--- /dev/null
+# ==================================================================================
+# File format specification (well, sort of)
+# Version: 0.1
+# ==================================================================================
+# Notice that the following is actually a valid .sc file, generating the four swfs
+# spec.swf, scroll1.swf, scroll2.swf and simple_viewer.swf. (Provided all included
+# files are present)
+# File header
+# -----------
+.swf bbox=200x200 version=6 fps=50 name="spec.swf" compress
+# bbox=200x200 : set bounding box to 200x200
+# bbox=200x200:100:100 : set bounding box to (100,100)-(300,300)
+# bbox=autocrop : (default) - make bbox just big enough so that nothing ever get's clipped
+# all coordinates are in pixels, not in twips. fixed point values like 1.25, 333.40 are allowed.
+# version=6 : generate flash mx movie
+# fps=50 : set framerate to 50 frames/second
+# name="..." : save result to spec.swf. (Default: input file with extension
+# changed to .swf, or the value of the -o command line
+# parameter if given)
+# load a simple object:
+# ---------------------
+.shape myshape1 "choo1.swf"
+.shape myshape2 filename="choo1.swf" # long form
+.shape myshape3 filename=choo1.swf # long form, without quotes
+.shape myshape4 choo1.swf # short form, without quotes
+#TODO: Do those files come from the current directory, the script directory or both?
+# load an image:
+# --------------
+.jpeg background "panorama.jpg"
+.jpeg background2 "panorama.jpg" quality=30% #reduces jpeg quality
+.png background3 "choochoo.png"
+# (you can put this directly (generating a shape), or insert it into a shape via the fill= argument
+# define a texture from an image:
+# -------------------------------
+.texture text1=background scale=50% rotate=45
+# load several pages:
+# -------------------
+.movie train1 "choochoopuff.swf"
+# Notice: An embedded animation can't have a different framerate than
+# the frame rate from the surrounding animation.
+# Create simple objects:
+# ----------------------
+# We should support some primitives to not have to load everything
+# from a file
+.box mybox1 width=100 height=50 color=black fill=none #unfilled rectangle (just the lines)
+.box mybox2 width=100 height=50 color=black #same as above
+.box mybox3 width=100 height=50 color=black fill #filled black rectangle
+.box mybox4 width=100 height=50 color=red line=2 fill=blue #blue rectangle with red edges
+.box mybox5 width=100 height=50 color=red line=2 fill=background #part the background image, with red edges
+.circle mycircle1 r=50 color=#aa33ff fill=background
+.egon poly1 vertices=5
+# Continuous soundtrack synched up to several frames in a row:
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# load a sound effect:
+.sound sound1 "LocoStart.wav"
+.frame 16
+ .play sound1 loop=1 #other arguments supported: nomultiple (don't start if already playing)
+.frame 20
+# this starts a synchronized soundtrack at this frame position. The command
+# expects a filename, not a sound object, as it would be duplicating the
+# sound object otherwise, and I'd rather have that done explicitly.
+ .soundtrack "LocoStart.wav"
+ #... TODO: should .soundtrack sounds have a name? we could support
+ # .stop for them, which would simply stop generating mp3 data
+.frame 55
+# unlike characters, sounds can't have multiple instances, and can't
+# be referenced once playing. So we stop the sound, not the instance.
+ .stop sound1
+# Sound effects on user pressing or releasing a button
+.button playbutton shape=obj1
+# ...
+.buttonsounds playbutton press=sound1 release=sound2 enter=sound3 leave=sound4
+# Elements of the movie should be animated by various means
+# moving (x,y and zoom)
+# ---------------------
+.box obj1 width=200.0 height=100.0
+.frame 100
+ .put obj1 x=0 y=0 #object starts at (0,0)
+.frame 140
+ .change obj1 x+=100 y=0 scale=120% # smoothly move obj1 100 pixels to the right over 40 frames,
+ # scaling it to 120% of it's original size
+.frame 170
+ .jump obj1 x=200 y=200 # make object to suddenly change to 200,200 at frame 70.
+.frame 190
+ .qchange obj1 x=300 y=200 # make obj1 move towards 300,200...
