@@cat ${MODULES} | \
sed 's/.function..jQuery...{//' | \
sed 's/}...jQuery..;//' | \
- sed 's/Date:./&'"${DATE}"'/' | \
+ sed 's/@DATE/'"${DATE}"'/' | \
${VER} > ${JQ};
${SRC_DIR}/selector.js: ${SIZZLE_DIR}/sizzle.js
minfier = "java -jar #{build_dir}/google-compiler-20100917.jar"
# Turn off output other than needed from `sh` and file commands
# Tasks
task :default => "all"
task :init => [sizzle, qunit] do
sizzle_git = File.join(sizzle_dir, '.git')
qunit_git = File.join(qunit_dir, '.git')
puts "Updating SizzleJS with latest..."
sh "git --git-dir=#{sizzle_git} pull -q origin master"
desc "Removes dist folder, selector.js, and Sizzle/QUnit"
task :clean do
- puts "Removing Distribution directory: #{dist_dir}..."
+ puts "Removing Distribution directory: #{dist_dir}..."
rm_rf dist_dir
puts "Removing built copy of Sizzle..."
file jq => [dist_dir, base_files].flatten do
puts "Building jquery.js..."
File.open(jq, 'w') do |f|
- f.write cat(base_files).gsub(/(Date:.)/, "\\1#{date}" ).gsub(/@VERSION/, version)
+ f.write cat(base_files).gsub(/@DATE/, date).gsub(/@VERSION/, version)
puts "Building jquery.min.js..."
sh "#{minfier} --js #{jq} --warning_level QUIET --js_output_file #{jq_min}"
min = File.read( jq_min )
# Equivilent of "head"
File.open(jq_min, 'w') do |f|
f.write File.readlines(jq)[0..14].join()
-file selector => [sizzle, :init] do
+file selector => [sizzle, :init] do
puts "Building selector code from Sizzle..."
File.open(selector, 'w') do |f|
- f.write File.read(sizzle).gsub(
- /^.+EXPOSE$\n/,
+ f.write File.read(sizzle).gsub(
+ /^.+EXPOSE$\n/,
'\0' + File.read( File.join( src_dir, 'sizzle-jquery.js' ))
/^window.Sizzle.+$\n/, ''
<arg line="log -1 --pretty=format:%ad" />
<replaceregexp match="(\(\s*function\s*\(\s*jQuery\s*\)\s*\{)|(\}\s*\)\s*\(\s*jQuery\s*\)\s*;)" flags="g" replace="" file="${JQ}" />
- <replaceregexp match="Date: " replace="Date: ${date}" file="${JQ}" />
+ <replaceregexp match="@DATE" replace="${date}" file="${JQ}" />
<echo message="${JQ} built." />
(function( jQuery ) {
var rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
type = "POST";
var self = this;
// Request the remote document
url: url,
text: "Text",
json: "JSON"
accepts: {
xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
html: "text/html",
json: "application/json, text/javascript",
"*": "*/*"
autoDataType: {
xml: /xml/,
html: /html/,
json: /json/
// Prefilters
// 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see transport/jsonp for an example)
// 2) These are called:
// * AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true)
// 3) They MUST be order agnostic
prefilters: [],
// Transports bindings
// 1) key is the dataType
// 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
// 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed
transports: {
// Checkers
// 1) key is dataType
// 2) they are called to control successful response
// 3) error throws is used as error data
dataCheckers: {
// Check if data is a string
"text": function(data) {
if ( typeof data != "string" ) {
// Check if xml has been properly parsed
"xml": function(data) {
var documentElement = data ? data.documentElement : data;
// List of data converters
// 1) key format is "source_type => destination_type" (spaces required)
// 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used for source_type
dataConverters: {
// Convert anything to text
"* => text": function(data) {
return "" + data;
// Text to html (no transformation)
"text => html": function(data) {
return data;
// Evaluate text as a json expression
"text => json": jQuery.parseJSON,
// Parse text as xml
"text => xml": function(data) {
var xml, parser;
// Main method
ajax: function( url , s ) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
s = url;
url = s ? s.url : undefined;
return jQuery.xhr().open( s ? s.type : undefined , url ).send( undefined , s );
// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
value = jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value;
s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
if ( traditional === undefined ) {
traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
if ( jQuery.isArray(a) || a.jquery ) {
// Serialize the form elements
jQuery.each( a, function() {
add( this.name, this.value );
} else {
// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add );
} else if ( !traditional && obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) {
// If we see an array here, it is empty and should be treated as an empty
// object
buildParams( prefix + "[" + k + "]", v, traditional, add );
} else {
// Serialize scalar item.
add( prefix, obj );
return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
} catch( xhrError ) {}
try {
return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch( activeError ) {}
var option = options[ i ];
// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
- if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
+ if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
(!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
// Get the specific value for the option
// For matching the engine and version of the browser
// Has the ready events already been bound?
readyBound = false,
// The functions to execute on DOM ready
readyList = [],
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
trim = String.prototype.trim,
indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
// [[Class]] -> type pairs
class2type = {};
this.length = 1;
return this;
// The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) {
this.context = document;
ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
selector = (ret.cacheable ? ret.fragment.cloneNode(true) : ret.fragment).childNodes;
return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
// HANDLE: $("#id")
} else {
elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
push.apply( ret, elems );
} else {
jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
each: function( callback, args ) {
return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
ready: function( fn ) {
// Attach the listeners
return this;
eq: function( i ) {
return i === -1 ?
this.slice( i ) :
return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
end: function() {
return this.prevObject || jQuery(null);
return jQuery;
// Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
isReady: false,
// A counter to track how many items to wait for before
// the ready event fires. See #6781
readyWait: 1,
// Handle when the DOM is ready
ready: function( wait ) {
// A third-party is pushing the ready event forwards
bindReady: function() {
if ( readyBound ) {
if ( document.addEventListener ) {
// Use the handy event callback
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
// ensure firing before onload,
// maybe late but safe also for iframes
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
return false;
// Not own constructor property must be Object
if ( obj.constructor &&
!hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
!hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
return false;
// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
// if last one is own, then all properties are own.
var key;
for ( key in obj ) {}
return key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );
return true;
error: function( msg ) {
throw msg;
parseJSON: function( data ) {
if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
return null;
// Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
data = jQuery.trim( data );
// Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
// Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
if ( rvalidchars.test(data.replace(rvalidescape, "@")
for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
} else {
while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
// The value/s can be optionally by executed if its a function
access: function( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) {
var length = elems.length;
// Setting many attributes
if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
for ( var k in key ) {
return elems;
// Setting one attribute
if ( value !== undefined ) {
// Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
exec = !pass && exec && jQuery.isFunction(value);
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
return elems;
// Getting an attribute
return length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : undefined;
if ( !elem ) {
return size == null ? null : this;
if ( jQuery.isFunction( size ) ) {
return this.each(function( i ) {
var self = jQuery( this );
} else {
for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
var display = jQuery.css( this[i], "display" );
if ( display !== "none" && !jQuery.data( this[i], "olddisplay" ) ) {
jQuery.data( this[i], "olddisplay", display );
* Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
* Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- * Date:
+ * Date: @DATE
(function( window, undefined ) {
jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
var elem = this[0], box;
- if ( options ) {
+ if ( options ) {
return this.each(function( i ) {
jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
var elem = this[0];
- if ( options ) {
+ if ( options ) {
return this.each(function( i ) {
jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
return { top: top, left: left };
setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) {
var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" );
if (options.left != null) {
props.left = (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft;
if ( "using" in options ) {
options.using.call( elem, props );
} else {
jQuery.fn[ method ] = function(val) {
var elem = this[0], win;
if ( !elem ) {
return null;
filter: function( selector ) {
return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
is: function( selector ) {
return !!selector && jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0;
selector = selectors[i];
if ( !matches[selector] ) {
- matches[selector] = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selector ) ?
+ matches[selector] = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selector ) ?
jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
return ret;
- var pos = POS.test( selectors ) ?
