+static void blurImage(RGBA*src, int width, int height, int r)
+ int e = 2; // r times e is the sampling interval
+ double*gauss = (double*)malloc(r*e*sizeof(double));
+ double sum=0;
+ int x;
+ for(x=0;x<r*e;x++) {
+ double t = (x - r*e/2.0)/r;
+ gauss[x] = exp(-0.5*t*t);
+ sum += gauss[x];
+ }
+ int*weights = (int*)malloc(r*e*sizeof(int));
+ for(x=0;x<r*e;x++) {
+ weights[x] = (int)(gauss[x]*65536.0001/sum);
+ }
+ int range = r*e/2;
+ RGBA*dest = malloc(sizeof(RGBA)*width*height);
+ int y;
+ for(y=0;y<height;y++) {
+ RGBA*s = &src[y*width];
+ RGBA*d = &dest[y*width];
+ for(x=0;x<range;x++) {
+ d[x] = s[x];
+ }
+ for(x=range;x<width-range;x++) {
+ int r=0;
+ int g=0;
+ int b=0;
+ int a=0;
+ int*f = weights;
+ int xx;
+ for(xx=x-range;xx<x+range;xx++) {
+ r += s[xx].r * f[0];
+ g += s[xx].g * f[0];
+ b += s[xx].b * f[0];
+ a += s[xx].a * f[0];
+ f++;
+ }
+ d[x].r = r >> 16;
+ d[x].g = g >> 16;
+ d[x].b = b >> 16;
+ d[x].a = a >> 16;
+ }
+ for(x=width-range;x<width;x++) {
+ d[x] = s[x];
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(src, dest, width*height*sizeof(RGBA));
+ for(x=0;x<width;x++) {
+ RGBA*s = &src[x];
+ RGBA*d = &dest[x];
+ int yy=0;
+ for(y=0;y<range;y++) {
+ d[yy] = s[yy];
+ yy+=width;
+ }
+ for(y=range;y<height-range;y++) {
+ int r=0;
+ int g=0;
+ int b=0;
+ int a=0;
+ int*f = weights;
+ int cy,cyy=yy-range*width;
+ for(cy=y-range;cy<y+range;cy++) {
+ r += s[cyy].r * f[0];
+ g += s[cyy].g * f[0];
+ b += s[cyy].b * f[0];
+ a += s[cyy].a * f[0];
+ cyy += width;
+ f++;
+ }
+ d[yy].r = r >> 16;
+ d[yy].g = g >> 16;
+ d[yy].b = b >> 16;
+ d[yy].a = a >> 16;
+ yy += width;
+ }
+ for(y=0;y<range;y++) {
+ d[yy] = s[yy];
+ yy += width;
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(src, dest, width*height*sizeof(RGBA));
+ free(dest);
+ free(weights);
+ free(gauss);
RGBA* swf_ImageScale(RGBA*data, int width, int height, int newwidth, int newheight)
int x,y;
if(swf_ImageGetNumberOfPaletteEntries2(data, width, height) == 2) {
encodeMonochromeImage(data, width, height, monochrome_colors);
+ int r1 = width / newwidth;
+ int r2 = height / newheight;
+ int r = r1<r2?r1:r2;
+ if(r>4) {
+ /* high-resolution monochrome images are usually dithered, so
+ low-pass filter them first to get rid of any moire patterns */
+ blurImage(data, width, height, r+1);
+ }
tmpline = (rgba_int_t*)malloc(width*sizeof(rgba_int_t));