+++ /dev/null
-// FontFile.cc
-// Copyright 1999-2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <aconf.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "gmem.h"
-#include "Error.h"
-#include "GlobalParams.h"
-#include "CharCodeToUnicode.h"
-#include "FontEncodingTables.h"
-#include "FontFile.h"
-#include "CompactFontTables.h"
-static inline char *nextLine(char *line, char *end) {
- while (line < end && *line != '\n' && *line != '\r')
- ++line;
- while (line < end && *line == '\n' || *line == '\r')
- ++line;
- return line;
-static char hexChars[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-// FontFile
-FontFile::FontFile() {
-FontFile::~FontFile() {
-// Type1FontFile
-Type1FontFile::Type1FontFile(char *file, int len) {
- char *line, *line1, *p, *p2;
- GBool haveEncoding;
- char buf[256];
- char c;
- int n, code, i, j;
- name = NULL;
- encoding = (char **)gmalloc(256 * sizeof(char *));
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- encoding[i] = NULL;
- }
- haveEncoding = gFalse;
- for (i = 1, line = file;
- i <= 100 && line < file + len && !haveEncoding;
- ++i) {
- // get font name
- if (!strncmp(line, "/FontName", 9)) {
- strncpy(buf, line, 255);
- buf[255] = '\0';
- if ((p = strchr(buf+9, '/')) &&
- (p = strtok(p+1, " \t\n\r"))) {
- name = copyString(p);
- }
- line = nextLine(line, file + len);
- // get encoding
- } else if (!strncmp(line, "/Encoding StandardEncoding def", 30)) {
- for (j = 0; j < 256; ++j) {
- if (standardEncoding[j]) {
- encoding[j] = copyString(standardEncoding[j]);
- }
- }
- haveEncoding = gTrue;
- } else if (!strncmp(line, "/Encoding 256 array", 19)) {
- for (j = 0; j < 300; ++j) {
- line1 = nextLine(line, file + len);
- if ((n = line1 - line) > 255) {
- n = 255;
- }
- strncpy(buf, line, n);
- buf[n] = '\0';
- for (p = buf; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; ++p) ;
- if (!strncmp(p, "dup", 3)) {
- for (p += 3; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; ++p) ;
- for (p2 = p; *p2 >= '0' && *p2 <= '9'; ++p2) ;
- if (*p2) {
- c = *p2;
- *p2 = '\0';
- if ((code = atoi(p)) < 256) {
- *p2 = c;
- for (p = p2; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; ++p) ;
- if (*p == '/') {
- ++p;
- for (p2 = p; *p2 && *p2 != ' ' && *p2 != '\t'; ++p2) ;
- *p2 = '\0';
- encoding[code] = copyString(p);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (strtok(buf, " \t") &&
- (p = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")) && !strcmp(p, "def")) {
- break;
- }
- }
- line = line1;
- }
- //~ check for getinterval/putinterval junk
- haveEncoding = gTrue;
- } else {
- line = nextLine(line, file + len);
- }
- }
-Type1FontFile::~Type1FontFile() {
- int i;
- if (name) {
- gfree(name);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- gfree(encoding[i]);
- }
- gfree(encoding);
-// Type1CFontFile
-struct Type1CTopDict {
- int version;
- int notice;
- int copyright;
- int fullName;
- int familyName;
- int weight;
- int isFixedPitch;
- double italicAngle;
- double underlinePosition;
- double underlineThickness;
- int paintType;
- int charstringType;
- double fontMatrix[6];
- int uniqueID;
- double fontBBox[4];
- double strokeWidth;
- int charset;
- int encoding;
- int charStrings;
- int privateSize;
- int privateOffset;
- //----- CIDFont entries
- int registry;
- int ordering;
- int supplement;
- int fdArrayOffset;
- int fdSelectOffset;
-struct Type1CPrivateDict {
- GString *dictData;
- int subrsOffset;
- double defaultWidthX;
- GBool defaultWidthXFP;
- double nominalWidthX;
- GBool nominalWidthXFP;
-Type1CFontFile::Type1CFontFile(char *fileA, int lenA) {
- Guchar *nameIdxPtr, *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1;
- file = fileA;
- len = lenA;
- name = NULL;
- encoding = NULL;
- // some tools embed Type 1C fonts with an extra whitespace char at
- // the beginning
- if (file[0] != '\x01') {
- ++file;
- }
- // read header
- topOffSize = file[3] & 0xff;
- // read name index (first font only)
- nameIdxPtr = (Guchar *)file + (file[2] & 0xff);
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(nameIdxPtr, 0);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(nameIdxPtr, 1);
- name = new GString((char *)idxPtr0, idxPtr1 - idxPtr0);
- topDictIdxPtr = getIndexEnd(nameIdxPtr);
- stringIdxPtr = getIndexEnd(topDictIdxPtr);
- gsubrIdxPtr = getIndexEnd(stringIdxPtr);
-Type1CFontFile::~Type1CFontFile() {
- int i;
- delete name;
- if (encoding) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- gfree(encoding[i]);
- }
- gfree(encoding);
- }
-char *Type1CFontFile::getName() {
- return name->getCString();
-char **Type1CFontFile::getEncoding() {
- if (!encoding) {
- readNameAndEncoding();
- }
- return encoding;
-void Type1CFontFile::readNameAndEncoding() {
- char buf[256];
- Guchar *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1, *ptr;
- int nGlyphs;
- int nCodes, nRanges, nLeft, nSups;
- Gushort *glyphNames;
- int charset, enc, charstrings;
- int encFormat;
- int c, sid;
- double x;
- GBool isFP;
- int key;
- int i, j;
- encoding = (char **)gmalloc(256 * sizeof(char *));
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- encoding[i] = NULL;
- }
- // read top dict (first font only)
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(topDictIdxPtr, 0);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(topDictIdxPtr, 1);
- charset = enc = charstrings = 0;
- i = 0;
- ptr = idxPtr0;
- while (ptr < idxPtr1) {
- if (*ptr <= 27 || *ptr == 31) {
- key = *ptr++;
- if (key == 0x0c) {
- key = (key << 8) | *ptr++;
- }
- if (key == 0x0f) { // charset
- charset = (int)op[0];
- } else if (key == 0x10) { // encoding
- enc = (int)op[0];
- } else if (key == 0x11) { // charstrings
- charstrings = (int)op[0];
- }
- i = 0;
- } else {
- x = getNum(&ptr, &isFP);
- if (i < 48) {
- op[i++] = x;
- }
- }
- }
- // get number of glyphs from charstrings index
- nGlyphs = getIndexLen((Guchar *)file + charstrings);
- // read charset (GID -> name mapping)
- glyphNames = readCharset(charset, nGlyphs);
- // read encoding (GID -> code mapping)
- if (enc == 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- if (standardEncoding[i]) {
- encoding[i] = copyString(standardEncoding[i]);
- }
- }
- } else if (enc == 1) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- if (expertEncoding[i]) {
- encoding[i] = copyString(expertEncoding[i]);
- }
- }
- } else {
- ptr = (Guchar *)file + enc;
- encFormat = *ptr++;
- if ((encFormat & 0x7f) == 0) {
- nCodes = 1 + *ptr++;
- if (nCodes > nGlyphs) {
- nCodes = nGlyphs;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < nCodes; ++i) {
- c = *ptr++;
- encoding[c] = copyString(getString(glyphNames[i], buf));
- }
- } else if ((encFormat & 0x7f) == 1) {
- nRanges = *ptr++;
- nCodes = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < nRanges; ++i) {
- c = *ptr++;
- nLeft = *ptr++;
- for (j = 0; j <= nLeft && nCodes < nGlyphs; ++j) {
- encoding[c] = copyString(getString(glyphNames[nCodes], buf));
- ++nCodes;
- ++c;
- }
- }
- }
- if (encFormat & 0x80) {
- nSups = *ptr++;
- for (i = 0; i < nSups; ++i) {
- c = *ptr++;
- sid = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- encoding[c] = copyString(getString(sid, buf));
- }
- }
- }
- if (charset > 2) {
- gfree(glyphNames);
- }
-void Type1CFontFile::convertToType1(FILE *outA) {
- Type1CTopDict dict;
- Type1CPrivateDict privateDict;
- char buf[256], eBuf[256];
- Guchar *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1, *subrsIdxPtr, *charStringsIdxPtr, *ptr;
- int nGlyphs, nCodes, nRanges, nLeft, nSups;
- Gushort *glyphNames;
- int encFormat, nSubrs, nCharStrings;
- int c, sid;
- int i, j, n;
- out = outA;
- // read top dict (first font only)
- readTopDict(&dict);
- // get global subrs
- //~ ... global subrs are unimplemented
- // write header and font dictionary, up to encoding
- fprintf(out, "%%!FontType1-1.0: %s", name->getCString());
- if (dict.version != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "%s", getString(dict.version, buf));
- }
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- fprintf(out, "11 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontInfo 10 dict dup begin\n");
- if (dict.version != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/version (%s) readonly def\n",
- getString(dict.version, buf));
- }
- if (dict.notice != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/Notice (%s) readonly def\n",
- getString(dict.notice, buf));
- }
- if (dict.copyright != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/Copyright (%s) readonly def\n",
- getString(dict.copyright, buf));
- }
- if (dict.fullName != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/FullName (%s) readonly def\n",
- getString(dict.fullName, buf));
- }
- if (dict.familyName != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/FamilyName (%s) readonly def\n",
- getString(dict.familyName, buf));
- }
- if (dict.weight != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/Weight (%s) readonly def\n",
- getString(dict.weight, buf));
- }
- fprintf(out, "/isFixedPitch %s def\n", dict.isFixedPitch ? "true" : "false");
- fprintf(out, "/ItalicAngle %g def\n", dict.italicAngle);
- fprintf(out, "/UnderlinePosition %g def\n", dict.underlinePosition);
- fprintf(out, "/UnderlineThickness %g def\n", dict.underlineThickness);
- fprintf(out, "end readonly def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontName /%s def\n", name->getCString());
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType %d def\n", dict.paintType);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 1 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [%g %g %g %g %g %g] readonly def\n",
- dict.fontMatrix[0], dict.fontMatrix[1], dict.fontMatrix[2],
- dict.fontMatrix[3], dict.fontMatrix[4], dict.fontMatrix[5]);
- fprintf(out, "/FontBBox [%g %g %g %g] readonly def\n",
- dict.fontBBox[0], dict.fontBBox[1],
- dict.fontBBox[2], dict.fontBBox[3]);
- fprintf(out, "/StrokeWidth %g def\n", dict.strokeWidth);
- if (dict.uniqueID != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/UniqueID %d def\n", dict.uniqueID);
- }
- // get number of glyphs from charstrings index
- nGlyphs = getIndexLen((Guchar *)file + dict.charStrings);
- // read charset
- glyphNames = readCharset(dict.charset, nGlyphs);
- // read encoding (glyph -> code mapping), write Type 1 encoding
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding ");
- if (dict.encoding == 0) {
- fprintf(out, "StandardEncoding def\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(out, "256 array\n");
- fprintf(out, "0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for\n");
- if (dict.encoding == 1) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- if (expertEncoding[i]) {
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /%s put\n", i, expertEncoding[i]);
- }
- }
- } else {
- ptr = (Guchar *)file + dict.encoding;
- encFormat = *ptr++;
- if ((encFormat & 0x7f) == 0) {
- nCodes = 1 + *ptr++;
- if (nCodes > nGlyphs) {
- nCodes = nGlyphs;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < nCodes; ++i) {
- c = *ptr++;
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /%s put\n",
- c, getString(glyphNames[i], buf));
- }
- } else if ((encFormat & 0x7f) == 1) {
- nRanges = *ptr++;
- nCodes = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < nRanges; ++i) {
- c = *ptr++;
- nLeft = *ptr++;
- for (j = 0; j <= nLeft && nCodes < nGlyphs; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /%s put\n",
- c, getString(glyphNames[nCodes], buf));
- ++nCodes;
- ++c;
- }
- }
- }
- if (encFormat & 0x80) {
- nSups = *ptr++;
- for (i = 0; i < nSups; ++i) {
- c = *ptr++;
- sid = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /%s put\n", c, getString(sid, buf));
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(out, "readonly def\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, "currentdict end\n");
- // start the binary section
- fprintf(out, "currentfile eexec\n");
- r1 = 55665;
- line = 0;
- // get private dictionary
- eexecWrite("\x83\xca\x73\xd5");
- eexecWrite("dup /Private 32 dict dup begin\n");
- eexecWrite("/RD {string currentfile exch readstring pop} executeonly def\n");
- eexecWrite("/ND {noaccess def} executeonly def\n");
- eexecWrite("/NP {noaccess put} executeonly def\n");
- eexecWrite("/MinFeature {16 16} ND\n");
- readPrivateDict(&privateDict, dict.privateOffset, dict.privateSize);
- eexecWrite(privateDict.dictData->getCString());
- defaultWidthX = privateDict.defaultWidthX;
- defaultWidthXFP = privateDict.defaultWidthXFP;
- nominalWidthX = privateDict.nominalWidthX;
- nominalWidthXFP = privateDict.nominalWidthXFP;
- // get subrs
- if (privateDict.subrsOffset != 0) {
- subrsIdxPtr = (Guchar *)file + dict.privateOffset +
- privateDict.subrsOffset;
- nSubrs = getIndexLen(subrsIdxPtr);
- sprintf(eBuf, "/Subrs %d array\n", nSubrs);
