--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "../types.h"
+#include "../mem.h"
+typedef struct _ibbox {
+ int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
+ struct _ibbox*next;
+} ibbox_t;
+ibbox_t* ibbox_new(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ ibbox_t*b = (ibbox_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(ibbox_t));
+ b->xmin = x1;
+ b->ymin = y1;
+ b->xmax = x2;
+ b->ymax = y2;
+ return b;
+void ibbox_destroy(ibbox_t*b)
+ while(b) {
+ ibbox_t*next = b->next;
+ free(b);
+ b = next;
+ }
+ibbox_t*get_bitmap_bboxes_old(unsigned char*alpha, int width, int height)
+ int ymin = -1;
+ int ymax = -1;
+ int xmin = width;
+ int xmax = 0;
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<height;y++) {
+ unsigned char*a = &alpha[y*width];
+ for(x=0;x<width;x++) {
+ if(a[x]) break;
+ }
+ int left = x; //first occupied pixel from left
+ int right = x+1; //last non-occupied pixel from right
+ for(;x<width;x++) {
+ if(a[x]) right=x+1;
+ }
+ if(left!=width) {
+ if(ymin<0)
+ ymin=y;
+ ymax=y+1;
+ if(left<xmin) xmin = left;
+ if(right>xmax) xmax = right;
+ }
+ }
+ ibbox_t* bbox = 0;
+ if(xmin<xmax || ymin<ymax) {
+ bbox = ibbox_new(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
+ }
+ return bbox;
+typedef struct _head {
+ ptroff_t magic;
+ ibbox_t bbox;
+ int nr;
+ int pos;
+ int rank;
+ struct _head*next;
+ struct _head*prev;
+} head_t;
+typedef struct _context {
+ void**group;
+ unsigned char*alpha;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ head_t*heads;
+ int count;
+} context_t;
+#define HEAD_MAGIC ((ptroff_t)-1)
+head_t*head_new(context_t*context, int x, int y)
+ int pos = context->width*y+x;
+ head_t*h = rfx_calloc(sizeof(head_t));
+ h->magic = HEAD_MAGIC;
+ h->nr = context->count++;
+ h->pos = pos;
+ h->bbox.xmin = h->bbox.xmax = x;
+ h->bbox.ymin = h->bbox.ymax = y;
+ h->next = context->heads;
+ context->heads = h;
+ if(h->next) {
+ h->next->prev = h;
+ }
+ return h;
+void head_delete(context_t*context, head_t*h)
+ if(h->prev) {
+ h->prev->next = h->next;
+ }
+ if(h->next) {
+ h->next->prev = h->prev;
+ }
+ if(h==context->heads) {
+ assert(!h->prev);
+ context->heads = h->next;
+ }
+#define POINTS_TO_HEAD(ptr) (((head_t*)(ptr))->magic==HEAD_MAGIC)
+static inline link_to(context_t*context, int from, int to)
+ // path compression
+ void**data = context->group;
+ int head = to;
+ assert(data[head]);
+ while(!POINTS_TO_HEAD(data[head])) {
+ head=(void**)data[head]-(void**)data;
+ }
+ head_t*h = (head_t*)data[head];
+ int x = from%context->width;
+ int y = from/context->width;
+ if(x < h->bbox.xmin) h->bbox.xmin = x;
+ if(y < h->bbox.ymin) h->bbox.ymin = y;
+ if(x > h->bbox.xmax) h->bbox.xmax = x;
+ if(y > h->bbox.ymax) h->bbox.ymax = y;
+ data[from] = (void*)&data[head];
+static char ibbox_does_overlap(ibbox_t*b1, ibbox_t*b2)
+ if(b1->xmax < b1->xmin) return 0;
+ if(b2->xmax < b2->xmin) return 0;
+ if(b1->ymax < b1->ymin) return 0;
+ if(b2->ymax < b2->ymin) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static void ibbox_expand(ibbox_t*src, ibbox_t*add)
+ if(add->xmin < src->xmin)
+ src->xmin = add->xmin;
+ if(add->ymin < src->ymin)
+ src->ymin = add->ymin;
+ if(add->xmax > src->xmax)
+ src->xmax = add->xmax;
+ if(add->ymax > src->ymax)
+ src->ymax = add->ymax;
+static inline merge(context_t*context, int set1, int set2)
