#define FBIGVAL (1e20)
#define FEPS (100000./FBIGVAL)
+/* names of the axes */
+#define X 0
+#define Y 1
+/* the GENTRY extension structure used in fforceconcise() */
+struct gex_con {
+ double d[2 /*X, Y*/]; /* sizes of curve */
+ double sin2; /* squared sinus of the angle to the next gentry */
+ double len2; /* squared distance between the endpoints */
+/* number of reference dots taken from each curve */
+#define NREFDOTS 3
+ double dots[NREFDOTS][2]; /* reference dots */
+ int flags; /* flags for gentry and tits joint to the next gentry */
+/* a vertical or horizontal line may be in 2 quadrants at once */
+#define GEXF_QUL 0x00000001 /* in up-left quadrant */
+#define GEXF_QUR 0x00000002 /* in up-right quadrant */
+#define GEXF_QDR 0x00000004 /* in down-right quadrant */
+#define GEXF_QDL 0x00000008 /* in down-left quadrant */
+#define GEXF_QMASK 0x0000000F /* quadrant mask */
+/* if a line is nearly vertical or horizontal, we remember that idealized quartant too */
+#define GEXF_QTO_IDEAL(f) (((f)&0xF)<<4)
+#define GEXF_QFROM_IDEAL(f) (((f)&0xF0)>>4)
+#define GEXF_IDQ_L 0x00000090 /* left */
+#define GEXF_IDQ_R 0x00000060 /* right */
+#define GEXF_IDQ_U 0x00000030 /* up */
+#define GEXF_IDQ_D 0x000000C0 /* down */
+/* possibly can be joined with conditions:
+ * (in order of increasing preference, the numeric order is important)
+ */
+#define GEXF_JLINE 0x00000100 /* into one line */
+#define GEXF_JIGN 0x00000200 /* if one entry's tangent angle is ignored */
+#define GEXF_JID 0x00000400 /* if one entry is idealized to hor/vert */
+#define GEXF_JFLAT 0x00000800 /* if one entry is flattened */
+#define GEXF_JGOOD 0x00001000 /* perfectly, no additional maodifications */
+#define GEXF_JMASK 0x00001F00 /* the mask of all above */
+#define GEXF_JCVMASK 0x00001E00 /* the mask of all above except JLINE */
+/* which entry needs to be modified for conditional joining */
+#define GEXF_JIGN1 0x00002000
+#define GEXF_JIGN2 0x00004000
+#define GEXF_JIGNDIR(dir) (GEXF_JIGN1<<(dir))
+#define GEXF_JID1 0x00008000
+#define GEXF_JID2 0x00010000
+#define GEXF_JIDDIR(dir) (GEXF_JID1<<(dir))
+#define GEXF_JFLAT1 0x00020000
+#define GEXF_JFLAT2 0x00040000
+#define GEXF_JFLATDIR(dir) (GEXF_JFLAT1<<(dir))
+#define GEXF_VERT 0x00100000 /* is nearly vertical */
+#define GEXF_HOR 0x00200000 /* is nearly horizontal */
+#define GEXF_FLAT 0x00400000 /* is nearly flat */
+#define GEXF_VDOTS 0x01000000 /* the dots are valid */
+ signed char isd[2 /*X,Y*/]; /* signs of the sizes */
+typedef struct gex_con GEX_CON;
+/* convenience macros */
+#define X_CON(ge) ((GEX_CON *)((ge)->ext))
+#define X_CON_D(ge) (X_CON(ge)->d)
+#define X_CON_DX(ge) (X_CON(ge)->d[0])
+#define X_CON_DY(ge) (X_CON(ge)->d[1])
+#define X_CON_ISD(ge) (X_CON(ge)->isd)
+#define X_CON_ISDX(ge) (X_CON(ge)->isd[0])
+#define X_CON_ISDY(ge) (X_CON(ge)->isd[1])
+#define X_CON_SIN2(ge) (X_CON(ge)->sin2)
+#define X_CON_LEN2(ge) (X_CON(ge)->len2)
+#define X_CON_F(ge) (X_CON(ge)->flags)
+/* performance statistics about guessing the concise curves */
+static int ggoodcv=0, ggoodcvdots=0, gbadcv=0, gbadcvdots=0;
int stdhw, stdvw; /* dominant stems widths */
int stemsnaph[12], stemsnapv[12]; /* most typical stem width */
int kerning_pairs = 0;
/* prototypes */
-static int isign( int x);
-static int fsign( double x);
static void fixcvdir( GENTRY * ge, int dir);
static void fixcvends( GENTRY * ge);
static int fgetcvdir( GENTRY * ge);
static void joinsubstems( STEM * s, short *pairs, int nold, int useblues);
static void fixendpath( GENTRY *ge);
static void fdelsmall( GLYPH *g, double minlen);
+static void alloc_gex_con( GENTRY *ge);
+static double fjointsin2( GENTRY *ge1, GENTRY *ge2);
static double fcvarea( GENTRY *ge);
-static int fckjoinedcv( GLYPH *g, double t, GENTRY *nge,
- GENTRY *old1, GENTRY *old2, double k);
static double fcvval( GENTRY *ge, int axis, double t);
+static void fsampledots( GENTRY *ge, double dots[][2], int ndots);
+static void fnormalizege( GENTRY *ge);
+static void fanalyzege( GENTRY *ge);
+static void fanalyzejoint( GENTRY *ge);
+static void fconcisecontour( GLYPH *g, GENTRY *ge);
static double fclosegap( GENTRY *from, GENTRY *to, int axis,
double gap, double *ret);
-static int
int x
return 0;
-static int
double x
+ GLYPH * g,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ GENTRY *oge;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: i rmoveto(%d, %d)\n", g->name, x, y);
+ assertisint(g, "adding int MOVE");
+ if ((oge = g->lastentry) != 0) {
+ if (oge->type == GE_MOVE) { /* just eat up the first move */
+ oge->ix3 = x;
+ oge->iy3 = y;
+ } else if (oge->type == GE_LINE || oge->type == GE_CURVE) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Glyph %s: MOVE in middle of path, ignored\n", g->name);
+ } else {
+ GENTRY *nge;
+ nge = newgentry(0);
+ nge->type = GE_MOVE;
+ nge->ix3 = x;
+ nge->iy3 = y;
+ oge->next = nge;
+ nge->prev = oge;
+ g->lastentry = nge;
+ }
+ } else {
+ GENTRY *nge;
+ nge = newgentry(0);
+ nge->type = GE_MOVE;
+ nge->ix3 = x;
+ nge->iy3 = y;
+ nge->bkwd = (GENTRY*)&g->entries;
+ g->entries = g->lastentry = nge;
+ }
GLYPH * g,
double x,
+ GLYPH * g,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ GENTRY *oge, *nge;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: i rlineto(%d, %d)\n", g->name, x, y);
+ assertisint(g, "adding int LINE");
+ nge = newgentry(0);
+ nge->type = GE_LINE;
+ nge->ix3 = x;
+ nge->iy3 = y;
+ if ((oge = g->lastentry) != 0) {
+ if (x == oge->ix3 && y == oge->iy3) { /* empty line */
+ /* ignore it or we will get in troubles later */
+ free(nge);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (g->path == 0) {
+ g->path = nge;
+ nge->bkwd = nge->frwd = nge;
+ } else {
+ oge->frwd = nge;
+ nge->bkwd = oge;
+ g->path->bkwd = nge;
+ nge->frwd = g->path;
+ }
+ oge->next = nge;
+ nge->prev = oge;
+ g->lastentry = nge;
+ } else {
+ WARNING_1 fprintf(stderr, "Glyph %s: LINE outside of path\n", g->name);
+ free(nge);
+ }
GLYPH * g,
double x1,
+ GLYPH * g,
+ int x1,
+ int y1,
+ int x2,
+ int y2,
+ int x3,
+ int y3)
+ GENTRY *oge, *nge;
+ oge = g->lastentry;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: i rrcurveto(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n"
+ ,g->name, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
+ assertisint(g, "adding int CURVE");
+ if (oge && oge->ix3 == x1 && x1 == x2 && x2 == x3) /* check if it's
+ * actually a line */
+ ig_rlineto(g, x1, y3);
+ else if (oge && oge->iy3 == y1 && y1 == y2 && y2 == y3)
+ ig_rlineto(g, x3, y1);
+ else {
+ nge = newgentry(0);
+ nge->type = GE_CURVE;
+ nge->ix1 = x1;
+ nge->iy1 = y1;
+ nge->ix2 = x2;
+ nge->iy2 = y2;
+ nge->ix3 = x3;
+ nge->iy3 = y3;
+ if (oge != 0) {
+ if (x3 == oge->ix3 && y3 == oge->iy3) {
+ free(nge); /* consider this curve empty */
+ /* ignore it or we will get in troubles later */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (g->path == 0) {
+ g->path = nge;
+ nge->bkwd = nge->frwd = nge;
+ } else {
+ oge->frwd = nge;
+ nge->bkwd = oge;
+ g->path->bkwd = nge;
+ nge->frwd = g->path;
+ }
+ oge->next = nge;
+ nge->prev = oge;
+ g->lastentry = nge;
+ } else {
+ WARNING_1 fprintf(stderr, "Glyph %s: CURVE outside of path\n", g->name);
+ free(nge);
+ }
+ }
g->lastentry = oge->prev;
if (oge->prev == 0)
g->entries = 0;
+ else
+ g->lastentry->next = 0;
+ free(oge);
-/* if we have any curves that are in fact flat but
-** are not horizontal nor vertical, substitute
-** them also with lines
- GLYPH * g
- GENTRY *ge;
- int x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
- assertisint(g, "flattencurves INT");
- for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next) {
- if (ge->type != GE_CURVE)
- continue;
- x0 = ge->prev->ix3;
- y0 = ge->prev->iy3;
- x1 = ge->ix1;
- y1 = ge->iy1;
- x2 = ge->ix2;
- y2 = ge->iy2;
- x3 = ge->ix3;
- y3 = ge->iy3;
- if ((x1 - x0) * (y2 - y1) == (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y0)
- && (x1 - x0) * (y3 - y2) == (x3 - x2) * (y1 - y0)) {
- ge->type = GE_LINE;
- }
- }
** After transformations we want to make sure that the resulting
** curve is going in the same quadrant as the original one,
abort(); /* dump core */
- a = ge->fy3 - ge->prev->fy3;
- b = ge->fx3 - ge->prev->fx3;
- k = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : ( b / a));
- a = ge->fy1 - ge->prev->fy3;
- b = ge->fx1 - ge->prev->fx3;
- k1 = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : ( b / a));
- a = ge->fy3 - ge->fy2;
- b = ge->fx3 - ge->fx2;
- k2 = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : ( b / a));
+ a = fabs(ge->fy3 - ge->prev->fy3);
+ b = fabs(ge->fx3 - ge->prev->fx3);
+ k = a < FEPS ? (b < FEPS ? 1. : 100000.) : ( b / a);
+ a = fabs(ge->fy1 - ge->prev->fy3);
+ b = fabs(ge->fx1 - ge->prev->fx3);
+ if(a < FEPS) {
+ if(b < FEPS) {
+ a = fabs(ge->fy2 - ge->prev->fy3);
+ b = fabs(ge->fx2 - ge->prev->fx3);
+ k1 = a < FEPS ? (b < FEPS ? k : 100000.) : ( b / a);
+ } else
+ k1 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k1 = b / a;
+ a = fabs(ge->fy3 - ge->fy2);
+ b = fabs(ge->fx3 - ge->fx2);
+ if(a < FEPS) {
+ if(b < FEPS) {
+ a = fabs(ge->fy3 - ge->fy1);
+ b = fabs(ge->fx3 - ge->fx1);
+ k2 = a < FEPS ? (b < FEPS ? k : 100000.) : ( b / a);
+ } else
+ k2 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k2 = b / a;
- if (k1 < k)
+ if(fabs(k1-k) < 0.0001)
+ dir |= CVDIR_FEQUAL;
+ else if (k1 < k)
dir |= CVDIR_FUP;
- else if (k1 > k)
- dir |= CVDIR_FDOWN;
- dir |= CVDIR_FEQUAL;
+ dir |= CVDIR_FDOWN;
- if (k2 > k)
+ if(fabs(k2-k) < 0.0001)
+ dir |= CVDIR_REQUAL;
+ else if (k2 > k)
dir |= CVDIR_RUP;
- else if (k2 < k)
- dir |= CVDIR_RDOWN;
- dir |= CVDIR_REQUAL;
+ dir |= CVDIR_RDOWN;
return dir;
a = ge->iy3 - ge->prev->iy3;
b = ge->ix3 - ge->prev->ix3;
- k = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : ((double) b / (double) a));
+ k = (a == 0) ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : fabs((double) b / (double) a);
a = ge->iy1 - ge->prev->iy3;
b = ge->ix1 - ge->prev->ix3;
- k1 = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : ((double) b / (double) a));
+ if(a == 0) {
+ if(b == 0) {
+ a = ge->iy2 - ge->prev->iy3;
+ b = ge->ix2 - ge->prev->ix3;
+ k1 = (a == 0) ? (b == 0 ? k : 100000.) : fabs((double) b / (double) a);
+ } else
+ k1 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k1 = fabs((double) b / (double) a);
