float linear(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- return poly(fraction, start, delta, 0, 1);
+ return poly(fraction, start, delta, 0, 1);
float quadIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 2);
+ return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 2);
float quadOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return quadIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
+ return quadIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
float quadInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return quadIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
- return quadOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return quadIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
+ return quadOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
float cubicIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 3);
+ return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 3);
float cubicOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return cubicIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
+ return cubicIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
float cubicInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return cubicIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
- return cubicOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return cubicIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
+ return cubicOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
float quartIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 4);
+ return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 4);
float quartOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return quartIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
+ return quartIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
float quartInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return quartIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
- return quartOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return quartIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
+ return quartOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
float quintIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 5);
+ return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 5);
float quintOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return quintIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
+ return quintIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
float quintInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return quintIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
- return quintOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return quintIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
+ return quintOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
float circleIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
float circleOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- return circleIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
+ return circleIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);
float circleInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return circleIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
- return circleOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return circleIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
+ return circleOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);
float exponentialIn(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- if (fraction == 0)
- return start;
- return delta * pow(2, 10 * (fraction - 1)) + start;
+ if (fraction == 0)
+ return start;
+ return delta * pow(2, 10 * (fraction - 1)) + start;
float exponentialOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- return exponentialIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta);
+ return exponentialIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta);
float exponentialInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return exponentialIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2);
- return exponentialOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return exponentialIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2);
+ return exponentialOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2);
float sineIn(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- return delta * (1 - cos(fraction * M_PI/2)) + start;
+ return delta * (1 - cos(fraction * M_PI/2)) + start;
float sineOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- return sineIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta);
+ return sineIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta);
float sineInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return sineIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2);
- return sineOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return sineIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2);
+ return sineOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2);
float elasticIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float amplitude, int bounces, float damping)
- if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
- return start;
- if (fraction == 1)
- return start + delta;
- if (amplitude < fabs(delta))
- amplitude = delta;
- float period = 1 / (bounces + 0.25);
- return amplitude * pow(2, damping * (fraction - 1)) * sin(fraction * (2 * M_PI) / period) + start;
+ if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
+ return start;
+ if (fraction == 1)
+ return start + delta;
+ if (amplitude < fabs(delta))
+ amplitude = delta;
+ float period = 1 / (bounces + 0.25);
+ return amplitude * pow(2, damping * (fraction - 1)) * sin(fraction * (2 * M_PI) / period) + start;
float elasticOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float amplitude, int bounces, float damping)
- return elasticIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, amplitude, bounces, damping);
+ return elasticIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, amplitude, bounces, damping);
float elasticInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float amplitude, int bounces, float damping)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return elasticIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, amplitude, bounces, damping);
