+++ /dev/null
-/* makefonts.cc
- Utility for converting Type 1 fonts to SWF.
- Part of the swftools package.
- Copyright (c) 2001 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "../lib/rfxswf.h"
-#include "../lib/args.h"
-#include "swfoutput.h"
-#include "spline.h"
-static char * filenames[256];
-static int filenum;
-static char * destfilename = "output.swf";
-int all=0;
-int verbose=0;
-struct options_t options[] =
- {"o","output"},
- {"v","verbose"},
- {"V","version"},
- {0,0}
-int args_callback_option(char*name,char*val)
- if(!strcmp(name, "V")) {
- printf("font2swf - part of %s %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
- exit(0);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(name, "o")) {
- destfilename = val;
- return 1;
- }
- else if(!strcmp(name, "v")) {
- verbose ++;
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- printf("Unknown option: -%s\n", name);
- exit(1);
- }
- return 0;
-int args_callback_longoption(char*name,char*val)
- return args_long2shortoption(options, name, val);
-void args_callback_usage(char*name)
- printf("Usage: %s file.afm [...]\n", name);
- printf(" OR: %s all\n", name);
- printf("\n");
- printf("\tIf \"all\" is given instead of font names, all standard fonts\n");
- printf("\t(Courier, Arial etc.) will be created\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("Options:\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("\t-h , --help\t\t Print help and exit\n");
- printf("\t-o , --output filename\t set output filename\n");
- printf("\t-v , --verbose\t\t Be more verbose\n");
- printf("\t-V , --version\t\t Print program version and exit\n");
-int args_callback_command(char*name,char*val)
- if(!strcmp(name, "all"))
- all = 1;
- else {
- filenames[filenum++] = strdup(name);
- }
- return 0;
-#define standardEncodingSize 256
-#define symbolEncodingSize 256
-#define zapfDingbatsEncodingSize 256
-#define macRomanEncodingSize 256
-#define winAnsiEncodingSize 256
-extern char *winAnsiEncoding[winAnsiEncodingSize];
-extern char *standardEncoding[standardEncodingSize];
-extern char *symbolEncoding[symbolEncodingSize];
-extern char *zapfDingbatsEncoding[zapfDingbatsEncodingSize];
-extern char *macRomanEncoding[macRomanEncodingSize];
-extern void drawpath(TAG*tag, T1_OUTLINE*outline, struct swfmatrix*m, int log);
-extern void resetdrawer();
-extern void moveto(TAG*tag, plotxy p0);
-extern void lineto(TAG*tag, plotxy p0);
-SWFFONT * t1font2swffont(int i)
- T1_LoadFont(i);
- float angle = T1_GetItalicAngle(i);
- char*fontname = T1_GetFontName(i);
- char*fullname = T1_GetFullName(i);
- char*familyname = T1_GetFamilyName(i);
- float underline = T1_GetUnderlinePosition(i);
- BBox bbox = T1_GetFontBBox(i);
- /* if "all" is given, translate the font names in something more
- readable */
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular")) fontname = "Helvetica";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular Italic")) fontname = "HelveticaItalic";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium")) fontname = "HelveticaBold";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium Italic")) fontname = "HelveticaBoldItalic";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Sans L Regular")) fontname = "Times";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Sans L Regular Italic")) fontname = "TimesItalic";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Sans L Bold")) fontname = "TimesBold";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Sans L Bold Italic")) fontname = "TimesBoldItalic";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Mono L Regular")) fontname = "Courier";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Mono L Regular Oblique")) fontname = "CourierItalic";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Mono L Bold")) fontname = "CourierBold";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Nimbus Mono L Bold Oblique")) fontname = "CourierBoldItalic";
- if(!strcmp(fullname, "Standard Symbols L")) fontname = "Symbol";
- char ** encoding = winAnsiEncoding;
- int encodingsize = winAnsiEncodingSize;
- printf("processing \"%s\" (\"%s\")...\n", fullname, fontname);
- if(strstr(fullname, "Dingbats")) {// Zapf Dingbats
- encoding = zapfDingbatsEncoding;
- encodingsize = zapfDingbatsEncodingSize;
- }
- else if(strstr(fullname, "Symbol")) {// Symbol
- encoding = symbolEncoding;
- encodingsize = symbolEncodingSize;
- }
- SWFFONT * wfont = (SWFFONT*)malloc(sizeof(SWFFONT));
- SWFFont * font = new SWFFont("", i, "");
- memset(wfont, 0, sizeof(SWFFONT));
- wfont->version = 2;
- wfont->name = (U8*)strdup(fontname);
- wfont->layout = (SWFLAYOUT*)malloc(sizeof(SWFLAYOUT));
- memset(wfont->layout, 0, sizeof(SWFLAYOUT));
- int s,num;
- num = 0;
- for(s=0;s<encodingsize;s++)
- {
- char charinfont=0;
- if(encoding[s]) {
- T1_OUTLINE*outline = font->getOutline(encoding[s], 0);
- if(outline) {num++;charinfont=1;}
- }
- /*if(charinfont) printf("x");
- else printf(".");
- if((s&15) == 15)
