- // We're overriding the old toggle function, so\r
- // remember it for later\r
- _toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,\r
- \r
- /**\r
- * Toggle between two function calls every other click.\r
- * Whenever a matched element is clicked, the first specified function \r
- * is fired, when clicked again, the second is fired. All subsequent \r
- * clicks continue to rotate through the two functions.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").toggle(function(){\r
- * $(this).addClass("selected");\r
- * },function(){\r
- * $(this).removeClass("selected");\r
- * });\r
- * \r
- * @test var count = 0;\r
- * var fn1 = function() { count++; }\r
- * var fn2 = function() { count--; }\r
- * var link = $('#mark');\r
- * link.click().toggle(fn1, fn2).click().click().click().click().click();\r
- * ok( count == 1, "Check for toggle(fn, fn)" );\r
- *\r
- * @name toggle\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function even The function to execute on every even click.\r
- * @param Function odd The function to execute on every odd click.\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- toggle: function(a,b) {\r
- // If two functions are passed in, we're\r
- // toggling on a click\r
- return a && b && a.constructor == Function && b.constructor == Function ? this.click(function(e){\r
- // Figure out which function to execute\r
- this.last = this.last == a ? b : a;\r
- \r
- // Make sure that clicks stop\r
- e.preventDefault();\r
- \r
- // and execute the function\r
- return this.last.apply( this, [e] ) || false;\r
- }) :\r
- \r
- // Otherwise, execute the old toggle function\r
- this._toggle.apply( this, arguments );\r
- },\r
- \r
- /**\r
- * A method for simulating hovering (moving the mouse on, and off,\r
- * an object). This is a custom method which provides an 'in' to a \r
- * frequent task.\r
- *\r
- * Whenever the mouse cursor is moved over a matched \r
- * element, the first specified function is fired. Whenever the mouse \r
- * moves off of the element, the second specified function fires. \r
- * Additionally, checks are in place to see if the mouse is still within \r
- * the specified element itself (for example, an image inside of a div), \r
- * and if it is, it will continue to 'hover', and not move out \r
- * (a common error in using a mouseout event handler).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").hover(function(){\r
- * $(this).addClass("over");\r
- * },function(){\r
- * $(this).addClass("out");\r
- * });\r
- *\r
- * @name hover\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function over The function to fire whenever the mouse is moved over a matched element.\r
- * @param Function out The function to fire whenever the mouse is moved off of a matched element.\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- hover: function(f,g) {\r
- \r
- // A private function for haandling mouse 'hovering'\r
- function handleHover(e) {\r
- // Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element\r
- var p = (e.type == "mouseover" ? e.fromElement : e.toElement) || e.relatedTarget;\r
- \r
- // Traverse up the tree\r
- while ( p && p != this ) try { p = p.parentNode } catch(e) { p = this; };\r
- \r
- // If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it\r
- if ( p == this ) return false;\r
- \r
- // Execute the right function\r
- return (e.type == "mouseover" ? f : g).apply(this, [e]);\r
- }\r
- \r
- // Bind the function to the two event listeners\r
- return this.mouseover(handleHover).mouseout(handleHover);\r
- },\r
- \r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to be executed whenever the DOM is ready to be\r
- * traversed and manipulated. This is probably the most important \r
- * function included in the event module, as it can greatly improve\r
- * the response times of your web applications.\r
- *\r
- * In a nutshell, this is a solid replacement for using window.onload, \r
- * and attaching a function to that. By using this method, your bound Function \r
- * will be called the instant the DOM is ready to be read and manipulated, \r
- * which is exactly what 99.99% of all Javascript code needs to run.\r
- * \r
- * Please ensure you have no code in your <body> onload event handler, \r
- * otherwise $(document).ready() may not fire.\r
- *\r
- * You can have as many $(document).ready events on your page as you like.\r
- *\r
- * @example $(document).ready(function(){ Your code here... });\r
- *\r
- * @name ready\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn The function to be executed when the DOM is ready.\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- ready: function(f) {\r
- // If the DOM is already ready\r
- if ( jQuery.isReady )\r
- // Execute the function immediately\r
- f.apply( document );\r
- \r
- // Otherwise, remember the function for later\r
- else {\r
- // Add the function to the wait list\r
- jQuery.readyList.push( f );\r
- }\r
- \r
- return this;\r
- }\r
- /*\r
- * All the code that makes DOM Ready work nicely.\r
- */\r
- isReady: false,\r
- readyList: [],\r
- \r
- // Handle when the DOM is ready\r
- ready: function() {\r
- // Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded\r
- if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {\r
- // Remember that the DOM is ready\r
- jQuery.isReady = true;\r
- \r
- // If there are functions bound, to execute\r
- if ( jQuery.readyList ) {\r
- // Execute all of them\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < jQuery.readyList.length; i++ )\r
- jQuery.readyList[i].apply( document );\r
- \r
- // Reset the list of functions\r
- jQuery.readyList = null;\r
- }\r
- // Remove event lisenter to avoid memory leak\r
- if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla || jQuery.browser.opera )\r
- document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );\r
- }\r
- }\r
-new function(){\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").scroll( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name scroll\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the scroll event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the scroll event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet scroll event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").scroll();\r
- * @before <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name scroll\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .scroll() method, calling .onescroll() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onescroll( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first scroll\r
- *\r
- * @name onescroll\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the scroll event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound scroll event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unscroll( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onscroll="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unscroll\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the scroll event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound scroll events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unscroll();\r
- * @before <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unscroll\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the submit event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").submit( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name submit\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the submit event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the submit event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet submit event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").submit();\r
- * @before <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name submit\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the submit event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .submit() method, calling .onesubmit() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onesubmit( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first submit\r
- *\r
- * @name onesubmit\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the submit event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound submit event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unsubmit( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onsubmit="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unsubmit\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the submit event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound submit events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unsubmit();\r
- * @before <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unsubmit\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the focus event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").focus( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name focus\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the focus event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the focus event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet focus event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").focus();\r
- * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name focus\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the focus event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .focus() method, calling .onefocus() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onefocus( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first focus\r
- *\r
- * @name onefocus\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the focus event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound focus event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unfocus( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onfocus="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unfocus\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the focus event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound focus events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unfocus();\r
- * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unfocus\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").keydown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name keydown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keydown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the keydown event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet keydown event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").keydown();\r
- * @before <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name keydown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .keydown() method, calling .onekeydown() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onekeydown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first keydown\r
- *\r
- * @name onekeydown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keydown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound keydown event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unkeydown( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onkeydown="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unkeydown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the keydown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound keydown events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unkeydown();\r
- * @before <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unkeydown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the dblclick event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").dblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name dblclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the dblclick event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet dblclick event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").dblclick();\r
- * @before <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name dblclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the dblclick event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .dblclick() method, calling .onedblclick() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onedblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first dblclick\r
- *\r
- * @name onedblclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound dblclick event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").undblclick( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p ondblclick="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name undblclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound dblclick events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").undblclick();\r
- * @before <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name undblclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the keypress event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").keypress( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name keypress\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keypress event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the keypress event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet keypress event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").keypress();\r
- * @before <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name keypress\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the keypress event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .keypress() method, calling .onekeypress() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onekeypress( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first keypress\r
- *\r
- * @name onekeypress\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keypress event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound keypress event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unkeypress( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onkeypress="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unkeypress\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the keypress event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound keypress events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unkeypress();\r
- * @before <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unkeypress\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the error event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").error( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name error\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the error event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the error event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet error event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").error();\r
- * @before <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name error\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the error event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .error() method, calling .oneerror() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneerror( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first error\r
- *\r
- * @name oneerror\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the error event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound error event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unerror( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onerror="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unerror\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the error event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound error events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unerror();\r
- * @before <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unerror\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the blur event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").blur( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name blur\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the blur event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the blur event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet blur event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").blur();\r
- * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name blur\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the blur event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .blur() method, calling .oneblur() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneblur( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first blur\r
- *\r
- * @name oneblur\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the blur event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound blur event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unblur( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onblur="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unblur\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the blur event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound blur events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unblur();\r
- * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unblur\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/UI\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the load event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").load( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name load\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the load event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the load event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet load event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * Marked as private: Calling load() without arguments throws exception because the ajax load\r
- * does not handle it.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").load();\r
- * @before <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name load\r
- * @private\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the load event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .load() method, calling .oneload() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first load\r
- *\r
- * @name oneload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the load event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound load event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unload( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onload="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the load event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound load events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unload();\r
- * @before <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the select event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").select( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name select\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the select event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the select event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet select event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").select();\r
- * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name select\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the select event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .select() method, calling .oneselect() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneselect( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first select\r
- *\r
- * @name oneselect\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the select event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound select event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unselect( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onselect="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unselect\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the select event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound select events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unselect();\r
- * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unselect\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mouseup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name mouseup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the mouseup event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet mouseup event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mouseup();\r
