if test "x${DISABLEPDF2SWF}" = "xtrue"; then
echo "* Disabling pdf2swf tool..."
rm -f lib/pdf/Makefile
- echo all install uninstall clean libpdf: > lib/pdf/Makefile
+ echo all install uninstall clean libpdf libgfxpdf: > lib/pdf/Makefile
as12compiler_objects = action/assembler.$(O) action/compile.$(O) action/lex.swf4.$(O) action/lex.swf5.$(O) action/libming.$(O) action/swf4compiler.tab.$(O) action/swf5compiler.tab.$(O) action/actioncompiler.$(O)
as12compiler_in_source = $(as12compiler_objects)
-as3compiler_objects = as3/abc.$(O) as3/pool.$(O) as3/files.$(O) as3/opcodes.$(O) as3/code.$(O) as3/registry.$(O) as3/builtin.$(O) as3/parser.tab.$(O) as3/tokenizer.yy.$(O) as3/scripts.$(O) as3/compiler.$(O) as3/import.$(O) as3/expr.$(O) as3/common.$(O) as3/initcode.$(O)
+as3compiler_objects = as3/abc.$(O) as3/pool.$(O) as3/files.$(O) as3/opcodes.$(O) as3/code.$(O) as3/registry.$(O) as3/builtin.$(O) as3/parser.tab.$(O) as3/tokenizer.yy.$(O) as3/scripts.$(O) as3/compiler.$(O) as3/import.$(O) as3/expr.$(O) as3/common.$(O) as3/initcode.$(O) as3/assets.$(O)
gfxpoly_objects = gfxpoly/active.$(O) gfxpoly/convert.$(O) gfxpoly/poly.$(O) gfxpoly/renderpoly.$(O) gfxpoly/stroke.$(O) gfxpoly/wind.$(O) gfxpoly/xrow.$(O)
rfxswf_modules = modules/swfbits.c modules/swfaction.c modules/swfdump.c modules/swfcgi.c modules/swfbutton.c modules/swftext.c modules/swffont.c modules/swftools.c modules/swfsound.c modules/swfshape.c modules/swfobject.c modules/swfdraw.c modules/swffilter.c modules/swfrender.c h.263/swfvideo.c modules/swfalignzones.c
MODULES = abc.o opcodes.o code.o pool.o scripts.o expr.o common.o initcode.o
-SOURCES = abc.c abc.h pool.c pool.h files.c files.h code.c code.h registry.c registry.h opcodes.c opcodes.h builtin.c builtin.h compiler.c compiler.h parser.tab.h parser.tab.c tokenizer.yy.c scripts.c import.c import.h expr.c expr.h common.c common.h initcode.c initcode.h
+SOURCES = abc.c abc.h pool.c pool.h files.c files.h code.c code.h registry.c registry.h opcodes.c opcodes.h builtin.c builtin.h compiler.c compiler.h parser.tab.h parser.tab.c tokenizer.yy.c scripts.c import.c import.h expr.c expr.h common.c common.h initcode.c initcode.h assets.c assets.h
tokenizer.yy.c: tokenizer.lex tokenizer.h
flex -Pas3_ -8 -B -otokenizer.yy.c tokenizer.lex
parser.tab.h parser.tab.c: parser.y parser.h skeleton.m4 Makefile
- bison $(BISONDEBUGFLAGS) -S ./skeleton.m4 -v --defines -pa3_ parser.y -o parser.tab.c
+ /usr/local/bin/bison $(BISONDEBUGFLAGS) -S ./skeleton.m4 -v --defines -pa3_ parser.y -o parser.tab.c
main.o: main.c parser.tab.h parser.h
$(C) $(BISONDEBUGDEFINE) main.c -o main.o
$(L) main.o ../librfxswf.a ../libbase.a -o parser -lz
rfxswf_modules=../drawer.o ../rfxswf.o ../modules/*.o ../lame/*.o ../action/*.o ../MD5.o $(MODULES)
-mklib: mklib.o $(rfxswf_modules) import.o registry.o tokenizer.yy.o parser.tab.o files.o compiler.o ../libbase.a
- $(L) mklib.o $(rfxswf_modules) import.o registry.o tokenizer.yy.o parser.tab.o files.o compiler.o ../libbase.a -o mklib $(LIBS)
+mklib: mklib.o $(rfxswf_modules) import.o registry.o tokenizer.yy.o parser.tab.o files.o compiler.o assets.o ../libbase.a
