrapAll
+// test("wrapAll(Function)", function() {
+// testWrapAll(functionReturningObj);
+// })
var testWrapInner = function(val) {
var num = jQuery("#first").children().length;
-/* test("wrapInner(Function)", function() {
- testWrapInner(functionReturningObj)
-}) */
+// TODO: wrapInner uses wrapAll -- get wrapAll working with Function
+// test("wrapInner(Function)", function() {
+// testWrapInner(functionReturningObj)
+// })
var testAppend = function(valueObj) {
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery after" );
-test("replaceWith(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
+var testReplaceWith = function(val) {
- jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith('<b id="replace">buga</b>');
+ jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( '<b id="replace">buga</b>' ));
ok( jQuery("#replace")[0], 'Replace element with string' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after string' );
- jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(document.getElementById('first'));
+ jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( document.getElementById('first') ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with element' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after element' );
- jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]);
+ jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( [document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')] ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with array of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with array of elements' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements' );
- jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(jQuery("#first, #mark"));
+ jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( jQuery("#first, #mark") ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
- ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' );
+ ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' );
+test("replaceWith(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
+ testReplaceWith(bareObj);
+test("replaceWith(Function)", function() {
+ testReplaceWith(functionReturningObj);
test("replaceAll(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
jQuery('<b id="replace">buga</b>').replaceAll("#yahoo");