+.frame 210
+ .qchange obj1 x=300 y=300 # ... and then smoothly over to 300,300 using bspline interpolation
+#.frame 220 #TODO
+# .jump obj1 x=reset y=reset
+.frame 230
+ .del obj1 #Remove object again
+# morphing (easy for simple polygons, hard for more complex shapes)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.morphshape morphthing start="start.fig" end="end.fig"
+#.morphshape blop [V77CJQAvn3KKYD8GDb4gFgbAZ4oM2RBdhOtvEVRdpNdIJF4tQ5gh7GzxnFYNvxe7lpXVranU
+# +v/OjhGkCoUrOq9gUj4bJj0JjioYaA+VDsZ4Wq0+XLm0MiIgJZICQbADnUpdro5N11eVS699O]
+# the following would be more work, but may be nice:
+.box mybox6 width=100 height=50 color=black
+.box mybox7 width=100 height=50 color=red
+.morphshape morphthing2 start=mybox1 end=mybox2
+# interpolation between crude manual animation frames
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+.shape ball "ball.fig" #The ball should be white or violet to make the cxforms below work
+# now draw two balls, which fly around each other.
+.frame 300
+.put myball1=ball x=0 y=100 blue=0
+.put myball2=ball x=100 y=100 red=0
+.frame 310
+# the .qchange means, "interpolate to this position and frame, using quadratic splines".
+ .qchange myball1 x=50 y=0
+ .qchange myball2 x=50 y=100
+.frame 320
+# We could also use coordinates relative to start position: .change myball1 x+=100 y+=0
+ .qchange myball1 x=100 y=100
+ .qchange myball2 x=0 y=100
+.frame 330
+ .qchange myball1 x=50 y=100
+ .qchange myball2 x=50 y=0
+.frame 340
+# Hmmm. This frame is the same as frame 0. How to prevent duplicating that one?
+ .qchange myball1 x=0 y=100
+ .qchange myball2 x=100 y=100
+# fading into existence/out of existence (colour xform):
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# .put, .change, .qchange, .jump all support params which result in color transform.
+# Everything up to the + is multiplicated, the rest summed.
+# TODO: negative values should also be allowed.
+.put obj1 blue=50% #(scale blue color component to 50%)
+.change obj1 blue=128 #(same as above)
+.change obj1 red=+25% #(shift blue color component by 25%)
+.change obj1 red=+64 #(same as above)
+.change obj1 green=50%+50% #(scale green color component to 50% and then shift it by 50%)
+.change obj1 green=128+128 #(same as above)
+.change obj1 green=-1+255 #(invert green color component)
+.change obj1 green=2-128 #(reduce spectrum for green to the upper 50%)
+.change obj1 luminance=50% #(fade all color components 50% to black, same as red=50% green=50% blue=50%)
+.change obj1 alpha=50% #(make object 50% transparent)
+# scaling
+# -------
+.change obj1 scale=50% # change an object to 50% of it's size
+.change obj1 scaley=50% # flatten object to 50% of it's height
+.change obj1 scaley=110% scalex=75% #(funhouse mirror!)
+# rotating
+# --------
+.change obj1 rotate=45 # tilt object, counterclockwise
+# TODO: we still don't have full control over the 2x3 object-placement matrix.
+# (As we only have one parameter for the two values on the primary diagonal) ActionScript
+# has the same problem, however.
+# sprites
+# -------
+# synonym: submovie
+.sprite spr1
+ .frame 1 .put ball1=ball 0 0
+ .frame 2 .change ball1 100 100
+.sprite spr2
+ .frame 1 .put ball2=ball 100 0
+ .frame 7 .change ball2 0 100
+.frame 400
+ .put spr1
+ .put spr2
+# so spr1 has three frames, spr2 has seven. The whole animation loops after 21 frames.
+# multi-level nesting: (sprites can be nested to any depth)
+.sprite mspr1
+ .sprite mspr2
+ .sprite spr3
+ .put ball 100 0
+ .end
+ .end
+# clipping an animation inside a star-shaped sprite:
+.shape mystar1 "star.swf"
+.movie anim1 "penguins.swf"
+.sprite cspr1
+ .startclip mystar1
+ .put anim1
+ .end
+.frame 401
+ .put cspr1 rotate=0
+.frame 402
+ .change cspr1 rotate=360
+# buttons
+# -------
+# create at minimum a Play button and a Stop button, maybe a Rewind also
+.png playlogo "Play.png"
+.png stoplogo "Stop.png"
+.button myplaybutton shape=playlogo
+#everything till the .end is actionscript.
+ press:
+ play "spr1"
+.button mystopbutton shape=stoplogo
+ press:
+ stop "spr1"
+.put myplaybutton x=100 y=100
+.put mystopbutton x=200 y=100
+# The following examples drop the .end command. This is only possible
+# if we keep the leading dot (.) in the command names. (Due to naming
+# conflicts with Actionscript)
+# button which is blue, get's green when the mouse hovers over it, and
+# white when it is pressed:
+.button b1 shape=blueshape over=greenshape press=whiteshape
+# button where the button position is not identical to the active area:
+.button b2 area=activearea shape=blueshape over=greenshape press=whiteshape
+# (if area is not set, it's the same as shape)
+# the above put into use: pop up a window if the mouse cursor enters a certain
+# area:
+.button b3 area=activearea shape=emptyshape over=window1 press=window1
+# button characters also support positioning and cxforming characters.