- eexecWrite(eBuf);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(subrsIdxPtr, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < nSubrs; ++i) {
- idxPtr0 = idxPtr1;
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(subrsIdxPtr, i+1);
- n = idxPtr1 - idxPtr0;
-#if 1 //~ Type 2 subrs are unimplemented
- error(-1, "Unimplemented Type 2 subrs");
- sprintf(eBuf, "dup %d %d RD ", i, n);
- eexecWrite(eBuf);
- eexecCvtGlyph(idxPtr0, n);
- eexecWrite(" NP\n");
- }
- eexecWrite("ND\n");
- }
- // get CharStrings
- charStringsIdxPtr = (Guchar *)file + dict.charStrings;
- nCharStrings = getIndexLen(charStringsIdxPtr);
- sprintf(eBuf, "2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin\n", nCharStrings);
- eexecWrite(eBuf);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < nCharStrings; ++i) {
- idxPtr0 = idxPtr1;
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, i+1);
- n = idxPtr1 - idxPtr0;
- eexecCvtGlyph(getString(glyphNames[i], buf), idxPtr0, n);
- }
- eexecWrite("end\n");
- eexecWrite("end\n");
- eexecWrite("readonly put\n");
- eexecWrite("noaccess put\n");
- eexecWrite("dup /FontName get exch definefont pop\n");
- eexecWrite("mark currentfile closefile\n");
- // trailer
- if (line > 0) {
- fputc('\n', out);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- fprintf(out, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, "cleartomark\n");
- // clean up
- delete privateDict.dictData;
- if (dict.charset > 2) {
- gfree(glyphNames);
- }
-void Type1CFontFile::convertToCIDType0(char *psName, FILE *outA) {
- Type1CTopDict dict;
- Type1CPrivateDict *privateDicts;
- GString *charStrings;
- int *charStringOffsets;
- Gushort *charset;
- int *cidMap;
- Guchar *fdSelect;
- Guchar *charStringsIdxPtr, *fdArrayIdx, *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1, *ptr;
- char buf[256];
- int nGlyphs, nCIDs, gdBytes, nFDs;
- int fdSelectFmt, nRanges, gid0, gid1, fd, offset;
- int key;
- double x;
- GBool isFP;
- int i, j, k, n;
- out = outA;
- fprintf(out, "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n");
- // read top dict (first font only)
- readTopDict(&dict);
- // read the FDArray dictionaries and Private dictionaries
- if (dict.fdArrayOffset == 0) {
- nFDs = 1;
- privateDicts = (Type1CPrivateDict *)
- gmalloc(nFDs * sizeof(Type1CPrivateDict));
- privateDicts[0].dictData = new GString();
- privateDicts[0].subrsOffset = 0;
- privateDicts[0].defaultWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[0].defaultWidthXFP = gFalse;
- privateDicts[0].nominalWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[0].nominalWidthXFP = gFalse;
- } else {
- fdArrayIdx = (Guchar *)file + dict.fdArrayOffset;
- nFDs = getIndexLen(fdArrayIdx);
- privateDicts = (Type1CPrivateDict *)
- gmalloc(nFDs * sizeof(Type1CPrivateDict));
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(fdArrayIdx, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < nFDs; ++i) {
- privateDicts[i].dictData = NULL;
- idxPtr0 = idxPtr1;
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(fdArrayIdx, i + 1);
- ptr = idxPtr0;
- j = 0;
- while (ptr < idxPtr1) {
- if (*ptr <= 27 || *ptr == 31) {
- key = *ptr++;
- if (key == 0x0c) {
- key = (key << 8) | *ptr++;
- }
- if (key == 0x0012) {
- readPrivateDict(&privateDicts[i], (int)op[1], (int)op[0]);
- }
- j = 0;
- } else {
- x = getNum(&ptr, &isFP);
- if (j < 48) {
- op[j] = x;
- fp[j++] = isFP;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!privateDicts[i].dictData) {
- privateDicts[i].dictData = new GString();
- privateDicts[i].subrsOffset = 0;
- privateDicts[i].defaultWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[i].defaultWidthXFP = gFalse;
- privateDicts[i].nominalWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[i].nominalWidthXFP = gFalse;
- }
- }
- }
- // get the glyph count
- charStringsIdxPtr = (Guchar *)file + dict.charStrings;
- nGlyphs = getIndexLen(charStringsIdxPtr);
- // read the FDSelect table
- fdSelect = (Guchar *)gmalloc(nGlyphs);
- if (dict.fdSelectOffset == 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- fdSelect[i] = 0;
- }
- } else {
- ptr = (Guchar *)file + dict.fdSelectOffset;
- fdSelectFmt = *ptr++;
- if (fdSelectFmt == 0) {
- memcpy(fdSelect, ptr, nGlyphs);
- } else if (fdSelectFmt == 3) {
- nRanges = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- gid0 = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- for (i = 1; i <= nRanges; ++i) {
- fd = *ptr++;
- gid1 = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- for (j = gid0; j < gid1; ++j) {
- fdSelect[j] = fd;
- }
- gid0 = gid1;
- }
- } else {
- error(-1, "Unknown FDSelect table format in CID font");
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- fdSelect[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // read the charset, compute the CID-to-GID mapping
- charset = readCharset(dict.charset, nGlyphs);
- nCIDs = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- if (charset[i] >= nCIDs) {
- nCIDs = charset[i] + 1;
- }
- }
- cidMap = (int *)gmalloc(nCIDs * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; ++i) {
- cidMap[i] = -1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- cidMap[charset[i]] = i;
- }
- // build the charstrings
- charStrings = new GString();
- charStringOffsets = (int *)gmalloc((nCIDs + 1) * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; ++i) {
- charStringOffsets[i] = charStrings->getLength();
- if (cidMap[i] >= 0) {
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, cidMap[i]);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, cidMap[i]+1);
- n = idxPtr1 - idxPtr0;
- j = fdSelect[cidMap[i]];
- defaultWidthX = privateDicts[j].defaultWidthX;
- defaultWidthXFP = privateDicts[j].defaultWidthXFP;
- nominalWidthX = privateDicts[j].nominalWidthX;
- nominalWidthXFP = privateDicts[j].nominalWidthXFP;
- cvtGlyph(idxPtr0, n);
- charStrings->append(charBuf);
- delete charBuf;
- }
- }
- charStringOffsets[nCIDs] = charStrings->getLength();
- // compute gdBytes = number of bytes needed for charstring offsets
- // (offset size needs to account for the charstring offset table,
- // with a worst case of five bytes per entry, plus the charstrings
- // themselves)
- i = (nCIDs + 1) * 5 + charStrings->getLength();
- if (i < 0x100) {
- gdBytes = 1;
- } else if (i < 0x10000) {
- gdBytes = 2;
- } else if (i < 0x1000000) {
- gdBytes = 3;
- } else {
- gdBytes = 4;
- }
- // begin the font dictionary
- fprintf(out, "20 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/CIDFontName /%s def\n", psName);
- fprintf(out, "/CIDFontType 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin\n");
- if (dict.registry > 0 && dict.ordering > 0) {
- fprintf(out, " /Registry (%s) def\n", getString(dict.registry, buf));
- fprintf(out, " /Ordering (%s) def\n", getString(dict.ordering, buf));
- } else {
- fprintf(out, " /Registry (Adobe) def\n");
- fprintf(out, " /Ordering (Identity) def\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, " /Supplement %d def\n", dict.supplement);
- fprintf(out, "end def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [%g %g %g %g %g %g] def\n",
- dict.fontMatrix[0], dict.fontMatrix[1], dict.fontMatrix[2],
- dict.fontMatrix[3], dict.fontMatrix[4], dict.fontMatrix[5]);
- fprintf(out, "/FontBBox [%g %g %g %g] def\n",
- dict.fontBBox[0], dict.fontBBox[1],
- dict.fontBBox[2], dict.fontBBox[3]);
- fprintf(out, "/FontInfo 1 dict dup begin\n");
- fprintf(out, " /FSType 8 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "end def\n");
- // CIDFont-specific entries
- fprintf(out, "/CIDCount %d def\n", nCIDs);
- fprintf(out, "/FDBytes 1 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/GDBytes %d def\n", gdBytes);
- fprintf(out, "/CIDMapOffset 0 def\n");
- if (dict.paintType != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType %d def\n", dict.paintType);
- fprintf(out, "/StrokeWidth %g def\n", dict.strokeWidth);
- }
- // FDArray entry
- fprintf(out, "/FDArray %d array\n", nFDs);
- for (i = 0; i < nFDs; ++i) {
- fprintf(out, "dup %d 10 dict begin\n", i);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 1 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType %d def\n", dict.paintType);
- fprintf(out, "/Private 32 dict begin\n");
- fwrite(privateDicts[i].dictData->getCString(), 1,
- privateDicts[i].dictData->getLength(), out);
- fprintf(out, "currentdict end def\n");
- fprintf(out, "currentdict end put\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, "def\n");
- //~ need to deal with subrs
- // start the binary section
- offset = (nCIDs + 1) * (1 + gdBytes);
- fprintf(out, "(Hex) %d StartData\n",
- offset + charStrings->getLength());
- // write the charstring offset (CIDMap) table
- for (i = 0; i <= nCIDs; i += 6) {
- for (j = 0; j < 6 && i+j <= nCIDs; ++j) {
- if (cidMap[i+j] >= 0) {
- buf[0] = (char)fdSelect[cidMap[i+j]];
- } else {
- buf[0] = (char)0;
- }
- n = offset + charStringOffsets[i+j];
- for (k = gdBytes; k >= 1; --k) {
- buf[k] = (char)(n & 0xff);
- n >>= 8;
- }
- for (k = 0; k <= gdBytes; ++k) {
- fprintf(out, "%02x", buf[k] & 0xff);
- }
- }
- fputc('\n', out);
- }
- // write the charstring data
- n = charStrings->getLength();
- for (i = 0; i < n; i += 32) {
- for (j = 0; j < 32 && i+j < n; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "%02x", charStrings->getChar(i+j) & 0xff);
- }
- if (i + 32 >= n) {
- fputc('>', out);
- }
- fputc('\n', out);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nFDs; ++i) {
- delete privateDicts[i].dictData;
- }
- gfree(privateDicts);
- gfree(cidMap);
- gfree(charset);
- gfree(charStringOffsets);
- delete charStrings;
- gfree(fdSelect);
-void Type1CFontFile::convertToType0(char *psName, FILE *outA) {
- Type1CTopDict dict;
- Type1CPrivateDict *privateDicts;
- Gushort *charset;
- int *cidMap;
- Guchar *fdSelect;
- Guchar *charStringsIdxPtr, *fdArrayIdx, *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1, *ptr;
- char buf[256];
- char eBuf[256];
- int nGlyphs, nCIDs, nFDs;
- int fdSelectFmt, nRanges, gid0, gid1, fd;
- int key;
- double x;
- GBool isFP;
- int i, j, n;
- out = outA;
- // read top dict (first font only)
- readTopDict(&dict);
- // read the FDArray dictionaries and Private dictionaries
- if (dict.fdArrayOffset == 0) {
- nFDs = 1;
- privateDicts = (Type1CPrivateDict *)
- gmalloc(nFDs * sizeof(Type1CPrivateDict));
- privateDicts[0].dictData = new GString();
- privateDicts[0].subrsOffset = 0;
- privateDicts[0].defaultWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[0].defaultWidthXFP = gFalse;
- privateDicts[0].nominalWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[0].nominalWidthXFP = gFalse;
- } else {
- fdArrayIdx = (Guchar *)file + dict.fdArrayOffset;
- nFDs = getIndexLen(fdArrayIdx);
- privateDicts = (Type1CPrivateDict *)
- gmalloc(nFDs * sizeof(Type1CPrivateDict));
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(fdArrayIdx, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < nFDs; ++i) {
- privateDicts[i].dictData = NULL;
- idxPtr0 = idxPtr1;
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(fdArrayIdx, i + 1);
- ptr = idxPtr0;
- j = 0;
- while (ptr < idxPtr1) {
- if (*ptr <= 27 || *ptr == 31) {
- key = *ptr++;
- if (key == 0x0c) {
- key = (key << 8) | *ptr++;
- }
- if (key == 0x0012) {
- readPrivateDict(&privateDicts[i], (int)op[1], (int)op[0]);
- }
- j = 0;
- } else {
- x = getNum(&ptr, &isFP);
- if (j < 48) {
- op[j] = x;
- fp[j++] = isFP;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!privateDicts[i].dictData) {
- privateDicts[i].dictData = new GString();
- privateDicts[i].subrsOffset = 0;
- privateDicts[i].defaultWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[i].defaultWidthXFP = gFalse;
- privateDicts[i].nominalWidthX = 0;
- privateDicts[i].nominalWidthXFP = gFalse;
- }
- }
- }
- // get the glyph count
- charStringsIdxPtr = (Guchar *)file + dict.charStrings;
- nGlyphs = getIndexLen(charStringsIdxPtr);
- // read the FDSelect table
- fdSelect = (Guchar *)gmalloc(nGlyphs);
- if (dict.fdSelectOffset == 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- fdSelect[i] = 0;
- }
- } else {
- ptr = (Guchar *)file + dict.fdSelectOffset;
- fdSelectFmt = *ptr++;
- if (fdSelectFmt == 0) {
- memcpy(fdSelect, ptr, nGlyphs);
- } else if (fdSelectFmt == 3) {
- nRanges = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- gid0 = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- for (i = 1; i <= nRanges; ++i) {
- fd = *ptr++;
- gid1 = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- for (j = gid0; j < gid1; ++j) {
- fdSelect[j] = fd;
- }
- gid0 = gid1;
- }
- } else {
- error(-1, "Unknown FDSelect table format in CID font");
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- fdSelect[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // read the charset, compute the CID-to-GID mapping
- charset = readCharset(dict.charset, nGlyphs);
- nCIDs = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- if (charset[i] >= nCIDs) {
