- * Executes the first callback for every element that fits the expression
- * and executes the second callback for every element that does not fit
- * the expression.
- *
- * @example $('div').ifelse(':visible',
- * function() { $(this).slideUp(); },
- function() { $(this).slideDown(); }
- * );
- * @desc Slides down all visible div elements and slides down all others
- *
- * @test var checked = 0, notChecked = 0;
- * var inputChecked = $(':input').ifelse(':checked',
- * function() { checked++; },
- * function() { notChecked++ }
- * );
- * ok( checked == 2, 'Check is if/else: Count checked elements' );
- * ok( notChecked == 12, 'Check is if/else: Count unchecked elements' );
- *
- * $('#first, #foo, #ap').ifelse('p',
- * function() { $(this).html('me == p') },
- * function() { $(this).html('me != p') }
- * );
- * ok( $('#first').text() == 'me == p', 'Check filter-if-clause' );
- * ok( $('#foo').text() == 'me != p', 'Check else-clause' );
- * ok( $('#ap').text() == 'me == p', 'Check filter-if-clause' );
- *
- * @name ifelse
- * @type jQuery
- * @param String expression The expression with which to filter
- * @param Function ifCallback Called for elements that fit the expression
- * @param Function elseCallback Called for elements that don't fit the expression
- * @cat DOM/Traversing
- */
- ifelse: function(expr, ifCallback, elseCallback) {
- var ifCallback = ifCallback || function() {};
- var elseCalllback = elseCallback || function() {};
- return this.each(function() {
- if($(this).is(expr)) {
- ifCallback.apply(this);
- } else {
- elseCallback.apply(this);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
* @private