LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ ./configure
-6.) Is there a pdf2swf/avi2swf for Windows?
+6.) How do I compile swftools on Mac OS X?
+ First, you need to install all the required libs (jpeg, t1lib, freetype, lame) via Fink.
+ Then, you have to inform configure of where they are:
+ ( setenv LDFLAGS "-L/sw/lib" ; setenv CPPFLAGS "-I/sw/include -I/sw/include/lame" ; ./configure )
+ make
+ sudo make install
+7.) Is there a pdf2swf/avi2swf for Windows?
Windows versions of all SWF utilities are downloadable from
Notice: For now, the utilities need to be installed to C:\SWFTOOLS to make pdf2swf work-
otherwise it won't be able to find its fonts.
-7.) Where's the source code of the Windows version?
+8.) Where's the source code of the Windows version?
It's the same as the Unix source code. If you want to compile
under Windows, it's recommended that you get the CVS version
CXX=i386-mingw32msvc-g++ CPP=i386-mingw32msvc-cpp CC=i386-mingw32msvc-gcc \
./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc && make
-8.) The fonts in the SWFs generated by pdf2swf are wrong!
+9.) The fonts in the SWFs generated by pdf2swf are wrong!
Watch the output of pdf2swf closely.
You should see something like:
to (on Windows) C:\SWFTools\Fonts\, or (on Unix) /usr/local/share/swftools/fonts
to make it work all the time.
-9.) Can png2swf handle transparency?
+10.) Can png2swf handle transparency?
It supports PNG mode 2 transparency (256 color palettes with alpha) since version 0.4.2.
Mode 6 (32 bit RGBA truecolor) is also supported since version 0.4.4.
-10.) How to do Flash MX compression with SWFTools?
+11.) How to do Flash MX compression with SWFTools?
Most tools support the -z flag for outputting compressed SWF.
Furthermore you can compress/uncompress SWF files using swfcombine:
-11.) avi2swf converts my avi files upside down!
+12.) avi2swf converts my avi files upside down!
Try using the -p (--flip) switch.
-12.) How to extract images/sounds from myfile.swf using swfextract?
+13.) How to extract images/sounds from myfile.swf using swfextract?
First list all extractable items:
-13.) Is there a mailing list for SWFTools?
+14.) Is there a mailing list for SWFTools?
Yes there is. You can subscribe by going to
-14.) Where can I donate?
+15.) Where can I donate?
You can donate via PayPal by clicking on the "donate" button
on http://www.quiss.org/swftools/index.html