if(!extractframes && !hollow) {
if(!originalplaceobjects && (extractids||extractname_id>=0)) {
+ int number = 0;
+ int id = 0;
+ TAG* objtag = 0;
+ SRECT bbox;
+ memset(&bbox, 0, sizeof(SRECT));
+ for(t=0;t<65536;t++) {
+ if(is_in_range(t, extractids)) {
+ id = t;
+ number++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(number>=2)
+ printf("warning! You should use the -P when extracting multiple objects\n");
+ if(number == 1) {
+ /* if there is only one object, we will scale it.
+ So let's figure out it's bounding box */
+ TAG*tag = swf->firstTag;
+ while(tag) {
+ if(swf_isDefiningTag(tag) && tag->id != ST_DEFINESPRITE) {
+ if(swf_GetDefineID(tag) == id)
+ bbox = swf_GetDefineBBox(tag);
+ objtag = tag;
+ }
+ tag = tag->next;
+ }
+ }
int t;
- int s=0;
newswf.movieSize = objectbbox;
if(extractname_id>=0) {
} else {
for(t=0;t<65536;t++) {
if(is_in_range(t, extractids)) {
desttag = swf_InsertTag(desttag, ST_PLACEOBJECT2);
- swf_ObjectPlace(desttag, t, t, 0,0,0);
- s++;
- if(s==2)
- printf("warning! You should use the -P when extracting multiple objects\n");
+ swf_GetMatrix(0, &m);
+ if(objtag) {
+ int width = bbox.xmax - bbox.xmin;
+ int height = bbox.ymax - bbox.ymin;
+ int max = width>height?width:height;
+ m.tx = -bbox.xmin;
+ m.ty = -bbox.ymin;
+ if(max) {
+ m.sx = (512*20*65536)/max;
+ m.sy = (512*20*65536)/max;
+ }
+ newswf.movieSize = swf_TurnRect(newswf.movieSize, &m);
+ }
+ swf_ObjectPlace(desttag, t, t, &m,0,0);