- * @before <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name mouseup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .mouseup() method, calling .onemouseup() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onemouseup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mouseup\r
- *\r
- * @name onemouseup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound mouseup event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmouseup( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onmouseup="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmouseup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound mouseup events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmouseup();\r
- * @before <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmouseup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the unload event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the unload event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the unload event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet unload event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unload();\r
- * @before <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name unload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the unload event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .unload() method, calling .oneunload() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneunload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first unload\r
- *\r
- * @name oneunload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the unload event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound unload event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").ununload( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onunload="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name ununload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the unload event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound unload events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").ununload();\r
- * @before <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name ununload\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the change event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").change( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name change\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the change event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the change event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet change event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").change();\r
- * @before <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name change\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the change event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .change() method, calling .onechange() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onechange( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first change\r
- *\r
- * @name onechange\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the change event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound change event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unchange( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onchange="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unchange\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the change event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound change events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unchange();\r
- * @before <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unchange\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Form\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mouseout( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name mouseout\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the mouseout event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet mouseout event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mouseout();\r
- * @before <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name mouseout\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .mouseout() method, calling .onemouseout() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onemouseout( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mouseout\r
- *\r
- * @name onemouseout\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound mouseout event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmouseout( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onmouseout="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmouseout\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound mouseout events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmouseout();\r
- * @before <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmouseout\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").keyup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name keyup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keyup event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the keyup event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet keyup event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").keyup();\r
- * @before <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name keyup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .keyup() method, calling .onekeyup() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onekeyup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first keyup\r
- *\r
- * @name onekeyup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keyup event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound keyup event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unkeyup( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onkeyup="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unkeyup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the keyup event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound keyup events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unkeyup();\r
- * @before <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unkeyup\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Keyboard\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the click event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").click( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name click\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the click event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the click event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet click event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").click();\r
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name click\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the click event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .click() method, calling .oneclick() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first click\r
- *\r
- * @name oneclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the click event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound click event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unclick( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onclick="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the click event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound click events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unclick();\r
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unclick\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the resize event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").resize( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name resize\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the resize event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the resize event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet resize event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").resize();\r
- * @before <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name resize\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the resize event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .resize() method, calling .oneresize() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").oneresize( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first resize\r
- *\r
- * @name oneresize\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the resize event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound resize event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unresize( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onresize="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unresize\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the resize event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound resize events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unresize();\r
- * @before <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unresize\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Browser\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mousemove event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mousemove( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name mousemove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the mousemove event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet mousemove event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mousemove();\r
- * @before <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name mousemove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mousemove event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .mousemove() method, calling .onemousemove() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onemousemove( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mousemove\r
- *\r
- * @name onemousemove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound mousemove event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmousemove( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onmousemove="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmousemove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound mousemove events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmousemove();\r