- nCIDs = charset[i] + 1;
- }
- }
- cidMap = (int *)gmalloc(nCIDs * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; ++i) {
- cidMap[i] = -1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- cidMap[charset[i]] = i;
- }
- // write the descendant Type 1 fonts
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; i += 256) {
- //~ this assumes that all CIDs in this block have the same FD --
- //~ to handle multiple FDs correctly, need to somehow divide the
- //~ font up by FD
- fd = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 256 && i+j < nCIDs; ++j) {
- if (cidMap[i+j] >= 0) {
- fd = fdSelect[cidMap[i+j]];
- break;
- }
- }
- // font dictionary (unencrypted section)
- fprintf(out, "16 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontName /%s_%02x def\n", psName, i >> 8);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 1 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [%g %g %g %g %g %g] def\n",
- dict.fontMatrix[0], dict.fontMatrix[1], dict.fontMatrix[2],
- dict.fontMatrix[3], dict.fontMatrix[4], dict.fontMatrix[5]);
- fprintf(out, "/FontBBox [%g %g %g %g] def\n",
- dict.fontBBox[0], dict.fontBBox[1],
- dict.fontBBox[2], dict.fontBBox[3]);
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType %d def\n", dict.paintType);
- if (dict.paintType != 0) {
- fprintf(out, "/StrokeWidth %g def\n", dict.strokeWidth);
- }
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding 256 array\n");
- for (j = 0; j < 256 && i+j < nCIDs; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /c%02x put\n", j, j);
- }
- fprintf(out, "readonly def\n");
- fprintf(out, "currentdict end\n");
- // start the binary section
- fprintf(out, "currentfile eexec\n");
- r1 = 55665;
- line = 0;
- // start the private dictionary
- eexecWrite("\x83\xca\x73\xd5");
- eexecWrite("dup /Private 32 dict dup begin\n");
- eexecWrite("/RD {string currentfile exch readstring pop} executeonly def\n");
- eexecWrite("/ND {noaccess def} executeonly def\n");
- eexecWrite("/NP {noaccess put} executeonly def\n");
- eexecWrite("/MinFeature {16 16} ND\n");
- eexecWrite(privateDicts[fd].dictData->getCString());
- defaultWidthX = privateDicts[fd].defaultWidthX;
- defaultWidthXFP = privateDicts[fd].defaultWidthXFP;
- nominalWidthX = privateDicts[fd].nominalWidthX;
- nominalWidthXFP = privateDicts[fd].nominalWidthXFP;
- // start the CharStrings
- sprintf(eBuf, "2 index /CharStrings 256 dict dup begin\n");
- eexecWrite(eBuf);
- // write the .notdef CharString
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, 0);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, 1);
- n = idxPtr1 - idxPtr0;
- eexecCvtGlyph(".notdef", idxPtr0, n);
- // write the CharStrings
- for (j = 0; j < 256 && i+j < nCIDs; ++j) {
- if (cidMap[i+j] >= 0) {
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, cidMap[i+j]);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(charStringsIdxPtr, cidMap[i+j]+1);
- n = idxPtr1 - idxPtr0;
- sprintf(buf, "c%02x", j);
- eexecCvtGlyph(buf, idxPtr0, n);
- }
- }
- eexecWrite("end\n");
- eexecWrite("end\n");
- eexecWrite("readonly put\n");
- eexecWrite("noaccess put\n");
- eexecWrite("dup /FontName get exch definefont pop\n");
- eexecWrite("mark currentfile closefile\n");
- // trailer
- if (line > 0) {
- fputc('\n', out);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, "cleartomark\n");
- }
- // write the Type 0 parent font
- fprintf(out, "16 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontName /%s def\n", psName);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FMapType 2 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding [\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; i += 256) {
- fprintf(out, "%d\n", i >> 8);
- }
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FDepVector [\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; i += 256) {
- fprintf(out, "/%s_%02x findfont\n", psName, i >> 8);
- }
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "FontName currentdict end definefont pop\n");
- // clean up
- for (i = 0; i < nFDs; ++i) {
- delete privateDicts[i].dictData;
- }
- gfree(privateDicts);
- gfree(cidMap);
- gfree(charset);
- gfree(fdSelect);
-void Type1CFontFile::readTopDict(Type1CTopDict *dict) {
- Guchar *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1, *ptr;
- double x;
- GBool isFP;
- int key;
- int i;
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(topDictIdxPtr, 0);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(topDictIdxPtr, 1);
- dict->version = 0;
- dict->notice = 0;
- dict->copyright = 0;
- dict->fullName = 0;
- dict->familyName = 0;
- dict->weight = 0;
- dict->isFixedPitch = 0;
- dict->italicAngle = 0;
- dict->underlinePosition = -100;
- dict->underlineThickness = 50;
- dict->paintType = 0;
- dict->charstringType = 2;
- dict->fontMatrix[0] = 0.001;
- dict->fontMatrix[1] = 0;
- dict->fontMatrix[2] = 0;
- dict->fontMatrix[3] = 0.001;
- dict->fontMatrix[4] = 0;
- dict->fontMatrix[5] = 0;
- dict->uniqueID = 0;
- dict->fontBBox[0] = 0;
- dict->fontBBox[1] = 0;
- dict->fontBBox[2] = 0;
- dict->fontBBox[3] = 0;
- dict->strokeWidth = 0;
- dict->charset = 0;
- dict->encoding = 0;
- dict->charStrings = 0;
- dict->privateSize = 0;
- dict->privateOffset = 0;
- dict->registry = 0;
- dict->ordering = 0;
- dict->supplement = 0;
- dict->fdArrayOffset = 0;
- dict->fdSelectOffset = 0;
- i = 0;
- ptr = idxPtr0;
- while (ptr < idxPtr1) {
- if (*ptr <= 27 || *ptr == 31) {
- key = *ptr++;
- if (key == 0x0c) {
- key = (key << 8) | *ptr++;
- }
- switch (key) {
- case 0x0000: dict->version = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0001: dict->notice = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c00: dict->copyright = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0002: dict->fullName = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0003: dict->familyName = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0004: dict->weight = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c01: dict->isFixedPitch = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c02: dict->italicAngle = op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c03: dict->underlinePosition = op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c04: dict->underlineThickness = op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c05: dict->paintType = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c06: dict->charstringType = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c07: dict->fontMatrix[0] = op[0];
- dict->fontMatrix[1] = op[1];
- dict->fontMatrix[2] = op[2];
- dict->fontMatrix[3] = op[3];
- dict->fontMatrix[4] = op[4];
- dict->fontMatrix[5] = op[5]; break;
- case 0x000d: dict->uniqueID = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0005: dict->fontBBox[0] = op[0];
- dict->fontBBox[1] = op[1];
- dict->fontBBox[2] = op[2];
- dict->fontBBox[3] = op[3]; break;
- case 0x0c08: dict->strokeWidth = op[0]; break;
- case 0x000f: dict->charset = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0010: dict->encoding = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0011: dict->charStrings = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0012: dict->privateSize = (int)op[0];
- dict->privateOffset = (int)op[1]; break;
- case 0x0c1e: dict->registry = (int)op[0];
- dict->ordering = (int)op[1];
- dict->supplement = (int)op[2]; break;
- case 0x0c24: dict->fdArrayOffset = (int)op[0]; break;
- case 0x0c25: dict->fdSelectOffset = (int)op[0]; break;
- }
- i = 0;
- } else {
- x = getNum(&ptr, &isFP);
- if (i < 48) {
- op[i] = x;
- fp[i++] = isFP;
- }
- }
- }
-void Type1CFontFile::readPrivateDict(Type1CPrivateDict *privateDict,
- int offset, int size) {
- Guchar *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1, *ptr;
- char eBuf[256];
- int key;
- double x;
- GBool isFP;
- int i;
- privateDict->dictData = new GString();
- privateDict->subrsOffset = 0;
- privateDict->defaultWidthX = 0;
- privateDict->defaultWidthXFP = gFalse;
- privateDict->nominalWidthX = 0;
- privateDict->nominalWidthXFP = gFalse;
- idxPtr0 = (Guchar *)file + offset;
- idxPtr1 = idxPtr0 + size;
- ptr = idxPtr0;
- i = 0;
- while (ptr < idxPtr1) {
- if (*ptr <= 27 || *ptr == 31) {
- key = *ptr++;
- if (key == 0x0c) {
- key = (key << 8) | *ptr++;
- }
- switch (key) {
- case 0x0006:
- getDeltaInt(eBuf, "BlueValues", op, i);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0007:
- getDeltaInt(eBuf, "OtherBlues", op, i);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0008:
- getDeltaInt(eBuf, "FamilyBlues", op, i);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0009:
- getDeltaInt(eBuf, "FamilyOtherBlues", op, i);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c09:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/BlueScale %g def\n", op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c0a:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/BlueShift %d def\n", (int)op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c0b:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/BlueFuzz %d def\n", (int)op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x000a:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/StdHW [%g] def\n", op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x000b:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/StdVW [%g] def\n", op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c0c:
- getDeltaReal(eBuf, "StemSnapH", op, i);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c0d:
- getDeltaReal(eBuf, "StemSnapV", op, i);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c0e:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/ForceBold %s def\n", op[0] ? "true" : "false");
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c0f:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/ForceBoldThreshold %g def\n", op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c11:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/LanguageGroup %d def\n", (int)op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c12:
- sprintf(eBuf, "/ExpansionFactor %g def\n", op[0]);
- privateDict->dictData->append(eBuf);
- break;
- case 0x0c13:
- error(-1, "Got Type 1C InitialRandomSeed");
- break;
- case 0x0013:
- privateDict->subrsOffset = (int)op[0];
- break;
- case 0x0014:
- privateDict->defaultWidthX = op[0];
- privateDict->defaultWidthXFP = fp[0];
- break;
- case 0x0015:
- privateDict->nominalWidthX = op[0];
- privateDict->nominalWidthXFP = fp[0];
- break;
- default:
- error(-1, "Unknown Type 1C private dict entry %04x", key);
- break;
- }
- i = 0;
- } else {
- x = getNum(&ptr, &isFP);
- if (i < 48) {
- op[i] = x;
- fp[i++] = isFP;
- }
- }
- }
-Gushort *Type1CFontFile::readCharset(int charset, int nGlyphs) {
- Gushort *glyphNames;
- Guchar *ptr;
- int charsetFormat, c;
- int nLeft, i, j;
- if (charset == 0) {
- glyphNames = type1CISOAdobeCharset;
- } else if (charset == 1) {
- glyphNames = type1CExpertCharset;
- } else if (charset == 2) {
- glyphNames = type1CExpertSubsetCharset;
- } else {
- glyphNames = (Gushort *)gmalloc(nGlyphs * sizeof(Gushort));
- glyphNames[0] = 0;
- ptr = (Guchar *)file + charset;
- charsetFormat = *ptr++;
- if (charsetFormat == 0) {
- for (i = 1; i < nGlyphs; ++i) {
- glyphNames[i] = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- }
- } else if (charsetFormat == 1) {
- i = 1;
- while (i < nGlyphs) {
- c = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- nLeft = *ptr++;
- for (j = 0; j <= nLeft && i < nGlyphs; ++j) {
- glyphNames[i++] = c++;
- }
- }
- } else if (charsetFormat == 2) {
- i = 1;
- while (i < nGlyphs) {
- c = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- nLeft = getWord(ptr, 2);
- ptr += 2;
- for (j = 0; j <= nLeft && i < nGlyphs; ++j) {
- glyphNames[i++] = c++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return glyphNames;
-void Type1CFontFile::eexecWrite(char *s) {
- Guchar *p;
- Guchar x;
- for (p = (Guchar *)s; *p; ++p) {
- x = *p ^ (r1 >> 8);
- r1 = (x + r1) * 52845 + 22719;
- fputc(hexChars[x >> 4], out);
- fputc(hexChars[x & 0x0f], out);
- line += 2;
- if (line == 64) {
- fputc('\n', out);
- line = 0;
- }
- }
-void Type1CFontFile::eexecCvtGlyph(char *glyphName, Guchar *s, int n) {
- char eBuf[256];
- cvtGlyph(s, n);
- sprintf(eBuf, "/%s %d RD ", glyphName, charBuf->getLength());
- eexecWrite(eBuf);
- eexecWriteCharstring((Guchar *)charBuf->getCString(), charBuf->getLength());
- eexecWrite(" ND\n");
- delete charBuf;
-void Type1CFontFile::cvtGlyph(Guchar *s, int n) {
- int nHints;
- int x;
- GBool first = gTrue;
- double d, dx, dy;
- GBool dFP;
- Gushort r2;
- Guchar byte;
- int i, k;
- charBuf = new GString();
- charBuf->append((char)73);
- charBuf->append((char)58);
- charBuf->append((char)147);
- charBuf->append((char)134);
- i = 0;
- nOps = 0;
- nHints = 0;
- while (i < n) {
- if (s[i] == 12) {
- switch (s[i+1]) {
- case 0: // dotsection (should be Type 1 only?)
