# Sound effects on user pressing or releasing a button
.button mybutton shape=obj1 # TODO
-.buttonsounds mybutton press=sound1 release=sound2 enter=sound3 leave=sound4 # TODO
+ .buttonsound press=sound1 release=sound2 enter=sound3 leave=sound4 # TODO
# Elements of the movie should be animated by various means
# moving (x,y and zoom)
.png stoplogo "Stop.png" #TODO
.button playbutton shape=play press=play_pressed #TODO
-.button playbutton2 shape=play press=play_pressed:
- [mouse down]
- ... actionscript ...
-# ...
+.button playbutton2 shape=play press=play_pressed
+ .on_press inside
+ .on_press outside
+ .on_release inside
+ .on_release outside
+ .on_move_in pressed
+ .on_move_out pressed
+ .on_move_in
+ .on_move_out
+ .on_key "a":
+ # actionscript...
+ .end
# button which is blue, get's green when the mouse hovers over it, and
# white when it is pressed:
.button b1 shape=blueshape over=greenshape press=whiteshape #TODO
# button where the button position is not identical to the active area:
.button b2 area=activearea shape=blueshape over=greenshape press=whiteshape #TODO
# (if area is not set, it's the same as shape)
# the above put into use: pop up a window if the mouse cursor enters a certain
# area:
.button b3 area=activearea shape=emptyshape over=window1 press=window1 #TODO
# button characters also support positioning and cxforming characters.
# to use this, we put the characters "virtually", and then use the