a = ge->iy3 - ge->iy2;
b = ge->ix3 - ge->ix2;
- k2 = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : 100000.) : ((double) b / (double) a));
+ if(a == 0) {
+ if(b == 0) {
+ a = ge->iy3 - ge->iy1;
+ b = ge->ix3 - ge->ix1;
+ k2 = (a == 0) ? (b == 0 ? k : 100000.) : fabs((double) b / (double) a);
+ } else
+ k2 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k2 = fabs((double) b / (double) a);
- if (k1 < k)
+ if(fabs(k1-k) < 0.0001)
+ dir |= CVDIR_FEQUAL;
+ else if (k1 < k)
dir |= CVDIR_FUP;
- else if (k1 > k)
- dir |= CVDIR_FDOWN;
- dir |= CVDIR_FEQUAL;
+ dir |= CVDIR_FDOWN;
- if (k2 > k)
+ if(fabs(k2-k) < 0.0001)
+ dir |= CVDIR_REQUAL;
+ else if (k2 > k)
dir |= CVDIR_RUP;
- else if (k2 < k)
- dir |= CVDIR_RDOWN;
- dir |= CVDIR_REQUAL;
+ dir |= CVDIR_RDOWN;
return dir;
fclosegap(ge, ge, i, df, NULL);
} else {
/* contour consists of only one line, get rid of it */
- ige = freethisge(ge)->prev; /* keep the iterator valid */
+ ige = freethisge(ge); /* keep the iterator valid */
+ if(ige == 0) /* this was the last contour */
+ return;
+ ige = ige->prev;
break; /* don't bother looking at the other axis */
double k, k1, k2;
- double a, b;
+ int a, b;
if (ge->type != GE_CURVE)
return 0;
a = ge->iy2 - ge->iy1;
b = ge->ix2 - ge->ix1;
- k = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : FBIGVAL) : (double) b / (double) a);
+ if(a == 0) {
+ if(b == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ k = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k = fabs((double) b / (double) a);
a = ge->iy1 - ge->prev->iy3;
b = ge->ix1 - ge->prev->ix3;
- k1 = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : FBIGVAL) : (double) b / (double) a);
+ if(a == 0) {
+ if(b == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ k1 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k1 = fabs((double) b / (double) a);
a = ge->iy3 - ge->iy2;
b = ge->ix3 - ge->ix2;
- k2 = fabs(a == 0 ? (b == 0 ? 1. : FBIGVAL) : (double) b / (double) a);
+ if(a == 0) {
+ if(b == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ k2 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k2 = fabs((double) b / (double) a);
/* if the curve is not a zigzag */
- if (k1 >= k && k2 <= k || k1 <= k && k2 >= k)
+ if (k1+0.0001 >= k && k2 <= k+0.0001 || k1 <= k+0.0001 && k2+0.0001 >= k)
return 0;
return 1;
a = fabs(ge->fy2 - ge->fy1);
b = fabs(ge->fx2 - ge->fx1);
- k = a < FEPS ? (b <FEPS ? 1. : FBIGVAL) : b / a;
+ if(a < FEPS) {
+ if(b < FEPS) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ k = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k = b / a;
a = fabs(ge->fy1 - ge->prev->fy3);
b = fabs(ge->fx1 - ge->prev->fx3);
- k1 = a < FEPS ? (b < FEPS ? 1. : FBIGVAL) : b / a;
+ if(a < FEPS) {
+ if(b < FEPS) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ k1 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k1 = b / a;
a = fabs(ge->fy3 - ge->fy2);
b = fabs(ge->fx3 - ge->fx2);
- k2 = a < FEPS ? (b <FEPS ? 1. : FBIGVAL) : b / a;
+ if(a < FEPS) {
+ if(b < FEPS) {
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ k2 = FBIGVAL;
+ } else
+ k2 = b / a;
/* if the curve is not a zigzag */
- if (k1 >= k && k2 <= k || k1 <= k && k2 >= k)
+ if (k1+0.0001 >= k && k2 <= k+0.0001 || k1 <= k+0.0001 && k2+0.0001 >= k)
return 0;
return 1;
+ double maxsc1, maxsc2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "split a zigzag ");
+ fnormalizege(ge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(ge, ge, &maxsc1, &maxsc2, NULL) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "sc1=%g sc2=%g\n", maxsc1, maxsc2);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "(rays don't cross)\n");
+ }
+ }
/* split the curve by t=0.5 */
nge = newgentry(GEF_FLOAT);
(*nge) = (*ge);
ge->fy1 = (a + b) / 2.;
addgeafter(ge, nge);
+ dumppaths(g, ge, nge);
+ }
-/* normalize curves to the form where their ends
- * can be safely used as derivatives
- */
-static void
- GLYPH * g
- GENTRY *ge;
- int midsame, frontsame, rearsame, i;
- double d, b;
- assertisfloat(g, "normalizing curves");
- for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next) {
- if (ge->type != GE_CURVE)
- continue;
- midsame = (fabs(ge->fx1-ge->fx2)<FEPS && fabs(ge->fy1-ge->fy2)<FEPS);
- frontsame = (fabs(ge->fx1-ge->prev->fx3)<FEPS && fabs(ge->fy1-ge->prev->fy3)<FEPS);
- rearsame = (fabs(ge->fx3-ge->fx2)<FEPS && fabs(ge->fy3-ge->fy2)<FEPS);
- if(midsame && (frontsame || rearsame) ) {
- /* essentially a line */
- for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
- b = ge->prev->fpoints[i][2];
- d = ge->fpoints[i][2] - b;
- ge->fpoints[i][0] = b + 0.1*d;
- ge->fpoints[i][1] = b + 0.9*d;
- }
- } else if(frontsame) {
- for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
- b = ge->prev->fpoints[i][2];
- d = ge->fpoints[i][1] - b;
- ge->fpoints[i][0] = b + 0.01*d;
- }
- } else if(rearsame) {
- for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
- b = ge->fpoints[i][2];
- d = ge->fpoints[i][0] - b;
- ge->fpoints[i][1] = b + 0.01*d;
- }
- } else
- continue;
- if(ISDBG(FCONCISE)) fprintf(stderr, "glyph %g, normalized entry %x\n", g->name, ge);
- }
/* find the point where two rays continuing vectors cross
- * rays are defined as beginning of curve1 and end of curve 2
* returns 1 if they cross, 0 if they don't
- * If they cross returns the maximal scales for both vectors.
+ * If they cross optionally (if the pointers are not NULL) returns
+ * the maximal scales for both vectors and also optionally the point
+ * where the rays cross (twice).
* Expects that the curves are normalized.
+ *
+ * For convenience there are 2 front-end functions taking
+ * arguments in different formats
+ */
+struct ray {
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ int isvert;
+ double k, b; /* lines are represented as y = k*x + b */
+ double *maxp;
+static struct ray ray[3];
+/* the back-end doing the actual work
+ * the rays are defined in the static array ray[]
static int
- GENTRY *ge1,
- GENTRY *ge2,
- double *max1,
- double *max2
+ double crossdot[2][2]
- struct ray {
- double x1, y1, x2, y2;
- int isvert;
- double k, b; /* lines are represented as y = k*x + b */
- double *maxp;
- } ray [3];
- double x, y;
+ double x, y, max;
int i;
- ray[0].x1 = ge1->prev->fx3;
- ray[0].y1 = ge1->prev->fy3;
- ray[0].x2 = ge1->fx1;
- ray[0].y2 = ge1->fy1;
- ray[0].maxp = max1;
- ray[1].x1 = ge2->fx3;
- ray[1].y1 = ge2->fy3;
- ray[1].x2 = ge2->fx2;
- ray[1].y2 = ge2->fy2;
- ray[1].maxp = max2;
for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
if(ray[i].x1 == ray[i].x2)
ray[i].isvert = 1;
for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
- *ray[i].maxp = (y - ray[i].y1) / (ray[i].y2 - ray[i].y1);
+ max = (y - ray[i].y1) / (ray[i].y2 - ray[i].y1);
- *ray[i].maxp = (x - ray[i].x1) / (ray[i].x2 - ray[i].x1);
+ max = (x - ray[i].x1) / (ray[i].x2 - ray[i].x1);
/* check if wrong sides of rays cross */
- if( *ray[i].maxp < 0 ) {
- if(ISDBG(FCONCISE)) fprintf(stderr, "crossrays: scale=%g @(%g,%g) (%g,%g)<-(%g,%g)\n",
- *ray[i].maxp, x, y, ray[i].x2, ray[i].y2, ray[i].x1, ray[i].y1);
+ if( max < 0 ) {
+ if(ISDBG(FCONCISE)) fprintf(stderr, "crossrays: %c scale=%g @(%g,%g) (%g,%g)<-(%g,%g)\n",
+ (i?'Y':'X'), max, x, y, ray[i].x2, ray[i].y2, ray[i].x1, ray[i].y1);
return 0;
+ if(ray[i].maxp)
+ *ray[i].maxp = max;
+ }
+ if(crossdot != 0) {
+ crossdot[0][0] = crossdot[1][0] = x;
+ crossdot[0][1] = crossdot[1][1] = y;
return 1;
-/* find the area covered by the curve
- * (limited by the projections to the X axis)
+/* the front-end getting the arguments from 4 dots defining
+ * a curve in the same format as for fapproxcurve():
+ * rays are defined as beginning and end of the curve,
+ * the crossdot is inserted as the two middle dots of the curve
-static double
- GENTRY *ge
+ double curve[4][2 /*X,Y*/],
+ double *max1,
+ double *max2
- double Ly, My, Ny, Py, Qx, Rx, Sx;
- double area;
+ ray[0].x1 = curve[0][X];
+ ray[0].y1 = curve[0][Y];
+ ray[0].x2 = curve[1][X];
+ ray[0].y2 = curve[1][Y];
+ ray[0].maxp = max1;
- /* y = Ly*t^3 + My*t^2 + Ny*t + Py */
- Ly = -ge->prev->fy3 + 3*(ge->fy1 - ge->fy2) + ge->fy3;
- My = 3*ge->prev->fy3 - 6*ge->fy1 + 3*ge->fy2;
- Ny = 3*(-ge->prev->fy3 + ge->fy1);
- Py = ge->prev->fy3;
+ ray[1].x1 = curve[2][X];
+ ray[1].y1 = curve[2][Y];
+ ray[1].x2 = curve[3][X];
+ ray[1].y2 = curve[3][Y];
+ ray[1].maxp = max2;
- /* dx/dt = Qx*t^2 + Rx*t + Sx */
- Qx = 3*(-ge->prev->fx3 + 3*(ge->fx1 - ge->fx2) + ge->fx3);
- Rx = 6*(ge->prev->fx3 - 2*ge->fx1 + ge->fx2);
- Sx = 3*(-ge->prev->fx3 + ge->fx1);
+ return fcrossraysxx(&curve[1]);
+/* the front-end getting the arguments from gentries:
+ * rays are defined as beginning of curve1 and end of curve 2
+ */
+ GENTRY *ge1,
+ GENTRY *ge2,
+ double *max1,
+ double *max2,
+ double crossdot[2][2]
+ ray[0].x1 = ge1->prev->fx3;
+ ray[0].y1 = ge1->prev->fy3;
+ ray[0].x2 = ge1->fpoints[X][ge1->ftg];
+ ray[0].y2 = ge1->fpoints[Y][ge1->ftg];
+ ray[0].maxp = max1;
+ ray[1].x1 = ge2->fx3;
+ ray[1].y1 = ge2->fy3;
+ if(ge2->rtg < 0) {
+ ray[1].x2 = ge2->prev->fx3;
+ ray[1].y2 = ge2->prev->fy3;
+ } else {
+ ray[1].x2 = ge2->fpoints[X][ge2->rtg];
+ ray[1].y2 = ge2->fpoints[Y][ge2->rtg];
+ }
+ ray[1].maxp = max2;
+ return fcrossraysxx(crossdot);
+/* debugging printout functions */
+#if defined(DEBUG_DOTSEG) || defined(DEBUG_DOTCURVE) || defined(DEBUG_APPROXCV)
+/* for debugging */
+ double dot[2]
+ fprintf(stderr, "(%g,%g)", dot[0], dot[1]);
+ double seg[2][2]
+ putc('[', stderr);
+ printdot(seg[0]);
+ putc(' ', stderr);
+ printdot(seg[1]);
+ putc(']', stderr);
+#endif /* DEBUG_* */
+ * Find squared distance from a dot to a line segment
+ */
+ double seg[2][2 /*X,Y*/],
+ double dot[2 /*X,Y*/]
+#define x1 seg[0][X]
+#define y1 seg[0][Y]
+#define x2 seg[1][X]
+#define y2 seg[1][Y]
+#define xdot dot[X]
+#define ydot dot[Y]
+ double dx, dy; /* segment dimensions */
+ double kline, bline; /* segment line formula is y=k*x+b */
+ double kperp, bperp; /* perpendicular from the dot to the line */
+ double xcross, ycross; /* where the perpendicular crosses the segment */
+/* handle the situation where the nearest point of the segment is its end */
+#define HANDLE_LIMITS(less12, lesscr1, lesscr2) \
+ if( less12 ) { \
+ if( lesscr1 ) { \
+ xcross = x1; \
+ ycross = y1; \
+ } else if( !(lesscr2) ) { \
+ xcross = x2; \
