--- /dev/null
+/* pool.c
+ Routines for handling Flash2 AVM2 ABC contantpool entries.
+ Extension module for the rfxswf library.
+ Part of the swftools package.
+ Copyright (c) 2008 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+#include "pool.h"
+char* access2str(int type)
+ if(type==0x08) return "";
+ else if(type==0x16) return "package";
+ else if(type==0x17) return "packageinternal";
+ else if(type==0x18) return "protected";
+ else if(type==0x19) return "explicit";
+ else if(type==0x1A) return "staticprotected";
+ else if(type==0x05) return "private";
+ else return "undefined";
+char* multiname_to_string(multiname_t*m)
+ char*mname = 0;
+ if(m->type==0x07 || m->type==0x0d) {
+ mname = malloc(strlen(m->ns->name)+strlen(m->name)+32);
+ sprintf(mname, "<%s>\0", access2str(m->ns->access));
+ strcat(mname, m->ns->name);
+ strcat(mname, "::");
+ strcat(mname, m->name);
+ } else if(m->type==0x0f || m->type==0x10) {
+ mname = strdup(m->name);
+ } else if(m->type==0x11 || m->type==0x12) {
+ mname = strdup("");
+ } else if(m->type==0x09 || m->type==0x0e) {
+ char*s = namespace_set_to_string(m->namespace_set);
+ mname = malloc(strlen(s)+strlen(m->name)+16);
+ strcpy(mname, s);
+ free(s);
+ strcat(mname, "::");
+ strcat(mname, m->name);
+ } else if(m->type==0x1b || m->type==0x1c) {
+ mname = namespace_set_to_string(m->namespace_set);
+ }
+ return mname;
+char* namespace_to_string(namespace_t*ns)
+ char*access = 0;
+ U8 type = ns->access;
+ if(type==0x08) access = "";
+ else if(type==0x16) access = "Package";
+ else if(type==0x17) access = "PackageInternal";
+ else if(type==0x18) access = "Protected";
+ else if(type==0x19) access = "Explicit";
+ else if(type==0x1A) access = "StaticProtected";
+ else if(type==0x05) access = "Private";
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Undefined namespace type %02x\n", type);
+ access = "UnknownNS";
+ }
+ char*string = malloc(strlen(access)+strlen(ns->name)+3);
+ sprintf(string, "<%s>%s", access, ns->name);
+ return string;
+char* namespace_set_to_string(namespace_set_t*set)
+ /* TODO: is the order of the namespaces important (does it
+ change the lookup order?). E.g. flex freely shuffles namespaces
+ around.
+ If the order is not important, we can optimize constant pools by sorting
+ the namespaces.
+ */
+ int l = 0;
+ namespace_list_t*lns = set->namespaces;
+ while(lns) {
+ char*s = namespace_to_string(lns->namespace);
+ l += strlen(s)+1;
+ free(s);
+ lns = lns->next;
+ }
+ char*desc = malloc(l+16);
+ strcpy(desc, "{");
+ lns = set->namespaces;
+ while(lns) {
+ char*s = namespace_to_string(lns->namespace);
+ strcat(desc, s);
+ free(s);
+ strcat(desc, ",");
+ lns = lns->next;
+ }
+ strcat(desc, "}");
+ return desc;
+int pool_register_string(pool_t*pool, const char*s)
+ return array_append_if_new(pool->strings, s, 0);
+int pool_register_namespace(pool_t*pool, namespace_t*ns)
+ if(!ns)
+ return 0;
+ char*name = namespace_to_string(ns);
+ int i = array_append_if_new(pool->namespaces, name, ns);
+ free(name);
+ return i;
+int pool_register_namespace_set(pool_t*pool, namespace_set_t*set)
+ char*name = namespace_set_to_string(set);
+ int i = array_append_if_new(pool->namespace_sets, name, set);
+ free(name);
+ return i;
+int pool_register_multiname(pool_t*pool, multiname_t*n)
+ if(!n)
+ return 0;
+ char*name = multiname_to_string(n);
+ int i =array_append_if_new(pool->multinames, name, n);
+ free(name);
+ return i;
+int pool_register_multiname2(pool_t*pool, char*name)
+ multiname_t*n = multiname_fromstring(name);
+ int i =array_append_if_new(pool->multinames, name, n);
+ return i;