- return elasticOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, amplitude, bounces, damping);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return elasticIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, amplitude, bounces, damping);
+ return elasticOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, amplitude, bounces, damping);
float backIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float speed)
- return delta * fraction * fraction * ((speed + 1) * fraction - speed) + start;
+ return delta * fraction * fraction * ((speed + 1) * fraction - speed) + start;
float backOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float speed)
- return backIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, speed);
+ return backIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, speed);
float backInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float speed)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return backIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, speed);
- return backOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, speed);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return backIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, speed);
+ return backOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, speed);
/* when applied to movement bounceIn the object 'hits the floor' bounces times
float bounceIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
- if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
- return start;
- if (fraction == 1)
- return start + delta;
- float w0;
- if (growth == 1.0)
- w0 = 1 / (bounces + 0.5);
- else
- {
- float gN = pow(growth, bounces);
- w0 = 1 / ((gN - 1) / (growth - 1) + gN / 2 );
- }
- float bounceStart = 0;
- int i;
- float w = w0;
- for (i = 0; i <= bounces; i++)
- {
- float bounceEnd = bounceStart + w;
- if (fraction >= bounceStart && fraction < bounceEnd)
- {
- float half = (bounceEnd + bounceStart) / 2;
- float top = delta / pow(2, damping * ((bounces - i)));
- fraction -= half;
- fraction /= (w / 2);
- return (1 - fraction * fraction) * top + start;
- }
- bounceStart = bounceEnd;
- w = w * growth;
- }
+ if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
+ return start;
+ if (fraction == 1)
+ return start + delta;
+ float w0;
+ if (growth == 1.0)
+ w0 = 1 / (bounces + 0.5);
+ else
+ {
+ float gN = pow(growth, bounces);
+ w0 = 1 / ((gN - 1) / (growth - 1) + gN / 2 );
+ }
+ float bounceStart = 0;
+ int i;
+ float w = w0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= bounces; i++)
+ {
+ float bounceEnd = bounceStart + w;
+ if (fraction >= bounceStart && fraction < bounceEnd)
+ {
+ float half = (bounceEnd + bounceStart) / 2;
+ float top = delta / pow(2, damping * ((bounces - i)));
+ fraction -= half;
+ fraction /= (w / 2);
+ return (1 - fraction * fraction) * top + start;
+ }
+ bounceStart = bounceEnd;
+ w = w * growth;
+ }
+ return w;
/* bounceOut is a time-reversed bounceIn; therefore each bounce takes 1/growth times as long as
float bounceOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
- return bounceIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, bounces, growth, damping);
+ return bounceIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, bounces, growth, damping);
/* since bounceIn and bounceOut are combined, if growth > 1 then the bounce-times will increase in
float bounceInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return bounceIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
- return bounceOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return bounceIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
+ return bounceOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
/* fastBounce(In/Out) doesn't end or start in a horizontal slope (= gentle end or start) as
* bounce(In/Out) do which means fastBounceInOut doesn't have the 'delay' in the middle */
float fastBounceIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
- if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
- return start;
- if (fraction == 1)
- return start + delta;
- float w0;
- if (growth == 1.0)
- w0 = 1 / (bounces + 0.25); /* in general (bounces + 1 / (2 * f)) */
- else
- {
- float gN = pow(growth, bounces);
- w0 = 1 / ((gN - 1) / (growth - 1) + gN / 4 /* in general: gN / (2 * f) */ );
- }
- float bounceStart = 0;
- int i;
- float w = w0;
- for (i = 0; i <= bounces; i++)
- {
- float bounceEnd = bounceStart + w;
- if (fraction >= bounceStart && fraction < bounceEnd)
- {
- float half = (bounceEnd + bounceStart) / 2;
- float top = delta / 0.75/* in general: (1 - (1 / f) * (1 / f)) */ / pow(2, damping * ((bounces - i)));
- fraction -= half;
- fraction /= (w / 2);
- return (1 - fraction * fraction) * top + start;
- }
- bounceStart = bounceEnd;
- w = w * growth;
- }
+ if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
+ return start;
+ if (fraction == 1)
+ return start + delta;
+ float w0;
+ if (growth == 1.0)
+ w0 = 1 / (bounces + 0.25); /* in general (bounces + 1 / (2 * f)) */
+ else
+ {
+ float gN = pow(growth, bounces);
+ w0 = 1 / ((gN - 1) / (growth - 1) + gN / 4 /* in general: gN / (2 * f) */ );
+ }
+ float bounceStart = 0;
+ int i;
+ float w = w0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= bounces; i++)
+ {
+ float bounceEnd = bounceStart + w;
+ if (fraction >= bounceStart && fraction < bounceEnd)
+ {
+ float half = (bounceEnd + bounceStart) / 2;
+ float top = delta / 0.75/* in general: (1 - (1 / f) * (1 / f)) */ / pow(2, damping * ((bounces - i)));
+ fraction -= half;
+ fraction /= (w / 2);
+ return (1 - fraction * fraction) * top + start;
+ }
+ bounceStart = bounceEnd;
+ w = w * growth;
+ }
+ return 0;
float fastBounceOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
- return fastBounceIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, bounces, growth, damping);
+ return fastBounceIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, bounces, growth, damping);
float fastBounceInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
- if (fraction < 0.5)
- return fastBounceIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
- return fastBounceOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
+ if (fraction < 0.5)
+ return fastBounceIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
+ return fastBounceOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);