+ ycross = y2; \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ if( !(lesscr1) ) { \
+ xcross = x1; \
+ ycross = y1; \
+ } else if( lesscr2 ) { \
+ xcross = x2; \
+ ycross = y2; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ /* end of macro */
+ dx = x2 - x1;
+ dy = y2 - y1;
+ if(fabs(dx) < FEPS) {
+ /* special case - vertical line */
+ printf("vertical line!\n");
+ xcross = x1;
+ ycross = ydot;
+ HANDLE_LIMITS( y1 < y2, ycross < y1, ycross < y2);
+ } else if(fabs(dy) < FEPS) {
+ /* special case - horizontal line */
+ printf("horizontal line!\n");
+ xcross = xdot;
+ ycross = y1;
+ HANDLE_LIMITS( x1 < x2, xcross < x1, xcross < x2)
+ } else {
+ kline = dy/dx;
+ bline = y1 - x1*kline;
+ kperp = -1./kline;
+ bperp = ydot - xdot*kperp;
+ xcross = (bline-bperp) / (kperp-kline);
+ ycross = kline*xcross + bline;
+ HANDLE_LIMITS( x1 < x2, xcross < x1, xcross < x2)
+ }
+ printf("crossover at (%g,%g)\n", xcross, ycross);
+ dx = xdot-xcross;
+ dy = ydot-ycross;
+ return dx*dx+dy*dy;
+#undef x1
+#undef y1
+#undef x2
+#undef y2
+#undef xdot
+#undef ydot
+/* find the weighted quadratic average for the distance of a set
+ * of dots from the curve; also fills out the individual distances
+ * for each dot; if maxp!=NULL then returns the maximal squared
+ * distance in there
+ */
+ double curve[4][2 /*X,Y*/ ],
+ struct dot_dist *dots,
+ int ndots, /* number of entries in dots */
+ double *maxp
+ /* a curve is approximated by this many straight segments */
+#define NAPSECT 16
+ /* a curve is divided into this many sections with equal weight each */
+#define NWSECT 4
+ /* table of coefficients for finding the dots on the curve */
+ /* tt[0] is left unused */
+ static double tt[NAPSECT][4];
+ static int havett = 0; /* flag: tt is initialized */
+ /* dots on the curve */
+ double cvd[NAPSECT+1][2 /*X,Y*/];
+ /* sums by sections */
+ double sum[NWSECT];
+ /* counts by sections */
+ double count[NWSECT];
+ int d, i, j;
+ int id1, id2;
+ double dist1, dist2, dist3, dx, dy, x, y;
+ double max = 0.;
+ if(!havett) {
+ double t, nt, t2, nt2, step;
+ havett++;
+ step = 1. / NAPSECT;
+ t = 0;
+ for(i=1; i<NAPSECT; i++) {
+ t += step;
+ nt = 1 - t;
+ t2 = t*t;
+ nt2 = nt*nt;
+ tt[i][0] = nt2*nt; /* (1-t)^3 */
+ tt[i][1] = 3*nt2*t; /* 3*(1-t)^2*t */
+ tt[i][2] = 3*nt*t2; /* 3*(1-t)*t^2 */
+ tt[i][3] = t2*t; /* t^3 */
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<NWSECT; i++) {
+ sum[i] = 0.;
+ count[i] = 0;
+ }
+ /* split the curve into segments */
+ for(d=0; d<2; d++) { /* X and Y */
+ cvd[0][d] = curve[0][d]; /* endpoints */
+ cvd[NAPSECT][d] = curve[3][d];
+ for(i=1; i<NAPSECT; i++) {
+ cvd[i][d] = curve[0][d] * tt[i][0]
+ + curve[1][d] * tt[i][1]
+ + curve[2][d] * tt[i][2]
+ + curve[3][d] * tt[i][3];
+ }
+ }
+ for(d=0; d<ndots; d++) {
+ printf("dot %d ", d); printdot(dots[d].p); printf(":\n");
+ /* for debugging */
+ for(i=0; i< NAPSECT; i++) {
+ dist1 = fdotsegdist2(&cvd[i], dots[d].p);
+ printf(" seg %d ",i); printseg(&cvd[i]); printf(" dist=%g\n", sqrt(dist1));
+ }
+ x = dots[d].p[X];
+ y = dots[d].p[Y];
+ /* find the nearest dot on the curve
+ * there may be up to 2 local minimums - so we start from the
+ * ends of curve and go to the center
+ */
+ id1 = 0;
+ dx = x - cvd[0][X];
+ dy = y - cvd[0][Y];
+ dist1 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+ printf(" dot 0 "); printdot(cvd[id1]); printf(" dist=%g\n", sqrt(dist1));
+ for(i = 1; i<=NAPSECT; i++) {
+ dx = x - cvd[i][X];
+ dy = y - cvd[i][Y];
+ dist3 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+ printf(" dot %d ",i); printdot(cvd[i]); printf(" dist=%g\n", sqrt(dist3));
+ if(dist3 < dist1) {
+ dist1 = dist3;
+ id1 = i;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ if(id1 < NAPSECT-1) {
+ id2 = NAPSECT;
+ dx = x - cvd[NAPSECT][X];
+ dy = y - cvd[NAPSECT][Y];
+ dist2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+ printf(" +dot %d ", id2); printdot(cvd[id2]); printf(" dist=%g\n", sqrt(dist2));
+ for(i = NAPSECT-1; i>id1+1; i--) {
+ dx = x - cvd[i][X];
+ dy = y - cvd[i][Y];
+ dist3 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
+ printf(" dot %d ",i); printdot(cvd[i]); printf(" dist=%g\n", sqrt(dist3));
+ if(dist3 < dist2) {
+ dist2 = dist3;
+ id2 = i;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* now find which of the local minimums is smaller */
+ if(dist2 < dist1) {
+ id1 = id2;
+ }
+ }
+ /* the nearest segment must include the nearest dot */
+ if(id1==0) {
+ dots[d].seg = 0;
+ dots[d].dist2 = fdotsegdist2(&cvd[0], dots[d].p);
+ } else if(id1==NAPSECT) {
+ dots[d].seg = NAPSECT-1;
+ dots[d].dist2 = fdotsegdist2(&cvd[NAPSECT-1], dots[d].p);
+ } else {
+ dist1 = fdotsegdist2(&cvd[id1], dots[d].p);
+ dist2 = fdotsegdist2(&cvd[id1-1], dots[d].p);
+ if(dist2 < dist1) {
+ dots[d].seg = id1-1;
+ dots[d].dist2 = dist2;
+ } else {
+ dots[d].seg = id1;
+ dots[d].dist2 = dist1;
+ }
+ }
+ i = dots[d].seg % NWSECT;
+ sum[i] += dots[d].dist2;
+ if(dots[d].dist2 > max)
+ max = dots[d].dist2;
+ count[i]++;
+ printf(" best seg %d sect %d dist=%g\n", dots[d].seg, i, sqrt(dots[d].dist2));
+ }
+ /* calculate the weighted average */
+ id1=0;
+ dist1=0.;
+ for(i=0; i<NWSECT; i++) {
+ if(count[i]==0)
+ continue;
+ id1++;
+ dist1 += sum[i]/count[i];
+ }
+ if(maxp)
+ *maxp = max;
+ if(id1==0) /* no dots, strange */
+ return 0.;
+ else
+ return dist1/id1; /* to get the average distance apply sqrt() */
+ * Approximate a curve matching the giving set of points and with
+ * middle reference points going along the given segments (and no farther
+ * than these segments).
+ */
+ double cv[4][2 /*X,Y*/ ], /* points 0-3 are passed in, points 1,2 - out */
+ struct dot_dist *dots, /* the dots to approximate - distances returned
+ * there may be invalid */
+ int ndots
+ /* b and c are the middle control points */
+#define B 0
+#define C 1
+ /* maximal number of sections on each axis - used for the first step */
+#define MAXSECT 2
+ /* number of sections used for the other steps */
+#define NORMSECT 2
+ /* when the steps become less than this many points, it's time to stop */
+#define STEPEPS 1.
+ double from[2 /*B,C*/], to[2 /*B,C*/];
+ double middf[2 /*B,C*/][2 /*X,Y*/], df;
+ double coef[2 /*B,C*/][MAXSECT];
+ double res[MAXSECT][MAXSECT], thisres, bestres, goodres;
+ int ncoef[2 /*B,C*/], best[2 /*B,C*/], good[2 /*B,C*/];
+ int i, j, k, keepsym;
+ char bc[]="BC";
+ char xy[]="XY";
+ fprintf(stderr, "Curve points:");
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " ");
+ printdot(cv[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nDots:");
+ for(i=0; i<ndots; i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " ");
+ printdot(dots[i].p);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ /* load the endpoints and calculate differences */
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ /* i is X, Y */
+ middf[B][i] = cv[1][i]-cv[0][i];
+ middf[C][i] = cv[2][i]-cv[3][i];
+ /* i is B, C */
+ from[i] = 0.;
+ to[i] = 1.;
+ ncoef[i] = MAXSECT;
+ }
+ while(ncoef[B] != 1 || ncoef[C] != 1) {
+ /* prepare the values of coefficients */
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) { /*B,C*/
+ fprintf(stderr, "Coefficients by %c(%g,%g):", bc[i], from[i], to[i]);
+ df = (to[i]-from[i]) / (ncoef[i]*2);
+ for(j=0; j<ncoef[i]; j++) {
+ coef[i][j] = from[i] + df*(2*j+1);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %g", coef[i][j]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ bestres = FBIGVAL;
+ /* i iterates by ncoef[B], j iterates by ncoef[C] */
+ for(i=0; i<ncoef[B]; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<ncoef[C]; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<2; k++) { /*X, Y*/
+ cv[1][k] = cv[0][k] + middf[B][k]*coef[B][i];
+ cv[2][k] = cv[3][k] + middf[C][k]*coef[C][j];
+ }
+ res[i][j] = thisres = fdotcurvdist2(cv, dots, ndots, NULL);
+ if(thisres < bestres) {
+ goodres = bestres;
+ good[B] = best[B];
+ good[C] = best[C];
+ bestres = thisres;
+ best[B] = i;
+ best[C] = j;
+ } else if(thisres < goodres) {
+ goodres = thisres;
+ good[B] = i;
+ good[C] = j;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, " at (%g,%g) dist=%g %s\n", coef[B][i], coef[C][j], sqrt(thisres),
+ (best[B]==i && best[C]==j)? "(BEST)":"");
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, " best: at (%g, %g) dist=%g\n",
+ coef[B][best[B]], coef[C][best[C]], sqrt(bestres));
+ fprintf(stderr, " B:%d,%d C:%d,%d -- 2nd best: at (%g, %g) dist=%g\n",
+ best[B], good[B], best[C], good[C], coef[B][good[B]], coef[C][good[C]], sqrt(goodres));
+ if(bestres < (0.1*0.1)) { /* consider it close enough */
+ /* calculate the coordinates to return */
+ for(k=0; k<2; k++) { /*X, Y*/
+ cv[1][k] = cv[0][k] + middf[B][k]*coef[B][best[B]];
+ cv[2][k] = cv[3][k] + middf[C][k]*coef[C][best[C]];
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "quick approximated middle points "); printdot(cv[1]);
+ fprintf(stderr, " "); printdot(cv[2]); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ keepsym = 0;
+ if(best[B] != best[C] && best[B]-best[C] == good[C]-good[B]) {
+ keepsym = 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "keeping symmetry!\n");
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) { /*B,C*/
+ if(ncoef[i]==1)
+ continue;
+ if(keepsym) {
+ /* try to keep the symmetry */
+ if(best[i] < good[i]) {
+ from[i] = coef[i][best[i]];
+ to[i] = coef[i][good[i]];
+ } else {
+ from[i] = coef[i][good[i]];
+ to[i] = coef[i][best[i]];
+ }
+ } else {
+ df = (to[i]-from[i]) / ncoef[i];
+ from[i] += df*best[i];
+ to[i] = from[i] + df;
+ }
+ if( fabs(df*middf[i][0]) < STEPEPS && fabs(df*middf[i][1]) < STEPEPS) {
+ /* this side has converged */
+ from[i] = to[i] = (from[i]+to[i]) / 2.;
+ ncoef[i] = 1;
+ } else
+ ncoef[i] = NORMSECT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculate the coordinates to return */
+ for(k=0; k<2; k++) { /*X, Y*/
+ cv[1][k] = cv[0][k] + middf[B][k]*from[B];
+ cv[2][k] = cv[3][k] + middf[C][k]*from[C];
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "approximated middle points "); printdot(cv[1]);
+ fprintf(stderr, " "); printdot(cv[2]); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+#undef B
+#undef C
+#undef MAXSECT
+#undef NORMSECT
+#undef STEPEPS
+ * Find the squared value of the sinus of the angle between the
+ * end of ge1 and the beginning of ge2
+ * The curve must be normalized.