+ var pos = POS.test( selectors ) ?
jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : null;
for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique(ret) : ret;
return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors );
// Determine the position of an element within
// the matched set of elements
index: function( elem ) {
}, function( name, fn ) {
jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
selector = until;
jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] :
jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
var matched = [],
cur = elem[ dir ];
rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
rurl = /^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/,
sliceFunc = Array.prototype.slice,
isFunction = jQuery.isFunction;
// Creates a jQuery xhr object
jQuery.xhr = function( _native ) {
if ( _native ) {
return jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr();
function reset(force) {
// We only need to reset if we went through the init phase
// (with the exception of object creation)
if ( force || internal ) {
// Reset callbacks lists
callbacksLists = {
success: createCBList(),
error: createCBList(),
complete: createCBList()
// Reset private variables
requestHeaders = {};
responseHeadersString = responseHeaders = internal = done = timeoutTimer = s = undefined;
// Reset state
xhr.readyState = 0;
sendFlag = 0;
// Remove responseX fields
for ( var name in xhr ) {
if ( /^response/.test(name) ) {
function init() {
var // Options extraction
// Remove hash character (#7531: first for string promotion)
url = s.url = ( "" + s.url ).replace( rhash , "" ),
// Uppercase the type
type = s.type = s.type.toUpperCase(),
// Determine if request has content
hasContent = s.hasContent = ! rnoContent.test( type ),
// Extract dataTypes list
dataType = s.dataType,
dataTypes = s.dataTypes = dataType ? jQuery.trim(dataType).toLowerCase().split(/\s+/) : ["*"],
// Determine if a cross-domain request is in order
parts = rurl.exec( url.toLowerCase() ),
loc = location,
crossDomain = s.crossDomain = !!( parts && ( parts[1] && parts[1] != loc.protocol || parts[2] != loc.host ) ),
// Get other options locally
data = s.data,
originalContentType = s.contentType,
prefilters = s.prefilters,
accepts = s.accepts,
headers = s.headers,
// Other Variables
// Convert data if not already a string
if ( data && s.processData && typeof data != "string" ) {
data = s.data = jQuery.param( data , s.traditional );
// Apply option prefilters
for ( i = 0; i < prefilters.length; i++ ) {
// Get internal
internal = selectTransport( s );
// Re-actualize url & data
url = s.url;
data = s.data;
// If internal was found
if ( internal ) {
// Get transportDataType
transportDataType = dataTypes[0];
// More options handling for requests with no content
if ( ! hasContent ) {
// If data is available, append data to url
if ( data ) {
url += (rquery_xhr.test(url) ? "&" : "?") + data;
// Add anti-cache in url if needed
if ( s.cache === false ) {
var ts = jQuery.now(),
// try replacing _= if it is there
ret = url.replace(rts, "$1_=" + ts );
// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
url = ret + ((ret == url) ? (rquery_xhr.test(url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + ts : "");
s.url = url;
// Set the correct header, if data is being sent
if ( ( data && hasContent ) || originalContentType ) {
requestHeaders["content-type"] = s.contentType;
// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
if ( s.ifModified ) {
- if ( jQuery_lastModified[url] ) {
+ if ( jQuery_lastModified[url] ) {
requestHeaders["if-modified-since"] = jQuery_lastModified[url];
if ( jQuery_etag[url] ) {
requestHeaders["if-none-match"] = jQuery_etag[url];
// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
requestHeaders.accept = transportDataType && accepts[ transportDataType ] ?
accepts[ transportDataType ] + ( transportDataType !== "*" ? ", */*; q=0.01" : "" ) :
accepts[ "*" ];
// Check for headers option
for ( i in headers ) {
requestHeaders[ i.toLowerCase() ] = headers[ i ];
- }
+ }
callbackContext = s.context || s;
globalEventContext = s.context ? jQuery(s.context) : jQuery.event;
for ( i in callbacksLists ) {
// Watch for a new set of requests
if ( s.global && jQuery.active++ === 0 ) {
jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
done = whenDone;
function whenDone(status, statusText, response, headers) {
// Called once
done = undefined;
// Reset sendFlag
sendFlag = 0;
// Cache response headers
responseHeadersString = headers || "";
if ( timeoutTimer ) {
var // Reference url
url = s.url,
// and ifModified status
ifModified = s.ifModified,
// Is it a success?
isSuccess = 0,
// Stored success
// If not timeout, force a jQuery-compliant status text
if ( statusText != "timeout" ) {
- statusText = ( status >= 200 && status < 300 ) ?
+ statusText = ( status >= 200 && status < 300 ) ?
"success" :
( status === 304 ? "notmodified" : "error" );
// If successful, handle type chaining
if ( statusText === "success" || statusText === "notmodified" ) {
// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
if ( ifModified ) {
var lastModified = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"),
etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
if (lastModified) {
jQuery_lastModified[url] = lastModified;
jQuery_etag[url] = etag;
if ( ifModified && statusText === "notmodified" ) {
success = null;
isSuccess = 1;
} else {
// Chain data conversions and determine the final value
// (if an exception is thrown in the process, it'll be notified as an error)
try {
function checkData(data) {
if ( data !== undefined ) {
var testFunction = s.dataCheckers[srcDataType];
function convertData (data) {
var conversionFunction = dataConverters[srcDataType+" => "+destDataType] ||
dataConverters["* => "+destDataType],
if ( noFunction ) {
jQuery.error( "no data converter between " + srcDataType + " and " + destDataType );
return conversionFunction(data);
var dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
responseTypes = s.xhrResponseFields;
for ( i = 0, length = dataTypes.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {
destDataType = dataTypes[i];
if ( !srcDataType ) { // First time
// Copy type
srcDataType = destDataType;
// Check
// Recheck data
} else { // Subsequent times
// handle auto
// JULIAN: for reasons unknown to me === doesn't work here
if (destDataType == "*") {
destDataType = srcDataType;
} else if ( srcDataType != destDataType ) {
// Convert
data = convertData(data);
// Copy type & check
srcDataType = destDataType;
// Copy response into the xhr if it hasn't been already
var responseDataType,
responseType = responseTypes[srcDataType];
if ( responseType ) {
responseDataType = srcDataType;
} else {
responseType = responseTypes[ responseDataType = "text" ];
if ( responseType !== 1 ) {
xhr[ "response" + responseType ] = data;
responseTypes[ responseType ] = 1;
// We have a real success
success = data;
isSuccess = 1;
} catch(e) {
statusText = "parsererror";
error = "" + e;
} else { // if not success, mark it as an error
error = error || statusText;
// Set data for the fake xhr object
xhr.status = status;
xhr.statusText = statusText;
// Keep local copies of vars in case callbacks re-use the xhr
var _s = s,
_callbacksLists = callbacksLists,
_callbackContext = callbackContext,
_globalEventContext = globalEventContext;
// Set state if the xhr hasn't been re-used
function _setState( value ) {
if ( xhr.readyState && s === _s ) {
setState( value );
// Really completed?
if ( status && s.async ) {
setState( 2 );
_setState( 3 );
// We're done
_setState( 4 );
// Success
_callbacksLists.success.fire( isSuccess , _callbackContext , success, statusText, xhr);
if ( isSuccess && _s.global ) {
// Error
_callbacksLists.error.fire( ! isSuccess , _callbackContext , xhr, statusText, error);
if ( !isSuccess && _s.global ) {
- _globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxError", [xhr, _s, error] );
+ _globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxError", [xhr, _s, error] );
// Complete
_callbacksLists.complete.fire( 1 , _callbackContext, xhr, statusText);
// Ready state control
function checkState( expected , test ) {
if ( expected !== true && ( expected === false || test === false || xhr.readyState !== expected ) ) {
// Ready state change
function setState( value ) {
xhr.readyState = value;
var // jQuery lists
jQuery_lastModified = jQuery.lastModified,
jQuery_etag = jQuery.etag,
xhr = {
// state
readyState: 0,
// Callback
onreadystatechange: null,
// Open
open: function(type, url, async, username, password) {
s = {
type: type,
url: url,
username: username,
password: password
return xhr;
// Send
send: function(data, moreOptions) {
checkState(1 , !sendFlag);
s.data = data;
s = jQuery.extend( true,
moreOptions || ( moreOptions === false ? { global: false } : {} ) );
if ( moreOptions ) {
// We force the original context
// (plain objects used as context get extended)
s.context = moreOptions.context;
// If not internal, abort
if ( ! internal ) {
done( 0 , "transport not found" );
return false;
// Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
if ( s.beforeSend ) {
var _s = s;
if ( s.beforeSend.call(callbackContext, xhr, s) === false || ! xhr.readyState || _s !== s ) {
// Abort if not done
if ( xhr.readyState && _s === s ) {
// Handle the global AJAX counter
if ( _s.global && ! --jQuery.active ) {
jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
return false;
sendFlag = 1;
// Send global event
if ( s.global ) {
globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxSend", [xhr, s]);
// Timeout
if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) {
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function(){
}, s.timeout);
if ( s.async ) {
try {
internal.send(requestHeaders, done);
return xhr;
} catch (e) {
if ( done ) {
done(0, "error", "" + e);
} else {
return false;
// Caches the header
setRequestHeader: function(name,value) {
checkState(1, !sendFlag);
requestHeaders[ name.toLowerCase() ] = value;
return xhr;
// Raw string
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
return xhr.readyState <= 1 ? "" : responseHeadersString;
// Builds headers hashtable if needed
getResponseHeader: function( key ) {
if ( xhr.readyState <= 1 ) {
return null;
if ( responseHeaders === undefined ) {
responseHeaders = {};
if ( typeof responseHeadersString === "string" ) {
var match;
while( ( match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString ) ) ) {
responseHeaders[ match[ 1 ].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ];
return responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ];
// Cancel the request
abort: function(statusText) {
if (internal) {
xhr.readyState = 0;
// Init data (so that we can bind callbacks early
return this;
// Return the xhr emulation
return xhr;
// Create a callback list
function createCBList() {
var functors = [],
autoFire = 0,
list = {
fire: function( flag , context ) {
// Save info for later bindings
fireArgs = arguments;
// Remove autoFire to keep bindings in order
autoFire = 0;
var args = sliceFunc.call( fireArgs , 2 );
// Execute callbacks
while ( flag && functors.length ) {
flag = functors.shift().apply( context , args ) !== false;
// Clean if asked to stop
if ( ! flag ) {
// Set autoFire
- autoFire = 1;
+ autoFire = 1;
bind: function() {
var args = arguments,
i = 0,
length = args.length,
for ( ; i < length ; i++ ) {
func = args[ i ];
if ( jQuery.isArray(func) ) {
list.bind.apply( list , func );
} else if ( isFunction(func) ) {
// Add if not already in
if ( ! pos( func ) ) {
functors.push( func );
if ( autoFire ) {
list.fire.apply( list , fireArgs );
unbind: function() {
var i = 0,
args = arguments,
length = args.length,
- func,
+ func,
if ( length ) {
for( ; i < length ; i++ ) {
func = args[i];
if ( jQuery.isArray(func) ) {
} else {
functors = [];
// Get the index of the functor in the list (1-based)
return i < length ? ( i + 1 ) : 0;
// Clean the object
function clean() {
// Empty callbacks list
list[i] = jQuery.noop;
return list;
jQuery.extend(jQuery.xhr, {
// Add new prefilter
prefilter: function (functor) {
if ( isFunction(functor) ) {
return this;
// Bind a transport to one or more dataTypes
bindTransport: function () {
var args = arguments,
start = 0,
transports = jQuery.ajaxSettings.transports;
if ( length ) {
if ( ! isFunction( args[ 0 ] ) ) {
dataTypes = args[ 0 ].toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
start = 1;
if ( dataTypes.length && start < length ) {
for ( i = start; i < length; i++ ) {
functor = args[i];
if ( isFunction(functor) ) {
functors.push( functor );
if ( functors.length ) {
jQuery.each ( dataTypes, function( _ , dataType ) {
first = /^\+/.test( dataType );
if (first) {
dataType = dataType.substr(1);
if ( dataType !== "" ) {
append = Array.prototype[ first ? "unshift" : "push" ];
list = transports[ dataType ];
jQuery.each ( functors, function( _ , functor ) {
if ( ! list ) {
list = transports[ dataType ] = [ functor ];
} else {
append.call( list , functor );
} );
} );
return this;
// Select a transport given options
checked = {},
function initSearch( dataType ) {
flag = transportDataType !== dataType && ! checked[ dataType ];
if ( flag ) {
checked[ dataType ] = 1;
transportDataType = dataType;
transportsList = s.transports[ dataType ];
return flag;
initSearch( dataTypes[ 0 ] );
for ( i = 0 ; ! transport && i <= length ; i++ ) {
if ( i === length ) {
initSearch( "*" );
} else {
transport = transportsList[ i ]( s , determineDataType );
return transport;
// Utility function that handles dataType when response is received
// (for those transports that can give text or xml responses)
function determineDataType( s , ct , text , xml ) {
var autoDataType = s.autoDataType,
dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
transportDataType = dataTypes[0],
// Auto (xml, json, script or text determined given headers)
if ( transportDataType === "*" ) {
transportDataType = dataTypes[0] = type;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
// xml and parsed as such
if ( transportDataType === "xml" &&
xml &&
xml.documentElement /* #4958 */ ) {
response = xml;
// Text response was provided
} else {
response = text;
// If it's not really text, defer to dataConverters
if ( transportDataType !== "text" ) {
dataTypes.unshift( "text" );
return response;
})( jQuery );
$headers = array();
-foreach( $_SERVER as $key => $value ) {
- if ( substr( $key , 0 , 5 ) == "HTTP_" ) {
+foreach( $_SERVER as $key => $value ) {
+ if ( substr( $key , 0 , 5 ) == "HTTP_" ) {
$key = str_replace( "_" , "-" , substr( $key , 5) );
$headers[ $key ] = $value;
foreach( explode( "_" , $_GET[ "keys" ] ) as $key ) {
echo "$key: " . $headers[ strtoupper( $key ) ] . "\n";
<div id="post">
foreach( $_POST as $key=>$value )
echo "<b id='$key'>$value</b>";
<div id="get">
foreach( $_GET as $key=>$value )
echo "<b id='$key'>$value</b>";
\ No newline at end of file
$(document).bind("focusin", function() {
$(document).bind("focusout", function() {
$(document).bind("change", function(){
$("#text_submit").addSubmitTest("#textSubmit", true);
$("#password_submit").addSubmitTest("#passwordSubmit", true);
$("#submit_submit").addSubmitTest("#submitSubmit", true);
$(document).bind("submit", function(){
$suite = file_get_contents('index.html');
echo str_replace( '<!-- Includes -->', $includes, $suite );
- }
+ }
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<h1 id="header">jQuery Test Suite</h1>
<h2 id="banner" class="fail"></h2>
<h2 id="userAgent">Choose other libraries to include</h2>
<form class="otherlibs" action="" method="post">
$libs = scandir('otherlibs');
test("jQuery.ajax() - success/error callbacks (remote)", function() {
var supports = jQuery.support.cors;
expect( supports ? 9 : 6 );
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 });
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 });
var testString = "";
test(".ajax() - headers" , function() {
expect( 2 );
var requestHeaders = {
siMPle: "value",
"SometHing-elsE": "other value",
list = [],
for( i in requestHeaders ) {
list.push( i );
jQuery.ajax(url("data/headers.php?keys="+list.join( "_" ) ), {
headers: requestHeaders,
success: function( data , _ , xhr ) {
tmp.push( i , ": " , requestHeaders[ i ] , "\n" );
tmp = tmp.join( "" );
equals( data , tmp , "Headers were sent" );
equals( xhr.getResponseHeader( "Sample-Header" ) , "Hello World" , "Sample header received" );
error: function(){ ok(false, "error"); }
test(".ajax() - hash", function() {
url: "data/name.html#foo",
beforeSend: function( xhr, settings ) {
return false;
url: "data/name.html?abc#foo",
beforeSend: function( xhr, settings ) {
return false;
url: "data/name.html?abc#foo",
data: { "test": 123 },
test(".ajax() - 304", function() {
expect( 1 );
url: url("data/notmodified.php"),
success: function(){ ok(true, "304 ok"); },
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 });
var control = "";
control += xhr.readyState;
- complete: function(){
+ complete: function(){
setTimeout( function() {
equals( control , "1234" , "onreadystatechange was properly called" );
}, 13 );
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 });
var control = "";
control += xhr.readyState;
- complete: function( xhr ){
+ complete: function( xhr ){
setTimeout( function() {
equals( control , "14" , "onreadystatechange was properly called" );
equals( xhr.readyState, 0 , "readyState is 0" );
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 });
var number = 0;
ok( true, "ajaxStart" );
success: function( _1 , _2 , xhr ){
ok(true, "success (1)");
xhr.complete(function() {
- ok(true, "complete (1bis)");
+ ok(true, "complete (1bis)");
xhr.open( "GET", url("data/name.html") );
xhr.success( function(){ ok(true, "beforeSend (2)"); } )
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 });
.success( function(){ ok(true, "success"); } )
.error( function(){ ok(false, "error"); } )
test("jQuery.xhr() - get native implementation", function() {
var xhr = jQuery.xhr(true);
ok( xhr.readyState !== undefined , "implements XMLHttpRequest" );
ok( ! jQuery.isFunction( xhr.success ) , "is not jQuery's abstraction" );
test("Ajax events with context", function() {
var context = document.createElement("div");
function event(e){
equals( this, context, e.type );
equals( typeof this.url, "string", "context is settings on callback " + msg );
success: function(data, status, xhr){
var h = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
ok( /Date/i.test(h), 'No Date in HEAD response' );
url: url("data/name.html"),
data: { whip_it: "good" },
test("jQuery.param()", function() {
equals( !jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional, true, "traditional flag, falsy by default" );
var params = {foo:"bar", baz:42, quux:"All your base are belong to us"};
equals( jQuery.param(params), "foo=bar&baz=42&quux=All+your+base+are+belong+to+us", "simple" );
params = {foo: { bar: 'baz', beep: 42, quux: 'All your base are belong to us' } };
equals( jQuery.param(params), "foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bbeep%5D=42&foo%5Bquux%5D=All+your+base+are+belong+to+us", "even more arrays" );
params = { a:[1,2], b:{ c:3, d:[4,5], e:{ x:[6], y:7, z:[8,9] }, f:true, g:false, h:undefined }, i:[10,11], j:true, k:false, l:[undefined,0], m:"cowboy hat?" };
equals( decodeURIComponent( jQuery.param(params) ), "a[]=1&a[]=2&b[c]=3&b[d][]=4&b[d][]=5&b[e][x][]=6&b[e][y]=7&b[e][z][]=8&b[e][z][]=9&b[f]=true&b[g]=false&b[h]=undefined&i[]=10&i[]=11&j=true&k=false&l[]=undefined&l[]=0&m=cowboy+hat?", "huge structure" );
params = { a: [ 0, [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, [ 4, 5 ], [ 6 ] ], { b: [ 7, [ 8, 9 ], [ { c: 10, d: 11 } ], [ [ 12 ] ], [ [ [ 13 ] ] ], { e: { f: { g: [ 14, [ 15 ] ] } } }, 16 ] }, 17 ] };
equals( decodeURIComponent( jQuery.param(params) ), "a[]=0&a[1][]=1&a[1][]=2&a[2][]=3&a[2][1][]=4&a[2][1][]=5&a[2][2][]=6&a[3][b][]=7&a[3][b][1][]=8&a[3][b][1][]=9&a[3][b][2][0][c]=10&a[3][b][2][0][d]=11&a[3][b][3][0][]=12&a[3][b][4][0][0][]=13&a[3][b][5][e][f][g][]=14&a[3][b][5][e][f][g][1][]=15&a[3][b][]=16&a[]=17", "nested arrays" );
params = { a:[1,2], b:{ c:3, d:[4,5], e:{ x:[6], y:7, z:[8,9] }, f:true, g:false, h:undefined }, i:[10,11], j:true, k:false, l:[undefined,0], m:"cowboy hat?" };
equals( jQuery.param(params,true), "a=1&a=2&b=%5Bobject+Object%5D&i=10&i=11&j=true&k=false&l=undefined&l=0&m=cowboy+hat%3F", "huge structure, forced traditional" );
equals( jQuery.param({"foo": {"bar": {}} }), "foo%5Bbar%5D=", "Empty object param" );
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ traditional: true });
var params = {foo:"bar", baz:42, quux:"All your base are belong to us"};
equals( jQuery.param(params), "foo=bar&baz=42&quux=All+your+base+are+belong+to+us", "simple" );
params = {"foo[bar]":"baz", "foo[beep]":42, "foo[quux]":"All your base are belong to us"};
equals( jQuery.param(params), "foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bbeep%5D=42&foo%5Bquux%5D=All+your+base+are+belong+to+us", "even more arrays" );
