100% #ffffff
+# with a hard edge:
+.gradient mygradient:
+ 0% red
+ 50% green
+ 50% red
+ 75% aquamarine
+ 100% #ffffff
+# with alpha:
+.gradient mygradient:
+ 0% #00000000
+ 50% #0000ff40
+ 75% #0000ff80
+ 100% #0000ffc0
+# define a texture from a gradient:
+# ---------------------------------
+.texture grad2=mygradient x=0 y=0 width=125 height=200 rotate=45
# Create simple objects:
# ----------------------
.box mybox2 width=100 height=50 color=black #same as above
.box mybox3 width=100 height=50 color=black fill #filled black rectangle
.box mybox4 width=100 height=50 color=red line=2 fill=blue #blue rectangle with red edges
-.box mybox5 width=100 height=50 color=red line=2 fill=background #part the background image, with red edges
+.box mybox5 width=100 height=50 color=red line=2 fill=background #filled with image "background", with red edges
.circle mycircle1 r=50 color=#aa33ff fill=mygradient # filled with gradient (defined above)
+.circle mycircle1 r=50 color=#aa33ff fill=grad2 # filled with gradient texture
# Sounds:
# -------