- * @before <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmousemove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mousedown event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mousedown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name mousedown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the mousedown event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet mousedown event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mousedown();\r
- * @before <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name mousedown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mousedown event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .mousedown() method, calling .onemousedown() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onemousedown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mousedown\r
- *\r
- * @name onemousedown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound mousedown event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmousedown( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onmousedown="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmousedown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound mousedown events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmousedown();\r
- * @before <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmousedown\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- \r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mouseover( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name mouseover\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger the mouseover event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions\r
- * that have been bound to thet mousedown event to be executed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").mouseover();\r
- * @before <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello');\r
- *\r
- * @name mouseover\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.\r
- * Unlike a call to the normal .mouseover() method, calling .onemouseover() causes the bound function to be\r
- * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").onemouseover( function() { alert("Hello"); } );\r
- * @before <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mouseover\r
- *\r
- * @name onemouseover\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseover event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes a bound mouseover event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original \r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmouseover( myFunction );\r
- * @before <p onmouseover="myFunction">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmouseover\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mouseover event on each of the matched elements.\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound mouseover events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unmouseover();\r
- * @before <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result <p>Hello</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name unmouseover\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events/Mouse\r
- */\r
- \r
- /**\r
- * @test var count;\r
- * // ignore load\r
- * var e = ("blur,focus,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +\r
- * "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,reset,select," + \r
- * "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(",");\r
- * var handler1 = function(event) {\r
- * count++;\r
- * };\r
- * var handler2 = function(event) {\r
- * count++;\r
- * };\r
- * for( var i=0; i < e.length; i++) {\r
- * var event = e[i];\r
- * count = 0;\r
- * // bind handler\r
- * $(document)[event](handler1);\r
- * $(document)[event](handler2);\r
- * $(document)["one"+event](handler1);\r
- * \r
- * // call event two times\r
- * $(document)[event]();\r
- * $(document)[event]();\r
- * \r
- * // unbind events\r
- * $(document)["un"+event](handler1);\r
- * // call once more\r
- * $(document)[event]();\r
- *\r
- * // remove all handlers\r
- * $(document)["un"+event]();\r
- *\r
- * // call once more\r
- * $(document)[event]();\r
- * \r
- * // assert count\r
- * ok( count == 6, 'Checking event ' + event);\r
- * }\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name eventTesting\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- var e = ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +\r
- "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,reset,select," + \r
- "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(",");\r
- // Go through all the event names, but make sure that\r
- // it is enclosed properly\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < e.length; i++ ) new function(){\r
- \r
- var o = e[i];\r
- \r
- // Handle event binding\r
- jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){\r
- return f ? this.bind(o, f) : this.trigger(o);\r
- };\r
- \r
- // Handle event unbinding\r
- jQuery.fn["un"+o] = function(f){ return this.unbind(o, f); };\r
- \r
- // Finally, handle events that only fire once\r
- jQuery.fn["one"+o] = function(f){\r
- // Attach the event listener\r
- return this.each(function(){\r
- var count = 0;\r
- // Add the event\r
- jQuery.event.add( this, o, function(e){\r
- // If this function has already been executed, stop\r
- if ( count++ ) return;\r
- \r
- // And execute the bound function\r
- return f.apply(this, [e]);\r
- });\r
- });\r
- };\r
- \r
- };\r
- \r
- // If Mozilla is used\r
- if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla || jQuery.browser.opera ) {\r
- // Use the handy event callback\r
- document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );\r
- \r
- // If IE is used, use the excellent hack by Matthias Miller\r
- // http://www.outofhanwell.com/blog/index.php?title=the_window_onload_problem_revisited\r
- } else if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {\r
- \r
- // Only works if you document.write() it\r
- document.write("<scr" + "ipt id=__ie_init defer=true " + \r
- "src=//:><\/script>");\r
- \r
- // Use the defer script hack\r
- var script = document.getElementById("__ie_init");\r
- script.onreadystatechange = function() {\r
- if ( this.readyState != "complete" ) return;\r
- this.parentNode.removeChild( this );\r
- jQuery.ready();\r
- };\r
- \r
- // Clear from memory\r
- script = null;\r
- \r
- // If Safari is used\r
- } else if ( jQuery.browser.safari ) {\r
- // Continually check to see if the document.readyState is valid\r
- jQuery.safariTimer = setInterval(function(){\r
- // loaded and complete are both valid states\r
- if ( document.readyState == "loaded" || \r
- document.readyState == "complete" ) {\r
- \r
- // If either one are found, remove the timer\r
- clearInterval( jQuery.safariTimer );\r
- jQuery.safariTimer = null;\r
- \r
- // and execute any waiting functions\r
- jQuery.ready();\r
- }\r
- }, 10);\r
- } \r
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work\r
- jQuery.event.add( window, "load", jQuery.ready );\r
- \r
-// Clean up after IE to avoid memory leaks\r
-if (jQuery.browser.msie) jQuery(window).unload(function() {\r
- var event = jQuery.event, global = event.global;\r
- for (var type in global) {\r
- var els = global[type], i = els.length;\r
- if (i>0) do if (type != 'unload') event.remove(els[i-1], type); while (--i);\r
- }\r
+ // We're overriding the old toggle function, so
+ // remember it for later
+ _toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,
+ /**
+ * Toggle between two function calls every other click.
+ * Whenever a matched element is clicked, the first specified function
+ * is fired, when clicked again, the second is fired. All subsequent
+ * clicks continue to rotate through the two functions.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").toggle(function(){
+ * $(this).addClass("selected");
+ * },function(){
+ * $(this).removeClass("selected");
+ * });
+ *
+ * @test var count = 0;
+ * var fn1 = function() { count++; }
+ * var fn2 = function() { count--; }
+ * var link = $('#mark');
+ * link.click().toggle(fn1, fn2).click().click().click().click().click();
+ * ok( count == 1, "Check for toggle(fn, fn)" );
+ *
+ * @name toggle
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function even The function to execute on every even click.
+ * @param Function odd The function to execute on every odd click.
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ toggle: function(a,b) {
+ // If two functions are passed in, we're
+ // toggling on a click
+ return a && b && a.constructor == Function && b.constructor == Function ? this.click(function(e){
+ // Figure out which function to execute
+ this.last = this.last == a ? b : a;
+ // Make sure that clicks stop
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // and execute the function
+ return this.last.apply( this, [e] ) || false;
+ }) :
+ // Otherwise, execute the old toggle function
+ this._toggle.apply( this, arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * A method for simulating hovering (moving the mouse on, and off,
+ * an object). This is a custom method which provides an 'in' to a
+ * frequent task.
+ *
+ * Whenever the mouse cursor is moved over a matched
+ * element, the first specified function is fired. Whenever the mouse
+ * moves off of the element, the second specified function fires.
+ * Additionally, checks are in place to see if the mouse is still within
+ * the specified element itself (for example, an image inside of a div),
+ * and if it is, it will continue to 'hover', and not move out
+ * (a common error in using a mouseout event handler).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").hover(function(){
+ * $(this).addClass("over");
+ * },function(){
+ * $(this).addClass("out");
+ * });
+ *
+ * @name hover
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function over The function to fire whenever the mouse is moved over a matched element.