+ */
+static double
+ GENTRY *ge1,
+ GENTRY *ge2
+ double d[3][2 /*X,Y*/];
+ double scale1, scale2, len1, len2;
+ int axis;
+ if(ge1->rtg < 0) {
+ d[1][X] = ge1->fx3 - ge1->prev->fx3;
+ d[1][Y] = ge1->fy3 - ge1->prev->fy3;
+ } else {
+ d[1][X] = ge1->fx3 - ge1->fpoints[X][ge1->rtg];
+ d[1][Y] = ge1->fy3 - ge1->fpoints[Y][ge1->rtg];
+ }
+ d[2][X] = ge2->fpoints[X][ge2->ftg] - ge2->prev->fx3;
+ d[2][Y] = ge2->fpoints[Y][ge2->ftg] - ge2->prev->fy3;
+ len1 = sqrt( d[1][X]*d[1][X] + d[1][Y]*d[1][Y] );
+ len2 = sqrt( d[2][X]*d[2][X] + d[2][Y]*d[2][Y] );
+ /* scale the 2nd segment to the length of 1
+ * and to make sure that the 1st segment is longer scale it to
+ * the length of 2 and extend to the same distance backwards
+ */
+ scale1 = 2./len1;
+ scale2 = 1./len2;
+ for(axis=0; axis <2; axis++) {
+ d[0][axis] = -( d[1][axis] *= scale1 );
+ d[2][axis] *= scale2;
+ }
+ return fdotsegdist2(d, d[2]);
+#if 0
+/* find the area covered by the curve
+ * (limited by the projections to the X axis)
+ */
+static double
+ GENTRY *ge
+ double Ly, My, Ny, Py, Qx, Rx, Sx;
+ double area;
+ /* y = Ly*t^3 + My*t^2 + Ny*t + Py */
+ Ly = -ge->prev->fy3 + 3*(ge->fy1 - ge->fy2) + ge->fy3;
+ My = 3*ge->prev->fy3 - 6*ge->fy1 + 3*ge->fy2;
+ Ny = 3*(-ge->prev->fy3 + ge->fy1);
+ Py = ge->prev->fy3;
+ /* dx/dt = Qx*t^2 + Rx*t + Sx */
+ Qx = 3*(-ge->prev->fx3 + 3*(ge->fx1 - ge->fx2) + ge->fx3);
+ Rx = 6*(ge->prev->fx3 - 2*ge->fx1 + ge->fx2);
+ Sx = 3*(-ge->prev->fx3 + ge->fx1);
/* area is integral[from 0 to 1]( y(t) * dx(t)/dt *dt) */
area = 1./6.*(Ly*Qx) + 1./5.*(Ly*Rx + My*Qx)
return area;
/* find the value of point on the curve at the given parameter t,
* along the given axis (0 - X, 1 - Y).
+ ge->fpoints[axis][2]*t*t2;
-/* Check that the new curve has the point identified by the
- * parameter t reasonably close to the corresponding point
- * in the old pair of curves which were joined in proportion k.
- * If old2 is NULL then just compare nge and old1 at the point t.
- * Returns 0 if OK, 1 if it's too far.
+ * Find ndots equally spaced dots on a curve or line and fill
+ * their coordinates into the dots array
-static int
- GLYPH *g,
- double t,
- GENTRY *nge,
- GENTRY *old1,
- GENTRY *old2,
- double k
+static void
+ GENTRY *ge,
+ double dots[][2], /* the dots to fill */
+ int ndots
- GENTRY *oge;
- double ot;
- double off;
- double lim;
- int i;
+ int i, axis;
+ double t, nf, dx, d[2];
+ nf = ndots+1;
+ if(ge->type == GE_CURVE) {
+ for(i=0; i<ndots; i++) {
+ t = (i+1)/nf;
+ for(axis=0; axis<2; axis++)
+ dots[i][axis] = fcvval(ge, axis, t);
+ }
+ } else { /* line */
+ d[0] = ge->fx3 - ge->prev->fx3;
+ d[1] = ge->fy3 - ge->prev->fy3;
+ for(i=0; i<ndots; i++) {
+ t = (i+1)/nf;
+ for(axis=0; axis<2; axis++)
+ dots[i][axis] = ge->prev->fpoints[axis][2]
+ + t*d[axis];
+ }
+ }
- if(old2 == 0) {
- oge = old1;
- ot = t;
- } else if(t <= k && k!=0.) {
- oge = old1;
- ot = t/k;
- } else {
- oge = old2;
- ot = (t-k) / (1.-k);
+ * Allocate a structure gex_con
+ */
+static void
+ GENTRY *ge
+ ge->ext = (void*)calloc(1, sizeof(GEX_CON));
+ if(ge->ext == 0) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: t=%g ot=%g (%x) ", g->name, t, ot, oge);
+ * Normalize a gentry for fforceconcise() : find the points that
+ * can be used to calculate the tangents.
+ */
+static void
+ GENTRY *ge
+ int midsame, frontsame, rearsame;
+ if(ge->type == GE_LINE) {
+ ge->ftg = 2;
+ ge->rtg = -1;
+ } else { /* assume it's a curve */
+ midsame = (fabs(ge->fx1-ge->fx2)<FEPS && fabs(ge->fy1-ge->fy2)<FEPS);
+ frontsame = (fabs(ge->fx1-ge->prev->fx3)<FEPS && fabs(ge->fy1-ge->prev->fy3)<FEPS);
+ rearsame = (fabs(ge->fx3-ge->fx2)<FEPS && fabs(ge->fy3-ge->fy2)<FEPS);
+ if(midsame && (frontsame || rearsame) ) {
+ /* essentially a line */
+ ge->ftg = 2;
+ ge->rtg = -1;
+ } else {
+ if(frontsame) {
+ ge->ftg = 1;
+ } else {
+ ge->ftg = 0;
+ }
+ if(rearsame) {
+ ge->rtg = 0;
+ } else {
+ ge->rtg = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* various definition for the processing of outlines */
+/* maximal average quadratic distance from the original curve
+ * (in dots) to consider the joined curve good
+ */
+#define CVEPS 1.5
+/* squared sinus of the maximal angle that we consider a smooth joint */
+#define SMOOTHSIN2 0.25 /* 0.25==sin(30 degrees)^2 */
+/* squared line length that we consider small */
+#define SMALL_LINE2 (15.*15.)
+/* how many times a curve must be bigger than a line to join, squared */
+#define TIMES_LINE2 (3.*3.)
+ * Normalize and analyse a gentry for fforceconcise() and fill out the gex_con
+ * structure
+ */
+static void
+ GENTRY *ge
+ int i, ix, iy;
+ double avsd2, dots[3][2 /*X,Y*/];
+ GEX_CON *gex;
+ gex = X_CON(ge);
+ memset(gex, 0, sizeof *gex);
+ gex->len2 = 0;
for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
- /* permitted tolerance is 5% */
- lim = fabs(nge->fpoints[i][2] - nge->prev->fpoints[i][2])*0.05;
+ avsd2 = gex->d[i] = ge->fpoints[i][2] - ge->prev->fpoints[i][2];
+ gex->len2 += avsd2*avsd2;
+ }
+ gex->sin2 = fjointsin2(ge, ge->frwd);
+ if(ge->type == GE_CURVE) {
+ ge->dir = fgetcvdir(ge);
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ dots[0][i] = ge->prev->fpoints[i][2];
+ dots[1][i] = ge->fpoints[i][2];
+ dots[2][i] = fcvval(ge, i, 0.5);
+ }
+ avsd2 = fdotsegdist2(dots, dots[2]);
+ if(avsd2 <= CVEPS2) {
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_FLAT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_FLAT;
+ }
+ if(gex->flags & GEXF_FLAT) {
+ if( fabs(gex->d[X]) > FEPS && fabs(gex->d[Y]) < 5.
+ && fabs(gex->d[Y] / gex->d[X]) < 0.2)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_HOR;
+ else if( fabs(gex->d[Y]) > FEPS && fabs(gex->d[X]) < 5.
+ && fabs(gex->d[X] / gex->d[Y]) < 0.2)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_VERT;
+ }
+ ix = gex->isd[X] = fsign(gex->d[X]);
+ iy = gex->isd[Y] = fsign(gex->d[Y]);
+ if(ix <= 0) {
+ if(iy <= 0)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_QDL;
+ if(iy >= 0)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_QUL;
+ if(gex->flags & GEXF_HOR)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_IDQ_L;
+ }
+ if(ix >= 0) {
+ if(iy <= 0)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_QDR;
+ if(iy >= 0)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_QUR;
+ if(gex->flags & GEXF_HOR)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_IDQ_R;
+ }
+ if(gex->flags & GEXF_VERT) {
+ if(iy <= 0) {
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_IDQ_U;
+ } else { /* supposedly there is no 0-sized entry */
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_IDQ_D;
+ }
+ }
+ * Analyse a joint between this and following gentry for fforceconcise()
+ * and fill out the corresponding parts of the gex_con structure
+ * Bothe entries must be analyzed first.
+ */
+static void
+ GENTRY *ge
+ GENTRY *nge = ge->frwd;
+ GENTRY tge;
+ GEX_CON *gex, *ngex;
+ double avsd2, dots[3][2 /*X,Y*/];
+ int i;
- if(lim < 3.)
- lim = 3.; /* for small curves the tolerance is higher */
- if(lim > 10.)