+ $(L) mklib.o $(rfxswf_modules) import.o registry.o tokenizer.yy.o parser.tab.o files.o compiler.o assets.o ../libbase.a -o mklib $(LIBS)
../q.o: ../q.c ../q.h ../mem.h
cd ..; make q.o; cd -
#include "../rfxswf.h"
#include "../q.h"
#include "abc.h"
+#include "assets.h"
char stringbuffer[2048];
fprintf(fo, "(");
while(l) {
char*s = multiname_tostring(l->multiname);
- fprintf(fo, s);
+ fprintf(fo, "%s", s);
if(i>=n-no) {
s = constant_tostring(o->constant);
fprintf(fo, " = ");
- fprintf(fo, s);
+ fprintf(fo, "%s", s);
o = o->next;
int t;
int num_metadata = swf_GetU30(tag);
- DEBUG printf("%d metadata\n");
+ DEBUG printf("%d metadata\n", num_metadata);
for(t=0;t<num_metadata;t++) {
const char*entry_name = pool_lookup_string(pool, swf_GetU30(tag));
int num = swf_GetU30(tag);
list_append(c->interfaces, multiname_clone(interface));
+ const char*package = cls->classname->ns->name;
+ const char*name = cls->classname->name;
+ int l1 = strlen(package);
+ int l2 = strlen(name);
+ char*fullname = malloc(l1+l2+2);
+ if(l1) {
+ memcpy(fullname, package, l1);
+ fullname[l1++]='.';
+ }
+ memcpy(fullname+l1, name, l2+1);
+ return fullname;
void abc_method_init(abc_method_t*m, abc_file_t*file, multiname_t*returntype, char body)
} else if(kind == TRAIT_CLASS) { // class
trait->slot_id = swf_GetU30(tag);
trait->cls = (abc_class_t*)array_getvalue(file->classes, swf_GetU30(tag));
- DEBUG printf(" class %s %d %d\n", name, trait->slot_id, trait->cls);
+ DEBUG printf(" class %s %d %08x\n", name, trait->slot_id, (int)trait->cls);
} else if(kind == TRAIT_SLOT || kind == TRAIT_CONST) { // slot, const
trait->slot_id = swf_GetU30(tag);
trait->type_name = multiname_clone(pool_lookup_multiname(pool, swf_GetU30(tag)));
int s;
array_t*items = (array_t*)array_getvalue(file->metadata, t);
for(s=0;s<items->num;s++) {
- fprintf(fo, "%s# %s=%s\n", prefix, array_getkey(items, s), array_getvalue(items,s));
+ fprintf(fo, "%s# %s=%s\n", prefix, (char*)array_getkey(items, s), (char*)array_getvalue(items,s));
fprintf(fo, "%s#\n", prefix);
dump_method(fo, prefix2, "", "constructor", n, cls->constructor, file, methods_seen);
traits_dump(fo, prefix2,cls->traits, file, methods_seen);
+ if(cls->asset) {
+ swf_DumpAsset(fo, cls->asset, prefix2);
+ }
fprintf(fo, "%s}\n", prefix);
fprintf(fo, "%s\n", prefix);
m->flags = swf_GetU8(tag);
- DEBUG printf("method %d) %s ", m->name);
+ DEBUG printf("method %d) %s ", t, m->name);
DEBUG params_dump(stdout, m->parameters, m->optional_parameters);
DEBUG printf("flags=%02x\n", t, m->flags);
#include "code.h"
#include "opcodes.h"
U8 flags;
+ abc_asset_t*asset; // swf tags needed for this class
int init_scope_depth; // volatile, might be increased during code verification
int index; //filled in during writing
void abc_class_interface(abc_class_t*c);
void abc_class_protectedNS(abc_class_t*c, char*namespace);
void abc_class_add_interface(abc_class_t*c, multiname_t*interface);
trait_t* traits_find_slotid(trait_list_t*traits, int slotid);
} abc_script_t;
+struct _abc_asset {
+ TAG_list_t*tags;
+ abc_asset_list_t*dependencies;
abc_method_t* abc_nullmethod(abc_file_t*file);
abc_script_t* abc_initscript(abc_file_t*file);
trait_t*abc_initscript_addClassTrait(abc_script_t*script, multiname_t*multiname, abc_class_t*cls);