+int pool_find_namespace(pool_t*pool, namespace_t*ns)
+ if(!ns)
+ return 0;
+ char*name = namespace_to_string(ns);
+ int i = array_find(pool->namespaces, name);
+ if(i<0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find namespace \"%s\" %08x in constant pool\n", name, ns);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ free(name);
+ return i;
+int pool_find_namespace_set(pool_t*pool, namespace_set_t*set)
+ char*name = namespace_set_to_string(set);
+ int i = array_find(pool->namespace_sets, name);
+ free(name);
+ if(i<0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find namespace_set \"%s\" in constant pool\n", name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+int pool_find_string(pool_t*pool, const char*s)
+ int i = array_find(pool->strings, s);
+ if(i<0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find string \"%s\" in constant pool\n", s);
+ *(int*)0=0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+int pool_find_multiname(pool_t*pool, multiname_t*name)
+ char*n = multiname_to_string(name);
+ int i = array_find(pool->multinames, n);
+ if(i<0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find multiname \"%s\" in constant pool\n", n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+multiname_t*pool_lookup_multiname(pool_t*pool, int i)
+ multiname_t*m = (multiname_t*)array_getvalue(pool->multinames, i);
+ return m;
+multiname_t* multiname_fromstring(const char*name2)
+ if(!name2)
+ name2 = "::";
+ char*n = strdup(name2);
+ char*p = strstr(n, "::");
+ char*namespace=0,*name=0;
+ if(!p) {
+ if(strchr(n, ':')) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: single ':' in name\n");
+ }
+ namespace = "";
+ name = n;
+ } else {
+ *p = 0;
+ namespace = n;
+ name = p+2;
+ if(strchr(namespace, ':')) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: single ':' in namespace\n");
+ }
+ if(strchr(name, ':')) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: single ':' in qualified name\n");
+ }
+ }
+ multiname_t*m = malloc(sizeof(multiname_t));
+ memset(m, 0, sizeof(multiname_t));
+ m->type = QNAME;
+ m->namespace_set = 0;
+ NEW(namespace_t,ns);
+ ns->name= namespace;
+ m->ns = ns;
+ m->name = name;
+ return m;
+ NEW(pool_t, p);
+ p->ints = array_new();
+ array_append(p->ints, 0, (void*)(ptroff_t)0);
+ p->uints = array_new();
+ array_append(p->uints, 0, (void*)(ptroff_t)0);
+ p->floats = array_new();
+ array_append(p->floats, 0, 0);
+ p->strings = array_new();
+ array_append(p->strings, "--<UNDEFINED_STRING>--", 0);
+ p->namespaces = array_new();
+ array_append(p->namespaces, "--<UNDEFINED_NAMESPACE>--", 0);
+ p->namespace_sets = array_new();
+ array_append(p->namespace_sets, "--<UNDEFINED_NSSET>--", 0);
+ p->multinames = array_new();
+ array_append(p->multinames, "--<UNDEFINED_MULTINAME>--", 0);
+ return p;
+#define DEBUG if(0)
+void pool_read(pool_t*pool, TAG*tag)
+ int num_ints = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d ints\n", num_ints);
+ int t;
+ for(t=1;t<num_ints;t++) {
+ S32 v = swf_GetS30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("int %d) %d\n", t, v);
+ array_append(pool->ints, 0, (void*)(ptroff_t)v);
+ }
+ int num_uints = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d uints\n", num_uints);
+ for(t=1;t<num_uints;t++) {
+ U32 v = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("uint %d) %d\n", t, v);
+ array_append(pool->uints, 0, (void*)(ptroff_t)v);
+ }
+ int num_floats = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d floats\n", num_floats);
+ for(t=1;t<num_floats;t++) {
+ double d = swf_GetD64(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("float %d) %f\n", t, d);