- lim = 10.; /* for big curves the tolerance is limited anyway */
+ gex = X_CON(ge); ngex = X_CON(nge);
- off = fabs(fcvval(nge, i, t) - fcvval(oge, i, ot));
+ /* look if they can be joined honestly */
- if(off > lim) {
- fprintf(stderr, "out of range d%c=%.2f(%.2f)\n",
- (i==0 ? 'X' : 'Y'), off, lim);
- return 1;
+ /* if any is flat, they should join smoothly */
+ if( (gex->flags & GEXF_FLAT || ngex->flags & GEXF_FLAT)
+ && gex->sin2 > SMOOTHSIN2)
+ goto try_flatboth;
+ if(ge->type == GE_LINE) {
+ if(nge->type == GE_LINE) {
+ if(gex->len2 > SMALL_LINE2 || ngex->len2 > SMALL_LINE2)
+ goto try_flatboth;
+ } else {
+ if(gex->len2*TIMES_LINE2 > ngex->len2)
+ goto try_flatboth;
+ } else if(nge->type == GE_LINE) {
+ if(ngex->len2*TIMES_LINE2 > gex->len2)
+ goto try_flatboth;
+ }
- fprintf(stderr, "valid d%c=%.2f(%.2f) ", (i==0 ? 'X' : 'Y'), off, lim);
+ /* if curve changes direction */
+ if( gex->isd[X]*ngex->isd[X]<0 || gex->isd[Y]*ngex->isd[Y]<0)
+ goto try_idealone;
+ /* if would create a zigzag */
+ if( ((ge->dir&CVDIR_FRONT)-CVDIR_FEQUAL) * ((nge->dir&CVDIR_REAR)-CVDIR_REQUAL) < 0 )
+ goto try_flatone;
+ if( fcrossraysge(ge, nge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JGOOD;
+ /* look if they can be joined by flatting out one of the entries */
+ /* at this point we know that the general direction of the
+ * gentries is OK
+ */
+ if( gex->flags & GEXF_FLAT ) {
+ tge = *ge;
+ tge.fx1 = tge.fx3;
+ tge.fy1 = tge.fy3;
+ fnormalizege(&tge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(&tge, nge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JFLAT|GEXF_JFLAT1;
+ }
+ if( ngex->flags & GEXF_FLAT ) {
+ tge = *nge;
+ tge.fx2 = ge->fx3;
+ tge.fy2 = ge->fy3;
+ fnormalizege(&tge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(ge, &tge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JFLAT|GEXF_JFLAT2;
+ }
+ /* look if one of the entries can be brought to an idealized
+ * horizontal or vertical position and then joined
+ */
+ if( gex->flags & GEXF_HOR && gex->isd[X]*ngex->isd[X]>=0 ) {
+ tge = *ge;
+ tge.fx1 = tge.fx3;
+ tge.fy1 = ge->prev->fy3; /* force horizontal */
+ fnormalizege(&tge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(&tge, nge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JID|GEXF_JID1;
+ } else if( gex->flags & GEXF_VERT && gex->isd[Y]*ngex->isd[Y]>=0 ) {
+ tge = *ge;
+ tge.fx1 = ge->prev->fx3; /* force vertical */
+ tge.fy1 = tge.fy3;
+ fnormalizege(&tge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(&tge, nge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JID|GEXF_JID1;
+ }
+ if( ngex->flags & GEXF_HOR && gex->isd[X]*ngex->isd[X]>=0 ) {
+ tge = *nge;
+ tge.fx2 = ge->fx3;
+ tge.fy2 = nge->fy3; /* force horizontal */
+ fnormalizege(&tge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(ge, &tge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JID|GEXF_JID2;
+ } else if( ngex->flags & GEXF_VERT && gex->isd[Y]*ngex->isd[Y]>=0 ) {
+ tge = *nge;
+ tge.fx2 = nge->fx3; /* force vertical */
+ tge.fy2 = ge->fy3;
+ fnormalizege(&tge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(ge, &tge, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JID|GEXF_JID2;
+ }
+ /* look if we can change them to one line */
+ if(gex->flags & GEXF_FLAT && ngex->flags & GEXF_FLAT) {
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ dots[0][i] = ge->prev->fpoints[i][2];
+ dots[1][i] = nge->fpoints[i][2];
+ dots[2][i] = ge->fpoints[i][2];
+ }
+ if( fdotsegdist2(dots, dots[2]) <= CVEPS2)
+ gex->flags |= GEXF_JLINE;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- return 0;
-/* force conciseness: substitute 2 or more curves going in the
-** same quadrant with one curve
-** in floating point
+ * Force conciseness of one contour in the glyph,
+ * the contour is indicated by one entry from it.
+ */
- GLYPH * g
+static void
+ GLYPH *g,
+ GENTRY *startge
- GENTRY *ge, *nge;
- GENTRY tge;
- double firstlen, lastlen, sumlen, scale;
- double dxw1, dyw1, dxw2, dyw2;
- double dxb1, dyb1, dxe1, dye1;
- double dxb2, dyb2, dxe2, dye2;
- double maxsc1, maxsc2;
- int i;
+/* initial maximal number of dots to be used as reference */
+#define MAXDOTS ((NREFDOTS+1)*12)
+ GENTRY *ge, *pge, *nge, *ige;
+ GEX_CON *gex, *pgex, *ngex, *nngex;
+ GENTRY tpge, tnge;
+ int quad, qq, i, j, ndots, maxdots;
+ int found[2];
+ int joinmask, pflag, nflag;
+ struct dot_dist *dots;
+ double avsd2, maxd2, eps2;
+ double apcv[4][2];
+ if(startge == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: assertion in %s line %d, please report it to the ttf2pt1 project\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Strange contour in glyph %s\n", g->name);
+ dumppaths(g, NULL, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
- assertisfloat(g, "enforcing conciseness");
+ if(startge->type != GE_CURVE && startge->type != GE_LINE)
+ return; /* probably a degenerate contour */
- fdelsmall(g, 0.05);
- assertpath(g->entries, __FILE__, __LINE__, g->name);
- fnormalizec(g);
+ fprintf(stderr, "processing contour 0x%p of glyph %s\n", startge, g->name);
+ maxdots = MAXDOTS;
+ dots = (struct dot_dist *)malloc(sizeof(*dots)*maxdots);
+ if(dots == NULL) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
+ }
- for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next) {
- if (ge->type != GE_CURVE)
+ ge = startge;
+ joinmask = GEXF_JGOOD;
+ while(1) {
+ restart:
+ gex = X_CON(ge);
+ if((gex->flags & GEXF_JMASK) > ((joinmask<<1)-1)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "found higher flag (%x>%x) at 0x%p\n",
+ gex->flags & GEXF_JMASK, ((joinmask<<1)-1), ge);
+ joinmask <<= 1;
+ startge = ge; /* have to redo the pass */
+ }
+ if(( gex->flags & joinmask )==0)
+ goto next;
- /* the whole direction of curve */
- dxw1 = ge->fx3 - ge->prev->fx3;
- dyw1 = ge->fy3 - ge->prev->fy3;
+ /* if we happen to be in the middle of a string of
+ * joinable entries, find its beginning
+ */
+ if( gex->flags & (GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID) )
+ quad = gex->flags & X_CON_F(ge->frwd) & GEXF_QMASK;
+ else if( gex->flags & GEXF_JID2 )
+ quad = gex->flags & GEXF_QFROM_IDEAL(X_CON_F(ge->frwd)) & GEXF_QMASK;
+ else /* must be GEXF_JID1 */
+ quad = GEXF_QFROM_IDEAL(gex->flags) & X_CON_F(ge->frwd) & GEXF_QMASK;
- while (1) {
- /* the whole direction of curve */
- dxw1 = ge->fx3 - ge->prev->fx3;
- dyw1 = ge->fy3 - ge->prev->fy3;
+ pge = ge;
+ pgex = X_CON(pge->bkwd);
- /* directions of ends of curve */
- dxb1 = ge->fx1 - ge->prev->fx3;
- dyb1 = ge->fy1 - ge->prev->fy3;
- dxe1 = ge->fx3 - ge->fx2;
- dye1 = ge->fy3 - ge->fy2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "ge %p prev -> 0x%p ", ge, pge);
- nge = ge->frwd;
+ while(pgex->flags & GEXF_JCVMASK) {
+ if( !(pgex->flags & ((GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID)|GEXF_JID2)) )
+ qq = GEXF_QFROM_IDEAL(pgex->flags);
+ else
+ qq = pgex->flags & GEXF_QMASK;
- if (nge->type != GE_CURVE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "(%x?%x)", quad, qq);
+ if( !(quad & qq) ) {
+ if( !(X_CON_F(pge) & (GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID))
+ && pgex->flags & (GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID) ) {
+ /* the previos entry is definitely a better match */
+ if(pge == ge) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nprev is a better match at %p\n", pge);
+ startge = ge;
+ goto next;
+ } else
+ pge = pge->frwd;
+ }
+ }
- dxw2 = nge->fx3 - ge->fx3;
- dyw2 = nge->fy3 - ge->fy3;
+ quad &= qq;
+ pge = pge->bkwd;
+ pgex = X_CON(pge->bkwd);
+ fprintf(stderr, "0x%p ", pge);
+ }
- dxb2 = nge->fx1 - ge->fx3;
- dyb2 = nge->fy1 - ge->fy3;
- dxe2 = nge->fx3 - nge->fx2;
- dye2 = nge->fy3 - nge->fy2;
+ /* collect as many entries for joining as possible */
+ nge = ge->frwd;
+ ngex = X_CON(nge);
+ nngex = X_CON(nge->frwd);
- /* if curve changes direction */
- if (fsign(dxw1) != fsign(dxw2) || fsign(dyw1) != fsign(dyw2))
- break;
+ fprintf(stderr, ": 0x%x\nnext -> 0x%p ", pge, nge);
- /* if the arch is going in other direction */
- if (fsign(fabs(dxb1 * dyw1) - fabs(dyb1 * dxw1))
- * fsign(fabs(dxe2 * dyw2) - fabs(dye2 * dxw2)) > 0)
- break;
+ while(ngex->flags & GEXF_JCVMASK) {
+ if( !(ngex->flags & ((GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID)|GEXF_JID1)) )
+ qq = GEXF_QFROM_IDEAL(nngex->flags);
+ else
+ qq = nngex->flags & GEXF_QMASK;
- /* get possible scale limits within which we won't cross quadrants */
- if( fcrossrays(ge, nge, &maxsc1, &maxsc2) == 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "glyph %s has curves with strange ends\n", g->name);
- dumppaths(g, ge, nge);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(%x?%x)", quad, qq);
+ if( !(quad & qq) ) {
+ if( !(X_CON_F(nge->bkwd) & (GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID))
+ && ngex->flags & (GEXF_JCVMASK^GEXF_JID) ) {
+ /* the next-next entry is definitely a better match */
+ if(nge == ge->frwd) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nnext %x is a better match than %x at %p (jmask %x)\n",
+ ngex->flags & GEXF_JCVMASK, gex->flags & GEXF_JCVMASK, nge, joinmask);
+ goto next;
+ } else
+ nge = nge->bkwd;
- if(maxsc1 < 1. || maxsc2 < 1. ) /* would create a zigzag */
- break;
+ quad &= qq;
+ nge = nge->frwd;
+ ngex = nngex;
+ nngex = X_CON(nge->frwd);
+ fprintf(stderr, "0x%p ", nge);
+ }
- ge->dir = fgetcvdir(ge);
- nge->dir = fgetcvdir(nge);
+ fprintf(stderr, ": 0x%x\n", nge);
- if( ((ge->dir&CVDIR_FRONT)-CVDIR_FEQUAL) * ((nge->dir&CVDIR_REAR)-CVDIR_REQUAL) < 0 )
- /* would create a zigzag */
+ /* XXX add splitting of last entries if neccessary */
+ /* make sure that all the reference dots are valid */
+ for(ige = pge; ige != nge->frwd; ige = ige->frwd) {
+ nngex = X_CON(ige);
+ if( !(nngex->flags & GEXF_VDOTS) ) {
+ fsampledots(ige, nngex->dots, NREFDOTS);
+ nngex->flags |= GEXF_VDOTS;
+ }
+ }
+ /* do the actual joining */
+ while(1) {
+ pgex = X_CON(pge);
+ ngex = X_CON(nge->bkwd);
+ /* now the segments to be joined are pge...nge */
+ ndots = 0;
+ for(ige = pge; ige != nge->frwd; ige = ige->frwd) {
+ if(maxdots < ndots+(NREFDOTS+1)) {
+ maxdots += MAXDOTS;
+ dots = (struct dot_dist *)realloc((void *)dots, sizeof(*dots)*maxdots);
+ if(dots == NULL) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ nngex = X_CON(ige);
+ for(i=0; i<NREFDOTS; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<2; j++)
+ dots[ndots].p[j] = nngex->dots[i][j];
+ ndots++;
+ }
+ for(j=0; j<2; j++)
+ dots[ndots].p[j] = ige->fpoints[j][2];
+ ndots++;
+ }
+ ndots--; /* the last point is not interesting */
+ tpge = *pge;
+ pflag = pgex->flags;
+ if(pflag & (GEXF_JGOOD|GEXF_JFLAT2|GEXF_JID2)) {
+ /* nothing */
+ } else if(pflag & GEXF_JFLAT) {
+ tpge.fx1 = tpge.fx3;
+ tpge.fy1 = tpge.fy3;
+ } else if(pflag & GEXF_JID) {
+ if(pflag & GEXF_HOR)
+ tpge.fy1 = tpge.bkwd->fy3;
+ else
+ tpge.fx1 = tpge.bkwd->fx3;
+ }
+ tnge = *nge;
+ nflag = ngex->flags;
+ && !(nflag & GEXF_JID2)) {
+ /* nothing */
+ } else if(nflag & GEXF_JFLAT) {
+ tnge.fx2 = tnge.bkwd->fx3;
+ tnge.fy2 = tnge.bkwd->fy3;
+ } else if(nflag & GEXF_JID) {
+ if(X_CON_F(nge) & GEXF_HOR)
+ tnge.fy2 = tnge.fy3;
+ else
+ tnge.fx2 = tnge.fx3;
+ }
+ fnormalizege(&tpge);
+ fnormalizege(&tnge);
+ if( fcrossraysge(&tpge, &tnge, NULL, NULL, &apcv[1]) ) {
+ apcv[0][X] = tpge.bkwd->fx3;
+ apcv[0][Y] = tpge.bkwd->fy3;
+ /* apcv[1] and apcv[2] were filled by fcrossraysge() */
+ apcv[3][X] = tnge.fx3;
+ apcv[3][Y] = tnge.fy3;
+ /* calculate the precision depending on the smaller dimension of the curve */
+ maxd2 = apcv[3][X]-apcv[0][X];
+ maxd2 *= maxd2;
+ eps2 = apcv[3][Y]-apcv[0][Y];
+ eps2 *= eps2;
+ if(maxd2 < eps2)
+ eps2 = maxd2;
+ eps2 *= (CVEPS2*4.) / (400.*400.);
+ if(eps2 < CVEPS2)
+ eps2 = CVEPS2;
+ else if(eps2 > CVEPS2*4.)