+# to use this, we put the characters "virtually", and then use the
+# instances in the button
+.buttonput area1=playlogo x=300 y=400 rotate=0
+.buttonput shape1=playlogo x=400 y=400 rotate=0 red=50%
+.buttonput over1=playlogo x=400 y=400 rotate=30 red=50%
+.buttonput press1=playlogo x=500 y=500 rotate=180
+.button mybutton1 area=area1 shape=shape1 over=over1 press=press1
+ #[...actionscript...]
+# fonts
+# -----
+#only supported via other tools (lib/examples/makefonts) at the moment.
+.font font1 "myfont.swf"
+# text fields
+# -----------
+#(these are scalable vector objects just like shapes)
+.text mytext1 "I am a happy little scroll message" color=blue size=100% font=font1
+#TODO: clipping
+# edittext
+# --------
+#(field where the flash animation can get input from the user)
+.font helvetica "helvetica-bold.swf"
+.edittext edittext1 text="Type something here" color=blue maxlength=200 font=helvetica size=24 width=320 height=200
+# width/height: dimensions of the box
+# text: The text which appears initally in the box, and can be overwritten by the user
+# maxlength: max. length of the text the user can type
+# color/font/size: Font appeareance
+# variable: Name of the actionscript variable the text is stored in
+# The following boolean options are also supported:
+# password (show input only as stars), wordwrap, multiline, html, noselect, readonly
+# actionscript
+# ------------
+ stop spr1
+ setproperty spr1._visible 1 #TODO: spr1._visible=1?
+.action opcodes
+ settarget "spr1"
+ stop
+ settarget ""
+ push "spr1"
+ push _visible
+ push 1
+ setproperty
+ end
+.button playbutton2 shape=obj1 opcodes
+ press: play spr1
+ release: stop spr1
+.button playbutton3 shape=obj1 opcodes
+ press:
+ settarget "spr1"
+ play
+ settarget ""
+ end
+ # [...]
+# todo: mx initaction, placeobject2 initclip
+# depth control
+# -------------------
+# .put, .change, .qchange, .jump, .startclip take before and after parameters,
+# which can be used to specify the depth of an object
+.put o1=obj1
+.put o2=obj1 below=o1 x=50
+.change o1
+.change o2 above=o1 x=50
+# newline conventions
+# -------------------
+# All Newlines are treated as normal whitespace. Therefore, splitting
+# commands over several lines, like
+.put obj2=obj1 x=300
+ y=300
+ red=100%
+ green=50%
+ blue=50%
+# is allowed.
+# Furthermore, having more than one command in one line is also possible:
+.frame 600 .change obj1 x+=700 .change obj2 x+=300
+.frame 601 .change obj1 x+=500 .change obj2 x+=500
+.frame 602 .change obj1 x+=300 .change obj2 x+=700
+.end # end of first file
+# ==================================================================================
+# Ok, now for some actual examples
+# ==================================================================================
+# scroll1.sc
+# This example scrolls a single line of text from the bottom to the top, with
+# a background image
+.swf bbox=200x200 fps=25 version=6 name="scroll1.swf"
+.jpeg background "panorama.jpg"
+.font helvetica-bold "helvetica-bold.swf"
+.text title1 "I am a happy little scroll message" color=blue font=helvetica-bold size=100%
+.put background x=0 y=0
+.frame 1
+.put obj1=title1 x=0 y=200 # As text box positions are specified at the upper left corner, this
+ # places the text just below the bottom.
+# (.put title1 is actually .put title1=title1 (i.e. the instance has the same name as the character)
+.frame 200
+ #
+ # "change" moves the object to the new position, _interpolating_ in the frames between.
+ # Do we also need a command for abruptly changing position (omitting interpolation)?
+ #
+.change obj1 x=0 y-=12 # Now move the text up until it disappears at the top, in 40 frames
+# to scroll horizontally, we would have modified the x instead of the y coordinate, and scrolled to -200
+# (assuming the text is < 200 pixels)
+# ==================================================================================
+# scroll2.sc
+# This example now also fades the text in and out again
+.swf bbox=200x200 fps=25 version=6 name="scroll2.swf"
+.jpeg background "panorama.jpg"
+#create some text for a title and credits
+.font helvetica "helvetica-bold.swf"
+.text title1 "ChooChoo Train" color=blue font=helvetica size=100%
+# move from bottom to top. Fade it in on the way,
+# then fade it out again.