- // ignored
- break;
- case 34: // hflex
- if (nOps != 7) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hflex", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- eexecDumpNum(op[4], fp[4]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[5], fp[5]);
- eexecDumpNum(-op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[6], fp[6]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- break;
- case 35: // flex
- if (nOps != 13) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 flex", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[4], fp[4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[5], fp[5]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- eexecDumpNum(op[6], fp[6]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[7], fp[7]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[8], fp[8]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[9], fp[9]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[10], fp[10]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[11], fp[11]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- break;
- case 36: // hflex1
- if (nOps != 9) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hflex1", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[4], fp[4]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- eexecDumpNum(op[5], fp[5]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[6], fp[6]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[7], fp[7]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[8], fp[8]);
- eexecDumpNum(-(op[1] + op[3] + op[7]), fp[1] | fp[3] | fp[7]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- break;
- case 37: // flex1
- if (nOps != 11) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 flex1", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[4], fp[4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[5], fp[5]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- eexecDumpNum(op[6], fp[6]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[7], fp[7]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[8], fp[8]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[9], fp[9]);
- dx = op[0] + op[2] + op[4] + op[6] + op[8];
- dy = op[1] + op[3] + op[5] + op[7] + op[9];
- if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy)) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[10], fp[10]);
- eexecDumpNum(-dy, fp[1] | fp[3] | fp[5] | fp[7] | fp[9]);
- } else {
- eexecDumpNum(-dx, fp[0] | fp[2] | fp[4] | fp[6] | fp[8]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[10], fp[10]);
- }
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- break;
- case 3: // and
- case 4: // or
- case 5: // not
- case 8: // store
- case 9: // abs
- case 10: // add
- case 11: // sub
- case 12: // div
- case 13: // load
- case 14: // neg
- case 15: // eq
- case 18: // drop
- case 20: // put
- case 21: // get
- case 22: // ifelse
- case 23: // random
- case 24: // mul
- case 26: // sqrt
- case 27: // dup
- case 28: // exch
- case 29: // index
- case 30: // roll
- error(-1, "Unimplemented Type 2 charstring op: 12.%d", s[i+1]);
- break;
- default:
- error(-1, "Illegal Type 2 charstring op: 12.%d", s[i+1]);
- break;
- }
- i += 2;
- nOps = 0;
- } else if (s[i] == 19) { // hintmask
- // ignored
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps == 1);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps > 0) {
- if (nOps & 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hintmask/vstemhm",
- nOps);
- }
- nHints += nOps / 2;
- }
- i += 1 + ((nHints + 7) >> 3);
- nOps = 0;
- } else if (s[i] == 20) { // cntrmask
- // ignored
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps == 1);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps > 0) {
- if (nOps & 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 cntrmask/vstemhm",
- nOps);
- }
- nHints += nOps / 2;
- }
- i += 1 + ((nHints + 7) >> 3);
- nOps = 0;
- } else if (s[i] == 28) {
- x = (s[i+1] << 8) + s[i+2];
- if (x & 0x8000) {
- x |= -1 << 15;
- }
- if (nOps < 48) {
- fp[nOps] = gFalse;
- op[nOps++] = x;
- }
- i += 3;
- } else if (s[i] <= 31) {
- switch (s[i]) {
- case 4: // vmoveto
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps == 2);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps != 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 vmoveto", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpOp1(4);
- break;
- case 5: // rlineto
- if (nOps < 2 || nOps % 2 != 0) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 rlineto", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps; k += 2) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpOp1(5);
- }
- break;
- case 6: // hlineto
- if (nOps < 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hlineto", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps; ++k) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpOp1((k & 1) ? 7 : 6);
- }
- break;
- case 7: // vlineto
- if (nOps < 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 vlineto", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps; ++k) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpOp1((k & 1) ? 6 : 7);
- }
- break;
- case 8: // rrcurveto
- if (nOps < 6 || nOps % 6 != 0) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 rrcurveto", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps; k += 6) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+5], fp[k+5]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- }
- break;
- case 14: // endchar / seac
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps == 1 || nOps == 5);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps == 4) {
- eexecDumpNum(0, 0);
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpOp2(6);
- } else if (nOps == 0) {
- eexecDumpOp1(14);
- } else {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 endchar", nOps);
- }
- break;
- case 21: // rmoveto
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps == 3);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps != 2) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 rmoveto", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpOp1(21);
- break;
- case 22: // hmoveto
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps == 2);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps != 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hmoveto", nOps);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpOp1(22);
- break;
- case 24: // rcurveline
- if (nOps < 8 || (nOps - 2) % 6 != 0) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 rcurveline", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps - 2; k += 6) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+5], fp[k+5]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpOp1(5);
- break;
- case 25: // rlinecurve
- if (nOps < 8 || (nOps - 6) % 2 != 0) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 rlinecurve", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps - 6; k += 2) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpOp1(5);
- }
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+5], fp[k+5]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- break;
- case 26: // vvcurveto
- if (nOps < 4 || !(nOps % 4 == 0 || (nOps-1) % 4 == 0)) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 vvcurveto", nOps);
- }
- if (nOps % 2 == 1) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[4], fp[4]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- k = 5;
- } else {
- k = 0;
- }
- for (; k < nOps; k += 4) {
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- }
- break;
- case 27: // hhcurveto
- if (nOps < 4 || !(nOps % 4 == 0 || (nOps-1) % 4 == 0)) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hhcurveto", nOps);
- }
- if (nOps % 2 == 1) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[1], fp[1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[0], fp[0]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[2], fp[2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[3], fp[3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[4], fp[4]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- k = 5;
- } else {
- k = 0;
- }
- for (; k < nOps; k += 4) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- }
- break;
- case 30: // vhcurveto
- if (nOps < 4 || !(nOps % 4 == 0 || (nOps-1) % 4 == 0)) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 vhcurveto", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps && k != nOps-5; k += 4) {
- if (k % 8 == 0) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpOp1(30);
- } else {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpOp1(31);
- }
- }
- if (k == nOps-5) {
- if (k % 8 == 0) {
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- } else {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- }
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- }
- break;
- case 31: // hvcurveto
- if (nOps < 4 || !(nOps % 4 == 0 || (nOps-1) % 4 == 0)) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hvcurveto", nOps);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nOps && k != nOps-5; k += 4) {
- if (k % 8 == 0) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpOp1(31);
- } else {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpOp1(30);
- }
- }
- if (k == nOps-5) {
- if (k % 8 == 0) {
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- } else {
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k], fp[k]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+2], fp[k+2]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+3], fp[k+3]);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+4], fp[k+4]);
- }
- eexecDumpOp1(8);
- }
- break;
- case 1: // hstem