--- /dev/null
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "../rfxswf.h"
+#include "assets.h"
+asset_resolver_t* swf_ParseAssets(SWF*swf)
+ NEW(asset_resolver_t,assets);
+ assets->name2asset = dict_new2(&charptr_type);
+ assets->id2asset = malloc(sizeof(abc_asset_t*)*65536);
+ TAG*tag = swf->firstTag;
+ while(tag) {
+ if(swf_isDefiningTag(tag)) {
+ NEW(abc_asset_t, asset);
+ list_append(asset->tags, tag);
+ assets->id2asset[swf_GetDefineID(tag)] = asset;
+ }
+ tag = tag->next;
+ }
+ tag = swf->firstTag;
+ while(tag) {
+ if(swf_isDefiningTag(tag)) {
+ abc_asset_t*asset = assets->id2asset[swf_GetDefineID(tag)];
+ assert(asset);
+ int num = swf_GetNumUsedIDs(tag);
+ int*positions = malloc(sizeof(int)*num);
+ swf_GetUsedIDs(tag, positions);
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<num;t++) {
+ U16 id = GET16(&tag->data[positions[t]]);
+ abc_asset_t*a = assets->id2asset[id];
+ if(!a) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: ID %d referenced, but not defined\n", id);
+ } else {
+ list_append(asset->dependencies, a);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(swf_isPseudoDefiningTag(tag)) {
+ abc_asset_t*asset = assets->id2asset[swf_GetDefineID(tag)];
+ if(asset) {
+ list_append(asset->tags, tag);
+ }
+ } else if(tag->id == ST_SYMBOLCLASS) {
+ int t, num = swf_GetU16(tag);
+ for(t=0;t<num;t++) {
+ U16 id = swf_GetU16(tag);
+ if(!id) {
+ assets->mainclass_id = id;
+ } else {
+ abc_asset_t*asset = assets->id2asset[id];
+ if(!asset) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: ID %d referenced, but not defined\n", id);
+ } else {
+ char*name = swf_GetString(tag);
+ dict_put(assets->name2asset, name, asset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tag = tag->next;
+ }
+ return assets;
+void swf_ResolveAssets(asset_resolver_t*assets, abc_file_t*file)
+ int num = assets->name2asset->num;
+ int resolved = 0;
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<file->classes->num;t++) {
+ abc_class_t*cls = (abc_class_t*)array_getvalue(file->classes, t);
+ char*fullname = abc_class_fullname(cls);
+ abc_asset_t*a = (abc_asset_t*)dict_lookup(assets->name2asset, fullname);
+ if(a) {
+ resolved++;
+ cls->asset = a;
+ }
+ free(fullname);
+ }
+static void dump_asset_list(FILE*fo, abc_asset_list_t*l, const char*prefix)
+ while(l) {
+ TAG_list_t*t = l->abc_asset->tags;
+ while(t) {
+ TAG*tag = t->TAG;
+ fprintf(fo, "%s[tag] %s defines ID %d\n", prefix, swf_TagGetName(tag), swf_GetDefineID(tag));
+ t = t->next;
+ }
+ char*prefix2 = allocprintf("%s ", prefix);
+ dump_asset_list(fo, l->abc_asset->dependencies, prefix2);
+ free(prefix2);
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+void swf_DumpAsset(FILE*fo, abc_asset_t*asset, const char*prefix)
+ abc_asset_list_t*l = 0;
+ list_append(l, asset);
+ dump_asset_list(fo, l, prefix);
+ list_free(l);
+static TAG* write_tag(TAG*prev, TAG*tag, dict_t*written)
+ if(!dict_contains(written, tag)) {
+ dict_put(written, tag, 0);
+ if(prev) {
+ prev->next = tag;
+ }
+ tag->prev = prev;
+ tag->next = 0;
+ prev = tag;
+ }
+ return prev;
+static TAG*write_asset(TAG*tag, abc_asset_t*a, dict_t*written)
+ TAG_list_t*tags = a->tags;