params = { a:[1,2], b:{ c:3, d:[4,5], e:{ x:[6], y:7, z:[8,9] }, f:true, g:false, h:undefined }, i:[10,11], j:true, k:false, l:[undefined,0], m:"cowboy hat?" };
equals( jQuery.param(params), "a=1&a=2&b=%5Bobject+Object%5D&i=10&i=11&j=true&k=false&l=undefined&l=0&m=cowboy+hat%3F", "huge structure" );
params = { a: [ 0, [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, [ 4, 5 ], [ 6 ] ], { b: [ 7, [ 8, 9 ], [ { c: 10, d: 11 } ], [ [ 12 ] ], [ [ [ 13 ] ] ], { e: { f: { g: [ 14, [ 15 ] ] } } }, 16 ] }, 17 ] };
equals( jQuery.param(params), "a=0&a=1%2C2&a=3%2C4%2C5%2C6&a=%5Bobject+Object%5D&a=17", "nested arrays (not possible when jQuery.param.traditional == true)" );
params = { a:[1,2], b:{ c:3, d:[4,5], e:{ x:[6], y:7, z:[8,9] }, f:true, g:false, h:undefined }, i:[10,11], j:true, k:false, l:[undefined,0], m:"cowboy hat?" };
equals( decodeURIComponent( jQuery.param(params,false) ), "a[]=1&a[]=2&b[c]=3&b[d][]=4&b[d][]=5&b[e][x][]=6&b[e][y]=7&b[e][z][]=8&b[e][z][]=9&b[f]=true&b[g]=false&b[h]=undefined&i[]=10&i[]=11&j=true&k=false&l[]=undefined&l[]=0&m=cowboy+hat?", "huge structure, forced not traditional" );
params = { param1: null };
equals( jQuery.param(params,false), "param1=null", "Make sure that null params aren't traversed." );
test("ajax cache", function () {
var count = 0;
var base = window.location.href.replace(/[^\/]*$/, "");
test("jQuery.getJSON - Using Native JSON", function() {
var old = window.JSON;
JSON = {
parse: function(str){
url: url,
ifModified: true,
- success: function(data, status) {
+ success: function(data, status) {
equals(status, "success");
url: url,
ifModified: true,
- success: function(data, status) {
+ success: function(data, status) {
if ( data === "FAIL" ) {
ok(true, "Opera is incapable of doing .setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since').");
ok(true, "Opera is incapable of doing .setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since').");
url: url,
ifModified: true,
- success: function(data, status) {
+ success: function(data, status) {
equals(status, "success");
url: url,
ifModified: true,
- success: function(data, status) {
+ success: function(data, status) {
if ( data === "FAIL" ) {
ok(true, "Opera is incapable of doing .setRequestHeader('If-None-Match').");
ok(true, "Opera is incapable of doing .setRequestHeader('If-None-Match').");
test("jQuery ajax - failing cross-domain", function() {
expect( 2 );
var i = 2;
url: 'http://somewebsitethatdoesnotexist.com',
success: function(){ ok( false , "success" ); },
error: function(xhr,_,e){ ok( true , "file not found: " + xhr.status + " => " + e ); },
complete: function() { if ( ! --i ) start(); }
url: 'http://www.google.com',
success: function(){ ok( false , "success" ); },
error: function(xhr,_,e){ ok( true , "access denied: " + xhr.status + " => " + e ); },
complete: function() { if ( ! --i ) start(); }
test("jQuery ajax - atom+xml", function() {
url: url( 'data/atom+xml.php' ),
success: function(){ ok( true , "success" ); },
error: function(){ ok( false , "error" ); },
complete: function() { start(); }
test("jQuery.ajax - active counter", function() {
var functionReturningObj = function(value) { return (function() { return value; }); };
test("jQuery.props: itegrity test", function() {
// This must be maintained and equal jQuery.props
- // Ensure that accidental or erroneous property
+ // Ensure that accidental or erroneous property
// overwrites don't occur
- // This is simply for better code coverage and future proofing.
+ // This is simply for better code coverage and future proofing.
var propsShouldBe = {
"for": "htmlFor",
"class": "className",
usemap: "useMap",
frameborder: "frameBorder"
same(propsShouldBe, jQuery.props, "jQuery.props passes integrity check");
// This one sometimes fails randomly ?!
equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('value'), "Test", 'Check for value attribute' );
equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('value', "Test2").attr('defaultValue'), "Test", 'Check for defaultValue attribute' );
equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('type'), "text", 'Check for type attribute' );
equals( jQuery('#radio1').attr('type'), "radio", 'Check for type attribute' );
test("attr(jquery_method)", function(){
var $elem = jQuery("<div />"),
elem = $elem[0];
- // one at a time
+ // one at a time
$elem.attr({'html': 'foo'}, true);
equals( elem.innerHTML, 'foo', 'attr(html)');
$elem.attr({'text': 'bar'}, true);
equals( elem.innerHTML, 'bar', 'attr(text)');
$elem.attr({'css': {color:'red'}}, true);
ok( /^(#ff0000|red)$/i.test(elem.style.color), 'attr(css)');
$elem.attr({'height': 10}, true);
equals( elem.style.height, '10px', 'attr(height)');
// Multiple attributes
css:{ paddingLeft:1, paddingRight:1 }
}, true);
equals( elem.style.width, '10px', 'attr({...})');
equals( elem.style.paddingLeft, '1px', 'attr({...})');
equals( elem.style.paddingRight, '1px', 'attr({...})');
ok( elements[1].checked, "Second element was checked" );
ok( !elements[2].checked, "Third element was unchecked" );
ok( !elements[3].checked, "Fourth element remained unchecked" );
ok( !$divs.is('.test'), "Remove Class" );
- QUnit.reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var testToggleClass = function(valueObj) {
var e = jQuery("#firstp"), old = e.attr("class");
ok( !e.is(".test"), "Assert class not present" );
e.toggleClass(function(i, val) {
equals( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "test";
ok( e.is(".test"), "Assert class present" );
old = e.attr("class");
e.toggleClass(function(i, val) {
equals( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "test";
ok( !e.is(".test"), "Assert class not present" );
old = e.attr("class");
// class name with a boolean
return "test";
}, false );
ok( !e.is(".test"), "Assert class not present" );
old = e.attr("class");
e.toggleClass(function(i, val, state) {
equals( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
equals( state, true, "Make sure that the state is passed in." );
return "test";
}, true );
ok( e.is(".test"), "Assert class present" );
old = e.attr("class");
e.toggleClass(function(i, val, state) {
equals( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
equals( state, false, "Make sure that the state is passed in." );
test("addClass, removeClass, hasClass", function() {
var jq = jQuery("<p>Hi</p>"), x = jq[0];
equals( x.className, "hi", "Check single added class" );
jq.addClass("foo bar");
equals( x.className, "hi foo bar", "Check more added classes" );
equals( x.className, "", "Remove all classes" );
jq.addClass("hi foo bar");
equals( x.className, "hi bar", "Check removal of one class" );
ok( jq.hasClass("hi"), "Check has1" );
ok( jq.hasClass("bar"), "Check has2" );
var jq = jQuery("<p class='class1\nclass2\tcla.ss3\n\rclass4'></p>");
ok( jq.hasClass("class1"), "Check hasClass with line feed" );
ok( jq.is(".class1"), "Check is with line feed" );
ok( jq.hasClass("cla.ss3"), "Check hasClass with dot" );
ok( jq.hasClass("class4"), "Check hasClass with carriage return" );
ok( jq.is(".class4"), "Check is with carriage return" );
ok( jq.hasClass("class2")==false, "Check the class has been properly removed" );
test("css(String, Function)", function() {
var sizes = ["10px", "20px", "30px"];
- jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
- "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>")
var index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").css("font-size", function() {
var size = sizes[index];
return size;
index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").each(function() {
var computedSize = jQuery(this).css("font-size")
var expectedSize = sizes[index]
test("css(String, Function) with incoming value", function() {
var sizes = ["10px", "20px", "30px"];
- jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
- "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>")
var index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").css("font-size", function() {
var size = sizes[index];
return size;
index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").css("font-size", function(i, computedSize) {
var expectedSize = sizes[index]
equals( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
test("css(Object) where values are Functions", function() {
var sizes = ["10px", "20px", "30px"];
- jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
- "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>")
var index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").css({fontSize: function() {
var size = sizes[index];
return size;
index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").each(function() {
var computedSize = jQuery(this).css("font-size")
var expectedSize = sizes[index]
equals( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
test("css(Object) where values are Functions with incoming values", function() {
var sizes = ["10px", "20px", "30px"];
- jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
- "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ jQuery("<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
+ "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>")
var index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").css({fontSize: function() {
var size = sizes[index];
return size;
index = 0;
jQuery("#cssFunctionTest div").css({"font-size": function(i, computedSize) {
var expectedSize = sizes[index]
equals( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
return computedSize;
test("width() with function args", function() {
expect( 2 );
var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv");
$div.width( 30 ).width(function(i, width) {
equals( width, 30, "Make sure previous value is corrrect." );
return width + 1;
equals( $div.width(), 31, "Make sure value was modified correctly." );
test("height() with function args", function() {
expect( 2 );
var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv");
$div.height( 30 ).height(function(i, height) {
equals( height, 30, "Make sure previous value is corrrect." );
return height + 1;
equals( $div.height(), 31, "Make sure value was modified correctly." );
border: "2px solid #fff",
width: 30
equals($div.innerWidth(), 30, "Test with margin and border");
$div.css("padding", "20px");
equals($div.innerWidth(), 70, "Test with margin, border and padding");
equals($div.innerWidth(), 70, "Test hidden div");
// reset styles
$div.css({ display: "", border: "", padding: "", width: "", height: "" });
test("innerHeight()", function() {
var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv");
// set styles
border: "2px solid #fff",
height: 30