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps & 1);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps & 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hstem", nOps);
- }
- d = 0;
- dFP = gFalse;
- for (k = 0; k < nOps; k += 2) {
- if (op[k+1] < 0) {
- d += op[k] + op[k+1];
- dFP |= fp[k] | fp[k+1];
- eexecDumpNum(d, dFP);
- eexecDumpNum(-op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- } else {
- d += op[k];
- dFP |= fp[k];
- eexecDumpNum(d, dFP);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- d += op[k+1];
- dFP |= fp[k+1];
- }
- eexecDumpOp1(1);
- }
- nHints += nOps / 2;
- break;
- case 3: // vstem
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps & 1);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps & 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 vstem", nOps);
- }
- d = 0;
- dFP = gFalse;
- for (k = 0; k < nOps; k += 2) {
- if (op[k+1] < 0) {
- d += op[k] + op[k+1];
- dFP |= fp[k] | fp[k+1];
- eexecDumpNum(d, dFP);
- eexecDumpNum(-op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- } else {
- d += op[k];
- dFP |= fp[k];
- eexecDumpNum(d, dFP);
- eexecDumpNum(op[k+1], fp[k+1]);
- d += op[k+1];
- dFP |= fp[k+1];
- }
- eexecDumpOp1(3);
- }
- nHints += nOps / 2;
- break;
- case 18: // hstemhm
- // ignored
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps & 1);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps & 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 hstemhm", nOps);
- }
- nHints += nOps / 2;
- break;
- case 23: // vstemhm
- // ignored
- if (first) {
- cvtGlyphWidth(nOps & 1);
- first = gFalse;
- }
- if (nOps & 1) {
- error(-1, "Wrong number of args (%d) to Type 2 vstemhm", nOps);
- }
- nHints += nOps / 2;
- break;
- case 10: // callsubr
- case 11: // return
- case 16: // blend
- case 29: // callgsubr
- error(-1, "Unimplemented Type 2 charstring op: %d", s[i]);
- break;
- default:
- error(-1, "Illegal Type 2 charstring op: %d", s[i]);
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- nOps = 0;
- } else if (s[i] <= 246) {
- if (nOps < 48) {
- fp[nOps] = gFalse;
- op[nOps++] = (int)s[i] - 139;
- }
- ++i;
- } else if (s[i] <= 250) {
- if (nOps < 48) {
- fp[nOps] = gFalse;
- op[nOps++] = (((int)s[i] - 247) << 8) + (int)s[i+1] + 108;
- }
- i += 2;
- } else if (s[i] <= 254) {
- if (nOps < 48) {
- fp[nOps] = gFalse;
- op[nOps++] = -(((int)s[i] - 251) << 8) - (int)s[i+1] - 108;
- }
- i += 2;
- } else {
- x = (s[i+1] << 24) | (s[i+2] << 16) | (s[i+3] << 8) | s[i+4];
- if (x & 0x80000000)
- x |= -1 << 31;
- if (nOps < 48) {
- fp[nOps] = gTrue;
- op[nOps++] = (double)x / 65536.0;
- }
- i += 5;
- }
- }
- // charstring encryption
- r2 = 4330;
- for (i = 0; i < charBuf->getLength(); ++i) {
- byte = charBuf->getChar(i) ^ (r2 >> 8);
- charBuf->setChar(i, byte);
- r2 = (byte + r2) * 52845 + 22719;
- }
-void Type1CFontFile::cvtGlyphWidth(GBool useOp) {
- double w;
- GBool wFP;
- int i;
- if (useOp) {
- w = nominalWidthX + op[0];
- wFP = nominalWidthXFP | fp[0];
- for (i = 1; i < nOps; ++i) {
- op[i-1] = op[i];
- fp[i-1] = fp[i];
- }
- --nOps;
- } else {
- w = defaultWidthX;
- wFP = defaultWidthXFP;
- }
- eexecDumpNum(0, gFalse);
- eexecDumpNum(w, wFP);
- eexecDumpOp1(13);
-void Type1CFontFile::eexecDumpNum(double x, GBool fpA) {
- Guchar buf[12];
- int y, n;
- n = 0;
- if (fpA) {
- if (x >= -32768 && x < 32768) {
- y = (int)(x * 256.0);
- buf[0] = 255;
- buf[1] = (Guchar)(y >> 24);
- buf[2] = (Guchar)(y >> 16);
- buf[3] = (Guchar)(y >> 8);
- buf[4] = (Guchar)y;
- buf[5] = 255;
- buf[6] = 0;
- buf[7] = 0;
- buf[8] = 1;
- buf[9] = 0;
- buf[10] = 12;
- buf[11] = 12;
- n = 12;
- } else {
- error(-1, "Type 2 fixed point constant out of range");
- }
- } else {
- y = (int)x;
- if (y >= -107 && y <= 107) {
- buf[0] = (Guchar)(y + 139);
- n = 1;
- } else if (y > 107 && y <= 1131) {
- y -= 108;
- buf[0] = (Guchar)((y >> 8) + 247);
- buf[1] = (Guchar)(y & 0xff);
- n = 2;
- } else if (y < -107 && y >= -1131) {
- y = -y - 108;
- buf[0] = (Guchar)((y >> 8) + 251);
- buf[1] = (Guchar)(y & 0xff);
- n = 2;
- } else {
- buf[0] = 255;
- buf[1] = (Guchar)(y >> 24);
- buf[2] = (Guchar)(y >> 16);
- buf[3] = (Guchar)(y >> 8);
- buf[4] = (Guchar)y;
- n = 5;
- }
- }
- charBuf->append((char *)buf, n);
-void Type1CFontFile::eexecDumpOp1(int opA) {
- charBuf->append((char)opA);
-void Type1CFontFile::eexecDumpOp2(int opA) {
- charBuf->append((char)12);
- charBuf->append((char)opA);
-void Type1CFontFile::eexecWriteCharstring(Guchar *s, int n) {
- Guchar x;
- int i;
- // eexec encryption
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- x = s[i] ^ (r1 >> 8);
- r1 = (x + r1) * 52845 + 22719;
- fputc(hexChars[x >> 4], out);
- fputc(hexChars[x & 0x0f], out);
- line += 2;
- if (line == 64) {
- fputc('\n', out);
- line = 0;
- }
- }
-void Type1CFontFile::getDeltaInt(char *buf, char *key, double *opA,
- int n) {
- int x, i;
- sprintf(buf, "/%s [", key);
- buf += strlen(buf);
- x = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- x += (int)opA[i];
- sprintf(buf, "%s%d", i > 0 ? " " : "", x);
- buf += strlen(buf);
- }
- sprintf(buf, "] def\n");
-void Type1CFontFile::getDeltaReal(char *buf, char *key, double *opA,
- int n) {
- double x;
- int i;
- sprintf(buf, "/%s [", key);
- buf += strlen(buf);
- x = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- x += opA[i];
- sprintf(buf, "%s%g", i > 0 ? " " : "", x);
- buf += strlen(buf);
- }
- sprintf(buf, "] def\n");
-int Type1CFontFile::getIndexLen(Guchar *indexPtr) {
- return (int)getWord(indexPtr, 2);
-Guchar *Type1CFontFile::getIndexValPtr(Guchar *indexPtr, int i) {
- int n, offSize;
- Guchar *idxStartPtr;
- n = (int)getWord(indexPtr, 2);
- offSize = indexPtr[2];
- idxStartPtr = indexPtr + 3 + (n + 1) * offSize - 1;
- return idxStartPtr + getWord(indexPtr + 3 + i * offSize, offSize);
-Guchar *Type1CFontFile::getIndexEnd(Guchar *indexPtr) {
- int n, offSize;
- Guchar *idxStartPtr;
- n = (int)getWord(indexPtr, 2);
- offSize = indexPtr[2];
- idxStartPtr = indexPtr + 3 + (n + 1) * offSize - 1;
- return idxStartPtr + getWord(indexPtr + 3 + n * offSize, offSize);
-Guint Type1CFontFile::getWord(Guchar *ptr, int size) {
- Guint x;
- int i;
- x = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- x = (x << 8) + *ptr++;
- }
- return x;
-double Type1CFontFile::getNum(Guchar **ptr, GBool *isFP) {
- static char nybChars[16] = "0123456789.ee -";
- int b0, b, nyb0, nyb1;
- double x;
- char buf[65];
- int i;
- x = 0;
- *isFP = gFalse;
- b0 = (*ptr)[0];
- if (b0 < 28) {
- x = 0;
- } else if (b0 == 28) {
- x = ((*ptr)[1] << 8) + (*ptr)[2];
- *ptr += 3;
- } else if (b0 == 29) {
- x = ((*ptr)[1] << 24) + ((*ptr)[2] << 16) + ((*ptr)[3] << 8) + (*ptr)[4];
- *ptr += 5;
- } else if (b0 == 30) {
- *ptr += 1;
- i = 0;
- do {
- b = *(*ptr)++;
- nyb0 = b >> 4;
- nyb1 = b & 0x0f;
- if (nyb0 == 0xf) {
- break;
- }
- buf[i++] = nybChars[nyb0];
- if (i == 64) {
- break;
- }
- if (nyb0 == 0xc) {
- buf[i++] = '-';
- }
- if (i == 64) {
- break;
- }
- if (nyb1 == 0xf) {
- break;
- }
- buf[i++] = nybChars[nyb1];
- if (i == 64) {
- break;
- }
- if (nyb1 == 0xc) {
- buf[i++] = '-';
- }
- } while (i < 64);
- buf[i] = '\0';
- x = atof(buf);
- *isFP = gTrue;
- } else if (b0 == 31) {
- x = 0;
- } else if (b0 < 247) {
- x = b0 - 139;
- *ptr += 1;
- } else if (b0 < 251) {
- x = ((b0 - 247) << 8) + (*ptr)[1] + 108;
- *ptr += 2;
- } else {
- x = -((b0 - 251) << 8) - (*ptr)[1] - 108;
- *ptr += 2;
- }
- return x;
-char *Type1CFontFile::getString(int sid, char *buf) {
- Guchar *idxPtr0, *idxPtr1;
- int n;
- if (sid < 391) {
- strcpy(buf, type1CStdStrings[sid]);
- } else {
- sid -= 391;
- idxPtr0 = getIndexValPtr(stringIdxPtr, sid);
- idxPtr1 = getIndexValPtr(stringIdxPtr, sid + 1);
- if ((n = idxPtr1 - idxPtr0) > 255) {
- n = 255;
- }
- strncpy(buf, (char *)idxPtr0, n);
- buf[n] = '\0';
- }
- return buf;
-// TrueTypeFontFile
-// Terminology
-// -----------
-// character code = number used as an element of a text string
-// character name = glyph name = name for a particular glyph within a
-// font
-// glyph index = position (within some internal table in the font)
-// where the instructions to draw a particular glyph are
-// stored
-// Type 1 fonts
-// ------------
-// Type 1 fonts contain:
-// Encoding: array of glyph names, maps char codes to glyph names
-// Encoding[charCode] = charName
-// CharStrings: dictionary of instructions, keyed by character names,
-// maps character name to glyph data
-// CharStrings[charName] = glyphData
-// TrueType fonts
-// --------------
-// TrueType fonts contain:
-// 'cmap' table: mapping from character code to glyph index; there may
-// be multiple cmaps in a TrueType font
-// cmap[charCode] = glyphIdx
-// 'post' table: mapping from glyph index to glyph name
-// post[glyphIdx] = glyphName
-// Type 42 fonts
-// -------------
-// Type 42 fonts contain:
-// Encoding: array of glyph names, maps char codes to glyph names
-// Encoding[charCode] = charName
-// CharStrings: dictionary of glyph indexes, keyed by character names,
-// maps character name to glyph index
-// CharStrings[charName] = glyphIdx
-struct TTFontTableHdr {
- char tag[4];
- Guint checksum;
- Guint offset;
- Guint length;
-struct T42Table {
- char *tag; // 4-byte tag
- GBool required; // required by the TrueType spec?
-// TrueType tables to be embedded in Type 42 fonts.
-// NB: the table names must be in alphabetical order here.
-#define nT42Tables 11
-static T42Table t42Tables[nT42Tables] = {
- { "cvt ", gTrue },
- { "fpgm", gTrue },
- { "glyf", gTrue },
- { "head", gTrue },
- { "hhea", gTrue },
- { "hmtx", gTrue },
- { "loca", gTrue },
- { "maxp", gTrue },
- { "prep", gTrue },
- { "vhea", gFalse },
- { "vmtx", gFalse }
-#define t42HeadTable 3
-#define t42LocaTable 6
-#define t42GlyfTable 2
-// Glyph names in some arbitrary standard that Apple uses for their
-// TrueType fonts.