+ eps2 = CVEPS2*4.;
+ fapproxcurve(apcv, dots, ndots);
+ avsd2 = fdotcurvdist2(apcv, dots, ndots, &maxd2);
+ fprintf(stderr, "avsd = %g, maxd = %g, ", sqrt(avsd2), sqrt(maxd2));
+ if(avsd2 <= eps2 && maxd2 <= eps2*2.) {
+ /* we've guessed a curve that is close enough */
+ ggoodcv++; ggoodcvdots += ndots;
+ fprintf(stderr, "in %s joined %p-%p to ", g->name, pge, nge);
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " (%g, %g)", apcv[i][X], apcv[i][Y]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, " from\n");
+ dumppaths(g, pge, nge);
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ pge->fxn[i] = apcv[i+1][X];
+ pge->fyn[i] = apcv[i+1][Y];
+ }
+ pge->type = GE_CURVE;
+ ge = pge;
+ for(ige = pge->frwd; ; ige = pge->frwd) {
+ if(ige == pge) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: assertion in %s line %d, please report it to the ttf2pt1 project\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ free(dots);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(startge == ige)
+ startge = pge;
+ free(ige->ext);
+ freethisge(ige);
+ if(ige == nge)
+ break;
+ }
+ fnormalizege(ge);
+ fprintf(stderr, "normalized ");
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " (%g, %g)", ge->fpoints[X][i], ge->fpoints[Y][i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ fanalyzege(ge);
+ fanalyzejoint(ge);
+ fanalyzege(ge->bkwd);
+ fanalyzejoint(ge->bkwd);
+ /* the results of this join will have to be reconsidered */
+ startge = ge = ge->frwd;
+ goto restart;
+ } else {
+ gbadcv++; gbadcvdots += ndots;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we're down to 2 entries then the join has failed */
+ if(pge->frwd == nge) {
+ pgex->flags &= ~joinmask;
+ fprintf(stderr, "no match\n");
+ goto next;
+ }
+ /* reduce the number of entries by dropping one at some end,
+ * should never drop the original ge from the range
+ */
+ if(nge->bkwd == ge
+ || pge != ge && (pgex->flags & GEXF_JCVMASK) <= (ngex->flags & GEXF_JCVMASK) ) {
+ pge = pge->frwd;
+ } else {
+ nge = nge->bkwd;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "next try: %p to %p\n", pge, nge);
+ }
+ ge = ge->frwd;
+ if(ge == startge) {
+ joinmask = (joinmask >> 1) & GEXF_JCVMASK;
+ if(joinmask == 0)
+ }
+ }
- firstlen = sqrt( dxe1*dxe1 + dye1*dye1 );
- lastlen = sqrt( dxb2*dxb2 + dyb2*dyb2 );
- sumlen = firstlen + lastlen;
+ /* join flat segments into lines */
+ /* here ge==startge */
+ while(1) {
+ gex = X_CON(ge);
+ if( !(gex->flags & GEXF_JLINE) )
+ goto next2;
- /* check the scale limits */
- if( sumlen/firstlen > maxsc1 || sumlen/lastlen > maxsc2 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %x, %x would be crossing in forceconcise\n",
- g->name, ge, nge);
+ ndots = 0;
+ dots[ndots].p[X] = ge->fx3;
+ dots[ndots].p[Y] = ge->fy3;
+ ndots++;
+ pge = ge->bkwd;
+ nge = ge->frwd;
+ fprintf(stderr, "joining LINE from %p-%p\n", ge, nge);
+ while(pge!=nge) {
+ pgex = X_CON(pge);
+ ngex = X_CON(nge);
+ fprintf(stderr, "(p=%p/%x n=0x%x/%x) ", pge, pgex->flags & GEXF_JLINE,
+ nge, ngex->flags & GEXF_JLINE);
+ if( !((pgex->flags | ngex->flags) & GEXF_JLINE) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "(end p=%p n=%p) ", pge, nge);
- /* OK, it seems like we can attempt to join these two curves */
- tge.flags = ge->flags;
- tge.prev = ge->prev;
- tge.fx1 = ge->fx1;
- tge.fy1 = ge->fy1;
- tge.fx2 = nge->fx2;
- tge.fy2 = nge->fy2;
- tge.fx3 = nge->fx3;
- tge.fy3 = nge->fy3;
- dxb1 = tge.fx1 - tge.prev->fx3;
- dyb1 = tge.fy1 - tge.prev->fy3;
- dxe1 = tge.fx3 - tge.fx2;
- dye1 = tge.fy3 - tge.fy2;
- /* scale the first segment */
- scale = sumlen / firstlen;
- tge.fx1 = tge.prev->fx3 + scale * dxb1;
- tge.fy1 = tge.prev->fy3 + scale * dyb1;
- /* scale the last segment */
- scale = sumlen / lastlen;
- tge.fx2 = tge.fx3 - scale * dxe1;
- tge.fy2 = tge.fy3 - scale * dye1;
- /* now check if we got something sensible */
- /* check if some important points is too far from original */
- scale = firstlen / sumlen;
- {
- double pts[4] = { 0./*will be replaced*/, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75 };
- int i, bad;
- pts[0] = scale;
- bad = 0;
- for(i=0; i<sizeof(pts)/sizeof(pts[0]); i++)
- if(fckjoinedcv(g, pts[i], &tge, ge, nge, scale)) {
- bad = 1;
+ if(maxdots < ndots+2) {
+ maxdots += MAXDOTS;
+ dots = (struct dot_dist *)realloc((void *)dots, sizeof(*dots)*maxdots);
+ if(dots == NULL) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ if( pgex->flags & GEXF_JLINE ) {
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ apcv[0][i] = pge->bkwd->fpoints[i][2];
+ apcv[1][i] = nge->fpoints[i][2];
+ dots[ndots].p[i] = pge->fpoints[i][2];
+ }
+ ndots++;
+ for(i=0; i<ndots; i++) {
+ avsd2 = fdotsegdist2(apcv, dots[i].p);
+ if(avsd2 > CVEPS2)
+ }
+ if(i<ndots) { /* failed to join */
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to join prev %p ", pge);
+ ndots--;
+ pgex->flags &= ~GEXF_JLINE;
+ } else {
+ pge = pge->bkwd;
+ if(pge == nge) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "intersected at prev %p ", pge);
+ break; /* oops, tried to self-intersect */
- if(bad)
- break;
- }
+ }
+ } else if(ISDBG(FCONCISE))
+ fprintf(stderr, "(p=%p) ", pge);
- /* OK, it looks reasonably, let's apply it */
- dumppaths(g, ge, nge);
+ if( ngex->flags & GEXF_JLINE ) {
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ apcv[0][i] = pge->fpoints[i][2]; /* pge points before the 1st segment */
+ apcv[1][i] = nge->frwd->fpoints[i][2];
+ dots[ndots].p[i] = nge->fpoints[i][2];
+ }
+ ndots++;
+ for(i=0; i<ndots; i++) {
+ avsd2 = fdotsegdist2(apcv, dots[i].p);
+ if(avsd2 > CVEPS2)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i<ndots) { /* failed to join */
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to join next %p ", nge->frwd);
+ ndots--;
+ ngex->flags &= ~GEXF_JLINE;
+ } else {
+ nge = nge->frwd;
+ }
+ } else if(ISDBG(FCONCISE))
+ fprintf(stderr, "(n=%p) ", nge);
+ }
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
- ge->fxn[i] = tge.fxn[i];
- ge->fyn[i] = tge.fyn[i];
- }
+ pge = pge->frwd; /* now the limits are pge...nge inclusive */
+ if(pge == nge) /* a deeply perversive contour */
+ break;
- freethisge(nge);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nin %s joined LINE %p-%p from\n", g->name, pge, nge);
+ dumppaths(g, pge, nge);
+ pge->type = GE_LINE;
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ pge->fpoints[i][2] = nge->fpoints[i][2];
+ }
+ fnormalizege(pge);
+ X_CON_F(pge) &= ~GEXF_JLINE;
+ ge = pge;
+ for(ige = pge->frwd; ; ige = pge->frwd) {
+ if(ige == pge) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: assertion in %s line %d, please report it to the ttf2pt1 project\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ free(dots);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(startge == ige)
+ startge = pge;
+ free(ige->ext);
+ freethisge(ige);
+ if(ige == nge)
+ break;
+ }
+ ge = ge->frwd;
+ if(ge == startge)
+ break;
+ free(dots);
+/* force conciseness: substitute 2 or more curves going in the
+** same quadrant with one curve
+** in floating point
+ GLYPH * g
+ GENTRY *ge, *nge, *endge, *xge;
+ assertisfloat(g, "enforcing conciseness");
+ fdelsmall(g, 0.05);
+ assertpath(g->entries, __FILE__, __LINE__, g->name);
+ dumppaths(g, NULL, NULL);
+ /* collect more information about each gentry and their joints */
+ for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next)
+ if (ge->type == GE_CURVE || ge->type == GE_LINE)
+ fnormalizege(ge);
+ for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next)
+ if (ge->type == GE_CURVE || ge->type == GE_LINE) {
+ alloc_gex_con(ge);
+ fanalyzege(ge);
+ }
+ /* see what we can do about joining */
+ for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next)
+ if (ge->type == GE_CURVE || ge->type == GE_LINE)
+ fanalyzejoint(ge);
+ /* now do the joining */
+ for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next)
+ if(ge->type == GE_MOVE)
+ fconcisecontour(g, ge->next);
+ for (ge = g->entries; ge != 0; ge = ge->next)
+ if (ge->type == GE_CURVE || ge->type == GE_LINE)
+ free(ge->ext);
int i;
int grp, lastgrp= -1;
+ if(ISDBG(FCONCISE) && glyphno == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Guessed curves: bad %d/%d good %d/%d\n",
+ gbadcv, gbadcvdots, ggoodcv, ggoodcvdots);
+ }
g = &glyph_list[glyphno];
fprintf(pfa_file, "/%s { \n", g->name);
* Based on ttf2pfa by Andrew Weeks <ccsaw@bath.ac.uk>
* With help from Frank M. Siegert <fms@this.net>
+ * see COPYRIGHT for full copyright notice
/* table of front-ends */
extern struct frontsw ttf_sw;
+extern struct frontsw bdf_sw;
#if defined(USE_FREETYPE)
extern struct frontsw freetype_sw;
struct frontsw *frontswtab[] = {
+ &bdf_sw,
#if defined(USE_FREETYPE) && defined(PREFER_FREETYPE)
int correctvsize=0; /* try to correct the vertical size of characters */
int wantuid = 0; /* user wants UniqueID entry in the font */
int allglyphs = 0; /* convert all glyphs, not only 256 of them */
-int warnlevel = -1; /* the level of permitted warnings */
+int warnlevel = 3; /* the level of permitted warnings */
int forcemap = 0; /* do mapping even on non-Unicode fonts */
/* options - maximal limits */
int max_stemdepth = 128; /* maximal depth of stem stack in interpreter (128 - limit from X11) */
int subhints; /* enables autogeneration of substituted hints */
int trybold; /* try to guess whether the font is bold */
int correctwidth; /* try to correct the character width */
+int vectorize; /* vectorize the bitmaps */
+int use_autotrace; /* use the autotrace library on bitmap */
+/* options - suboptions of File Generation, defaults are set in table */
+int gen_pfa; /* generate the font file */
+int gen_afm; /* generate the metrics file */
+int gen_dvienc; /* generate the dvips encoding file */
/* not quite options to select a particular source encoding */
int force_pid = -1; /* specific platform id */
int force_eid = -1; /* specific encoding id */
-/* table of Outline Processing (may think also as Optimization) options */
-static struct {
+/* structure to define the sub-option lists controlled by the
+ * case: uppercase enables them, lowercase disables
+ */
+struct subo_case {
char disbl; /* character to disable - enforced lowercase */
char enbl; /* character to enable - auto-set as toupper(disbl) */
int *valp; /* pointer to the actual variable containing value */
int dflt; /* default value */
char *descr; /* description */
-} opotbl[] = {
- { 'b', 0/*auto-set*/, &trybold, 1, "guessing of the ForceBold hint" },
- { 'h', 0/*auto-set*/, &hints, 1, "autogeneration of hints" },
- { 'u', 0/*auto-set*/, &subhints, 1, "hint substitution technique" },
- { 'o', 0/*auto-set*/, &optimize, 1, "space optimization of font files" },
- { 's', 0/*auto-set*/, &smooth, 1, "smoothing and repair of outlines" },
- { 't', 0/*auto-set*/, &transform, 1, "auto-scaling to the standard matrix 1000x1000" },
- { 'w', 0/*auto-set*/, &correctwidth, 0, "correct the glyph widths (use only for buggy fonts)" },
int debug = DEBUG; /* debugging flag */
-FILE *pfa_file, *afm_file;
+FILE *null_file, *pfa_file, *afm_file, *dvienc_file;
int numglyphs;
struct font_metrics fontm;
+ * When we print errors about bad names we want to print these names in
+ * some decent-looking form
+ */
+static char *
+ unsigned char *s
+ static char res[50];
+ int c, i;
+ for(i=0; ( c =* s )!=0 && i<sizeof(res)-8; s++) {
+ if(c < ' ' || c > 126) {
+ sprintf(res+i, "\\x%02X", c);
+ i+=4;
+ } else {
+ res[i++] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ if(*s != 0) {
+ res[i++] = '.';
+ res[i++] = '.';
+ res[i++] = '.';
+ }
+ res[i++] = 0;
+ return res;
* Scale the values according to the scale_factor
if (smooth) {
assertpath(g->entries, __FILE__, __LINE__, g->name);
- flattencurves(g);
ncurves = 0;
for(ge = g->entries; ge; ge = ge->next)
- if (ncurves > 100) {
- WARNING_2 fprintf(stderr,
+ if (ncurves > 200) {
+ WARNING_3 fprintf(stderr,
"** Glyph %s is too long, may display incorrectly\n",
for (n = 0; n < numglyphs; n++) {
int c;
for (i = 0; (c = glyph_list[n].name[i]) != 0; i++) {