+ * @param Function out The function to fire whenever the mouse is moved off of a matched element.
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ hover: function(f,g) {
+ // A private function for haandling mouse 'hovering'
+ function handleHover(e) {
+ // Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
+ var p = (e.type == "mouseover" ? e.fromElement : e.toElement) || e.relatedTarget;
+ // Traverse up the tree
+ while ( p && p != this ) try { p = p.parentNode } catch(e) { p = this; };
+ // If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
+ if ( p == this ) return false;
+ // Execute the right function
+ return (e.type == "mouseover" ? f : g).apply(this, [e]);
+ }
+ // Bind the function to the two event listeners
+ return this.mouseover(handleHover).mouseout(handleHover);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to be executed whenever the DOM is ready to be
+ * traversed and manipulated. This is probably the most important
+ * function included in the event module, as it can greatly improve
+ * the response times of your web applications.
+ *
+ * In a nutshell, this is a solid replacement for using window.onload,
+ * and attaching a function to that. By using this method, your bound Function
+ * will be called the instant the DOM is ready to be read and manipulated,
+ * which is exactly what 99.99% of all Javascript code needs to run.
+ *
+ * Please ensure you have no code in your <body> onload event handler,
+ * otherwise $(document).ready() may not fire.
+ *
+ * You can have as many $(document).ready events on your page as you like.
+ *
+ * @example $(document).ready(function(){ Your code here... });
+ *
+ * @name ready
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn The function to be executed when the DOM is ready.
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ ready: function(f) {
+ // If the DOM is already ready
+ if ( jQuery.isReady )
+ // Execute the function immediately
+ f.apply( document );
+ // Otherwise, remember the function for later
+ else {
+ // Add the function to the wait list
+ jQuery.readyList.push( f );
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /*
+ * All the code that makes DOM Ready work nicely.
+ */
+ isReady: false,
+ readyList: [],
+ // Handle when the DOM is ready
+ ready: function() {
+ // Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded
+ if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {
+ // Remember that the DOM is ready
+ jQuery.isReady = true;
+ // If there are functions bound, to execute
+ if ( jQuery.readyList ) {
+ // Execute all of them
+ for ( var i = 0; i < jQuery.readyList.length; i++ )
+ jQuery.readyList[i].apply( document );
+ // Reset the list of functions
+ jQuery.readyList = null;
+ }
+ // Remove event lisenter to avoid memory leak
+ if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla || jQuery.browser.opera )
+ document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );
+ }
+ }
+new function(){
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").scroll( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name scroll
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the scroll event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the scroll event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet scroll event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").scroll();
+ * @before <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name scroll
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .scroll() method, calling .onescroll() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onescroll( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first scroll
+ *
+ * @name onescroll
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the scroll event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound scroll event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unscroll( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onscroll="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unscroll
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the scroll event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound scroll events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unscroll();
+ * @before <p onscroll="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unscroll
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the submit event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").submit( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name submit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the submit event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the submit event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet submit event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").submit();
+ * @before <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name submit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the submit event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .submit() method, calling .onesubmit() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onesubmit( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first submit
+ *
+ * @name onesubmit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the submit event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound submit event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unsubmit( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onsubmit="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unsubmit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the submit event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound submit events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unsubmit();
+ * @before <p onsubmit="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unsubmit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the focus event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").focus( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name focus
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the focus event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the focus event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet focus event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").focus();
+ * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name focus
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the focus event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .focus() method, calling .onefocus() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onefocus( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first focus
+ *
+ * @name onefocus
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the focus event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound focus event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unfocus( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onfocus="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unfocus
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the focus event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound focus events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unfocus();
+ * @before <p onfocus="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unfocus
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").keydown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name keydown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keydown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the keydown event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet keydown event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").keydown();
+ * @before <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name keydown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .keydown() method, calling .onekeydown() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onekeydown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first keydown
+ *
+ * @name onekeydown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keydown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound keydown event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unkeydown( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onkeydown="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unkeydown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the keydown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound keydown events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unkeydown();
+ * @before <p onkeydown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unkeydown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the dblclick event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").dblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name dblclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the dblclick event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet dblclick event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").dblclick();
+ * @before <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name dblclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the dblclick event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .dblclick() method, calling .onedblclick() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onedblclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first dblclick
+ *
+ * @name onedblclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound dblclick event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").undblclick( myFunction );
+ * @before <p ondblclick="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name undblclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the dblclick event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound dblclick events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").undblclick();
+ * @before <p ondblclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name undblclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the keypress event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").keypress( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name keypress
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keypress event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the keypress event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet keypress event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").keypress();
+ * @before <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name keypress
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the keypress event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .keypress() method, calling .onekeypress() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onekeypress( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first keypress
+ *
+ * @name onekeypress
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keypress event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound keypress event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unkeypress( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onkeypress="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unkeypress
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the keypress event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound keypress events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unkeypress();
+ * @before <p onkeypress="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unkeypress
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the error event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").error( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name error
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the error event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the error event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet error event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").error();
+ * @before <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name error
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the error event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .error() method, calling .oneerror() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneerror( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first error
+ *
+ * @name oneerror
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the error event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound error event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unerror( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onerror="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unerror
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the error event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound error events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unerror();
+ * @before <p onerror="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unerror
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the blur event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").blur( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name blur
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the blur event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the blur event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet blur event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").blur();
+ * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name blur
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the blur event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .blur() method, calling .oneblur() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneblur( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first blur
+ *
+ * @name oneblur
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the blur event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound blur event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unblur( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onblur="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unblur
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the blur event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound blur events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unblur();
+ * @before <p onblur="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unblur
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/UI
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the load event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").load( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name load
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the load event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the load event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet load event to be executed.
