/* read tags and connect to list */
t = &t1;
- while (t) t = swf_ReadTag(reader,t);
+ while (t) {
+ t = swf_ReadTag(reader,t);
+ if(t && t->id == ST_FILEATTRIBUTES) {
+ swf->fileAttributes = swf_GetU32(t);
+ swf_ResetReadBits(t);
+ }
+ }
swf->firstTag = t1.next;
t1.next->prev = NULL;
int no_extra_tags = 0;
+int WriteExtraTags(SWF*swf, writer_t*writer)
+ TAG*t = swf->firstTag;
+ TAG* has_fileattributes=0;
+ int has_scenedescription=0;
+ int has_version_8_action=0;
+ int has_version_9_action=0;
+ int len = 0;
+ while(t) {
+ if(t->id == ST_FILEATTRIBUTES)
+ has_fileattributes = t;
+ has_scenedescription = 1;
+ if(t->id == ST_DOABC)
+ has_version_9_action=1;
+ /* FIXME: this doesn't yet find actionscript in buttons */
+ if(t->id == ST_DOACTION || t->id == ST_DOINITACTION)
+ has_version_8_action=1;
+ if(t->id == ST_PLACEOBJECT2 && t->len && (t->data[0]&0x80))
+ has_version_8_action=1;
+ t = t->next;
+ }
+ if(has_version_8_action && has_version_9_action) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: File contains both flash 8 and flash 9 actionscript\n");
+ }
+ if(swf->fileVersion >= 9) {
+ if(!has_fileattributes) {
+ U32 flags = swf->fileAttributes|0x08; // 16 = has symbolclass tag | 8 = actionscript3 | 1 = usenetwork
+ if(has_version_8_action && !has_version_9_action)
+ flags &= ~0x08;
+ TAG*fileattrib = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_FILEATTRIBUTES);
+ swf_SetU32(fileattrib, flags);
+ if(writer) {
+ if(swf_WriteTag2(writer, fileattrib)<0)
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ len += swf_WriteTag(-1,fileattrib);
+ }
+ swf_DeleteTag(0, fileattrib);
+ } else {
+ if(swf_WriteTag2(writer, has_fileattributes)<0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(!has_scenedescription) {
+ TAG*scene = swf_InsertTag(0, ST_SCENEDESCRIPTION);
+ swf_SetU16(scene, 1);
+ swf_SetString(scene, (U8*)"Scene 1");
+ swf_SetU8(scene, 0);
+ if(writer) {
+ if(swf_WriteTag2(writer, scene)<0)
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ len += swf_WriteTag(-1,scene);
+ }
+ swf_DeleteTag(0, scene);
+ }
+ }
+ return len;
int swf_WriteSWF2(writer_t*writer, SWF * swf) // Writes SWF to file, returns length or <0 if fails
{ U32 len;
TAG * t;
if(original_writer) writer_lastpos = original_writer->pos;
- // Insert REFLEX Tag
- if(!no_extra_tags) {
- /* this block needs a complete rewrite */
- if ((swf->firstTag && swf->firstTag->id != ST_REFLEX) &&
- (!swf->firstTag->next || (swf->firstTag->next->id != ST_REFLEX &&
- (!swf->firstTag->next->next || (swf->firstTag->next->next->id!=ST_REFLEX)))))
- {
- swf_SetBlock(swf_InsertTagBefore(swf, swf->firstTag,ST_REFLEX),(U8*)"rfx",3);
- }
-#endif // INSERT_RFX_TAG
- if(swf->fileVersion >= 9) {
- if ((!swf->firstTag || swf->firstTag->id != ST_SCENEDESCRIPTION) &&
- (!swf->firstTag ||
- !swf->firstTag->next || swf->firstTag->next->id != ST_SCENEDESCRIPTION) &&
- (!swf->firstTag ||
- !swf->firstTag->next ||
- !swf->firstTag->next->next || swf->firstTag->next->next->id != ST_SCENEDESCRIPTION))
- {
- TAG*scene = swf_InsertTagBefore(swf, swf->firstTag,ST_SCENEDESCRIPTION);
- swf_SetU16(scene, 1);
- swf_SetString(scene, (U8*)"Scene 1");
- swf_SetU8(scene, 0);
- }
- }
- if(swf->fileVersion >= 9) {
- TAG*tag = swf->firstTag;
- U32 flags = 0x08; // 16 = has symbolclass tag | 8 = actionscript3 | 1 = usenetwork
- int has_version_8_action=0;
- int has_version_9_action=0;
- while(tag) {
- /* FIXME: this doesn't find actionscript in buttons */
- if(tag->id == ST_DOACTION || tag->id == ST_DOINITACTION)
- has_version_8_action=1;
- if(tag->id == ST_DOABC)
- has_version_9_action=1;
- tag = tag->next;
- }
- if(has_version_8_action && !has_version_9_action)
- flags = 0x00;
- if (swf->firstTag && swf->firstTag->id != ST_FILEATTRIBUTES)
- {
- swf_SetU32(swf_InsertTagBefore(swf, swf->firstTag,ST_FILEATTRIBUTES),flags);
- }
- }
- }
// Count Frames + File Size
len = 0;
t = swf->firstTag;
frameCount = 0;
+ len += WriteExtraTags(swf, 0);
while(t) {
len += swf_WriteTag(-1,t);
if(t->id == ST_DEFINESPRITE && !swf_IsFolded(t)) inSprite++;
return -1;
+ if(!no_extra_tags) {
+ WriteExtraTags(swf, writer);
+ }
t = swf->firstTag;
- while (t)
- { if (swf_WriteTag2(writer, t)<0) return -1;
- t = swf_NextTag(t);
+ while (t) {
+ if(no_extra_tags || t->id != ST_FILEATTRIBUTES) {
+ if(swf_WriteTag2(writer, t)<0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = t->next;
if(swf->compressed==1 || (swf->compressed==0 && swf->fileVersion>=6) || swf->compressed==8) {
if(swf->compressed != 8) {