equals($div.innerHeight(), 30, "Test with margin and border");
$div.css("padding", "20px");
equals($div.innerHeight(), 70, "Test with margin, border and padding");
equals($div.innerHeight(), 70, "Test hidden div");
// reset styles
$div.css({ display: "", border: "", padding: "", width: "", height: "" });
test("outerWidth()", function() {
var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv");
$div.css("width", 30);
equals($div.outerWidth(), 30, "Test with only width set");
$div.css("padding", "20px");
equals($div.outerWidth(), 70, "Test with padding");
equals($div.outerWidth(true), 94, "Test with padding, border and margin with margin option");
equals($div.outerWidth(true), 94, "Test hidden div with padding, border and margin with margin option");
// reset styles
$div.css({ position: "", display: "", border: "", padding: "", width: "", height: "" });
test("outerHeight()", function() {
var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv");
$div.css("height", 30);
equals($div.outerHeight(), 30, "Test with only width set");
$div.css("padding", "20px");
equals($div.outerHeight(), 70, "Test with padding");
equals($div.outerHeight(true), 94, "Test with padding, border and margin with margin option");
equals($div.outerHeight(true), 94, "Test hidden div with padding, border and margin with margin option");
// reset styles
$div.css({ display: "", border: "", padding: "", width: "", height: "" });
// #show-tests * is set display: none in CSS
jQuery("#main").append('<div id="show-tests"><div><p><a href="#"></a></p><code></code><pre></pre><span></span></div><table><thead><tr><th></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table><ul><li></li></ul></div><table id="test-table"></table>');
var old = jQuery("#test-table").show().css("display") !== "table";
// #show-tests * is set display: none in CSS
jQuery("#main").append('<div id="show-tests"><span style="position:absolute;">foo</span></div>');
- var $span = jQuery("#show-tests span"),
+ var $span = jQuery("#show-tests span"),
displayNone = $span.css("display"),
display = '', num = 0;
display = $span.css("display");
$span.fadeIn(100, function() {
equals($span.css("display"), display, "Expecting display: " + display);
$span.fadeOut(100, function () {
equals($span.css("display"), displayNone, "Expecting display: " + displayNone);
$span.fadeIn(100, function() {
equals($span.css("display"), display, "Expecting display: " + display);
var span = jQuery("<span>").css("display", "inline-block").appendTo("body"),
expected = span.css("display");
if ( jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || expected === "inline-block" ) {
var span = jQuery("<span>").css("display", "inline-block").appendTo("body"),
expected = span.css("display");
if ( jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || expected === "inline-block" ) {
var div = jQuery("<div style='display:none'></div>").appendTo("#main");
equals( div.css("display"), "none", "Element is hidden by default" );
div.hide(1, function () {
// Supports Fixes bug #7229
try {
ok(true, "Passing a null handler will not throw an exception");
- } catch (e) {}
+ } catch (e) {}
try {
ok(true, "Passing an undefined handler will not throw an exception");
- } catch (e) {}
+ } catch (e) {}
test("bind(), with data", function() {
test("bind/one/unbind(Object)", function(){
var clickCounter = 0, mouseoverCounter = 0;
function handler(event) {
if (event.type == "click")
else if (event.type == "mouseover")
function handlerWithData(event) {
if (event.type == "click")
clickCounter += event.data;
else if (event.type == "mouseover")
mouseoverCounter += event.data;
function trigger(){
var $elem = jQuery("#firstp")
// Regular bind
}, 2 );
equals( clickCounter, 3, "bind(Object)" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 3, "bind(Object)" );
equals( clickCounter, 4, "bind(Object)" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 4, "bind(Object)" );
test("live/die(Object), delegate/undelegate(String, Object)", function() {
var clickCounter = 0, mouseoverCounter = 0,
$p = jQuery("#firstp"), $a = $p.find("a:first");
var events = {
click: function( event ) {
clickCounter += ( event.data || 1 );
mouseoverCounter += ( event.data || 1 );
function trigger() {
$a.live( events );
$p.delegate( "a", events, 2 );
equals( clickCounter, 3, "live/delegate" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 3, "live/delegate" );
$p.undelegate( "a", events );
equals( clickCounter, 4, "undelegate" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 4, "undelegate" );
$a.die( events );
equals( clickCounter, 4, "die" );
equals( mouseoverCounter, 4, "die" );
test("live/delegate immediate propagation", function() {
var $p = jQuery("#firstp"), $a = $p.find("a:first"), lastClick;
lastClick = "";
- $a.live( "click", function(e) {
- lastClick = "click1";
+ $a.live( "click", function(e) {
+ lastClick = "click1";
$a.live( "click", function(e) {
$a.trigger( "click" );
equals( lastClick, "click1", "live stopImmediatePropagation" );
$a.die( "click" );
lastClick = "";
- $p.delegate( "a", "click", function(e) {
- lastClick = "click1";
+ $p.delegate( "a", "click", function(e) {
+ lastClick = "click1";
$p.delegate( "a", "click", function(e) {
// Use a native click so we don't get jQuery simulated bubbling
if ( document.createEvent ) {
var e = document.createEvent( "MouseEvents" );
- e.initEvent( "click", true, true );
+ e.initEvent( "click", true, true );
else if ( $jq[0].click ) {
test("bind(), iframes", function() {
// events don't work with iframes, see #939 - this test fails in IE because of contentDocument
var doc = jQuery("#loadediframe").contents();
jQuery("div", doc).bind("click", function() {
ok( true, "Binding to element inside iframe" );
test("bind(), multi-namespaced events", function() {
var order = [
function check(name, msg){
same(name, order.shift(), msg);
check("click.test.abc", "Namespaced click triggered");
// Those would not trigger/unbind (#5303)
test("bind(), with different this object", function() {
var thisObject = { myThis: true },
equals( this, thisObject, "bind() with different this object and data" );
equals( event.data, data, "bind() with different this object and data" );
.bind("click", jQuery.proxy(handler1, thisObject)).click().unbind("click", handler1)
.bind("click", data, jQuery.proxy(handler2, thisObject)).click().unbind("click", handler2);
// Make sure it doesn't complain when no events are found
equals( obj.__events__, undefined, "Make sure events object is removed" );
test("unbind(type)", function() {
expect( 0 );
var $elem = jQuery("#firstp"),
function error(){
ok( false, message );
message = "unbind passing function";
$elem.bind('error1', error).unbind('error1',error).triggerHandler('error1');
message = "unbind all from event";
$elem.bind('error1', error).unbind('error1').triggerHandler('error1');
message = "unbind all";
$elem.bind('error1', error).unbind().triggerHandler('error1');
message = "unbind many with function";
$elem.bind('error1 error2',error)
.unbind('error1 error2', error )
$elem.bind('error1 error2',error)
.unbind('error1 error2')
message = "unbind without a type or handler";
$elem.bind("error1 error2.test",error)
test("unbind(eventObject)", function() {
var $elem = jQuery("#firstp"),
equals( num, expected, "Check the right handlers are triggered" );
// This handler shouldn't be unbound
.bind('foo', function(){
.bind('bar', function(){
num += 4;
assert( 7 );
assert( 5 );
assert( 1 );
- $elem.unbind();
+ $elem.unbind();
assert( 0 );
ok( !close[0], "Context element does not exist, direct access to element must return undefined" );
return false;
jQuery("#check1").click(function() {
ok( true, "click event handler for checkbox gets fired twice, see #815" );
var counter = 0;
jQuery('#firstp')[0].onclick = function(event) {
equals( counter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler also" );
var clickCounter = 0;
jQuery('#simon1')[0].onclick = function(event) {
equals( clickCounter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler on an a tag also" );
jQuery('<img />').load(function(){
ok( true, "Trigger the load event, using the shortcut .load() (#2819)");
pass = false;
ok( pass, "Trigger focus on hidden element" );
pass = true;
try {
jQuery('table:first').bind('test:test', function(){}).trigger('test:test');
test("trigger(eventObject, [data], [fn])", function() {
var $parent = jQuery('<div id="par" />').hide().appendTo('body'),
$child = jQuery('<p id="child">foo</p>').appendTo( $parent );
- var event = jQuery.Event("noNew");
+ var event = jQuery.Event("noNew");
ok( event != window, "Instantiate jQuery.Event without the 'new' keyword" );
equals( event.type, "noNew", "Verify its type" );
equals( event.isDefaultPrevented(), false, "Verify isDefaultPrevented" );
equals( event.isPropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
equals( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isImmediatePropagationStopped" );
equals( event.isDefaultPrevented(), true, "Verify isDefaultPrevented" );
equals( event.isPropagationStopped(), true, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
event.isPropagationStopped = function(){ return false };
equals( event.isPropagationStopped(), true, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
equals( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), true, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
// Tries bubbling
equals( e.type, 'foo', 'Verify event type when passed passing an event object' );
equals( e.currentTarget.id, 'par', 'Verify event.target when passed passing an event object' );
equals( e.secret, 'boo!', 'Verify event object\'s custom attribute when passed passing an event object' );
// test with an event object
event = new jQuery.Event("foo");
event.secret = 'boo!';
// test with a literal object
$child.trigger({type:'foo', secret:'boo!'});
function error(){
ok( false, "This assertion shouldn't be reached");
$parent.bind('foo', error );
$child.bind('foo',function(e, a, b, c ){
equals( arguments.length, 4, "Check arguments length");
equals( a, 1, "Check first custom argument");
equals( b, 2, "Check second custom argument");
equals( c, 3, "Check third custom argument");
equals( e.isDefaultPrevented(), false, "Verify isDefaultPrevented" );
equals( e.isPropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isPropagationStopped" );
equals( e.isImmediatePropagationStopped(), false, "Verify isImmediatePropagationStopped" );
// Skips both errors
return "result";
// We should add this back in when we want to test the order
// in which event handlers are iterated.