+ abc_asset_list_t*deps = a->dependencies;
+ while(deps) {
+ tag = write_asset(tag, deps->abc_asset, written);
+ deps = deps->next;
+ }
+ while(tags) {
+ tag = write_tag(tag, tags->TAG, written);
+ tags = tags->next;
+ }
+ return tag;
+void swf_WriteABCSymbols(TAG*tag, abc_file_t*file)
+ int num = 0;
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<file->classes->num;t++) {
+ abc_class_t*cls = (abc_class_t*)array_getvalue(file->classes, t);
+ abc_asset_t*a = cls->asset;
+ if(a && a->tags) {
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ swf_SetU16(tag, num);
+ for(t=0;t<file->classes->num;t++) {
+ abc_class_t*cls = (abc_class_t*)array_getvalue(file->classes, t);
+ abc_asset_t*a = cls->asset;
+ if(a && a->tags) {
+ U16 id = swf_GetDefineID(a->tags->TAG);
+ char*fullname = abc_class_fullname(cls);
+ swf_SetU16(tag, id);
+ swf_SetString(tag, fullname);
+ }
+ }
+TAG*swf_AssetsToTags(TAG*itag, asset_bundle_list_t*assets)
+ char* bitmap = rfx_calloc(sizeof(char)*65536);
+ asset_bundle_list_t*l = assets;
+ dict_t*written = dict_new2(&ptr_type);
+ while(l) {
+ if(l->asset_bundle->used) {
+ abc_file_t*file = l->asset_bundle->file;
+ int t;
+ TAG* tag = 0;
+ for(t=0;t<file->classes->num;t++) {
+ abc_asset_t*a = ((abc_class_t*)array_getvalue(file->classes, t))->asset;
+ if(a) {
+ tag = write_asset(tag, a, written);
+ }
+ }
+ tag = swf_InsertTag(tag, ST_DOABC);
+ swf_WriteABC(tag, file);
+ tag = swf_InsertTag(tag, ST_SYMBOLCLASS);
+ swf_WriteABCSymbols(tag, file);
+ TAG*first = tag;
+ while(first && first->prev)
+ first=first->prev;
+ SWF swf;
+ memset(&swf, 0, sizeof(SWF));
+ swf.firstTag = first;
+ swf_Relocate(&swf, bitmap);
+ if(!itag) {
+ itag = first;
+ } else {
+ itag->next = first;
+ first->prev = itag;
+ itag = tag;
+ }
+ }
+ l = l->next;
+ }
+ dict_destroy(written);
+ free(bitmap);
+ return itag;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __abc_assets_h__
+#define __abc_assets_h__
+#include "abc.h"
+#include "registry.h"
+typedef struct _asset_resolver {
+ SWF*swf;
+ abc_asset_t**id2asset;
+ dict_t*name2asset;
+ U16 mainclass_id;
+} asset_resolver_t;
+asset_resolver_t* swf_ParseAssets(SWF*swf);
+void swf_ResolveAssets(asset_resolver_t*swf, abc_file_t*file);
+void swf_DumpAsset(FILE*fo, abc_asset_t*asset, const char*prefix);
+TAG*swf_AssetsToTags(TAG*tag, asset_bundle_list_t*assets);
+#endif //__abc_assets_h__
#include "parser.h"
#include "parser.tab.h"
#include "compiler.h"
+#include "registry.h"
+#include "assets.h"
#include "../os.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
return as3code;
+void* as3_getassets(void*t)
+ return swf_AssetsToTags((TAG*)t, registry_getassets());
char* as3_getglobalclass()
return as3_globalclass;
void as3_warning(const char*format, ...);
char* as3_getglobalclass();
void* as3_getcode();
+void* as3_getassets(void*);
void as3_destroy();
#endif //__as3_compiler_h__
#include "abc.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "common.h"
-#include "common.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
+#include "assets.h"
#include "../os.h"
-static void import_code(void*_abc, char*filename, int pass);
+static void import_code(void*_abc, char*filename, int pass, asset_bundle_t*a);