-static char *macGlyphNames[258] = {
- ".notdef",
- "null",
- "CR",
- "space",
- "exclam",
- "quotedbl",
- "numbersign",
- "dollar",
- "percent",
- "ampersand",
- "quotesingle",
- "parenleft",
- "parenright",
- "asterisk",
- "plus",
- "comma",
- "hyphen",
- "period",
- "slash",
- "zero",
- "one",
- "two",
- "three",
- "four",
- "five",
- "six",
- "seven",
- "eight",
- "nine",
- "colon",
- "semicolon",
- "less",
- "equal",
- "greater",
- "question",
- "at",
- "A",
- "B",
- "C",
- "D",
- "E",
- "F",
- "G",
- "H",
- "I",
- "J",
- "K",
- "L",
- "M",
- "N",
- "O",
- "P",
- "Q",
- "R",
- "S",
- "T",
- "U",
- "V",
- "W",
- "X",
- "Y",
- "Z",
- "bracketleft",
- "backslash",
- "bracketright",
- "asciicircum",
- "underscore",
- "grave",
- "a",
- "b",
- "c",
- "d",
- "e",
- "f",
- "g",
- "h",
- "i",
- "j",
- "k",
- "l",
- "m",
- "n",
- "o",
- "p",
- "q",
- "r",
- "s",
- "t",
- "u",
- "v",
- "w",
- "x",
- "y",
- "z",
- "braceleft",
- "bar",
- "braceright",
- "asciitilde",
- "Adieresis",
- "Aring",
- "Ccedilla",
- "Eacute",
- "Ntilde",
- "Odieresis",
- "Udieresis",
- "aacute",
- "agrave",
- "acircumflex",
- "adieresis",
- "atilde",
- "aring",
- "ccedilla",
- "eacute",
- "egrave",
- "ecircumflex",
- "edieresis",
- "iacute",
- "igrave",
- "icircumflex",
- "idieresis",
- "ntilde",
- "oacute",
- "ograve",
- "ocircumflex",
- "odieresis",
- "otilde",
- "uacute",
- "ugrave",
- "ucircumflex",
- "udieresis",
- "dagger",
- "degree",
- "cent",
- "sterling",
- "section",
- "bullet",
- "paragraph",
- "germandbls",
- "registered",
- "copyright",
- "trademark",
- "acute",
- "dieresis",
- "notequal",
- "AE",
- "Oslash",
- "infinity",
- "plusminus",
- "lessequal",
- "greaterequal",
- "yen",
- "mu1",
- "partialdiff",
- "summation",
- "product",
- "pi",
- "integral",
- "ordfeminine",
- "ordmasculine",
- "Ohm",
- "ae",
- "oslash",
- "questiondown",
- "exclamdown",
- "logicalnot",
- "radical",
- "florin",
- "approxequal",
- "increment",
- "guillemotleft",
- "guillemotright",
- "ellipsis",
- "nbspace",
- "Agrave",
- "Atilde",
- "Otilde",
- "OE",
- "oe",
- "endash",
- "emdash",
- "quotedblleft",
- "quotedblright",
- "quoteleft",
- "quoteright",
- "divide",
- "lozenge",
- "ydieresis",
- "Ydieresis",
- "fraction",
- "currency",
- "guilsinglleft",
- "guilsinglright",
- "fi",
- "fl",
- "daggerdbl",
- "periodcentered",
- "quotesinglbase",
- "quotedblbase",
- "perthousand",
- "Acircumflex",
- "Ecircumflex",
- "Aacute",
- "Edieresis",
- "Egrave",
- "Iacute",
- "Icircumflex",
- "Idieresis",
- "Igrave",
- "Oacute",
- "Ocircumflex",
- "applelogo",
- "Ograve",
- "Uacute",
- "Ucircumflex",
- "Ugrave",
- "dotlessi",
- "circumflex",
- "tilde",
- "overscore",
- "breve",
- "dotaccent",
- "ring",
- "cedilla",
- "hungarumlaut",
- "ogonek",
- "caron",
- "Lslash",
- "lslash",
- "Scaron",
- "scaron",
- "Zcaron",
- "zcaron",
- "brokenbar",
- "Eth",
- "eth",
- "Yacute",
- "yacute",
- "Thorn",
- "thorn",
- "minus",
- "multiply",
- "onesuperior",
- "twosuperior",
- "threesuperior",
- "onehalf",
- "onequarter",
- "threequarters",
- "franc",
- "Gbreve",
- "gbreve",
- "Idot",
- "Scedilla",
- "scedilla",
- "Cacute",
- "cacute",
- "Ccaron",
- "ccaron",
- "dmacron"
-enum T42FontIndexMode {
- t42FontModeUnicode,
- t42FontModeCharCode,
- t42FontModeCharCodeOffset,
- t42FontModeMacRoman
-TrueTypeFontFile::TrueTypeFontFile(char *fileA, int lenA) {
- int pos, i;
- file = fileA;
- len = lenA;
- encoding = NULL;
- // read table directory
- nTables = getUShort(4);
- tableHdrs = (TTFontTableHdr *)gmalloc(nTables * sizeof(TTFontTableHdr));
- pos = 12;
- for (i = 0; i < nTables; ++i) {
- tableHdrs[i].tag[0] = getByte(pos+0);
- tableHdrs[i].tag[1] = getByte(pos+1);
- tableHdrs[i].tag[2] = getByte(pos+2);
- tableHdrs[i].tag[3] = getByte(pos+3);
- tableHdrs[i].checksum = getULong(pos+4);
- tableHdrs[i].offset = getULong(pos+8);
- tableHdrs[i].length = getULong(pos+12);
- pos += 16;
- }
- // check for tables that are required by both the TrueType spec
- // and the Type 42 spec
- if (seekTable("head") < 0 ||
- seekTable("hhea") < 0 ||
- seekTable("loca") < 0 ||
- seekTable("maxp") < 0 ||
- seekTable("glyf") < 0 ||
- seekTable("hmtx") < 0) {
- error(-1, "TrueType font file is missing a required table");
- return;
- }
- // read the 'head' table
- pos = seekTable("head");
- bbox[0] = getShort(pos + 36);
- bbox[1] = getShort(pos + 38);
- bbox[2] = getShort(pos + 40);
- bbox[3] = getShort(pos + 42);
- locaFmt = getShort(pos + 50);
- // read the 'maxp' table
- pos = seekTable("maxp");
- nGlyphs = getUShort(pos + 4);
-TrueTypeFontFile::~TrueTypeFontFile() {
- int i;
- if (encoding) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- gfree(encoding[i]);
- }
- gfree(encoding);
- }
- gfree(tableHdrs);
-char *TrueTypeFontFile::getName() {
- return NULL;
-char **TrueTypeFontFile::getEncoding() {
- int cmap[256];
- int nCmaps, cmapPlatform, cmapEncoding, cmapFmt;
- int cmapLen, cmapOffset, cmapFirst;
- int segCnt, segStart, segEnd, segDelta, segOffset;
- int pos, i, j, k;
- Guint fmt;
- GString *s;
- int stringIdx, stringPos, n;
- if (encoding) {
- return encoding;
- }
- //----- construct the (char code) -> (glyph idx) mapping
- // map everything to the missing glyph
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- cmap[i] = 0;
- }
- // look for the 'cmap' table
- if ((pos = seekTable("cmap")) >= 0) {
- nCmaps = getUShort(pos+2);
- // if the font has a Windows-symbol cmap, use it;
- // otherwise, use the first cmap in the table
- for (i = 0; i < nCmaps; ++i) {
- cmapPlatform = getUShort(pos + 4 + 8*i);
- cmapEncoding = getUShort(pos + 4 + 8*i + 2);
- if (cmapPlatform == 3 && cmapEncoding == 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i >= nCmaps) {
- i = 0;
- cmapPlatform = getUShort(pos + 4);
- cmapEncoding = getUShort(pos + 4 + 2);
- }
- pos += getULong(pos + 4 + 8*i + 4);
- // read the cmap
- cmapFmt = getUShort(pos);
- switch (cmapFmt) {
- case 0: // byte encoding table (Apple standard)
- cmapLen = getUShort(pos + 2);
- for (i = 0; i < cmapLen && i < 256; ++i) {
- cmap[i] = getByte(pos + 6 + i);
- }
- break;
- case 4: // segment mapping to delta values (Microsoft standard)
- if (cmapPlatform == 3 && cmapEncoding == 0) {
- // Windows-symbol uses char codes 0xf000 - 0xf0ff
- cmapOffset = 0xf000;
- } else {
- cmapOffset = 0;
- }
- segCnt = getUShort(pos + 6) / 2;
- for (i = 0; i < segCnt; ++i) {
- segEnd = getUShort(pos + 14 + 2*i);
- segStart = getUShort(pos + 16 + 2*segCnt + 2*i);
- segDelta = getUShort(pos + 16 + 4*segCnt + 2*i);
- segOffset = getUShort(pos + 16 + 6*segCnt + 2*i);
- if (segStart - cmapOffset <= 0xff &&
- segEnd - cmapOffset >= 0) {
- for (j = (segStart - cmapOffset >= 0) ? segStart : cmapOffset;
- j <= segEnd && j - cmapOffset <= 0xff;
- ++j) {
- if (segOffset == 0) {
- k = (j + segDelta) & 0xffff;
- } else {
- k = getUShort(pos + 16 + 6*segCnt + 2*i +
- segOffset + 2 * (j - segStart));
- if (k != 0) {
- k = (k + segDelta) & 0xffff;
- }
- }
- cmap[j - cmapOffset] = k;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 6: // trimmed table mapping
- cmapFirst = getUShort(pos + 6);
- cmapLen = getUShort(pos + 8);
- for (i = cmapFirst; i < 256 && i < cmapFirst + cmapLen; ++i) {
- cmap[i] = getUShort(pos + 10 + 2*i);
- }
- break;
- default:
- error(-1, "Unimplemented cmap format (%d) in TrueType font file",
- cmapFmt);
- break;
- }
- }
- //----- construct the (glyph idx) -> (glyph name) mapping
- //----- and compute the (char code) -> (glyph name) mapping
- encoding = (char **)gmalloc(256 * sizeof(char *));
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- encoding[i] = NULL;
- }
- if ((pos = seekTable("post")) >= 0) {
- fmt = getULong(pos);
- // Apple font
- if (fmt == 0x00010000) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- j = (cmap[i] < 258) ? cmap[i] : 0;
- encoding[i] = copyString(macGlyphNames[j]);
- }
- // Microsoft font
- } else if (fmt == 0x00020000) {
- stringIdx = 0;
- stringPos = pos + 34 + 2*nGlyphs;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- if (cmap[i] < nGlyphs) {
- j = getUShort(pos + 34 + 2 * cmap[i]);
- if (j < 258) {
- encoding[i] = copyString(macGlyphNames[j]);
- } else {
- j -= 258;
- if (j != stringIdx) {
- for (stringIdx = 0, stringPos = pos + 34 + 2*nGlyphs;
- stringIdx < j;
- ++stringIdx, stringPos += 1 + getByte(stringPos)) ;
- }
- n = getByte(stringPos);
- s = new GString(file + stringPos + 1, n);
- encoding[i] = copyString(s->getCString());
- delete s;
- ++stringIdx;
- stringPos += 1 + n;
- }
- } else {
- encoding[i] = copyString(macGlyphNames[0]);
- }
- }
- // Apple subset
- } else if (fmt == 0x000280000) {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- if (cmap[i] < nGlyphs) {
- j = i + getChar(pos + 32 + cmap[i]);
- } else {
- j = 0;
- }
- encoding[i] = copyString(macGlyphNames[j]);
- }
- // Ugh, just assume the Apple glyph set
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- j = (cmap[i] < 258) ? cmap[i] : 0;
- encoding[i] = copyString(macGlyphNames[j]);
- }
- }
- // no "post" table: assume the Apple glyph set
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- j = (cmap[i] < 258) ? cmap[i] : 0;
- encoding[i] = copyString(macGlyphNames[j]);
- }
- }
- return encoding;
-void TrueTypeFontFile::convertToType42(char *name, char **encodingA,
- CharCodeToUnicode *toUnicode,
- GBool pdfFontHasEncoding, FILE *out) {
- // write the header
- fprintf(out, "%%!PS-TrueTypeFont-%g\n", getFixed(0));
- // begin the font dictionary
- fprintf(out, "10 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontName /%s def\n", name);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 42 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontBBox [%d %d %d %d] def\n",
- bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType 0 def\n");
- // write the guts of the dictionary
- cvtEncoding(encodingA, out);
- cvtCharStrings(encodingA, toUnicode, pdfFontHasEncoding, out);
- cvtSfnts(out, NULL);
- // end the dictionary and define the font
- fprintf(out, "FontName currentdict end definefont pop\n");
-void TrueTypeFontFile::convertToCIDType2(char *name, Gushort *cidMap,
- int nCIDs, FILE *out) {
- Gushort cid;
- int i, j, k;
- // write the header
- fprintf(out, "%%!PS-TrueTypeFont-%g\n", getFixed(0));
- // begin the font dictionary
- fprintf(out, "20 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/CIDFontName /%s def\n", name);
- fprintf(out, "/CIDFontType 2 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 42 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin\n");
- fprintf(out, " /Registry (Adobe) def\n");
- fprintf(out, " /Ordering (Identity) def\n");
- fprintf(out, " /Supplement 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, " end def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/GDBytes 2 def\n");
- if (cidMap) {
- fprintf(out, "/CIDCount %d def\n", nCIDs);
- if (nCIDs > 32767) {
- fprintf(out, "/CIDMap [");
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; i += 32768 - 16) {
- fprintf(out, "<\n");
- for (j = 0; j < 32768 - 16 && i+j < nCIDs; j += 16) {
- fprintf(out, " ");
- for (k = 0; k < 16 && i+j+k < nCIDs; ++k) {
- cid = cidMap[i+j+k];
- fprintf(out, "%02x%02x", (cid >> 8) & 0xff, cid & 0xff);
- }
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, " >");
- }
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(out, "/CIDMap <\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nCIDs; i += 16) {
- fprintf(out, " ");
- for (j = 0; j < 16 && i+j < nCIDs; ++j) {
- cid = cidMap[i+j];
- fprintf(out, "%02x%02x", (cid >> 8) & 0xff, cid & 0xff);
- }
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, "> def\n");
- }
- } else {
- // direct mapping - just fill the string(s) with s[i]=i
- fprintf(out, "/CIDCount %d def\n", nGlyphs);
- if (nGlyphs > 32767) {
- fprintf(out, "/CIDMap [\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i += 32767) {
- j = nGlyphs - i < 32767 ? nGlyphs - i : 32767;
- fprintf(out, " %d string 0 1 %d {\n", 2 * j, j - 1);
- fprintf(out, " 2 copy dup 2 mul exch %d add -8 bitshift put\n", i);
- fprintf(out, " 1 index exch dup 2 mul 1 add exch %d add"
- " 255 and put\n", i);
- fprintf(out, " } for\n");
- }
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(out, "/CIDMap %d string\n", 2 * nGlyphs);
- fprintf(out, " 0 1 %d {\n", nGlyphs - 1);
- fprintf(out, " 2 copy dup 2 mul exch -8 bitshift put\n");
- fprintf(out, " 1 index exch dup 2 mul 1 add exch 255 and put\n");
- fprintf(out, " } for\n");
- fprintf(out, "def\n");
- }
- }
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontBBox [%d %d %d %d] def\n",
- bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding [] readonly def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/CharStrings 1 dict dup begin\n");
- fprintf(out, " /.notdef 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, " end readonly def\n");
- // write the guts of the dictionary
- cvtSfnts(out, NULL);
- // end the dictionary and define the font
- fprintf(out, "CIDFontName currentdict end /CIDFont defineresource pop\n");
-void TrueTypeFontFile::convertToType0(char *name, Gushort *cidMap,