//$child.bind('foo', error );
event = new jQuery.Event("foo");
$child.trigger( event, [1,2,3] ).unbind();
equals( event.result, "result", "Check event.result attribute");
// Will error if it bubbles
test("jQuery.Event.currentTarget", function(){
var counter = 0,
$elem = jQuery('<button>a</button>').click(function(e){
equals( e.currentTarget, this, "Check currentTarget on "+(counter++?"native":"fake") +" event" );
// Fake event
// Cleanup
test("toggle(Function, Function, ...)", function() {
var count = 0,
fn1 = function(e) { count++; },
fn2 = function(e) { count--; },
return false;
var turn = 0;
var fns = [
turn = 3;
var $div = jQuery("<div> </div>").toggle( fns[0], fns[1], fns[2] );
equals( turn, 1, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 1 yields 1");
equals( turn, 1, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 4 yields 1");
equals( turn, 2, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 5 yields 2");
var data = jQuery.data( $div[0], 'events' );
ok( !data, "Unbinding one function from toggle unbinds them all");
// Test binding with different this object, event data, and trigger data
jQuery("#foo").live("click", true, jQuery.proxy(function(e, data){
equals( e.data, true, "live with with different this object, event data, and trigger data" );
- equals( this.foo, "bar", "live with with different this object, event data, and trigger data" );
+ equals( this.foo, "bar", "live with with different this object, event data, and trigger data" );
equals( data, true, "live with with different this object, event data, and trigger data")
}, { foo: "bar" }));
jQuery("#foo").trigger("click", true).die("click");
// Cleanup
jQuery("#nothiddendiv").die("foo", callback);
// Make sure we don't loose the target by DOM modifications
// after the bubble already reached the liveHandler
var livec = 0, elemDiv = jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").html('<span></span>').get(0);
jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").live("click", function(e){ jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").html(''); });
jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").live("click", function(e){ if(e.target) {livec++;} });
jQuery("#nothiddendiv span").click();
equals( jQuery("#nothiddendiv span").length, 0, "Verify that first handler occurred and modified the DOM." );
equals( livec, 1, "Verify that second handler occurred even with nuked target." );
// Cleanup
// Verify that .live() ocurs and cancel buble in the same order as
// we would expect .bind() and .click() without delegation
var lived = 0, livee = 0;
// bind one pair in one order
jQuery('span#liveSpan1 a').live('click', function(){ lived++; return false; });
jQuery('span#liveSpan1').live('click', function(){ livee++; });
jQuery('span#liveSpan2 a').click();
equals( lived, 1, "Verify that only one first handler occurred." );
equals( livee, 0, "Verify that second handler doesn't." );
// Cleanup
jQuery("span#liveSpan1 a").die("click")
jQuery("span#liveSpan2 a").die("click");
// Test this, target and currentTarget are correct
- jQuery('span#liveSpan1').live('click', function(e){
+ jQuery('span#liveSpan1').live('click', function(e){
equals( this.id, 'liveSpan1', 'Check the this within a live handler' );
equals( e.currentTarget.id, 'liveSpan1', 'Check the event.currentTarget within a live handler' );
equals( e.target.nodeName.toUpperCase(), 'A', 'Check the event.target within a live handler' );
jQuery('span#liveSpan1 a').click();
// Work with deep selectors
var selectChange = 0, checkboxChange = 0;
var select = jQuery("select[name='S1']")
select.live("change", function() {
- var checkbox = jQuery("#check2"),
+ var checkbox = jQuery("#check2"),
checkboxFunction = function(){
checkbox.live("change", checkboxFunction);
// test click on select
// second click that changed it
select[0].selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex ? 0 : 1;
equals( selectChange, 1, "Change on click." );
// test keys on select
selectChange = 0;
select[0].selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex ? 0 : 1;
equals( selectChange, 1, "Change on keyup." );
// test click on checkbox
equals( checkboxChange, 1, "Change on checkbox." );
// test blur/focus on text
var text = jQuery("#name"), textChange = 0, oldTextVal = text.val();
text.live("change", function() {
// test blur/focus on password
var password = jQuery("#name"), passwordChange = 0, oldPasswordVal = password.val();
password.live("change", function() {
// make sure die works
// die all changes
selectChange = 0;
select[0].selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex ? 0 : 1;
equals( selectChange, 0, "Die on keyup works." );
// die specific checkbox
checkbox.die("change", checkboxFunction);
test("live with submit", function() {
var count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
jQuery("#testForm").live("submit", function(ev) {
jQuery("#testForm input[name=sub1]").submit();
equals( count1, 1, "Verify form submit." );
equals( count2, 1, "Verify body submit." );
// Test binding with different this object, event data, and trigger data
jQuery("#body").delegate("#foo", "click", true, jQuery.proxy(function(e, data){
equals( e.data, true, "delegate with with different this object, event data, and trigger data" );
- equals( this.foo, "bar", "delegate with with different this object, event data, and trigger data" );
+ equals( this.foo, "bar", "delegate with with different this object, event data, and trigger data" );
equals( data, true, "delegate with with different this object, event data, and trigger data")
}, { foo: "bar" }));
jQuery("#foo").trigger("click", true);
// Cleanup
jQuery("#body").undelegate("#nothiddendiv", "foo", callback);
// Make sure we don't loose the target by DOM modifications
// after the bubble already reached the liveHandler
var livec = 0, elemDiv = jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").html('<span></span>').get(0);
jQuery("#body").delegate("#nothiddendivchild", "click", function(e){ jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").html(''); });
jQuery("#body").delegate("#nothiddendivchild", "click", function(e){ if(e.target) {livec++;} });
jQuery("#nothiddendiv span").click();
equals( jQuery("#nothiddendiv span").length, 0, "Verify that first handler occurred and modified the DOM." );
equals( livec, 1, "Verify that second handler occurred even with nuked target." );
// Cleanup
jQuery("#body").undelegate("#nothiddendivchild", "click");
// Verify that .live() ocurs and cancel buble in the same order as
// we would expect .bind() and .click() without delegation
var lived = 0, livee = 0;
// bind one pair in one order
jQuery("#body").delegate('span#liveSpan1 a', 'click', function(){ lived++; return false; });
jQuery("#body").delegate('span#liveSpan1', 'click', function(){ livee++; });
jQuery('span#liveSpan2 a').click();
equals( lived, 1, "Verify that only one first handler occurred." );
equals( livee, 0, "Verify that second handler doesn't." );
// Cleanup
// Test this, target and currentTarget are correct
- jQuery("#body").delegate('span#liveSpan1', 'click', function(e){
+ jQuery("#body").delegate('span#liveSpan1', 'click', function(e){
equals( this.id, 'liveSpan1', 'Check the this within a delegate handler' );
equals( e.currentTarget.id, 'liveSpan1', 'Check the event.currentTarget within a delegate handler' );
equals( e.target.nodeName.toUpperCase(), 'A', 'Check the event.target within a delegate handler' );
jQuery('span#liveSpan1 a').click();
jQuery("#body").undelegate('span#liveSpan1', 'click');
// Work with deep selectors
var selectChange = 0, checkboxChange = 0;
var select = jQuery("select[name='S1']");
jQuery("#body").delegate("select[name='S1']", "change", function() {
- var checkbox = jQuery("#check2"),
+ var checkbox = jQuery("#check2"),
checkboxFunction = function(){
jQuery("#body").delegate("#check2", "change", checkboxFunction);
// test click on select
// second click that changed it
select[0].selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex ? 0 : 1;
equals( selectChange, 1, "Change on click." );
// test keys on select
selectChange = 0;
select[0].selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex ? 0 : 1;
equals( selectChange, 1, "Change on keyup." );
// test click on checkbox
equals( checkboxChange, 1, "Change on checkbox." );
// test blur/focus on text
var text = jQuery("#name"), textChange = 0, oldTextVal = text.val();
jQuery("#body").delegate("#name", "change", function() {
// test blur/focus on password
var password = jQuery("#name"), passwordChange = 0, oldPasswordVal = password.val();
jQuery("#body").delegate("#name", "change", function() {
jQuery("#body").undelegate("#name", "change");
// make sure die works
// die all changes
selectChange = 0;
jQuery("#body").undelegate("select[name='S1']", "change");
select[0].selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex ? 0 : 1;
equals( selectChange, 0, "Die on keyup works." );
// die specific checkbox
jQuery("#body").undelegate("#check2", "change", checkboxFunction);
test("delegate with submit", function() {
var count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
jQuery("#body").delegate("#testForm", "submit", function(ev) {
jQuery("#testForm input[name=sub1]").submit();