void as3_import_abc(char*filename)
tag->data = file->data;
tag->len = file->len;
abc_file_t*abc = swf_ReadABC(tag);
- import_code(abc, filename, 0);
- import_code(abc, filename, 1);
+ import_code(abc, filename, 0, 0);
+ import_code(abc, filename, 1, 0);
SWF* swf = swf_OpenSWF(filename);
+ swf_FoldAll(swf);
TAG*tag = swf->firstTag;
+ asset_resolver_t* assets = swf_ParseAssets(swf);
/* pass 1 */
while(tag) {
if(tag->id == ST_DOABC || tag->id == ST_RAWABC) {
abc_file_t*abc = swf_ReadABC(tag);
- import_code(abc, filename, 0);
+ import_code(abc, filename, 0, 0);
tag = tag->next;
/* pass 2 */
while(tag) {
if(tag->id == ST_DOABC || tag->id == ST_RAWABC) {
- abc_file_t*abc = swf_ReadABC(tag);
- import_code(abc, filename, 1);
- swf_FreeABC(abc);
+ abc_file_t*abc = swf_ReadABC(tag); //FIXME: mem leak
+ swf_ResolveAssets(assets, abc);
+ NEW(asset_bundle_t, a);
+ a->file = abc;
+ registry_add_asset(a);
+ import_code(abc, filename, 1, a);
tag = tag->next;
- swf_FreeTags(swf);
+ //swf_FreeTags(swf); // FIXME: mem leak
void as3_import_file(char*filename)
return c;
-static void import_code(void*_abc, char*filename, int pass)
+static void import_code(void*_abc, char*filename, int pass, asset_bundle_t*asset_bundle)
abc_file_t*abc = _abc;
int t;
classinfo_t*c = classinfo_register(access, package, name, list_length(i));
- c->flags|=FLAG_BUILTIN;
+ c->flags|=FLAG_ASSET;
if(cls->flags & CLASS_FINAL)
c->flags |= FLAG_FINAL;
classinfo_t*c = (classinfo_t*)registry_find(package, name);
if(!c) continue;
+ if(cls->asset) {
+ c->assets = asset_bundle;
+ }
int nr = 0;
multiname_list_t*i = cls->interfaces;
while(i) {
v->flags |= trait->kind==TRAIT_CONST?FLAG_CONST:0;
m = (memberinfo_t*)v;
- m->flags |= FLAG_BUILTIN;
+ m->flags |= FLAG_ASSET;
m->parent = 0;
void as3_import_code(void*_abc)
- import_code(_abc, "", 0);
- import_code(_abc, "", 1);
+ import_code(_abc, "", 0, 0);
+ import_code(_abc, "", 1, 0);
swf.movieSize.xmin = swf.movieSize.ymin = 0;
swf.movieSize.xmax = 20*20;
swf.movieSize.ymax = 10*20;
- TAG*tag = swf.firstTag = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_DOABC);
+ TAG*tag = (TAG*)as3_getassets(0);
+ if(!swf.firstTag && tag) swf.firstTag = tag;
+ while(tag && tag->next) tag = tag->next;
+ tag = swf_InsertTag(tag, ST_DOABC);
+ if(!swf.firstTag && tag) swf.firstTag = tag;
swf_WriteABC(tag, code);
slotinfo_t*s = registry_find($2->package, $2->name);
- if(!s && as3_pass==1) {// || !(s->flags&FLAG_BUILTIN)) {
+ if(!s && as3_pass==1) {
as3_schedule_class($2->package, $2->name);
/*if(s && s->kind == INFOTYPE_VAR && TYPE_IS_NAMESPACE(s->type)) {
slotinfo_t*s = find_class($1);
if(!s) syntaxerror("Could not find class/method %s (current package: %s)\n", $1, state->package);
$$ = (classinfo_t*)s;
+ registry_use(s);
if(!s) syntaxerror("Couldn't find class/method %s.%s\n", $1, $3);
$$ = (classinfo_t*)s;
+ registry_use(s);
/* look at actual classes, in the current package and imported */
if(!state->xmlfilter && (a = find_class(name))) {
+ registry_use(a);
if(state->cls && state->cls->info == (classinfo_t*)a && i_am_static) {
o.c = abc_getlocal_0(0);
o.t = TYPE_CLASS((classinfo_t*)a);
#include "builtin.h"