+# TODO: the following looks like fading only if the background is black. Add alpha channel support.
+.put obj1=title1 x=0 y=200 luminance=0%
+.frame 100
+ .change obj1 luminance=100%
+.frame 200
+ .change obj1 y-=12 luminance=0%
+# simpleviewer.sc
+# Create the simple_viewer.swf file used in SWFTools.
+.swf bbox=1024x768 version=4 fps=25 name="simple_viewer.swf"
+.frame 1
+.shape leftshape "left.fig"
+.shape rightshape "right.fig"
+.sprite viewport
+ stop viewport
+ setvariable "/subtitle" ""
+.buttonput left=leftshape luminance=50%
+.buttonput lefthover=leftshape luminance=75%
+.buttonput leftpress=leftshape luminance=100%
+.button leftbutton shape=left over=lefthover press=leftpress
+ release:
+ previousframe viewport
+.buttonput right=rightshape x=20 luminance=50%
+.buttonput righthover=rightshape x=20 luminance=75%
+.buttonput rightpress=rightshape x=20 luminance=100%
+.button rightbutton shape=right over=righthover press=rightpress
+ release:
+ nextframe viewport
+.font arial "arial.swf"
+.edittext subtitlebox width=826 height=160 color=black variable="/:subtitle" font=arial size=24
+.put viewport
+.put leftbutton
+.put rightbutton
+.put subtitlebox x=40
+# boxlayers.sc
+# test "above"
+.swf bbox=400x300 version=4 fps=50 name="boxLayers.swf"
+.box box1 width=100 height=100 color=white fill
+.box box2 width=100 height=100 color=white fill
+.frame 0
+ .put box1 x=30 y=10 blue=0 red=0 luminance=50
+ .put box2 x=60 y=40 green=0 red=0 luminance=50
+.frame 100
+ .jump box1 above=box2
+.frame 200
+ .jump box2 above=box1
+# ---------------------- everything below this line should actually be working ----------------------
+# boxes.sc
+# Do things with rectangles.
+.swf bbox=autocrop version=6 fps=50 name="boxes.swf" compress
+ .box box1 width=100 height=100 color=red fill #filled red box
+ .box box2 width=100 height=100 color=white #white hollow frame
+ .box box3 width=100 height=100 color=green line=10 fill=blue #filled blue box, with thick green border
+.frame 0
+ .put box1 x=30 scalex=30
+ .put box2 x=30 scalex=30
+ .put box3 x=30 scalex=30
+.frame 100
+ .change box1 x+=300 scalex=100
+ .change box2 y+=300 scalex=100
+ .change box3 x+=300 y-=300 scalex=100
+.frame 150
+ .del box1
+ .del box2
+ .del box3
+# monkey.sc
+.swf bbox=autocrop version=4 fps=50 name="monkey.swf"
+ .shape island "island.swf"
+ .shape monkey "monkey4.swf"
+ .put island
+ .point leftfoot 45 177
+ .point rightfoot 138 177
+ .frame 0 .put monkey 160 160
+ .frame 20 .change monkey 160 160
+ .frame 30 .change monkey 160 122
+ .frame 35 .change monkey 160 112
+ .frame 40 .change monkey 160 122
+ .frame 50 .change monkey 160 160
+ .frame 70 .change monkey 205 337 pin=leftfoot rotate=0
+ .frame 90 .change monkey rotate=30
+ .frame 100 .change monkey rotate=30
+ .frame 120 .change monkey rotate=0
+ .frame 122 .change monkey 298 337 pin=rightfoot rotate=0
+ .frame 140 .change monkey rotate=-30
+ .frame 150 .change monkey rotate=-30
+ .frame 170 .change monkey rotate=0
+# cxform.sc
+# Try color transforms
+.swf name="cxform.swf" version=5
+ .shape s1 "photo.swf"
+ .put s1 x=50 y=50 scalex=110 scaley=110
+ .frame 100
+ .change s1 x=0 y=0 scalex=210 scaley=210 red=-1+255 green=-1+255 blue=-1+255 #invert
+ .frame 200
+ .change s1 x=100 y=50 scalex=110 scaley=110 red=0 green=+0 blue=+0 #remove red
+ .frame 300
+ .change s1 x=0 y=0 scalex=210 scaley=210 red=+0 green=2 blue=-1+255 #amplify green, invert blue
+ .frame 400
+ .change s1 x=50 y=100 scalex=110 scaley=110 red=2-128 green=-2+255 blue=+0.7+40 #alien glow
+ .frame 500
+ .change s1 x=0 y=0 scalex=210 scaley=210 red=8-1024 green=8-1024 blue=8-1024 #palette reduce
+ .frame 600
+ .change s1 x=0 y=0 scalex=210 scaley=210 red=+0 green=+0 blue=+0 #back to normal
+ .frame 700
+ .change s1 x=105 y=105 scalex=0 scaley=0 luminance=0 #fadeout
+# transparency.sc
+# Test transparency
+.swf bbox=200x200 version=5 fps=25 name="transparency.swf"
+.box box1 90 90 color=yellow fill=blue line=5