equals( count1, 1, "Verify form submit." );
equals( count2, 1, "Verify body submit." );
testoffset("absolute"/* in iframe */, function($, iframe) {
var doc = iframe.document, tests;
// force a scroll value on the main window
// this insures that the results will be wrong
// if the offset method is using the scroll offset
window.scrollTo(1, 1);
// get offset
tests = [
{ id: '#absolute-1', top: 1, left: 1 }
equals( jQuery( this.id, doc ).position().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').position().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id, doc ).position().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').position().left" );
testoffset("absolute", function( jQuery ) {
// get offset tests
var tests = [
- { id: '#absolute-1', top: 1, left: 1 },
+ { id: '#absolute-1', top: 1, left: 1 },
{ id: '#absolute-1-1', top: 5, left: 5 },
{ id: '#absolute-1-1-1', top: 9, left: 9 },
{ id: '#absolute-2', top: 20, left: 20 }
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset().left" );
// get position
tests = [
{ id: '#absolute-1', top: 0, left: 0 },
equals( jQuery( this.id ).position().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').position().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).position().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').position().left" );
// test #5781
var offset = jQuery( '#positionTest' ).offset({ top: 10, left: 10 }).offset();
equals( offset.top, 10, "Setting offset on element with position absolute but 'auto' values." )
equals( offset.left, 10, "Setting offset on element with position absolute but 'auto' values." )
// set offset
tests = [
{ id: '#absolute-2', top: 30, left: 30 },
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left });
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ top: " + this.top + " })" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ left: " + this.left + " })" );
var top = this.top, left = this.left;
jQuery( this.id ).offset(function(i, val){
equals( val.top, top, "Verify incoming top position." );
equals( val.left, left, "Verify incoming top position." );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top + 1, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ top: " + (this.top + 1) + " })" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left + 1, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ left: " + (this.left + 1) + " })" );
jQuery( this.id )
.offset({ left: this.left + 2 })
.offset({ top: this.top + 2 });
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top + 2, "Setting one property at a time." );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left + 2, "Setting one property at a time." );
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left, using: function( props ) {
jQuery( this ).css({
top: props.top + 1,
testoffset("relative", function( jQuery ) {
// IE is collapsing the top margin of 1px
var ie = jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt( jQuery.browser.version, 10 ) < 8;
// get offset
var tests = [
{ id: '#relative-1', top: ie ? 6 : 7, left: 7 },
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset().left" );
// get position
tests = [
{ id: '#relative-1', top: ie ? 5 : 6, left: 6 },
equals( jQuery( this.id ).position().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').position().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).position().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').position().left" );
// set offset
tests = [
{ id: '#relative-2', top: 200, left: 50 },
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left });
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ top: " + this.top + " })" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ left: " + this.left + " })" );
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left, using: function( props ) {
jQuery( this ).css({
top: props.top + 1,
testoffset("static", function( jQuery ) {
// IE is collapsing the top margin of 1px
var ie = jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt( jQuery.browser.version, 10 ) < 8;
// get offset
var tests = [
{ id: '#static-1', top: ie ? 6 : 7, left: 7 },
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset().left" );
// get position
tests = [
{ id: '#static-1', top: ie ? 5 : 6, left: 6 },
equals( jQuery( this.id ).position().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.top + "').position().top" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).position().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.left +"').position().left" );
// set offset
tests = [
{ id: '#static-2', top: 200, left: 200 },
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left });
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ top: " + this.top + " })" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ left: " + this.left + " })" );
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left, using: function( props ) {
jQuery( this ).css({
top: props.top + 1,
testoffset("fixed", function( jQuery ) {
var tests = [
{ id: '#fixed-1', top: 1001, left: 1001 },
{ id: '#fixed-2', top: 1021, left: 1021 }
ok( true, 'Fixed position is not supported' );
tests = [
{ id: '#fixed-1', top: 100, left: 100 },
{ id: '#fixed-1', top: 0, left: 0 },
{ id: '#fixed-2', top: 0, left: 0 },
{ id: '#fixed-2', top: -5, left: -5 }
jQuery.each( tests, function() {
if ( jQuery.offset.supportsFixedPosition ) {
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left });
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().top, this.top, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ top: " + this.top + " })" );
equals( jQuery( this.id ).offset().left, this.left, "jQuery('" + this.id + "').offset({ left: " + this.left + " })" );
jQuery( this.id ).offset({ top: this.top, left: this.left, using: function( props ) {
jQuery( this ).css({
top: props.top + 1,
testoffset("table", function( jQuery ) {
equals( jQuery('#table-1').offset().top, 6, "jQuery('#table-1').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery('#table-1').offset().left, 6, "jQuery('#table-1').offset().left" );
equals( jQuery('#th-1').offset().top, 10, "jQuery('#th-1').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery('#th-1').offset().left, 10, "jQuery('#th-1').offset().left" );
testoffset("scroll", function( jQuery, win ) {
var ie = jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt( jQuery.browser.version, 10 ) < 8;
// IE is collapsing the top margin of 1px
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1').offset().top, ie ? 6 : 7, "jQuery('#scroll-1').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1').offset().left, 7, "jQuery('#scroll-1').offset().left" );
// IE is collapsing the top margin of 1px
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1-1').offset().top, ie ? 9 : 11, "jQuery('#scroll-1-1').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1-1').offset().left, 11, "jQuery('#scroll-1-1').offset().left" );
// scroll offset tests .scrollTop/Left
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1').scrollTop(), 5, "jQuery('#scroll-1').scrollTop()" );
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1').scrollLeft(), 5, "jQuery('#scroll-1').scrollLeft()" );
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1-1').scrollTop(), 0, "jQuery('#scroll-1-1').scrollTop()" );
equals( jQuery('#scroll-1-1').scrollLeft(), 0, "jQuery('#scroll-1-1').scrollLeft()" );
// equals( jQuery('body').scrollTop(), 0, "jQuery('body').scrollTop()" );
// equals( jQuery('body').scrollLeft(), 0, "jQuery('body').scrollTop()" );
win.name = "test";
if ( !supportsScroll ) {
} else {
equals( jQuery(win).scrollTop(), 1000, "jQuery(window).scrollTop()" );
equals( jQuery(win).scrollLeft(), 1000, "jQuery(window).scrollLeft()" );
equals( jQuery(win.document).scrollTop(), 1000, "jQuery(document).scrollTop()" );
equals( jQuery(win.document).scrollLeft(), 1000, "jQuery(document).scrollLeft()" );
// test jQuery using parent window/document
// jQuery reference here is in the iframe
testoffset("body", function( jQuery ) {
equals( jQuery('body').offset().top, 1, "jQuery('#body').offset().top" );
equals( jQuery('body').offset().left, 1, "jQuery('#body').offset().left" );
function testoffset(name, fn) {
test(name, function() {
// pause execution for now
// load fixture in iframe
var iframe = loadFixture(),
win = iframe.contentWindow,
}, 15 );
function loadFixture() {
var src = './data/offset/' + name + '.html?' + parseInt( Math.random()*1000, 10 ),
iframe = jQuery('<iframe />').css({
test("queue() with other types",function() {
var counter = 0;
var $div = jQuery({});
equals( ++counter, 1, "Dequeuing" );
equals( ++counter, 4, "Dequeuing" );
equals( $div.queue('foo').length, 4, "Testing queue length" );
equals( counter, 3, "Testing previous call to dequeue" );
equals( $div.queue('foo').length, 1, "Testing queue length" );
equals( counter, 4, "Testing previous call to dequeue" );
equals( $div.queue('foo').length, 0, "Testing queue length" );
test("queue(name) passes in the next item in the queue as a parameter", function() {
var div = jQuery({});
var counter = 0;
div.queue("foo", function(next) {
equals(++counter, 1, "Dequeueing");
}).queue("bar", function() {
equals(++counter, 3, "Other queues are not triggered by next()")