- printf("\n");*/
- }
- wfont->maxascii = encodingsize;
- wfont->numchars = num;
- wfont->style = (/*bold*/0?FONT_STYLE_BOLD:0) + (angle>0.05?FONT_STYLE_ITALIC:0);
- wfont->glyph = (SWFGLYPH*)malloc(num*sizeof(SWFGLYPH));
- memset(wfont->glyph, 0, num*sizeof(SWFGLYPH));
- wfont->glyph2ascii = (U16*)malloc(num*sizeof(U16));
- memset(wfont->glyph2ascii, 0, num*sizeof(U16));
- wfont->ascii2glyph = (int*)malloc(encodingsize*sizeof(int));
- memset(wfont->ascii2glyph, -1, encodingsize*sizeof(int));
- wfont->layout->ascent = (U16)(underline - bbox.lly);
- wfont->layout->descent = (U16)(bbox.ury - underline);
- wfont->layout->leading = (U16)(wfont->layout->ascent -
- wfont->layout->descent -
- (bbox.lly - bbox.ury));
- wfont->layout->bounds = (SRECT*)malloc(sizeof(SRECT)*num);
- memset(wfont->layout->bounds, 0, sizeof(SRECT)*num);
- wfont->layout->kerningcount = 0;
- wfont->layout->kerning = 0;
- num = 0;
- for(s=0;s<encodingsize;s++)
- {
- if(encoding[s]) {
- T1_OUTLINE*outline = font->getOutline(encoding[s],0);
- int width = font->getWidth(encoding[s]);
- if(outline) {
- int log = 0;
- wfont->ascii2glyph[s] = num;
- wfont->glyph2ascii[num] = s;
- swf_ShapeNew(&wfont->glyph[num].shape);
- SHAPE*shape = wfont->glyph[num].shape;
- int firstx = outline->dest.x/0xffff;
- TAG*tag = swf_InsertTag(0,ST_DEFINESHAPE);
- swfmatrix m;
- m.m11 = 1.0;
- m.m22 = 1.0;
- m.m21 = 0;
- m.m12 = 0;
- m.m13 = 0;
- m.m23 = 0;
- swf_SetU8(tag,0);
- shape->bits.fill = 1;
- shape->bits.line = 0;
- swf_ShapeSetStyle(tag,shape,0,1,0);
- resetdrawer();
- drawpath(tag, outline, &m, log);
- /*uncomment this to mark the glyph sizes:
- plotxy p1,p2; p1.x=0; p1.y=0; p2.x=width/8; p2.y=-width/8;
- moveto(tag, p1); lineto(tag, p2); p1.x += 2; p2.x += 2;
- lineto(tag, p2); lineto(tag, p1); p1.x -= 2; lineto(tag, p1);// */
- swf_ShapeSetEnd(tag);
- wfont->glyph[num].shape->bitlen = (tag->len-1)*8;
- wfont->glyph[num].shape->data = (U8*)malloc(tag->len-1);
- memcpy(wfont->glyph[num].shape->data, &tag->data[1], tag->len-1);
- swf_DeleteTag(tag);
- /* fix bounding box */
- SHAPE2*shape2;
- SRECT bbox;
- shape2 = swf_ShapeToShape2(shape);
- if(!shape2) { fprintf(stderr, "Shape parse error\n");exit(1);}
- bbox = swf_GetShapeBoundingBox(shape2);
- swf_Shape2Free(shape2);
- wfont->layout->bounds[num] = bbox;
- //wfont->glyph[num].advance = (int)(width/6.4); // 128/20
- wfont->glyph[num].advance = bbox.xmax/20;
- if(!wfont->glyph[num].advance) {
- wfont->glyph[num].advance = firstx;
- }
- num++;
- }
- }
- }
- return wfont;
-int main(int argc, char ** argv)
- char cwd[128];
- getcwd(cwd, 128);
- processargs(argc, argv);
- if(!all && !filenum) {
- fprintf(stderr, "You must supply a filename.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- //TODO: use tempnam here. Check if environment already contains a
- putenv( "T1LIB_CONFIG=/tmp/t1lib.config.tmp");
- FILE*fi = fopen("/tmp/t1lib.config.tmp", "wb");
- if(all) {
- fprintf(fi, "FONTDATABASE=/tmp/FontDataBase\n");
- fprintf(fi, "ENCODING=%s/fonts:.\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "AFM=%s/fonts:.\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "TYPE1=%s/fonts:.\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- } else {
- fprintf(fi, "FONTDATABASE=/tmp/FontDataBase\n");
- fprintf(fi, "ENCODING=%s:.\n", cwd);
- fprintf(fi, "AFM=%s:.\n", cwd);
- fprintf(fi, "TYPE1=%s:.\n", cwd);
- }
- fclose(fi);
- fi = fopen("/tmp/FontDataBase", "wb");
- if(all) {
- fprintf(fi, "14\n");
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n021003l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n021023l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n021004l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n021024l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n019003l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n019023l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n019004l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n019024l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n022003l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n022023l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n022004l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/n022024l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/s050000l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- fprintf(fi, "%s/fonts/d050000l.afm\n", SWFTOOLS_DATADIR);
- } else {
- fprintf(fi, "%d\n", filenum);
- int t;
- for(t=0;t<filenum;t++) {
- fprintf(fi, "%s/%s\n", cwd, filenames[t]);
- }
- }
- fclose(fi);
- /* initialize t1lib */
- T1_SetBitmapPad( 16);
- if ((T1_InitLib(NO_LOGFILE)==NULL)){
- fprintf(stderr, "Initialization of t1lib failed\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- unlink("/tmp/t1lib.config.tmp");
- int i,num;
- for( i=0; i<T1_Get_no_fonts(); i++)
- {
- SWFFONT * font = t1font2swffont(i);
- char filename[128];
- sprintf(filename, "%s.swf", font->name);
- swf_WriteFont(font, filename);
- swf_FontFree(font);
- }
- unlink("/tmp/FontDataBase");