var prev = jQuery("#firstp")[0].previousSibling;
var p = jQuery("#firstp,#first")[0].parentNode;
var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll(val( '<div class="red"><div class="tmp"></div></div>' ));
equals( result.parent().length, 1, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );
ok( jQuery('#first').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );
var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll(val( document.getElementById('empty') ));
equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0], jQuery("#firstp").parent()[0], "Same Parent" );
equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].previousSibling, prev, "Correct Previous Sibling" );
- equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
+ equals( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
test("wrapAll(String|Element)", function() {
var result = jQuery('#first').wrapInner(document.getElementById('empty'));
equals( jQuery("#first").children().length, 1, "Only one child" );
ok( jQuery("#first").children().is("#empty"), "Verify Right Element" );
- equals( jQuery("#first").children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
+ equals( jQuery("#first").children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
test("wrapInner(String|Element)", function() {
var div = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("#main, #moretests");
equals( div.length, 2, "appendTo returns the inserted elements" );
ok( jQuery("#main div:last").hasClass("test"), "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:";
jQuery('#yahoo').after(val( jQuery("#first, #mark") ));
- equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery after" );
+ equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery after" );
test("after(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( jQuery("#first, #mark") ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
- ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' );
+ ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' );
test("replaceWith(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
jQuery('<b id="replace">buga</b>').replaceAll("#yahoo");
ok( jQuery("#replace")[0], 'Replace element with string' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after string' );
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with element' );
document.getElementById('text1').value = "bla";
equals( jQuery("#text1").val(), "bla", "Check for modified value of input element" );
equals( jQuery("#text1").val(), "Test", "Check for value of input element" );
// ticket #1714 this caused a JS error in IE
equals( jQuery("#first").val(), "", "Check a paragraph element to see if it has a value" );
ok( jQuery([]).val() === undefined, "Check an empty jQuery object will return undefined from val" );
equals( jQuery('#select2').val(), '3', 'Call val() on a single="single" select' );
isSet( jQuery('#select3').val(), ['1', '2'], 'Call val() on a multiple="multiple" select' );
equals( jQuery('#option3c').val(), '2', 'Call val() on a option element with value' );
equals( jQuery('#option3a').val(), '', 'Call val() on a option element with empty value' );
equals( jQuery('#option3e').val(), 'no value', 'Call val() on a option element with no value attribute' );
var testVal = function(valueObj) {
jQuery("#text1").val(valueObj( 'test' ));
equals( document.getElementById('text1').value, "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );
jQuery("#text1").val(valueObj( 67 ));
equals( document.getElementById('text1').value, "67", "Check for modified (via val(Number)) value of input element" );
var testHtml = function(valueObj) {
window.debug = true;
jQuery.scriptorder = 0;
var div = jQuery("#main > div");
var pass = true;
if ( div.get(i).childNodes.length != 1 ) pass = false;
ok( pass, "Set HTML" );
window.debug = false;
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
// this is needed, or the expando added by jQuery unique will yield a different html
equals( j.html().replace(/ xmlns="[^"]+"/g, "").toLowerCase(), "<b>bold</b>", "Check node,textnode,comment with html()" );
jQuery("#main select").html(valueObj("<option>O1</option><option selected='selected'>O2</option><option>O3</option>"));
equals( jQuery("#main select").val(), "O2", "Selected option correct" );
var $div = jQuery('<div />');
equals( $div.html(valueObj( 5 )).html(), '5', 'Setting a number as html' );
equals( $div.html(valueObj( 0 )).html(), '0', 'Setting a zero as html' );
jQuery("#main").html(valueObj('<script type="something/else">ok( false, "Non-script evaluated." );</script><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "text/javascript is evaluated." );</script><script>ok( true, "No type is evaluated." );</script><div><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "Inner text/javascript is evaluated." );</script><script>ok( true, "Inner No type is evaluated." );</script><script type="something/else">ok( false, "Non-script evaluated." );</script></div>'));
jQuery("#main").html(valueObj('<script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "jQuery().html().evalScripts() Evals Scripts Twice in Firefox, see #975" );</script>'));
jQuery("#main").html(valueObj('foo <form><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "jQuery().html().evalScripts() Evals Scripts Twice in Firefox, see #975" );</script></form>'));
// it was decided that waiting to execute ALL scripts makes sense since nested ones have to wait anyway so this test case is changed, see #1959
jQuery("#main").html(valueObj("<script>equals(jQuery.scriptorder++, 0, 'Script is executed in order');equals(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html (even though appears before)')<\/script><span id='scriptorder'><script>equals(jQuery.scriptorder++, 1, 'Script (nested) is executed in order');equals(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html')<\/script></span><script>equals(jQuery.scriptorder++, 2, 'Script (unnested) is executed in order');equals(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html')<\/script>"));
setTimeout( start, 100 );
equals( jQuery(j[0]).text(), "hi!", "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
equals( j[1].nodeValue, " there ", "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
- equals( j[2].nodeType, 8, "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
+ equals( j[2].nodeType, 8, "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
test("text(String)", function() {
-test("remove()", function() {
- expect(7);
- jQuery("#ap").children().remove();
+var testRemove = function(method) {
+ expect(9);
+ var first = jQuery("#ap").children(":first");
+ first.data("foo", "bar");
+ jQuery("#ap").children()[method]();
ok( jQuery("#ap").text().length > 10, "Check text is not removed" );
equals( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 0, "Check remove" );
+ equals( first.data("foo"), method == "remove" ? null : "bar" );
- jQuery("#ap").children().remove("a");
+ jQuery("#ap").children()[method]("a");
ok( jQuery("#ap").text().length > 10, "Check text is not removed" );
equals( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 1, "Check filtered remove" );
- jQuery("#ap").children().remove("a, code");
+ jQuery("#ap").children()[method]("a, code");
equals( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 0, "Check multi-filtered remove" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
equals( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().length, 3, "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" );
- jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().remove();
+ jQuery("#nonnodes").contents()[method]();
equals( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().length, 0, "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" );
+ reset();
+ var count = 0;
+ var first = jQuery("#ap").children(":first");
+ first.click(function() { count++ })[method]().appendTo("body").click();
+ equals( method == "remove" ? 0 : 1, count );
+test("remove()", function() {
+ testRemove("remove");
+test("detach()", function() {
+ testRemove("detach");
test("empty()", function() {