- int nCIDs, FILE *out) {
- GString *sfntsName;
- int n, i, j;
- // write the Type 42 sfnts array
- sfntsName = (new GString(name))->append("_sfnts");
- cvtSfnts(out, sfntsName);
- delete sfntsName;
- // write the descendant Type 42 fonts
- n = cidMap ? nCIDs : nGlyphs;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i += 256) {
- fprintf(out, "10 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontName /%s_%02x def\n", name, i >> 8);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 42 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontBBox [%d %d %d %d] def\n",
- bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);
- fprintf(out, "/PaintType 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/sfnts %s_sfnts def\n", name);
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding 256 array\n");
- for (j = 0; j < 256 && i+j < n; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /c%02x put\n", j, j);
- }
- fprintf(out, "readonly def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/CharStrings 257 dict dup begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/.notdef 0 def\n");
- for (j = 0; j < 256 && i+j < n; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "/c%02x %d def\n", j, cidMap ? cidMap[i+j] : i+j);
- }
- fprintf(out, "end readonly def\n");
- fprintf(out, "FontName currentdict end definefont pop\n");
- }
- // write the Type 0 parent font
- fprintf(out, "16 dict begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontName /%s def\n", name);
- fprintf(out, "/FontType 0 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FMapType 2 def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding [\n");
- for (i = 0; i < n; i += 256) {
- fprintf(out, "%d\n", i >> 8);
- }
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "/FDepVector [\n");
- for (i = 0; i < n; i += 256) {
- fprintf(out, "/%s_%02x findfont\n", name, i >> 8);
- }
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- fprintf(out, "FontName currentdict end definefont pop\n");
-int TrueTypeFontFile::getByte(int pos) {
- if (pos < 0 || pos >= len) {
- return 0;
- }
- return file[pos] & 0xff;
-int TrueTypeFontFile::getChar(int pos) {
- int x;
- if (pos < 0 || pos >= len) {
- return 0;
- }
- x = file[pos] & 0xff;
- if (x & 0x80)
- x |= 0xffffff00;
- return x;
-int TrueTypeFontFile::getUShort(int pos) {
- int x;
- if (pos < 0 || pos+1 >= len) {
- return 0;
- }
- x = file[pos] & 0xff;
- x = (x << 8) + (file[pos+1] & 0xff);
- return x;
-int TrueTypeFontFile::getShort(int pos) {
- int x;
- if (pos < 0 || pos+1 >= len) {
- return 0;
- }
- x = file[pos] & 0xff;
- x = (x << 8) + (file[pos+1] & 0xff);
- if (x & 0x8000)
- x |= 0xffff0000;
- return x;
-Guint TrueTypeFontFile::getULong(int pos) {
- int x;
- if (pos < 0 || pos+3 >= len) {
- return 0;
- }
- x = file[pos] & 0xff;
- x = (x << 8) + (file[pos+1] & 0xff);
- x = (x << 8) + (file[pos+2] & 0xff);
- x = (x << 8) + (file[pos+3] & 0xff);
- return x;
-double TrueTypeFontFile::getFixed(int pos) {
- int x, y;
- x = getShort(pos);
- y = getUShort(pos+2);
- return (double)x + (double)y / 65536;
-int TrueTypeFontFile::seekTable(char *tag) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nTables; ++i) {
- if (!strncmp(tableHdrs[i].tag, tag, 4)) {
- return tableHdrs[i].offset;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-int TrueTypeFontFile::seekTableIdx(char *tag) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nTables; ++i) {
- if (!strncmp(tableHdrs[i].tag, tag, 4)) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-void TrueTypeFontFile::cvtEncoding(char **encodingA, FILE *out) {
- char *name;
- int i;
- fprintf(out, "/Encoding 256 array\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- if (!(name = encodingA[i])) {
- name = ".notdef";
- }
- fprintf(out, "dup %d /%s put\n", i, name);
- }
- fprintf(out, "readonly def\n");
-void TrueTypeFontFile::cvtCharStrings(char **encodingA,
- CharCodeToUnicode *toUnicode,
- GBool pdfFontHasEncoding, FILE *out) {
- int unicodeCmap, macRomanCmap, msSymbolCmap;
- int nCmaps, cmapPlatform, cmapEncoding, cmapFmt, cmapOffset;
- T42FontIndexMode mode;
- char *name;
- Unicode u;
- int pos, i, j, k;
- // always define '.notdef'
- fprintf(out, "/CharStrings 256 dict dup begin\n");
- fprintf(out, "/.notdef 0 def\n");
- // if there's no 'cmap' table, punt
- if ((pos = seekTable("cmap")) < 0) {
- goto err;
- }
- // To match up with the Adobe-defined behaviour, we choose a cmap
- // like this:
- // 1. If the PDF font has an encoding:
- // 1a. If the TrueType font has a Microsoft Unicode cmap, use it,
- // and use the Unicode indexes, not the char codes.
- // 1b. If the TrueType font has a Macintosh Roman cmap, use it,
- // and reverse map the char names through MacRomanEncoding to
- // get char codes.
- // 2. If the PDF font does not have an encoding:
- // 2a. If the TrueType font has a Macintosh Roman cmap, use it,
- // and use char codes directly.
- // 2b. If the TrueType font has a Microsoft Symbol cmap, use it,
- // and use (0xf000 + char code).
- // 3. If none of these rules apply, use the first cmap and hope for
- // the best (this shouldn't happen).
- nCmaps = getUShort(pos+2);
- unicodeCmap = macRomanCmap = msSymbolCmap = -1;
- cmapOffset = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nCmaps; ++i) {
- cmapPlatform = getUShort(pos + 4 + 8*i);
- cmapEncoding = getUShort(pos + 4 + 8*i + 2);
- if (cmapPlatform == 3 && cmapEncoding == 1) {
- unicodeCmap = i;
- } else if (cmapPlatform == 1 && cmapEncoding == 0) {
- macRomanCmap = i;
- } else if (cmapPlatform == 3 && cmapEncoding == 0) {
- msSymbolCmap = i;
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- mode = t42FontModeCharCode;
- if (pdfFontHasEncoding) {
- if (unicodeCmap >= 0) {
- i = unicodeCmap;
- mode = t42FontModeUnicode;
- } else if (macRomanCmap >= 0) {
- i = macRomanCmap;
- mode = t42FontModeMacRoman;
- }
- } else {
- if (macRomanCmap >= 0) {
- i = macRomanCmap;
- mode = t42FontModeCharCode;
- } else if (msSymbolCmap >= 0) {
- i = msSymbolCmap;
- mode = t42FontModeCharCodeOffset;
- cmapOffset = 0xf000;
- }
- }
- cmapPlatform = getUShort(pos + 4 + 8*i);
- cmapEncoding = getUShort(pos + 4 + 8*i + 2);
- pos += getULong(pos + 4 + 8*i + 4);
- cmapFmt = getUShort(pos);
- if (cmapFmt != 0 && cmapFmt != 4 && cmapFmt != 6) {
- error(-1, "Unimplemented cmap format (%d) in TrueType font file",
- cmapFmt);
- goto err;
- }
- // map char name to glyph index:
- // 1. use encoding to map name to char code
- // 2. use cmap to map char code to glyph index
- j = 0; // make gcc happy
- for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- name = encodingA[i];
- if (name && strcmp(name, ".notdef")) {
- switch (mode) {
- case t42FontModeUnicode:
- toUnicode->mapToUnicode((CharCode)i, &u, 1);
- j = (int)u;
- break;
- case t42FontModeCharCode:
- j = i;
- break;
- case t42FontModeCharCodeOffset:
- j = cmapOffset + i;
- break;
- case t42FontModeMacRoman:
- j = globalParams->getMacRomanCharCode(name);
- break;
- }
- // note: Distiller (maybe Adobe's PS interpreter in general)
- // doesn't like TrueType fonts that have CharStrings entries
- // which point to nonexistent glyphs, hence the (k < nGlyphs)
- // test
- if ((k = getCmapEntry(cmapFmt, pos, j)) > 0 &&
- k < nGlyphs) {
- fprintf(out, "/%s %d def\n", name, k);
- }
- }
- }
- err:
- fprintf(out, "end readonly def\n");
-int TrueTypeFontFile::getCmapEntry(int cmapFmt, int pos, int code) {
- int cmapLen, cmapFirst;
- int segCnt, segEnd, segStart, segDelta, segOffset;
- int a, b, m, i;
- switch (cmapFmt) {
- case 0: // byte encoding table (Apple standard)
- cmapLen = getUShort(pos + 2);
- if (code >= cmapLen) {
- return 0;
- }
- return getByte(pos + 6 + code);
- case 4: // segment mapping to delta values (Microsoft standard)
- segCnt = getUShort(pos + 6) / 2;
- a = -1;
- b = segCnt - 1;
- segEnd = getUShort(pos + 14 + 2*b);
- if (code > segEnd) {
- // malformed font -- the TrueType spec requires the last segEnd
- // to be 0xffff
- return 0;
- }
- // invariant: seg[a].end < code <= seg[b].end
- while (b - a > 1) {
- m = (a + b) / 2;
- segEnd = getUShort(pos + 14 + 2*m);
- if (segEnd < code) {
- a = m;
- } else {
- b = m;
- }
- }
- segStart = getUShort(pos + 16 + 2*segCnt + 2*b);
- segDelta = getUShort(pos + 16 + 4*segCnt + 2*b);
- segOffset = getUShort(pos + 16 + 6*segCnt + 2*b);
- if (segOffset == 0) {
- i = (code + segDelta) & 0xffff;
- } else {
- i = getUShort(pos + 16 + 6*segCnt + 2*b +
- segOffset + 2 * (code - segStart));
- if (i != 0) {
- i = (i + segDelta) & 0xffff;
- }
- }
- return i;
- case 6: // trimmed table mapping
- cmapFirst = getUShort(pos + 6);
- cmapLen = getUShort(pos + 8);
- if (code < cmapFirst || code >= cmapFirst + cmapLen) {
- return 0;
- }
- return getUShort(pos + 10 + 2*(code - cmapFirst));
- default:
- // shouldn't happen - this is checked earlier
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-void TrueTypeFontFile::cvtSfnts(FILE *out, GString *name) {
- TTFontTableHdr newTableHdrs[nT42Tables];
- char tableDir[12 + nT42Tables*16];
- char headTable[54];
- int *origLocaTable;
- char *locaTable;
- int nNewTables;
- Guint checksum;
- int pos, glyfPos, length, glyphLength, pad;
- int i, j, k;
- // construct the 'head' table, zero out the font checksum
- memcpy(headTable, file + seekTable("head"), 54);
- headTable[8] = headTable[9] = headTable[10] = headTable[11] = (char)0;
- // read the original 'loca' table and construct the new one
- // (pad each glyph out to a multiple of 4 bytes)
- origLocaTable = (int *)gmalloc((nGlyphs + 1) * sizeof(int));
- pos = seekTable("loca");
- for (i = 0; i <= nGlyphs; ++i) {
- if (locaFmt) {
- origLocaTable[i] = getULong(pos + 4*i);
- } else {
- origLocaTable[i] = 2 * getUShort(pos + 2*i);
- }
- }
- locaTable = (char *)gmalloc((nGlyphs + 1) * (locaFmt ? 4 : 2));
- if (locaFmt) {
- locaTable[0] = locaTable[1] = locaTable[2] = locaTable[3] = 0;
- } else {
- locaTable[0] = locaTable[1] = 0;
- }
- pos = 0;
- for (i = 1; i <= nGlyphs; ++i) {
- length = origLocaTable[i] - origLocaTable[i-1];
- if (length & 3) {
- length += 4 - (length & 3);
- }
- pos += length;
- if (locaFmt) {
- locaTable[4*i ] = (char)(pos >> 24);
- locaTable[4*i+1] = (char)(pos >> 16);
- locaTable[4*i+2] = (char)(pos >> 8);
- locaTable[4*i+3] = (char) pos;
- } else {
- locaTable[2*i ] = (char)(pos >> 9);
- locaTable[2*i+1] = (char)(pos >> 1);
- }
- }
- // count the number of tables
- nNewTables = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nT42Tables; ++i) {
- if (t42Tables[i].required ||
- seekTable(t42Tables[i].tag) >= 0) {
- ++nNewTables;
- }
- }
- // construct the new table headers, including table checksums
- // (pad each table out to a multiple of 4 bytes)
- pos = 12 + nNewTables*16;
- k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nT42Tables; ++i) {
- length = -1;
- checksum = 0; // make gcc happy
- if (i == t42HeadTable) {
- length = 54;
- checksum = computeTableChecksum(headTable, 54);
- } else if (i == t42LocaTable) {
- length = (nGlyphs + 1) * (locaFmt ? 4 : 2);
- checksum = computeTableChecksum(locaTable, length);
- } else if (i == t42GlyfTable) {
- length = 0;
- checksum = 0;
- glyfPos = seekTable("glyf");
- for (j = 0; j < nGlyphs; ++j) {
- glyphLength = origLocaTable[j+1] - origLocaTable[j];
- pad = (glyphLength & 3) ? 4 - (glyphLength & 3) : 0;
- length += glyphLength + pad;
- checksum += computeTableChecksum(file + glyfPos + origLocaTable[j],
- glyphLength);
- }
- } else {
- if ((j = seekTableIdx(t42Tables[i].tag)) >= 0) {
- length = tableHdrs[j].length;
- checksum = computeTableChecksum(file + tableHdrs[j].offset, length);
- } else if (t42Tables[i].required) {
- error(-1, "Embedded TrueType font is missing a required table ('%s')",
- t42Tables[i].tag);
- length = 0;
- checksum = 0;
- }
- }
- if (length >= 0) {
- strncpy(newTableHdrs[k].tag, t42Tables[i].tag, 4);
- newTableHdrs[k].checksum = checksum;
- newTableHdrs[k].offset = pos;
- newTableHdrs[k].length = length;
- pad = (length & 3) ? 4 - (length & 3) : 0;
- pos += length + pad;
- ++k;
- }
- }
- // construct the table directory
- tableDir[0] = 0x00; // sfnt version
- tableDir[1] = 0x01;
- tableDir[2] = 0x00;
- tableDir[3] = 0x00;
- tableDir[4] = 0; // numTables
- tableDir[5] = nNewTables;
- tableDir[6] = 0; // searchRange
- tableDir[7] = (char)128;
- tableDir[8] = 0; // entrySelector
- tableDir[9] = 3;
- tableDir[10] = 0; // rangeShift
- tableDir[11] = (char)(16 * nNewTables - 128);
- pos = 12;
- for (i = 0; i < nNewTables; ++i) {
- tableDir[pos ] = newTableHdrs[i].tag[0];
- tableDir[pos+ 1] = newTableHdrs[i].tag[1];
- tableDir[pos+ 2] = newTableHdrs[i].tag[2];
- tableDir[pos+ 3] = newTableHdrs[i].tag[3];
- tableDir[pos+ 4] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].checksum >> 24);
- tableDir[pos+ 5] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].checksum >> 16);
- tableDir[pos+ 6] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].checksum >> 8);
- tableDir[pos+ 7] = (char) newTableHdrs[i].checksum;
- tableDir[pos+ 8] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].offset >> 24);