+ *
+ * Marked as private: Calling load() without arguments throws exception because the ajax load
+ * does not handle it.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").load();
+ * @before <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name load
+ * @private
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the load event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .load() method, calling .oneload() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first load
+ *
+ * @name oneload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the load event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound load event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unload( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onload="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the load event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound load events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unload();
+ * @before <p onload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the select event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").select( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name select
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the select event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the select event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet select event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").select();
+ * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name select
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the select event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .select() method, calling .oneselect() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneselect( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first select
+ *
+ * @name oneselect
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the select event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound select event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unselect( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onselect="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unselect
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the select event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound select events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unselect();
+ * @before <p onselect="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unselect
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mouseup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name mouseup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the mouseup event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet mouseup event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mouseup();
+ * @before <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name mouseup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .mouseup() method, calling .onemouseup() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onemouseup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mouseup
+ *
+ * @name onemouseup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound mouseup event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmouseup( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onmouseup="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmouseup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mouseup event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound mouseup events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmouseup();
+ * @before <p onmouseup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmouseup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the unload event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the unload event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the unload event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet unload event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unload();
+ * @before <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name unload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the unload event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .unload() method, calling .oneunload() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneunload( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first unload
+ *
+ * @name oneunload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the unload event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound unload event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").ununload( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onunload="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name ununload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the unload event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound unload events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").ununload();
+ * @before <p onunload="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name ununload
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the change event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").change( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name change
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the change event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the change event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet change event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").change();
+ * @before <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name change
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the change event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .change() method, calling .onechange() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onechange( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first change
+ *
+ * @name onechange
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the change event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound change event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unchange( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onchange="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unchange
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the change event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound change events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unchange();
+ * @before <p onchange="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unchange
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Form
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mouseout( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name mouseout
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the mouseout event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet mouseout event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mouseout();
+ * @before <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name mouseout
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .mouseout() method, calling .onemouseout() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onemouseout( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mouseout
+ *
+ * @name onemouseout
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound mouseout event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmouseout( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onmouseout="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmouseout
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mouseout event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound mouseout events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmouseout();
+ * @before <p onmouseout="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmouseout
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").keyup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name keyup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keyup event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the keyup event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet keyup event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").keyup();
+ * @before <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name keyup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .keyup() method, calling .onekeyup() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onekeyup( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first keyup
+ *
+ * @name onekeyup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the keyup event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound keyup event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unkeyup( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onkeyup="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unkeyup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the keyup event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound keyup events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unkeyup();
+ * @before <p onkeyup="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unkeyup
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Keyboard
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the click event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").click( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name click
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the click event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the click event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet click event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").click();
+ * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name click
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the click event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .click() method, calling .oneclick() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneclick( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first click
+ *
+ * @name oneclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the click event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound click event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unclick( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onclick="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the click event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound click events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unclick();
+ * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unclick
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the resize event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").resize( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name resize
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the resize event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the resize event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet resize event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").resize();
+ * @before <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name resize
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the resize event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .resize() method, calling .oneresize() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").oneresize( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first resize
+ *
+ * @name oneresize
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the resize event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound resize event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unresize( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onresize="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unresize
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the resize event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound resize events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unresize();
+ * @before <p onresize="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unresize
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Browser
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mousemove event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mousemove( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name mousemove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the mousemove event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet mousemove event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mousemove();
+ * @before <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name mousemove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mousemove event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .mousemove() method, calling .onemousemove() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onemousemove( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mousemove
+ *
+ * @name onemousemove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound mousemove event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmousemove( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onmousemove="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmousemove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mousemove event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound mousemove events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmousemove();
+ * @before <p onmousemove="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmousemove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mousedown event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mousedown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name mousedown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the mousedown event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet mousedown event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mousedown();
+ * @before <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name mousedown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mousedown event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .mousedown() method, calling .onemousedown() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onemousedown( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mousedown
+ *
+ * @name onemousedown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound mousedown event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmousedown( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onmousedown="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmousedown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound mousedown events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmousedown();
+ * @before <p onmousedown="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmousedown
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mouseover( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name mouseover
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mousedown event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Trigger the mouseover event of each matched element. This causes all of the functions
+ * that have been bound to thet mousedown event to be executed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").mouseover();
+ * @before <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello');
+ *
+ * @name mouseover
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element, which will only be executed once.
