--- /dev/null
+/* code.c
+ File to generate builtin.c
+ Copyright (c) 2008 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include "../rfxswf.h"
+#include "../os.h"
+#include "files.h"
+#include "tokenizer.h"
+#include "parser.tab.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+void fixstring(char*s)
+ char first=1;
+ for(;*s;s++) {
+ if(!((*s>='a' && *s<='z') || (*s>='A' && *s<='Z') ||
+ (*s>='0' && *s<='9' && !first))) {
+ *s = '_';
+ }
+ first = 0;
+ }
+char* mkid(const char*package, const char*name)
+ char*id = malloc(strlen(package)+strlen(name)+10);
+ strcpy(id, package);
+ strcat(id, "_");
+ strcat(id, name);
+ fixstring(id);
+ return id;
+ if(m->type == QNAME)
+ return mkid(m->ns->name, m->name);
+ else if(m->type == MULTINAME) {
+ namespace_list_t*l = m->namespace_set->namespaces;
+ while(l) {
+ if(l->namespace->name &&
+ l->namespace->name[0])
+ break;
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ return mkid(l->namespace->name, m->name);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "can't convert multiname type %d\n", m->type);
+ }
+static array_t*tosort=0;
+static int compare_classes(const void*v1, const void*v2)
+ int x1 = *(int*)v1;
+ int x2 = *(int*)v2;
+ abc_class_t*c1 = array_getvalue(tosort, x1);
+ abc_class_t*c2 = array_getvalue(tosort, x2);
+ int i = strcmp(c1->classname->ns->name, c2->classname->ns->name);
+ if(i)
+ return i;
+ return strcmp(c1->classname->name, c2->classname->name);
+void load_libraries(char*filename, int pass, FILE*fi)
+ SWF swf;
+ memset(&swf, 0, sizeof(SWF));
+ TAG*tag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_RAWABC);
+ memfile_t*file = memfile_open(filename);
+ tag->data = file->data;
+ tag->len = file->len;
+ abc_file_t*abc = swf_ReadABC(tag);
+ //swf_DumpABC(stdout, abc, "");
+ int*index = malloc(abc->classes->num*sizeof(int));
+ int t;
+ tosort=abc->classes;
+ for(t=0;t<abc->classes->num;t++) {index[t]=t;}
+ qsort(index, abc->classes->num, sizeof(int), compare_classes);
+ for(t=0;t<abc->classes->num;t++) {
+ abc_class_t*cls = array_getvalue(abc->classes, index[t]);
+ int access = cls->classname->ns->access;
+ if(access==ACCESS_PRIVATE ||
+ continue;
+ if(!strncmp(cls->classname->ns->name, "__AS3", 5))
+ continue;
+ const char*package = cls->classname->ns->name;
+ const char*name = cls->classname->name;
+ const char*superpackage = 0;
+ const char*supername = 0;
+ char*superid = 0;
+ if(cls->superclass) {
+ superpackage = cls->superclass->ns->name;
+ supername = cls->superclass->name;
+ superid = mkid(superpackage, supername);
+ }
+ char*id = mkid(package, name);
+ if(pass==0)
+ fprintf(fi, "static class_signature_t %s;\n", id);
+ else if(pass==1) {
+ fprintf(fi, "static class_signature_t %s = {0x%02x, \"%s\", \"%s\"", id, access, package, name);
+ if(superid)
+ fprintf(fi, ", &%s, interfaces:{", superid);
+ else
+ fprintf(fi, ", 0, {");
+ if(cls->interfaces) {
+ multiname_list_t*i=cls->interfaces;
+ while(i) {
+ char*iid = mkid2(i->multiname);
+ fprintf(fi, "&%s, ", iid);
+ i = i->next;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(fi, "0}};\n");
+ } else if(pass==2) {
+ trait_list_t*l=cls->traits;
+ fprintf(fi, " dict_put(d, &%s, &%s);\n", id, id);
+ fprintf(fi, " dict_init(&%s.members, %d);\n", id, list_length(l)+1);
+ int j;
+ dict_t*d = dict_new();
+ for(;l;l=l->next) {
+ trait_t*trait = l->trait;
+ if(trait->name->ns->access==ACCESS_PRIVATE)
+ continue;
+ char*type="something";
+ const char*name = trait->name->name;
+ if(dict_lookup(d, name)) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ dict_put(d, (char*)name, (char*)name);
+ }
+ switch(trait->kind) {
+ case TRAIT_METHOD: type="method";break;
+ case TRAIT_CONST: type="const";break;
+ case TRAIT_FUNCTION: type="function";break;
+ case TRAIT_GETTER: type="member";break;
+ case TRAIT_SETTER: type="member";break;
+ case TRAIT_SLOT: type="member";break;
+ case TRAIT_CLASS: type="subclass";break;
+ }
+ fprintf(fi, " dict_put(&%s.members, \"%s\", \"%s\");\n",
+ id, name, type);
+ }
+ l=cls->static_traits;
+ for(;l;l=l->next) {
+ trait_t*trait = l->trait;
+ if(trait->name->ns->access==ACCESS_PRIVATE)
+ continue;
+ char*type="static entity";
+ const char*name = trait->name->name;
+ if(dict_lookup(d, name)) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ dict_put(d, (char*)name, (char*)name);
+ }
+ switch(trait->kind) {
+ case TRAIT_METHOD: type="static method";break;
+ case TRAIT_CONST: type="constant";break;
+ case TRAIT_FUNCTION: type="static function";break;
+ case TRAIT_GETTER: type="static variable";break;
+ case TRAIT_SETTER: type="static variable";break;
+ case TRAIT_SLOT: type="static variable";break;
+ case TRAIT_CLASS: type="static subclass";break;
+ }
+ fprintf(fi, " dict_put(&%s.members, \"%s\", \"%s\");\n",
+ id, name, type);
+ }
+ dict_destroy(d);
+ }
+ if(id) free(id);
+ if(superid) free(superid);
+ }
+ swf_FreeABC(abc);
+ memfile_close(file);tag->data=0;
+ swf_DeleteTag(0, tag);
+int main()
+ FILE*fi = fopen("builtin.c", "wb");
+ fprintf(fi, "#include \"builtin.h\"\n");
+ load_libraries("builtin.abc", 0, fi);
+ load_libraries("playerglobal.abc", 0, fi);
+ load_libraries("builtin.abc", 1, fi);
+ load_libraries("playerglobal.abc", 1, fi);
+ fprintf(fi, "dict_t* builtin_getclasses()\n");
+ fprintf(fi, "{\n");
+ fprintf(fi, " dict_t*d = dict_new2(&class_signature_type);\n");
+ load_libraries("builtin.abc", 2, fi);
+ load_libraries("playerglobal.abc", 2, fi);
+ fprintf(fi, " return d;\n");
+ fprintf(fi, "}\n");
+ fclose(fi);