+/* tokenizer.lex
+ Routines for compiling Flash2 AVM2 ABC Actionscript
+ Extension module for the rfxswf library.
+ Part of the swftools package.
+ Copyright (c) 2008 Matthias Kramm <kramm@quiss.org>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//BEGIN(INITIAL); keep context
+static void handleString(char*s, int len)
+ if(s[0]=='"') {
+ if(s[len-1]!='"') syntaxerror("String doesn't end with '\"'");
+ s++;len-=2;
+ }
+ else if(s[0]=='\'') {
+ if(s[len-1]!='\'') syntaxerror("String doesn't end with '\"'");
+ s++;len-=2;
+ }
+ else syntaxerror("String incorrectly terminated");
+ s[len] = 0;
+ avm2_lval.string = s;
char start_of_expression;
static inline int m(int type)
STRING ["](\\[\x00-\xff]|[^\\"\n])*["]|['](\\[\x00-\xff]|[^\\'\n])*[']
S [ \n\r\t]
-MULTILINE_COMMENT [/][*]([*][^/]|[^*]|[\x00-\x31])*[*]+[/]
+MULTILINE_COMMENT [/][*]+([*][^/]|[^/*]|[\x00-\x1f])*[*]+[/]
REGEXP [/]([^/\n]|\\[/])*[/][a-zA-Z]*
^include{S}+{STRING}{S}*/\n {c();handleInclude(yytext, yyleng, 1);}
^include{S}+[^" \t\r\n][\x20-\xff]*{S}*/\n {c();handleInclude(yytext, yyleng, 0);}
-{STRING} {c(); BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_STRING);}
+{STRING} {c(); BEGIN(INITIAL);handleString(yytext, yyleng);return T_STRING;}
{REGEXP} {c(); BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_REGEXP);}
{NUMBER} {c(); BEGIN(INITIAL);return handlenumber();}
+3rr0r {/* for debugging: generates a tokenizer-level error */
+ syntaxerror("3rr0r");}
+[!][=] {BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_NE);}
+[=][=][=] {BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_EQEQEQ);}
+[=][=] {BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_EQEQ);}
[>][=] {return m(T_GE);}
[<][=] {return m(T_LE);}
+[+][=] {return m(T_PLUSBY);}
+[-][=] {return m(T_MINUSBY);}
[-][-] {BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_MINUSMINUS);}
[+][+] {BEGIN(INITIAL);return m(T_PLUSPLUS);}
-== {BEGIN(REGEXPOK);return m(T_EQEQ);}
\.\. {return m(T_DOTDOT);}
\. {return m('.');}
:: {return m(T_COLONCOLON);}
static {return m(KW_STATIC);}
import {return m(KW_IMPORT);}
Number {return m(KW_NUMBER);}
+while {return m(KW_WHILE);}
class {return m(KW_CLASS);}
const {return m(KW_CONST);}
final {return m(KW_FINAL);}
-False {return m(KW_FALSE);}
-True {return m(KW_TRUE);}
+false {return m(KW_FALSE);}
+break {return m(KW_BREAK);}
+true {return m(KW_TRUE);}
uint {return m(KW_UINT);}
null {return m(KW_NULL);}
+else {return m(KW_ELSE);}
use {return m(KW_USE);}
int {return m(KW_INT);}
new {return m(KW_NEW);}
set {return m(KW_SET);}
var {return m(KW_VAR);}
is {return m(KW_IS) ;}
+if {return m(KW_IF) ;}
as {return m(KW_AS);}
else if(nr==KW_TRUE) return "True";
else if(nr==KW_UINT) return "uint";
else if(nr==KW_NULL) return "null";
+ else if(nr==KW_ELSE) return "else";
else if(nr==KW_USE) return "use";
else if(nr==KW_INT) return "int";
else if(nr==KW_NEW) return "new";