int action = 0;
int html = 0;
int xy = 0;
+int showtext = 0;
struct options_t options[] =
+ {"t","text"},
action = 1;
return 0;
+ else if(name[0]=='t') {
+ showtext = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
else if(name[0]=='e') {
html = 1;
return 0;
void args_callback_usage(char*name)
- printf("Usage: %s [-a] file.swf\n", name);
- printf("-h , --help\t\t\t Print help and exit\n");
- printf("-e , --html\t\t\t Create a html embedding the file (simple, but useful)\n");
- printf("-X , --width\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-X width\"\n");
- printf("-Y , --height\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-Y height\"\n");
- printf("-r , --rate\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-r rate\"\n");
- printf("-a , --action\t\t\t Disassemble action tags\n");
- printf("-V , --version\t\t\t Print program version and exit\n");
+ printf("Usage: %s [-at] file.swf\n", name);
+ printf("\t-h , --help\t\t\t Print help and exit\n");
+ printf("\t-e , --html\t\t\t Create a html embedding the file (simple, but useful)\n");
+ printf("\t-X , --width\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-X width\"\n");
+ printf("\t-Y , --height\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-Y height\"\n");
+ printf("\t-r , --rate\t\t\t Prints out a string of the form \"-r rate\"\n");
+ printf("\t-a , --action\t\t\t Disassemble action tags\n");
+ printf("\t-t , --text\t\t\t Show text data\n");
+ printf("\t-V , --version\t\t\t Print program version and exit\n");
int args_callback_command(char*name,char*val)
{ swf_GetU16(tag); // id
swf_GetU16(tag); // layer
swf_GetMatrix(tag,NULL); // matrix
- swf_GetCXForm(tag,NULL,0); // matrix
+ swf_GetCXForm(tag,NULL,1); // matrix
#define ET_X0 2
+SWF swf;
+int fontnum = 0;
+void textcallback(int*glyphs, int nr, int fontid)
+ int font=-1,t;
+ printf(" <%2d glyphs in font %2d> ",nr, fontid);
+ for(t=0;t<fontnum;t++)
+ {
+ if(fonts[t]->id == fontid) {
+ font = t;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(font<0) {
+ printf("\n");
+ return; // todo: should we report this? (may only be that it's a definefont without fontinfo)
+ }
+ for(t=0;t<nr;t++)
+ {
+ unsigned char a;
+ if(glyphs[t] >= fonts[font]->numchars)
+ continue;
+ a = fonts[font]->glyph2ascii[glyphs[t]];
+ if(a>=32)
+ printf("%c", a);
+ else
+ printf("\\x%x", (int)a);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void handleText(TAG*tag)
+ printf("\n");
+ swf_FontExtract_DefineTextCallback(-1,0,tag,4, textcallback);
void handleEditText(TAG*tag)
U16 id ;
// printf(" text \"%s\"\n", &tag->data[tag->pos])
+void fontcallback1(U16 id,U8 * name)
+{ fontnum++;
+void fontcallback2(U16 id,U8 * name)
+{ swf_FontExtract(&swf,id,&fonts[fontnum]);
+ fontnum++;
int main (int argc,char ** argv)
- SWF swf;
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
struct stat statbuf;
int f;
int xsize,ysize;
+ char issprite = 0; // are we inside a sprite definition?
+ int spriteframe;
+ int mainframe=0;
+ char* spriteframelabel;
+ char* framelabel = 0;
char prefix[128];
prefix[0] = 0;
printf("[HEADER] Movie height: %.3f\n",(swf.movieSize.ymax-swf.movieSize.ymin)/20.0);
tag = swf.firstTag;
+ if(showtext) {
+ fontnum = 0;
+ swf_FontEnumerate(&swf,&fontcallback1);
+ fonts = (SWFFONT**)malloc(fontnum*sizeof(SWFFONT*));
+ fontnum = 0;
+ swf_FontEnumerate(&swf,&fontcallback2);
+ }
while(tag) {
char*name = swf_TagGetName(tag);
else if(tag->id == ST_FRAMELABEL) {
printf(" \"%s\"", tag->data);
+ if(framelabel) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Frame %d has more than one label\n",
+ issprite?spriteframe:mainframe);
+ }
+ if(issprite) spriteframelabel = tag->data;
+ else framelabel = tag->data;
+ }
+ else if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME) {
+ char*label = issprite?spriteframelabel:framelabel;
+ printf(" %d", issprite?spriteframe:mainframe);
+ if(label)
+ printf(" (label \"%s\")", label);
+ if(issprite) {spriteframe++; spriteframelabel = 0;}
+ if(!issprite) {mainframe++; framelabel = 0;}
if(tag->id == ST_DEFINEEDITTEXT) {
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ else if(tag->id == ST_DEFINETEXT || tag->id == ST_DEFINETEXT2) {
+ handleText(tag);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("\n");
- printf("\n");
sprintf(myprefix, " %s", prefix);
if(tag->id == ST_DEFINESPRITE) {
sprintf(prefix, " ");
+ if(issprite) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Sprite definition inside a sprite definition");
+ }
+ issprite = 1;
+ spriteframe = 0;
+ spriteframelabel = 0;
else if(tag->id == ST_END) {
*prefix = 0;
+ issprite = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: End Tag not empty");