+ void**data = context->group;
+ assert(data[set1]);
+ assert(data[set2]);
+ int head1 = set1;
+ int head2 = set2;
+ while(!POINTS_TO_HEAD(data[head1])) {
+ head1=(void**)data[head1]-(void**)data;
+ }
+ while(!POINTS_TO_HEAD(data[head2])) {
+ head2=(void**)data[head2]-(void**)data;
+ }
+ head_t*h1 = (head_t*)data[head1];
+ head_t*h2 = (head_t*)data[head2];
+ if(h1->rank>h2->rank) {
+ h1->rank++;
+ ibbox_expand(&h1->bbox,&h2->bbox);
+ data[head2] = (void*)&data[head1];
+ head_delete(context, h2);
+ } else {
+ h2->rank++;
+ ibbox_expand(&h2->bbox,&h1->bbox);
+ data[head1] = (void*)&data[head2];
+ head_delete(context, h1);
+ }
+void** annotate(context_t*context)
+ unsigned char*alpha = context->alpha;
+ int width = context->width;
+ int height = context->height;
+ void** group = rfx_calloc(width*height*sizeof(void*));
+ context->group = group;
+ int x,y;
+ for(x=1;x<width;x++) {
+ if(alpha[x]) {
+ if(group[x-1])
+ link_to(context,x,x-1);
+ else
+ group[x]=head_new(context,x,0);
+ }
+ }
+ int pos = 0;
+ for(y=1;y<height;y++) {
+ pos += width;
+ if(alpha[pos]) {
+ if(group[pos-width])
+ link_to(context,pos,pos-width);
+ else
+ group[pos]=head_new(context,0,y);
+ }
+ for(x=1;x<width;x++) {
+ /* once this code is stable we should copy&paste it
+ out of the loop, change the loop end to width-1 and
+ add the pos-width+1 case */
+ if(alpha[pos+x]) {
+ if(group[pos+x-width]) {
+ link_to(context,pos+x,pos+x-width);
+ if(group[pos+x-1])
+ merge(context,pos+x,pos+x-1);
+ } else if(group[pos+x-1]) {
+ link_to(context,pos+x,pos+x-1);
+ } else if(group[pos+x-width-1]) {
+ link_to(context,pos+x,pos+x-width-1);
+ } else {
+ group[pos+x]=head_new(context,x,y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return group;
+ibbox_t*get_bitmap_bboxes(unsigned char*alpha, int width, int height)
+ int size = width*height;
+ if(width<=1 || height<=1)
+ return get_bitmap_bboxes_old(alpha, width, height);
+ context_t context;
+ context.alpha = alpha;
+ context.width = width;
+ context.height = height;
+ context.heads = 0;
+ context.count = 1;
+ void**group = annotate(&context);
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<height;y++) {
+ for(x=0;x<width;x++) {
+ if(!group[y*width+x]) {
+ printf(" -- ");
+ } else if(POINTS_TO_HEAD(group[y*width+x])) {
+ printf("g%02d ", ((head_t*)group[y*width+x])->nr);
+ } else {
+ printf("x%02d ", (void**)group[y*width+x]-(void**)group);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ head_t*h1 = context.heads;
+ while(h1) {
+ head_t*next = h1->next;
+ head_t*h2 = context.heads;
+ while(h2) {
+ if(ibbox_does_overlap(&h1->bbox, &h2->bbox)) {
+ merge(&context, h1->pos, h2->pos);
+ break;
+ }
+ h2 = h2->next;
+ }
+ h1 = next;
+ }
+ head_t*h = context.heads;
+ while(h) {
+ printf("head: %d\n", h->nr);
+ printf(" pos: %d/%d\n", h->pos%width, h->pos/width);
+ printf(" bbox: [%d/%d,%d/%d]\n", h->bbox.xmin, h->bbox.ymin, h->bbox.xmax, h->bbox.ymax);
+ h = h->next;
+ }
+#ifdef MAIN
+int main(int argn, char*argv[])
+ unsigned char alpha[8*8]=
+ "\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0"
+ "\1\0\0\1\0\1\0\0"
+ "\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0"
+ "\0\0\1\0\1\0\0\0"
+ "\1\0\1\0\1\0\0\0"
+ "\1\0\1\1\1\0\0\1"
+ "\1\0\0\0\0\0\1\0"
+ "\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0";
+ get_bitmap_bboxes(alpha, 8,8);