var testWrap = function(val) {
- expect(10);
+ expect(12);
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
var result = jQuery('#first').wrap(val( '<div class="red"><span></span></div>' )).text();
equals( defaultText, result, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );
j = jQuery("<label/>").wrap(val( "<li/>" ));
equals( j[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "LABEL", "Element is a label" );
equals( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "LI", "Element has been wrapped" );
+ // Wrap an element containing a text node
+ j = jQuery("<span/>").wrap("<div>test</div>");
+ equals( j[0].previousSibling.nodeType, 3, "Make sure the previous node is a text element" );
+ equals( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "And that we're in the div element." );
test("wrap(String|Element)", function() {