test("queue(name) passes in the next item in the queue as a parameter", function() {
var div = jQuery({});
var counter = 0;
div.queue("foo", function(next) {
equals(++counter, 1, "Dequeueing");
}).queue("bar", function() {
equals(++counter, 3, "Other queues are not triggered by next()")
test("queue() passes in the next item in the queue as a parameter to fx queues", function() {
var div = jQuery({});
var counter = 0;
div.queue(function(next) {
equals(++counter, 1, "Dequeueing");
var self = this;
test("clearQueue(name) clears the queue", function() {
var div = jQuery({});
var counter = 0;
div.queue("foo", function(next) {
}).queue("foo", function(next) {
equals(counter, 1, "the queue was cleared");
test("clearQueue() clears the fx queue", function() {
var div = jQuery({});
var counter = 0;
div.queue(function(next) {
var self = this;
}).queue(function(next) {
equals(counter, 1, "the queue was cleared");
same( jQuery("div").find("p").get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." );
same( jQuery("#form").find("select").get(), q("select1","select2","select3","select4","select5"), "Finding selects with a context." );
ok( jQuery("#length").length, '<input name="length"> cannot be found under IE, see #945' );
ok( jQuery("#lengthtest input").length, '<input name="length"> cannot be found under IE, see #945' );
name + ": " + selector );
broken( "Broken Selector", "[", [] );
broken( "Broken Selector", "(", [] );
broken( "Broken Selector", "{", [] );
t( "Multiple ID selectors using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi, #台北", ["台北Táiběi","台北"] );
t( "Descendant ID selector using UTF8", "div #台北", ["台北"] );
t( "Child ID selector using UTF8", "form > #台北", ["台北"] );
t( "Escaped ID", "#foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
t( "Escaped ID", "#test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] );
t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] );
t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] );
t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] );
t( "ID Selector, child ID present", "#form > #radio1", ["radio1"] ); // bug #267
t( "ID Selector, not an ancestor ID", "#form #first", [] );
t( "ID Selector, not a child ID", "#form > #option1a", [] );
t( "All Children of ID", "#foo > *", ["sndp", "en", "sap"] );
t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL > *", [] );
var a = jQuery('<div><a name="tName1">tName1 A</a><a name="tName2">tName2 A</a><div id="tName1">tName1 Div</div></div>').appendTo('#main');
equals( jQuery("#tName1")[0].id, 'tName1', "ID selector with same value for a name attribute" );
equals( jQuery("#tName2").length, 0, "ID selector non-existing but name attribute on an A tag" );
t( "ID Selector on Form with an input that has a name of 'id'", "#lengthtest", ["lengthtest"] );
t( "ID selector with non-existant ancestor", "#asdfasdf #foobar", [] ); // bug #986
same( jQuery("body").find("div#form").get(), [], "ID selector within the context of another element" );
same( jQuery(".blog", "p").get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );
same( jQuery(".blog", jQuery("p")).get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );
same( jQuery("p").find(".blog").get(), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." );
t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] );
//t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] );
t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi.台北", ["utf8class1"] );
test("multiple", function() {
t( "Comma Support", "h2, p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);
t( "Comma Support", "h2 , p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);
t( "Comma Support", "h2 , p", ["qunit-banner","qunit-userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]);
t( "Attribute Exists", "*[title]", ["google"] );
t( "Attribute Exists", "[title]", ["google"] );
t( "Attribute Exists", "a[ title ]", ["google"] );
t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] );
t( "Attribute Equals", 'a[rel="bookmark"]', ["simon1"] );
t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel=bookmark]", ["simon1"] );
t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name*='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type='hidden']", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] );
t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type=\"hidden\"]", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] );
t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type=hidden]", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] );
t( "Attribute selector using UTF8", "span[lang=中文]", ["台北"] );
t( "Attribute Begins With", "a[href ^= 'http://www']", ["google","yahoo"] );
t( "Attribute Ends With", "a[href $= 'org/']", ["mark"] );
t( "Attribute Contains", "a[href *= 'google']", ["google","groups"] );
t("Empty values", "#select1 option[value='']", ["option1a"]);
t("Empty values", "#select1 option[value!='']", ["option1b","option1c","option1d"]);
t("Select options via :selected", "#select1 option:selected", ["option1a"] );
t("Select options via :selected", "#select2 option:selected", ["option2d"] );
t("Select options via :selected", "#select3 option:selected", ["option3b", "option3c"] );
t( "Grouped Form Elements", "input[name='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
t( "First Child", "p:first-child", [] );
t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
t( "Last Child", "#main a:last-child", ["simon1","anchor1","mark","yahoo","anchor2","simon","liveLink1","liveLink2"] );
t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > *:nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > :nth-child(2)", ["text1"] );
t( "Headers", ":header", ["qunit-header", "qunit-banner", "qunit-userAgent"] );
t( "Has Children - :has()", "p:has(a)", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] );
var select = document.getElementById("select1");
ok( (window.Sizzle || window.jQuery.find).matchesSelector( select, ":has(option)" ), "Has Option Matches" );
t( ":not() Multiple Class", "#foo a:not(.blog.link)", ["yahoo","anchor2"] );
-test("pseudo - position", function() {
+test("pseudo - position", function() {
t( "nth Element", "p:nth(1)", ["ap"] );
t( "First Element", "p:first", ["firstp"] );
same( jq.closest("html", document.body).get(), [], "Context limited." );
same( jq.closest("body", document.body).get(), [], "Context limited." );
same( jq.closest("#nothiddendiv", document.body).get(), q("nothiddendiv"), "Context not reached." );
//Test that .closest() returns unique'd set
equals( jQuery('#main p').closest('#main').length, 1, "Closest should return a unique set" );
test("parentsUntil([String])", function() {
var parents = jQuery("#groups").parents();
same( jQuery("#groups").parentsUntil().get(), parents.get(), "parentsUntil with no selector (nextAll)" );
same( jQuery("#groups").parentsUntil(".foo").get(), parents.get(), "parentsUntil with invalid selector (nextAll)" );
same( jQuery("#groups").parentsUntil("#html").get(), parents.not(':last').get(), "Simple parentsUntil check" );
test("nextAll([String])", function() {
var elems = jQuery('#form').children();
same( jQuery("#label-for").nextAll().get(), elems.not(':first').get(), "Simple nextAll check" );
same( jQuery("#label-for").nextAll('input').get(), elems.not(':first').filter('input').get(), "Filtered nextAll check" );
same( jQuery("#label-for").nextAll('input,select').get(), elems.not(':first').filter('input,select').get(), "Multiple-filtered nextAll check" );
test("prevAll([String])", function() {
var elems = jQuery( jQuery('#form').children().slice(0, 12).get().reverse() );
same( jQuery("#area1").prevAll().get(), elems.get(), "Simple prevAll check" );
same( jQuery("#area1").prevAll('input').get(), elems.filter('input').get(), "Filtered prevAll check" );
same( jQuery("#area1").prevAll('input,select').get(), elems.filter('input,select').get(), "Multiple-filtered prevAll check" );
test("nextUntil([String])", function() {
var elems = jQuery('#form').children().slice( 2, 12 );
same( jQuery("#text1").nextUntil().get(), jQuery("#text1").nextAll().get(), "nextUntil with no selector (nextAll)" );
same( jQuery("#text1").nextUntil(".foo").get(), jQuery("#text1").nextAll().get(), "nextUntil with invalid selector (nextAll)" );
same( jQuery("#text1").nextUntil("#area1").get(), elems.get(), "Simple nextUntil check" );
same( jQuery("#text1").nextUntil("#area1", "button,input").get(), elems.get(), "Multiple-filtered nextUntil check" );
equals( jQuery("#text1").nextUntil("#area1", "div").length, 0, "Filtered nextUntil check, no match" );
same( jQuery("#text1, #hidden1").nextUntil("#area1", "button,input").get(), elems.get(), "Multi-source, multiple-filtered nextUntil check" );
same( jQuery("#text1").nextUntil("[class=foo]").get(), jQuery("#text1").nextAll().get(), "Non-element nodes must be skipped, since they have no attributes" );
test("prevUntil([String])", function() {
var elems = jQuery("#area1").prevAll();
same( jQuery("#area1").prevUntil().get(), elems.get(), "prevUntil with no selector (prevAll)" );
same( jQuery("#area1").prevUntil(".foo").get(), elems.get(), "prevUntil with invalid selector (prevAll)" );
same( jQuery("#area1").prevUntil("label").get(), elems.not(':last').get(), "Simple prevUntil check" );