- if (!(isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_' )
+ if (!(isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '-')
|| i==0 && isdigit(c)) { /* must not start with a digit */
WARNING_3 fprintf(stderr, "Glyph %d %s (%s), ",
n, isdigit(c) ? "name starts with a digit" :
"has bad characters in name",
- glyph_list[n].name);
- glyph_list[n].name = malloc(10);
- sprintf(glyph_list[n].name, "_%d", n);
+ nametoprint(glyph_list[n].name));
+ glyph_list[n].name = malloc(16);
+ sprintf(glyph_list[n].name, "_b_%d", n);
WARNING_3 fprintf(stderr, "changing to %s\n", glyph_list[n].name);
found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n && !found; i++) {
if (strcmp(glyph_list[i].name, glyph_list[n].name) == 0) {
- glyph_list[n].name = malloc(10);
- sprintf(glyph_list[n].name, "_%d", n);
- WARNING_3 fprintf(stderr,
- "Glyph %d has the same name as %d: (%s), changing to %s\n",
- n, i,
- glyph_list[i].name,
- glyph_list[n].name);
+ if (( glyph_list[n].name = malloc(16) )==0) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ sprintf(glyph_list[n].name, "_d_%d", n);
+ /* if the font has no names in it (what the native parser
+ * recognises as ps_fmt_3), FreeType returns all the
+ * names as .notdef, so don't complain in this case
+ */
+ if(strcmp(glyph_list[i].name, ".notdef")) {
+ WARNING_3 fprintf(stderr,
+ "Glyph %d has the same name as %d: (%s), changing to %s\n",
+ n, i,
+ glyph_list[i].name,
+ glyph_list[n].name);
+ }
found = 1;
unicode_map[n] = -1;
- if( cursw->glenc(glyph_list, encoding, unicode_map) == 0 )
+ type = cursw->glenc(glyph_list, encoding, unicode_map);
+ if( type == 0 )
/* if we have an 8-bit encoding we don't need more tries */
unicode_map[n] = -1;
- if( cursw->glenc(glyph_list, encoding, unicode_map) == 0 )
+ type = cursw->glenc(glyph_list, encoding, unicode_map);
+ if( type == 0 )
/* if we have an 8-bit encoding we don't need more tries */
if (ps_fmt_3) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { /* here 256, not ENCTABSZ */
- if (encoding[i] > 0) {
- glyph_list[encoding[i]].name = Fmt3Encoding[i];
+ /* get rid of the old names, they are all "UNKNOWN" anyawy */
+ for (i = 0; i < numglyphs; i++) {
+ glyph_list[i].name = 0;
+ }
+ if(type == 0) {
+ /* 8-bit - give 8859/1 names to the first 256 glyphs */
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { /* here 256, not ENCTABSZ */
+ if (encoding[i] > 0) {
+ glyph_list[encoding[i]].name = Fmt3Encoding[i];
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(type == 1) {
+ /* Unicode - give 8859/1 names to the first 256 glyphs of Unicode */
+ for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { /* here 256, not ENCTABSZ */
+ i = unicode_rev_lookup(n);
+ if (i>=0 && encoding[i] > 0) {
+ glyph_list[encoding[i]].name = Fmt3Encoding[i];
+ }
+ }
+ } /* for other types of encodings just give generated names */
+ /* assign unique names to the rest of the glyphs */
+ for (i = 0; i < numglyphs; i++) {
+ if (glyph_list[i].name == 0) {
+ if (( glyph_list[i].name = malloc(16) )==0) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ sprintf(glyph_list[i].name, "_d_%d", i);
/* all the encoding things are done */
for (i = 0; i < ENCTABSZ; i++)
- if(encoding[i] == -1) /* defaults to .notdef */
- encoding[i] = 0;
+ if(encoding[i] == -1) {
+ /* check whether this character might be a duplicate
+ * (in which case it would be missed by unicode_rev_lookup())
+ */
+ c = unicode_map[i];
+ if((type != 0 || forcemap) && c != -1) {
+ for(n = 0; n < i; n++) {
+ if(unicode_map[n] == c) {
+ encoding[i] = encoding[n];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(encoding[i] == -1) /* still not found, defaults to .notdef */
+ encoding[i] = 0;
+ }
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) /* here 256, not ENCTABSZ */
glyph_list[encoding[i]].char_no = i;
fplop("This build supports both short and long option names,\n");
fplop("the long options are listed before corresponding short ones\n");
- fplop(" --afm\n");
- fputs(" -A - write the .afm file to STDOUT instead of the font itself\n", stderr);
fplop(" --all-glyphs\n");
fputs(" -a - include all glyphs, even those not in the encoding table\n", stderr);
fplop(" --pfb\n");
fputs(" -e - produce a fully encoded .pfa file\n", stderr);
fplop(" --force-unicode\n");
fputs(" -F - force use of Unicode encoding even if other MS encoding detected\n", stderr);
+ fplop(" --generate suboptions\n");
+ fputs(" -G suboptions - control the file generation, run ttf2pt1 -G? for help\n", stderr);
fplop(" --language language\n");
fputs(" -l language - convert Unicode to specified language, run ttf2pt1 -l? for list\n", stderr);
fplop(" --language-map file\n");
fputs(" -V - print ttf2pt1 version number\n", stderr);
fplop(" --warning number\n");
fputs(" -W number - set the level of permitted warnings (0 - disable)\n", stderr);
- fputs("Obsolete options (will be removed in future releases, use -O? instead):\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -f - don't try to guess the value of the ForceBold hint\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -h - disable autogeneration of hints\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -H - disable hint substitution\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -o - disable outline optimization\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -s - disable outline smoothing\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -t - disable auto-scaling to 1000x1000 standard matrix\n", stderr);
- fputs(" -w - correct the glyph widths (use only for buggy fonts)\n", stderr);
+ fputs("Obsolete options (will be removed in future releases):\n", stderr);
+ fplop(" --afm\n");
+ fputs(" -A - write the .afm file to STDOUT instead of the font, now -GA\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -f - don't try to guess the value of the ForceBold hint, now -Ob\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -h - disable autogeneration of hints, now -Oh\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -H - disable hint substitution, now -Ou\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -o - disable outline optimization, now -Oo\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -s - disable outline smoothing, now -Os\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -t - disable auto-scaling to 1000x1000 standard matrix, now -Ot\n", stderr);
+ fputs(" -w - correct the glyph widths (use only for buggy fonts), now -OW\n", stderr);
fputs("With no <fontname>, write to <ttf-file> with suffix replaced.\n", stderr);
fputs("The last '-' means 'use STDOUT'.\n", stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "ttf2pt1 %s\n", TTF2PT1_VERSION);
+/* initialize a table of suboptions */
+static void
+ struct subo_case *tbl
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; tbl[i].disbl != 0; i++) {
+ tbl[i].disbl = tolower(tbl[i].disbl);
+ tbl[i].enbl = toupper(tbl[i].disbl);
+ *(tbl[i].valp) = tbl[i].dflt;
+ }
+/* print the default value of the suboptions */
+static void
+ FILE *f,
+ struct subo_case *tbl
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; tbl[i].disbl != 0; i++) {
+ if(tbl[i].dflt)
+ putc(tbl[i].enbl, f);
+ else
+ putc(tbl[i].disbl, f);
+ }
+/* print the usage message for the suboptions */
+static void
+ FILE *f,
+ struct subo_case *tbl
+ int i;
+ fprintf(f,"The lowercase suboptions disable features, corresponding\n");
+ fprintf(f,"uppercase suboptions enable them. The supported suboptions,\n");
+ fprintf(f,"their default states and the features they control are:\n");
+ for(i=0; tbl[i].disbl != 0; i++) {
+ fprintf(f," %c/%c - [%s] %s\n", tbl[i].disbl, tbl[i].enbl,
+ tbl[i].dflt ? "enabled" : "disabled", tbl[i].descr);
+ }
+/* find and set the entry according to suboption,
+ * return the found entry (or if not found return NULL)
+ */
+struct subo_case *
+ struct subo_case *tbl,
+ int subopt
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; tbl[i].disbl != 0; i++) {
+ if(subopt == tbl[i].disbl) {
+ *(tbl[i].valp) = 0;
+ return &tbl[i];
+ } else if(subopt == tbl[i].enbl) {
+ *(tbl[i].valp) = 1;
+ return &tbl[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
int i, j;
time_t now;
- char filename[256];
+ char filename[4096];
int c,nchars,nmetrics;
int ws;
int forcebold= -1; /* -1 means "don't know" */
char *lang;
int oc;
int subid;
+ char *cmdline;
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
# define ttf2pt1_getopt(a, b, c, d, e) getopt_long(a, b, c, d, e)
static struct option longopts[] = {
{ "debug", 1, NULL, 'd' },
{ "encode", 0, NULL, 'e' },
{ "force-unicode", 0, NULL, 'F' },
+ { "generate", 1, NULL, 'G' },
{ "language", 1, NULL, 'l' },
{ "language-map", 1, NULL, 'L' },
{ "limit", 1, NULL, 'm' },
# define ttf2pt1_getopt(a, b, c, d, e) getopt(a, b, c)
+ /* table of Outline Processing (may think also as Optimization) options */
+ static struct subo_case opotbl[] = {
+ { 'b', 0/*auto-set*/, &trybold, 1, "guessing of the ForceBold hint" },
+ { 'h', 0/*auto-set*/, &hints, 1, "autogeneration of hints" },
+ { 'u', 0/*auto-set*/, &subhints, 1, "hint substitution technique" },
+ { 'o', 0/*auto-set*/, &optimize, 1, "space optimization of font files" },
+ { 's', 0/*auto-set*/, &smooth, 1, "smoothing and repair of outlines" },
+ { 't', 0/*auto-set*/, &transform, 1, "auto-scaling to the standard matrix 1000x1000" },
+ { 'w', 0/*auto-set*/, &correctwidth, 0, "correct the glyph widths (use only for buggy fonts)" },
+ { 'v', 0/*auto-set*/, &vectorize, 0, "vectorize (trace) the bitmaps" },
+ { 'z', 0/*auto-set*/, &use_autotrace, 0, "use the autotrace library on bitmaps (works badly)" },
+#endif /*USE_AUTOTRACE*/
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} /* terminator */
+ };
+ /* table of the File Generation options */
+ static struct subo_case fgotbl[] = {
+ { 'f', 0/*auto-set*/, &gen_pfa, 1, "generate the font file (.t1a, .pfa or .pfb)" },
+ { 'a', 0/*auto-set*/, &gen_afm, 1, "generate the Adobe metrics file (.afm)" },
+ { 'e', 0/*auto-set*/, &gen_dvienc, 0, "generate the dvips encoding file (.enc)" },
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} /* terminator */
+ };
+ int *genlast = NULL;
- /* initialize sub-options of -O */
- for(i=0; i< (sizeof opotbl)/(sizeof opotbl[0]); i++) {
- opotbl[i].disbl = tolower(opotbl[i].disbl);
- opotbl[i].enbl = toupper(opotbl[i].disbl);
- *(opotbl[i].valp) = opotbl[i].dflt;
+ init_subo_tbl(opotbl); /* initialize sub-options of -O */
+ init_subo_tbl(fgotbl); /* initialize sub-options of -G */
+ /* save the command line for the record
+ * (we don't bother about escaping the shell special characters)
+ */
+ j = 0;
+ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
+ j += strlen(argv[i])+1;
+ }
+ if ((cmdline = malloc(j+1)) == NULL) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "****malloc failed %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ cmdline[0] = 0;
+ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
+ strcat(cmdline, argv[i]);
+ strcat(cmdline, " ");
+ for(i=0; (j=cmdline[i])!=0; i++)
+ if(j == '\n')
+ cmdline[i] = ' ';
- while(( oc=ttf2pt1_getopt(argc, argv, "FaoebAsthHfwVv:p:l:d:u:L:m:W:O:",
+ while(( oc=ttf2pt1_getopt(argc, argv, "FaoebAsthHfwVv:p:l:d:u:L:m:W:O:G:",
longopts, NULL) )!= -1) {
switch(oc) {
+ case 'W':
+ if(sscanf(optarg, "%d", &warnlevel) < 1 || warnlevel < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** warning level must be a positive number\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
case 'F':
forcemap = 1;
encode = pfbflag = 1;
case 'A':
+ fputs("Warning: option -A is obsolete, use -GA instead\n", stderr);
wantafm = 1;
case 'a':
case 'O':
- char subopt;
char *p;
- char dflt[20]; /* should be big enough */
- for(p=optarg; (subopt = *p) != 0; p++) {
- for(i=0; i< (sizeof opotbl)/(sizeof opotbl[0]); i++) {
- if(subopt == opotbl[i].disbl) {
- *(opotbl[i].valp) = 0;
- break;
- } else if(subopt == opotbl[i].enbl) {
- *(opotbl[i].valp) = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( i == (sizeof opotbl)/(sizeof opotbl[0]) ) { /* found no match */
- if (subopt != '?')
