-all: test stroke
+all: test speedtest stroke
include ../../Makefile.common
-CC = gcc -O2 -g -pg
-#CC = gcc -O3
+CC = gcc -DDEBUG -DCHECKS -O2 -g -pg
+CCO = gcc -O2 -fno-inline -g -pg
../libbase.a: ../q.c ../q.h ../mem.c ../mem.h
cd ..; make libbase.a
testheap: ../libbase.a testheap.c
$(CC) testheap.c ../libbase.a -o testheap -lm -lz -ljpeg
+SRC = active.c convert.c poly.c wind.c renderpoly.c xrow.c stroke.c
OBJS = active.o convert.o poly.o wind.o renderpoly.o xrow.o stroke.o
active.o: active.c active.h poly.h
test: ../libbase.a test.c $(OBJS) poly.h convert.h $(GFX)
$(CC) test.c $(OBJS) $(SWF) $(GFX) ../libbase.a -o test $(LIBS)
+speedtest: ../libbase.a speedtest.c $(SRC) poly.h convert.h $(GFX)
+ $(CCO) speedtest.c $(SRC) $(GFX) ../libbase.a -o speedtest $(LIBS)
rm -f *.o test stroke
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+#include "../gfxtools.h"
+#include "poly.h"
+#include "convert.h"
+#include "renderpoly.h"
+#include "stroke.h"
+#ifdef CHECKS
+#error "speedtest must be compiled without CHECKS"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#error "speedtest must be compiled without DEBUG"
+gfxline_t* mkchessboard()
+ gfxline_t*b = 0;
+ int x,y;
+ unsigned int r = 0;
+ int spacing = 20;
+ int num_caros = 40;
+ int l = 5;
+ char do_centerpiece=1;
+ //int num_caros = 4;
+ //int l=1;
+ //char do_centerpiece=0;
+ for(x=-l;x<=l;x++)
+ for(y=-l;y<=l;y++) {
+ /* pseudo random */
+ r = crc32_add_byte(r, x);r = crc32_add_byte(r, y);
+ if(r&1) {
+ gfxline_t*box;
+ if(r&2) {
+ box = gfxline_makerectangle(x*spacing,y*spacing,(x+1)*spacing,(y+1)*spacing);
+ } else {
+ box = gfxline_makerectangle((x+1)*spacing,y*spacing,x*spacing,(y+1)*spacing);
+ }
+ b = gfxline_append(b, box);
+ }
+ }
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<num_caros;t++) {
+ r = crc32_add_byte(r, t);
+ int x=(r%10-5)*spacing;
+ int y=((r>>4)%10-5)*spacing;
+ int sizex = ((r>>8)%4)*spacing;
+ int sizey = sizex;
+ if(r&65536)
+ sizex = -sizex;
+ gfxline_t*l = malloc(sizeof(gfxline_t)*5);
+ l[0].type = gfx_moveTo;l[0].next = &l[1];
+ l[1].type = gfx_lineTo;l[1].next = &l[2];
+ l[2].type = gfx_lineTo;l[2].next = &l[3];
+ l[3].type = gfx_lineTo;l[3].next = &l[4];
+ l[4].type = gfx_lineTo;l[4].next = 0;
+ l[0].x = x;
+ l[0].y = y-sizey;
+ l[1].x = x+sizex;
+ l[1].y = y;
+ l[2].x = x;
+ l[2].y = y+sizey;
+ l[3].x = x-sizex;
+ l[3].y = y;
+ l[4].x = x;
+ l[4].y = y-sizey;
+ gfxline_append(b, l);
+ }
+ if(do_centerpiece) {
+ for(t=0;t<5;t++) {
+ gfxline_t*l = gfxline_makerectangle(-9*spacing,-10,9*spacing,10);
+ gfxmatrix_t matrix;
+ memset(&matrix, 0, sizeof(gfxmatrix_t));
+ double ua=t*0.43;
+ matrix.m00=cos(ua);matrix.m10=sin(ua);
+ matrix.m01=-sin(ua);matrix.m11=cos(ua);
+ gfxline_transform(l, &matrix);
+ gfxline_append(b, l);
+ }
+ gfxline_append(b, gfxline_makecircle(100,100,100,100));
+ }
+ return b;
+gfxline_t* make_circles(gfxline_t*b, int n)
+ unsigned int c = 0;
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<n;t++) {
+ c = crc32_add_byte(c, t);
+ int x = c%200;
+ c = crc32_add_byte(c, t);
+ int y = c%200;;
+ c = crc32_add_byte(c, t^0x55);
+ int r = c%100;
+ gfxline_t*c = gfxline_makecircle(x,y,r,r);
+ b = gfxline_append(b, c);
+ //b = gfxline_append(b, gfxline_makerectangle(10,10,100,100));
+ }
+ return b;
+static windcontext_t onepolygon = {1};
+static windcontext_t twopolygons = {2};
+int test_speed()
+ gfxline_t* b = mkchessboard();
+ b = make_circles(b, 30);
+ gfxmatrix_t m;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(gfxmatrix_t));
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<360;t++) {
+ //printf("%d\n", t);
+ m.m00 = cos(t*M_PI/180.0);
+ m.m01 = sin(t*M_PI/180.0);
+ m.m10 = -sin(t*M_PI/180.0);
+ m.m11 = cos(t*M_PI/180.0);
+ m.tx = 400*1.41/2;
+ m.ty = 400*1.41/2;
+ gfxline_t*l = gfxline_clone(b);
+ gfxline_transform(l, &m);
+ gfxpoly_t*poly = gfxpoly_from_fill(b, 0.05);
+ gfxpoly_t*poly2 = gfxpoly_process(poly, 0, &windrule_evenodd, &onepolygon);
+ gfxpoly_destroy(poly);
+ gfxpoly_destroy(poly2);
+ gfxline_free(l);
+ }
+ gfxline_free(b);
+int main(int argn, char*argv[])
+ struct tms t1,t2;
+ times(&t1);
+ test_speed();
+ times(&t2);
+ printf("%d\n", t2.tms_utime - t1.tms_utime);