+.box box2 90 90 color=white fill=red line=5
+.put b1=box1 75 75 rotate=0
+.put b2=box1 75 75 rotate=90
+.put b3=box1 75 75 rotate=180
+.put b4=box1 75 75 rotate=270
+.put box2 30 30 alpha=100%
+.frame 300
+.change b1 rotate+=360
+.change b2 rotate+=360
+.change b3 rotate+=360
+.change b4 rotate+=360
+.change box2 alpha=0%
+# points.sc
+# Test points, pivots, pins
+.swf version=5 fps=20 name="points.swf"
+.box box 90 90 color=white fill=red line=5
+.point center 45 45
+.point corner1 0 0
+.point corner2 90 0
+.point corner3 90 90
+.point corner4 0 90
+.put b1a=box x=90 y=90 pin=center
+.put b1b=box x=90 y=90 pin=center alpha=50%
+# OR: .put b1=box x=90 y=90 pin=(45,45) rotate=0
+.put b2=box x=90 y=90 pin=corner1 alpha=75% blue=+128 red=0.2
+.put b3=box x=90 y=90 pin=corner2 alpha=75% blue=+128 red=0.2
+.put b4=box x=90 y=90 pin=corner3 alpha=75% blue=+128 red=0.2
+.put b5=box x=90 y=90 pin=corner4 alpha=75% blue=+128 red=0.2
+.frame 100
+.change b1a rotate-=720
+.change b1b rotate+=720
+.change b2 rotate+=360
+.change b3 rotate-=360
+.change b4 rotate+=360
+.change b5 rotate-=360
+# clipping.sc
+# Test clipping
+.swf name="clip.swf" fps=25
+ .sprite s1 # this just constructs a colorful object "s1"
+ .box b1 40 40 color=red fill=violet line=10
+ .box b2 40 40 color=blue fill=green line=10
+ .box b3 40 40 color=yellow fill=cyan line=10
+ .box b4 40 40 color=white fill=black line=10
+ .put b1 0 0
+ .put b2 60 0
+ .put b3 60 60
+ .put b4 0 60
+ .end
+ # the line and fill colors of the circle don't actually do anything-
+ # as it's used for clipping only it's shape matters
+ .circle c1 80 color=blue fill=green
+ .startclip c1 x=-160 y=-160 #c1 clips...
+ .put s1 # ...the sprite s1
+ .end
+.frame 200
+ .change c1 x=160 y=160 # movement doesn't change the clipping property
+ .change s1 rotate=5
+.swf name="fonts.swf"
+ .font courier "Courier.swf"
+ .font helvetica "Helvetica.swf"
+ .text abc text="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" font=courier size=100% color=blue
+ .text abc2 text="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" font=helvetica size=100% color=red
+ .put abc
+ .put abc2 y=200
+# shear.sc
+# Shearing
+.swf bbox=300x200:-30 name="shear.swf" fps=25
+ .font helvetica "Helvetica.swf"
+ .text text text="Shear" font=helvetica size=100% color=yellow
+ .put t0=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=0
+ .put t1=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=1
+ .put t2=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=2
+ .put t3=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=3
+ .put t4=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=4
+ .put t5=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=5
+ .put t6=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=6
+ .put t7=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=7
+ .put t8=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=8
+ .put t9=text y=150 alpha=0% shear=9
+ .frame 50
+ .change t0 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t1 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t2 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t3 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t4 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t5 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t6 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t7 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t8 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .change t9 alpha=40% shear=0
+ .frame 100
+ .change t0 .change t1 .change t2 .change t3 .change t4
+ .change t5 .change t6 .change t7 .change t8 .change t9
+ .frame 150
+ .change t0 alpha=0% shear=-9
+ .change t1 alpha=0% shear=-8
+ .change t2 alpha=0% shear=-7
+ .change t3 alpha=0% shear=-6
+ .change t4 alpha=0% shear=-5
+ .change t5 alpha=0% shear=-4
+ .change t6 alpha=0% shear=-3
+ .change t7 alpha=0% shear=-2
+ .change t8 alpha=0% shear=-1
+ .change t9 alpha=0% shear=-0