- fprintf(stderr, "**** Unknown outline processing suboption '%c' ****\n", subopt);
+ for(p=optarg; *p != 0; p++) {
+ if(set_subo(opotbl, *p) == NULL) { /* found no match */
+ if (*p != '?')
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** Unknown outline processing suboption '%c' ****\n", *p);
fprintf(stderr,"The general form of the outline processing option is:\n");
fprintf(stderr," -O suboptions\n");
fprintf(stderr,"(To remember easily -O may be also thought of as \"optimization\").\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"The lowercase suboptions disable features, corresponding\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"uppercase suboptions enable them. The supported suboptions,\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"their default states and the features they control are:\n");
- p = dflt;
- for(i=0; i< (sizeof opotbl)/(sizeof opotbl[0]); i++) {
- fprintf(stderr," %c/%c - [%s] %s\n", opotbl[i].disbl, opotbl[i].enbl,
- opotbl[i].dflt ? "enabled" : "disabled", opotbl[i].descr);
- if(opotbl[i].dflt)
- *p++ = opotbl[i].enbl;
- else
- *p++ = opotbl[i].disbl;
- }
- *p = 0;
- fprintf(stderr, "The default state corresponds to the option -O %s\n", dflt);
+ print_subo_usage(stderr, opotbl);
+ fprintf(stderr, "The default state corresponds to the option -O ");
+ print_subo_dflt(stderr, opotbl);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'G':
+ {
+ char *p;
+ struct subo_case *s;
+ for(p=optarg; *p != 0; p++) {
+ if(( s = set_subo(fgotbl, *p) )==NULL) { /* found no match */
+ if (*p != '?')
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** Unknown outline processing suboption '%c' ****\n", *p);
+ fprintf(stderr,"The general form of the file generation option is:\n");
+ fprintf(stderr," -G suboptions\n");
+ print_subo_usage(stderr, fgotbl);
+ fprintf(stderr, "The default state corresponds to the option -G ");
+ print_subo_dflt(stderr, fgotbl);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "If the result is written to STDOUT, the last specified enabling suboption of -G\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "selects the file to be written to STDOUT (the font file by default).\n");
+ if( *(s->valp) )
+ genlast = s->valp;
/* open the input file */
cursw->open(argv[1], front_arg);
- /* Get base name of output file (if not specified)
+ /* Get base name of output file (if not specified)
* by removing (known) suffixes
- if (argc == 2) {
- char *p;
- argv[2] = strdup (argv[1]);
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ char *p;
+ argv[2] = strdup (argv[1]);
p = strrchr(argv[2], '.');
- if (p != NULL)
- for (j = 0; (j < MAXSUFFIX) && (cursw->suffix[j]); j++)
- if (!strcmp(p+1, cursw->suffix[j])) {
- *p = '\0';
- break;
- }
+ if (p != NULL)
+ for (j = 0; (j < MAXSUFFIX) && (cursw->suffix[j]); j++)
+ if (!strcmp(p+1, cursw->suffix[j])) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((null_file = fopen(BITBUCKET, "w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot open %s ****\n",
+ exit(1);
if (argv[2][0] == '-' && argv[2][1] == 0) {
- pfa_file = stdout;
#ifdef WIN32
if(encode) {
fprintf(stderr, "**** can't write encoded file to stdout ***\n");
-#endif /* WINDOWS */
- if ((afm_file = fopen(BITBUCKET, "w+")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot open %s ****\n",
- exit(1);
- }
- if(wantafm) { /* print .afm instead of .pfa */
- FILE *n;
- n=pfa_file;
- pfa_file=afm_file;
- afm_file=n;
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+ pfa_file = afm_file = dvienc_file = null_file;
+ if(wantafm || genlast == &gen_afm) { /* print .afm instead of .pfa */
+ afm_file=stdout;
+ } else if(genlast == &gen_dvienc) { /* print .enc instead of .pfa */
+ dvienc_file=stdout;
+ } else {
+ pfa_file=stdout;
} else {
#ifndef WIN32
- sprintf(filename, "%s.%s", argv[2], encode ? (pfbflag ? "pfb" : "pfa") : "t1a" );
-#else /* WINDOWS */
- sprintf(filename, "%s.t1a", argv[2]);
-#endif /* WINDOWS */
- if ((pfa_file = fopen(filename, "w+b")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot create %s ****\n", filename);
- exit(1);
- } else {
- WARNING_2 fprintf(stderr, "Creating file %s\n", filename);
- }
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s.%s", argv[2], encode ? (pfbflag ? "pfb" : "pfa") : "t1a" );
+#else /* WIN32 */
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s.t1a", argv[2]);
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+ if(gen_pfa) {
+ if ((pfa_file = fopen(filename, "w+b")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot create %s ****\n", filename);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ WARNING_2 fprintf(stderr, "Creating file %s\n", filename);
+ }
+ } else
+ pfa_file = null_file;
- sprintf(filename, "%s.afm", argv[2]) ;
- if ((afm_file = fopen(filename, "w+")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot create %s ****\n", filename);
- exit(1);
- }
+ if(gen_afm) {
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s.afm", argv[2]) ;
+ if ((afm_file = fopen(filename, "w+")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot create %s ****\n", filename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } else
+ afm_file = null_file;
+ if(gen_dvienc) {
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s.enc", argv[2]) ;
+ if ((dvienc_file = fopen(filename, "w+")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot create %s ****\n", filename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } else
+ dvienc_file = null_file;
* Now check whether we want a fully encoded .pfa file
#ifndef WIN32
- if (encode) {
+ if (encode && pfa_file != null_file) {
int p[2];
extern FILE *ifp, *ofp; /* from t1asm.c */
fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp);
-#endif /* WINDOWS */
+#endif /* WIN32 */
numglyphs = cursw->nglyphs();
fprintf(pfa_file, "%%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: %s %s\n", fontm.name_ps, fontm.name_copyright);
fprintf(pfa_file, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", ctime(&now));
- fprintf(pfa_file, "%% Converted from TrueType font %s by ttf2pt1 %s/%s\n%%\n", argv[1], TTF2PT1_VERSION, cursw->name);
+ fprintf(pfa_file, "%% Converted by ttf2pt1 %s/%s\n", TTF2PT1_VERSION, cursw->name);
+ fprintf(pfa_file, "%% Args: %s\n", cmdline);
fprintf(pfa_file, "%%%%EndComments\n");
fprintf(pfa_file, "12 dict begin\n/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin\n");
fprintf(afm_file, "StartCharMetrics %d\n", nmetrics);
+ fprintf(dvienc_file, "/%s%sEncoding [\n",
+ fontm.name_ps, uni_font_name_suffix);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { /* here 256, not ENCTABSZ */
"dup %d /%s put\n", i, glyph_list[encoding[i]].name);
if( glyph_list[encoding[i]].flags & GF_USED ) {
print_glyph_metrics(i, encoding[i]);
+ if (encoding[i])
+ fprintf (dvienc_file, "/index0x%04X\n", encoding[i]);
+ else
+ fprintf (dvienc_file, "/.notdef\n");
/* print the metrics for glyphs not in encoding table */
fprintf(pfa_file, "/UniqueID %s def\n", strUID);
- fprintf(pfa_file, "/UniqueID %lu def\n", numUID);
+ /* the range for private UIDs is 4 000 000 - 4 999 999 */
+ fprintf(pfa_file, "/UniqueID %lu def\n", numUID%1000000+4000000);
/* our sub to make the hint substitution code shorter */
fprintf(pfa_file, "dup 4 {\n\t1 3 callothersubr pop callsubr return\n\t} NP\n");
- /* print the hinting subroutines */
- subid=5;
- for (i = 0; i < numglyphs; i++) {
- if (glyph_list[i].flags & GF_USED) {
- subid+=print_glyph_subs(i, subid);
+ if(pfa_file != null_file) { /* save time if the output would be wasted */
+ /* print the hinting subroutines */
+ subid=5;
+ for (i = 0; i < numglyphs; i++) {
+ if (glyph_list[i].flags & GF_USED) {
+ subid+=print_glyph_subs(i, subid);
+ }
- }
- fprintf(pfa_file, "ND\n");
+ fprintf(pfa_file, "ND\n");
- fprintf(pfa_file, "2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin\n", nchars);
+ fprintf(pfa_file, "2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin\n", nchars);
- for (i = 0; i < numglyphs; i++) {
- if (glyph_list[i].flags & GF_USED) {
- print_glyph(i);
+ for (i = 0; i < numglyphs; i++) {
+ if (glyph_list[i].flags & GF_USED) {
+ print_glyph(i);
+ }
fprintf(pfa_file, "dup/FontName get exch definefont pop\n");
fprintf(pfa_file, "mark currentfile closefile\n");
fprintf(pfa_file, "cleartomark\n");
- fclose(pfa_file);
+ if(pfa_file != null_file)
+ fclose(pfa_file);
fprintf(afm_file, "EndCharMetrics\n");
- /* print the kerning data if present */
- cursw->kerning(glyph_list);
- print_kerning(afm_file);
+ if(afm_file != null_file) { /* save time if the output would be wasted */
+ /* print the kerning data if present */
+ cursw->kerning(glyph_list);
+ print_kerning(afm_file);
+ }
fprintf(afm_file, "EndFontMetrics\n");
- fclose(afm_file);
+ if(afm_file != null_file)
+ fclose(afm_file);
+ fprintf(dvienc_file, "] def\n");
+ if(dvienc_file != null_file)
+ fclose(dvienc_file);
WARNING_1 fprintf(stderr, "Finished - font files created\n");
while (wait(&ws) > 0) {
- if (encode) {
+ if (encode && pfa_file != null_file) {
extern FILE *ifp, *ofp; /* from t1asm.c */
- sprintf(filename, "%s.%s", argv[2], pfbflag ? "pfb" : "pfa" );
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s.%s", argv[2], pfbflag ? "pfb" : "pfa" );
if ((ofp = fopen(filename, "w+b")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot create %s ****\n", filename);
WARNING_2 fprintf(stderr, "Creating file %s\n", filename);
- sprintf(filename, "%s.t1a", argv[2]);
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s.t1a", argv[2]);
if ((ifp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "**** Cannot read %s ****\n", filename);
if(unlink(filename) < 0)
WARNING_1 fprintf(stderr, "Unable to remove file %s\n", filename);
-#endif /* WINDOWS */
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+ fclose(null_file);
return 0;