// ----------------------- class signature ------------------------------
free: (free_func)dummy_destroy,
+// ----------------------- assets -------------------------------------
+void registry_use(slotinfo_t*s)
+ if(s->kind == INFOTYPE_CLASS) {
+ classinfo_t*c=(classinfo_t*)s;
+ if(c->assets) c->assets->used = 1;
+ } else if(s->kind == INFOTYPE_METHOD) {
+ methodinfo_t*m=(methodinfo_t*)s;
+ if(m->parent) {
+ registry_use((slotinfo_t*)m->parent);
+ }
+ } else if(s->kind == INFOTYPE_VAR) {
+ varinfo_t*v=(varinfo_t*)s;
+ if(v->parent) {
+ registry_use((slotinfo_t*)v->parent);
+ }
+ }
+void registry_add_asset(asset_bundle_t*bundle)
+ list_append(assets, bundle);
+ return assets;
// ----------------------- resolving ----------------------------------
slotinfo_t* registry_resolve(slotinfo_t*_s)
#ifndef __abc_registry_h__
#define __abc_registry_h__
-#include "pool.h"
+#include "abc.h"
/* member/class flags */
#define FLAG_FINAL 1
#define FLAG_BUILTIN 128
+#define FLAG_ASSET 64
/* member flags */
#define FLAG_STATIC 2
dict_t members;
dict_t static_members;
void*data; //TODO: get rid of this- parser.y should pass type/value/code triples around
+ asset_bundle_t*assets;
struct _memberinfo {
+struct _asset_bundle {
+ abc_file_t*file;
+ char used;
extern type_t memberinfo_type;
extern type_t slotinfo_type;
char slotinfo_equals(slotinfo_t*c1, slotinfo_t*c2);
char registry_ispackage(const char*package);
+void registry_add_asset(asset_bundle_t*bundle);
+void registry_use(slotinfo_t*s);
// static multinames
classinfo_t voidclass;
classinfo_t* registry_getanytype();
if(r[0]<0 || phase<0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "gfxtool: invalid (negative) dashes: %f, phase=%f", r[0], phase);
+ fprintf(stderr, "gfxtool: invalid (negative) dashes: %f, phase=%f\n", r[0], phase);
return strdup(buf);
-#define PY_ERROR(s,args...) (PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, strf(s, ## args)),(PyObject*)NULL)
+#define PY_ERROR(s,args...) (PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, strf(s, ## args)),(void*)NULL)
#define PY_NONE Py_BuildValue("s", 0)
for(t=0;t<num;t++) {
PyObject*p= PySequence_GetItem(_line, t);
- if(!PyTuple_Check(p))
+ if(!PyTuple_Check(p)) {
return PY_ERROR("each point must be a tuple");
+ }
PyObject*_type = PyTuple_GetItem(p, 0);
return PY_ERROR("point tuples must start with a string");
- printf("[HEADER] File size: %ld%s\n", swf.fileSize, swf.compressed?" (Depacked)":"");
+ printf("[HEADER] File size: %d%s\n", swf.fileSize, swf.compressed?" (Depacked)":"");
printf("[HEADER] Frame rate: %f\n",swf.frameRate/256.0);
printf("[HEADER] Frame count: %d\n",swf.frameCount);
printf("[HEADER] Movie width: %.2f",(swf.movieSize.xmax-swf.movieSize.xmin)/20.0);
if(cumulative) {
filepos += tag->len;
- printf("[%03x] %9ld %9ld %s%s", tag->id, tag->len, filepos, prefix, swf_TagGetName(tag));
+ printf("[%03x] %9d %9d %s%s", tag->id, tag->len, filepos, prefix, swf_TagGetName(tag));
} else {
- printf("[%03x] %9ld %s%s", tag->id, tag->len, prefix, swf_TagGetName(tag));
+ printf("[%03x] %9d %s%s", tag->id, tag->len, prefix, swf_TagGetName(tag));
if(tag->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT) {