- tableDir[pos+ 9] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].offset >> 16);
- tableDir[pos+10] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].offset >> 8);
- tableDir[pos+11] = (char) newTableHdrs[i].offset;
- tableDir[pos+12] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].length >> 24);
- tableDir[pos+13] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].length >> 16);
- tableDir[pos+14] = (char)(newTableHdrs[i].length >> 8);
- tableDir[pos+15] = (char) newTableHdrs[i].length;
- pos += 16;
- }
- // compute the font checksum and store it in the head table
- checksum = computeTableChecksum(tableDir, 12 + nNewTables*16);
- for (i = 0; i < nNewTables; ++i) {
- checksum += newTableHdrs[i].checksum;
- }
- checksum = 0xb1b0afba - checksum; // because the TrueType spec says so
- headTable[ 8] = (char)(checksum >> 24);
- headTable[ 9] = (char)(checksum >> 16);
- headTable[10] = (char)(checksum >> 8);
- headTable[11] = (char) checksum;
- // start the sfnts array
- if (name) {
- fprintf(out, "/%s [\n", name->getCString());
- } else {
- fprintf(out, "/sfnts [\n");
- }
- // write the table directory
- dumpString(tableDir, 12 + nNewTables*16, out);
- // write the tables
- for (i = 0; i < nNewTables; ++i) {
- if (i == t42HeadTable) {
- dumpString(headTable, 54, out);
- } else if (i == t42LocaTable) {
- length = (nGlyphs + 1) * (locaFmt ? 4 : 2);
- dumpString(locaTable, length, out);
- } else if (i == t42GlyfTable) {
- glyfPos = seekTable("glyf");
- for (j = 0; j < nGlyphs; ++j) {
- length = origLocaTable[j+1] - origLocaTable[j];
- if (length > 0) {
- dumpString(file + glyfPos + origLocaTable[j], length, out);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // length == 0 means the table is missing and the error was
- // already reported during the construction of the table
- // headers
- if ((length = newTableHdrs[i].length) > 0) {
- dumpString(file + seekTable(t42Tables[i].tag), length, out);
- }
- }
- }
- // end the sfnts array
- fprintf(out, "] def\n");
- gfree(origLocaTable);
- gfree(locaTable);
-void TrueTypeFontFile::dumpString(char *s, int length, FILE *out) {
- int pad, i, j;
- fprintf(out, "<");
- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 32) {
- for (j = 0; j < 32 && i+j < length; ++j) {
- fprintf(out, "%02X", s[i+j] & 0xff);
- }
- if (i % (65536 - 32) == 65536 - 64) {
- fprintf(out, ">\n<");
- } else if (i+32 < length) {
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- }
- }
- if (length & 3) {
- pad = 4 - (length & 3);
- for (i = 0; i < pad; ++i) {
- fprintf(out, "00");
- }
- }
- // add an extra zero byte because the Adobe Type 42 spec says so
- fprintf(out, "00>\n");
-Guint TrueTypeFontFile::computeTableChecksum(char *data, int length) {
- Guint checksum, word;
- int i;
- checksum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i+3 < length; i += 4) {
- word = ((data[i ] & 0xff) << 24) +
- ((data[i+1] & 0xff) << 16) +
- ((data[i+2] & 0xff) << 8) +
- (data[i+3] & 0xff);
- checksum += word;
- }
- if (length & 3) {
- word = 0;
- i = length & ~3;
- switch (length & 3) {
- case 3:
- word |= (data[i+2] & 0xff) << 8;
- case 2:
- word |= (data[i+1] & 0xff) << 16;
- case 1:
- word |= (data[i ] & 0xff) << 24;
- break;
- }
- checksum += word;
- }
- return checksum;
-void TrueTypeFontFile::writeTTF(FILE *out) {
- static char cmapTab[20] = {
- 0, 0, // table version number
- 0, 1, // number of encoding tables
- 0, 1, // platform ID
- 0, 0, // encoding ID
- 0, 0, 0, 12, // offset of subtable
- 0, 0, // subtable format
- 0, 1, // subtable length
- 0, 1, // subtable version
- 0, // map char 0 -> glyph 0
- 0 // pad to multiple of four bytes
- };
- static char nameTab[8] = {
- 0, 0, // format
- 0, 0, // number of name records
- 0, 6, // offset to start of string storage
- 0, 0 // pad to multiple of four bytes
- };
- static char postTab[32] = {
- 0, 1, 0, 0, // format
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // italic angle
- 0, 0, // underline position
- 0, 0, // underline thickness
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // fixed pitch
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // min Type 42 memory
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // max Type 42 memory
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // min Type 1 memory
- 0, 0, 0, 0 // max Type 1 memory
- };
- GBool haveCmap, haveName, havePost;
- GBool dirCmap, dirName, dirPost;
- int nNewTables, nAllTables, pad;
- char *tableDir;
- Guint t, pos;
- int i, j;
- // check for missing tables
- haveCmap = seekTable("cmap") >= 0;
- haveName = seekTable("name") >= 0;
- havePost = seekTable("post") >= 0;
- nNewTables = (haveCmap ? 0 : 1) + (haveName ? 0 : 1) + (havePost ? 0 : 1);
- if (!nNewTables) {
- // none are missing - write the TTF file as is
- fwrite(file, 1, len, out);
- return;
- }
- // construct the new table directory
- nAllTables = nTables + nNewTables;
- tableDir = (char *)gmalloc(12 + nAllTables * 16);
- memcpy(tableDir, file, 12 + nTables * 16);
- tableDir[4] = (char)((nAllTables >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[5] = (char)(nAllTables & 0xff);
- for (i = -1, t = (Guint)nAllTables; t; ++i, t >>= 1) ;
- t = 1 << (4 + i);
- tableDir[6] = (char)((t >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[7] = (char)(t & 0xff);
- tableDir[8] = (char)((i >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[9] = (char)(i & 0xff);
- t = nAllTables * 16 - t;
- tableDir[10] = (char)((t >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[11] = (char)(t & 0xff);
- dirCmap = haveCmap;
- dirName = haveName;
- dirPost = havePost;
- j = 0;
- pad = (len & 3) ? 4 - (len & 3) : 0;
- pos = len + pad + 16 * nNewTables;
- for (i = 0; i < nTables; ++i) {
- if (!dirCmap && strncmp(tableHdrs[i].tag, "cmap", 4) > 0) {
- tableDir[12 + 16*j ] = 'c';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 1] = 'm';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 2] = 'a';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 3] = 'p';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 4] = (char)0; //~ should compute the checksum
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 5] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 6] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 7] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((pos >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( pos & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 12] = (char)((sizeof(cmapTab) >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 13] = (char)((sizeof(cmapTab) >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 14] = (char)((sizeof(cmapTab) >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 15] = (char)( sizeof(cmapTab) & 0xff);
- pos += sizeof(cmapTab);
- ++j;
- dirCmap = gTrue;
- }
- if (!dirName && strncmp(tableHdrs[i].tag, "name", 4) > 0) {
- tableDir[12 + 16*j ] = 'n';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 1] = 'a';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 2] = 'm';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 3] = 'e';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 4] = (char)0; //~ should compute the checksum
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 5] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 6] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 7] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((pos >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( pos & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 12] = (char)((sizeof(nameTab) >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 13] = (char)((sizeof(nameTab) >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 14] = (char)((sizeof(nameTab) >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 15] = (char)( sizeof(nameTab) & 0xff);
- pos += sizeof(nameTab);
- ++j;
- dirName = gTrue;
- }
- if (!dirName && strncmp(tableHdrs[i].tag, "post", 4) > 0) {
- tableDir[12 + 16*j ] = 'p';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 1] = 'o';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 2] = 's';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 3] = 't';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 4] = (char)0; //~ should compute the checksum
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 5] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 6] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 7] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((pos >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( pos & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 12] = (char)((sizeof(postTab) >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 13] = (char)((sizeof(postTab) >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 14] = (char)((sizeof(postTab) >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 15] = (char)( sizeof(postTab) & 0xff);
- pos += sizeof(postTab);
- ++j;
- dirPost = gTrue;
- }
- memcpy(&tableDir[12 + 16*j], file + 12 + 16*i, 16);
- t = tableHdrs[i].offset + nNewTables * 16;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((t >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((t >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((t >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( t & 0xff);
- ++j;
- }
- if (!dirCmap) {
- tableDir[12 + 16*j ] = 'c';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 1] = 'm';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 2] = 'a';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 3] = 'p';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 4] = (char)0; //~ should compute the checksum
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 5] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 6] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 7] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((pos >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( pos & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 12] = (char)((sizeof(cmapTab) >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 13] = (char)((sizeof(cmapTab) >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 14] = (char)((sizeof(cmapTab) >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 15] = (char)( sizeof(cmapTab) & 0xff);
- pos += sizeof(cmapTab);
- ++j;
- dirCmap = gTrue;
- }
- if (!dirName) {
- tableDir[12 + 16*j ] = 'n';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 1] = 'a';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 2] = 'm';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 3] = 'e';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 4] = (char)0; //~ should compute the checksum
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 5] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 6] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 7] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((pos >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( pos & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 12] = (char)((sizeof(nameTab) >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 13] = (char)((sizeof(nameTab) >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 14] = (char)((sizeof(nameTab) >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 15] = (char)( sizeof(nameTab) & 0xff);
- pos += sizeof(nameTab);
- ++j;
- dirName = gTrue;
- }
- if (!dirPost) {
- tableDir[12 + 16*j ] = 'p';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 1] = 'o';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 2] = 's';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 3] = 't';
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 4] = (char)0; //~ should compute the checksum
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 5] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 6] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 7] = (char)0;
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 8] = (char)((pos >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 9] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 10] = (char)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 11] = (char)( pos & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 12] = (char)((sizeof(postTab) >> 24) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 13] = (char)((sizeof(postTab) >> 16) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 14] = (char)((sizeof(postTab) >> 8) & 0xff);
- tableDir[12 + 16*j + 15] = (char)( sizeof(postTab) & 0xff);
- pos += sizeof(postTab);
- ++j;
- dirPost = gTrue;
- }
- // write the table directory
- fwrite(tableDir, 1, 12 + 16 * nAllTables, out);
- // write the original tables
- fwrite(file + 12 + 16*nTables, 1, len - (12 + 16*nTables), out);
- // write the new tables
- for (i = 0; i < pad; ++i) {
- fputc((char)0, out);
- }
- if (!haveCmap) {
- fwrite(cmapTab, 1, sizeof(cmapTab), out);
- }
- if (!haveName) {
- fwrite(nameTab, 1, sizeof(nameTab), out);
- }
- if (!havePost) {
- fwrite(postTab, 1, sizeof(postTab), out);
- }
- gfree(tableDir);