+ array_append(pool->floats, 0, 0);
+ }
+ int num_strings = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d strings\n", num_strings);
+ for(t=1;t<num_strings;t++) {
+ int len = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ char*s = malloc(len+1);
+ swf_GetBlock(tag, s, len);
+ s[len] = 0;
+ array_append(pool->strings, s, 0);
+ DEBUG printf("%d) \"%s\"\n", t, pool->strings->d[t].name);
+ }
+ int num_namespaces = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d namespaces\n", num_namespaces);
+ for(t=1;t<num_namespaces;t++) {
+ U8 type = swf_GetU8(tag);
+ int namenr = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ const char*name = array_getkey(pool->strings, namenr);
+ NEW(namespace_t, ns);
+ memset(ns, 0, sizeof(namespace_t));
+ ns->access = type;
+ ns->name = strdup(name);
+ array_append(pool->namespaces, name, ns);
+ }
+ int num_sets = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d namespace sets\n", num_sets);
+ for(t=1;t<num_sets;t++) {
+ int count = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int s;
+ NEW(namespace_set_t, nsset);
+ for(s=0;s<count;s++) {
+ int nsnr = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ namespace_t*ns = (namespace_t*)array_getvalue(pool->namespaces, nsnr);
+ list_append(nsset->namespaces, ns);
+ }
+ char*desc = namespace_set_to_string(nsset);
+ array_append(pool->namespace_sets, desc, nsset);
+ DEBUG printf("set %d) %s\n", t, desc);
+ }
+ int num_multinames = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ DEBUG printf("%d multinames\n", num_multinames);
+ for(t=1;t<num_multinames;t++) {
+ NEW(multiname_t,m);
+ m->type = swf_GetU8(tag);
+ if(m->type==0x07 || m->type==0x0d) {
+ int namespace_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ m->ns = (namespace_t*)array_getvalue(pool->namespaces, namespace_index);
+ int name_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ m->name = array_getkey(pool->strings, name_index);
+ } else if(m->type==0x0f || m->type==0x10) {
+ int name_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ m->name = array_getkey(pool->strings, name_index);
+ } else if(m->type==0x11 || m->type==0x12) {
+ } else if(m->type==0x09 || m->type==0x0e) {
+ int name_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ int namespace_set_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ m->name = array_getkey(pool->strings, name_index);
+ m->namespace_set = (namespace_set_t*)array_getvalue(pool->namespace_sets, namespace_set_index);
+ } else if(m->type==0x1b || m->type==0x1c) {
+ int namespace_set_index = swf_GetU30(tag);
+ m->namespace_set = (namespace_set_t*)array_getvalue(pool->namespace_sets, namespace_set_index);
+ } else {
+ printf("can't parse type %d multinames yet\n", m->type);
+ }
+ char*mname = multiname_to_string(m);
+ DEBUG printf("multiname %d) %s\n", t, mname);
+ array_append(pool->multinames, mname, m);
+ free(mname);
+ }
+void pool_destroy(pool_t*pool)
+ int t;
+ array_free(pool->ints);
+ array_free(pool->uints);
+ array_free(pool->floats);
+ for(t=1;t<pool->strings->num;t++) {
+ free((void*)array_getkey(pool->strings, t));
+ }
+ array_free(pool->strings);
+ for(t=1;t<pool->namespaces->num;t++) {
+ free(array_getvalue(pool->namespaces, t));
+ }
+ array_free(pool->namespaces);
+ for(t=1;t<pool->namespace_sets->num;t++) {
+ namespace_set_t*set = (namespace_set_t*)array_getvalue(pool->namespace_sets, t);
+ list_free(set->namespaces);
+ free(set);
+ }
+ array_free(pool->namespace_sets);
+ for(t=1;t<pool->multinames->num;t++) {
+ free(array_getvalue(pool->multinames, t));
+ }
+ array_free(pool->multinames);