* @param Function callback The function to execute.
* @cat AJAX
+ * @test stop(); var counter = { complete: 0, success: 0, error: 0 };
+ * var success = function() { counter.success++ };
+ * var error = function() { counter.error++ };
+ * var complete = function() { counter.complete++ };
+ * $('#foo').ajaxStart(complete).ajaxStop(complete).ajaxComplete(complete).ajaxError(error).ajaxSuccess(success);
+ * // start with successful test
+ * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php", success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ * ok( counter.error == 0, 'Check succesful request' );
+ * ok( counter.success == 2, 'Check succesful request' );
+ * ok( counter.complete == 3, 'Check succesful request' );
+ * counter.error = 0; counter.success = 0; counter.complete = 0;
+ * $.ajaxTimeout(500);
+ * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ * ok( counter.error == 2, 'Check failed request' );
+ * ok( counter.success == 0, 'Check failed request' );
+ * ok( counter.complete == 3, 'Check failed request' );
+ * counter.error = 0; counter.success = 0; counter.complete = 0;
+ * $.ajaxTimeout(0);
+ * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", global: false, success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ * ok( counter.error == 0, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
+ * ok( counter.success == 1, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
+ * ok( counter.complete == 0, 'Check sucesful request without globals' );
+ * counter.error = 0; counter.success = 0; counter.complete = 0;
+ * $.ajaxTimeout(500);
+ * $.ajax({url: "data/name.php?wait=5", global: false, success: success, error: error, complete: function() {
+ * ok( counter.error == 1, 'Check failedrequest without globals' );
+ * ok( counter.success == 0, 'Check failed request without globals' );
+ * ok( counter.complete == 0, 'Check failed request without globals' );
+ * start();
+ * }});
+ * }});
+ * }});
+ * }});
+ *
+ * @name ajaxHandlersTesting
+ * @private
+ */
new function(){
var e = "ajaxStart,ajaxStop,ajaxComplete,ajaxError,ajaxSuccess".split(",");
* }
* )
+ * @test stop();
+ * $.getIfModified("data/name.php", function(msg) {
+ * ok( msg == 'ERROR', 'Check ifModified' );
+ * start();
+ * });
+ *
* @name $.getIfModified
* @type jQuery
* @param String url The URL of the page to load.
* start();
* }
* };
- * var fail = function(ba) {
- * console.debug(ba);
+ * var fail = function() {
* ok( false, 'Check for timeout failed' );
* start();
* };
* (String) dataType - The type of data that you're expecting back from
* the server (e.g. "xml", "html", "script", or "json").
+ * (Boolean) global - Wheather to trigger global AJAX event handlers for
+ * this request, default is true. Set to true to prevent that global handlers
+ * like ajaxStart or ajaxStop are triggered.
+ *
* (Function) error - A function to be called if the request fails. The
* function gets passed two arguments: The XMLHttpRequest object and a
* string describing the type of error that occurred.
var success = type.success;
var error = type.error;
var dataType = type.dataType;
+ var global = typeof type.global == "boolean" ? type.global : true;
data = type.data;
url = type.url;
type = type.type;
// Watch for a new set of requests
- if ( ! jQuery.active++ )
+ if ( global && ! jQuery.active++ )
jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
var requestDone = false;
success( jQuery.httpData( xml, dataType ), status );
// Fire the global callback
- jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxSuccess" );
+ if( global )
+ jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxSuccess" );
// Otherwise, the request was not successful
} else {
if ( error ) error( xml, status );
// Fire the global callback
- jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxError" );
+ if( global )
+ jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxError" );
// The request was completed
- jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxComplete" );
+ if( global )
+ jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxComplete" );
// Handle the global AJAX counter
- if ( ! --jQuery.active )
+ if ( global && ! --jQuery.active )
jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
// Process result