+ * Unlike a call to the normal .mouseover() method, calling .onemouseover() causes the bound function to be
+ * only executed the first time it is triggered, and never again (unless it is re-bound).
+ *
+ * @example $("p").onemouseover( function() { alert("Hello"); } );
+ * @before <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('Hello'); // Only executed for the first mouseover
+ *
+ * @name onemouseover
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the mouseover event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes a bound mouseover event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmouseover( myFunction );
+ * @before <p onmouseover="myFunction">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmouseover
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the mouseover event on each of the matched elements.
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound mouseover events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unmouseover();
+ * @before <p onmouseover="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result <p>Hello</p>
+ *
+ * @name unmouseover
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events/Mouse
+ */
+ /**
+ * @test var count;
+ * // ignore load
+ * var e = ("blur,focus,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
+ * "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,reset,select," +
+ * "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(",");
+ * var handler1 = function(event) {
+ * count++;
+ * };
+ * var handler2 = function(event) {
+ * count++;
+ * };
+ * for( var i=0; i < e.length; i++) {
+ * var event = e[i];
+ * count = 0;
+ * // bind handler
+ * $(document)[event](handler1);
+ * $(document)[event](handler2);
+ * $(document)["one"+event](handler1);
+ *
+ * // call event two times
+ * $(document)[event]();
+ * $(document)[event]();
+ *
+ * // unbind events
+ * $(document)["un"+event](handler1);
+ * // call once more
+ * $(document)[event]();
+ *
+ * // remove all handlers
+ * $(document)["un"+event]();
+ *
+ * // call once more
+ * $(document)[event]();
+ *
+ * // assert count
+ * ok( count == 6, 'Checking event ' + event);
+ * }
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name eventTesting
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ var e = ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
+ "mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,reset,select," +
+ "submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(",");
+ // Go through all the event names, but make sure that
+ // it is enclosed properly
+ for ( var i = 0; i < e.length; i++ ) new function(){
+ var o = e[i];
+ // Handle event binding
+ jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){
+ return f ? this.bind(o, f) : this.trigger(o);
+ };
+ // Handle event unbinding
+ jQuery.fn["un"+o] = function(f){ return this.unbind(o, f); };
+ // Finally, handle events that only fire once
+ jQuery.fn["one"+o] = function(f){
+ // Attach the event listener
+ return this.each(function(){
+ var count = 0;
+ // Add the event
+ jQuery.event.add( this, o, function(e){
+ // If this function has already been executed, stop
+ if ( count++ ) return;
+ // And execute the bound function
+ return f.apply(this, [e]);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ };
+ // If Mozilla is used
+ if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla || jQuery.browser.opera ) {
+ // Use the handy event callback
+ document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );
+ // If IE is used, use the excellent hack by Matthias Miller
+ // http://www.outofhanwell.com/blog/index.php?title=the_window_onload_problem_revisited
+ } else if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {
+ // Only works if you document.write() it
+ document.write("<scr" + "ipt id=__ie_init defer=true " +
+ "src=//:><\/script>");
+ // Use the defer script hack
+ var script = document.getElementById("__ie_init");
+ script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if ( this.readyState != "complete" ) return;
+ this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
+ jQuery.ready();
+ };
+ // Clear from memory
+ script = null;
+ // If Safari is used
+ } else if ( jQuery.browser.safari ) {
+ // Continually check to see if the document.readyState is valid
+ jQuery.safariTimer = setInterval(function(){
+ // loaded and complete are both valid states
+ if ( document.readyState == "loaded" ||
+ document.readyState == "complete" ) {
+ // If either one are found, remove the timer
+ clearInterval( jQuery.safariTimer );
+ jQuery.safariTimer = null;
+ // and execute any waiting functions
+ jQuery.ready();
+ }
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ jQuery.event.add( window, "load", jQuery.ready );
+// Clean up after IE to avoid memory leaks
+if (jQuery.browser.msie) jQuery(window).unload(function() {
+ var event = jQuery.event, global = event.global;
+ for (var type in global) {
+ var els = global[type], i = els.length;
+ if (i>0) do if (type != 'unload') event.remove(els[i-1], type); while (--i);
+ }
- * jQuery @VERSION - New Wave Javascript\r
- *\r
- * Copyright (c) 2006 John Resig (jquery.com)\r
- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)\r
- * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.\r
- *\r
- * $Date$\r
- * $Rev$\r
- */\r
-// Global undefined variable\r
-window.undefined = window.undefined;\r
- * Create a new jQuery Object\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( Array.prototype.push, "Array.push()" );\r
- * ok( Function.prototype.apply, "Function.apply()" );\r
- * ok( document.getElementById, "getElementById" );\r
- * ok( document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName" );\r
- * ok( RegExp, "RegExp" );\r
- * ok( jQuery, "jQuery" );\r
- * ok( $, "$()" );\r
- *\r
- * @constructor\r
- * @private\r
- * @name jQuery\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
-jQuery = function(a,c) {\r
- // Shortcut for document ready (because $(document).each() is silly)\r
- if ( a && typeof a == "function" && jQuery.fn.ready )\r
- return jQuery(document).ready(a);\r
- // Make sure that a selection was provided\r
- a = a || jQuery.context || document;\r
- // Watch for when a jQuery object is passed as the selector\r
- if ( a.jquery )\r
- return jQuery( jQuery.merge( a, [] ) );\r
- // Watch for when a jQuery object is passed at the context\r
- if ( c && c.jquery )\r
- return jQuery( c ).find(a);\r
- // If the context is global, return a new object\r
- if ( window == this )\r
- return new jQuery(a,c);\r
- // Handle HTML strings\r
- var m = /^[^<]*(<.+>)[^>]*$/.exec(a);\r
- if ( m ) a = jQuery.clean( [ m[1] ] );\r
- // Watch for when an array is passed in\r
- this.get( a.constructor == Array || a.length && !a.nodeType && a[0] != undefined && a[0].nodeType ?\r
- // Assume that it is an array of DOM Elements\r
- jQuery.merge( a, [] ) :\r
- // Find the matching elements and save them for later\r
- jQuery.find( a, c ) );\r
- // See if an extra function was provided\r
- var fn = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];\r
- // If so, execute it in context\r
- if ( fn && typeof fn == "function" )\r
- this.each(fn);\r
-// Map over the $ in case of overwrite\r
-if ( typeof $ != "undefined" )\r
- jQuery._$ = $;\r
- * This function accepts a string containing a CSS selector,\r
- * basic XPath, or raw HTML, which is then used to match a set of elements.\r
- * The HTML string is different from the traditional selectors in that\r
- * it creates the DOM elements representing that HTML string, on the fly,\r
- * to be (assumedly) inserted into the document later.\r
- *\r
- * The core functionality of jQuery centers around this function.\r
- * Everything in jQuery is based upon this, or uses this in some way.\r
- * The most basic use of this function is to pass in an expression\r
- * (usually consisting of CSS or XPath), which then finds all matching\r
- * elements and remembers them for later use.\r
- *\r
- * By default, $() looks for DOM elements within the context of the\r
- * current HTML document.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div > p")\r
- * @desc This finds all p elements that are children of a div element.\r
- * @before <p>one</p> <div><p>two</p></div> <p>three</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>two</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @example $("<div><p>Hello</p></div>").appendTo("#body")\r
- * @desc Creates a div element (and all of its contents) dynamically, \r
- * and appends it to the element with the ID of body. Internally, an\r
- * element is created and it's innerHTML property set to the given markup.\r
- * It is therefore both quite flexible and limited. \r
- *\r
- * @name $\r
- * @param String expr An expression to search with, or a string of HTML to create on the fly.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- */\r
- * This function accepts a string containing a CSS selector, or\r
- * basic XPath, which is then used to match a set of elements with the\r
- * context of the specified DOM element, or document\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div", xml.responseXML)\r
- * @desc This finds all div elements within the specified XML document.\r
- *\r
- * @name $\r
- * @param String expr An expression to search with.\r
- * @param Element context A DOM Element, or Document, representing the base context.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- */\r
- * Wrap jQuery functionality around a specific DOM Element.\r
- * This function also accepts XML Documents and Window objects\r
- * as valid arguments (even though they are not DOM Elements).\r
- *\r
- * @example $(document).find("div > p")\r
- * @before <p>one</p> <div><p>two</p></div> <p>three</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>two</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @example $(document.body).background( "black" );\r
- * @desc Sets the background color of the page to black.\r
- *\r
- * @name $\r
- * @param Element elem A DOM element to be encapsulated by a jQuery object.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- */\r
- * Wrap jQuery functionality around a set of DOM Elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $( myForm.elements ).hide()\r
- * @desc Hides all the input elements within a form\r
- *\r
- * @name $\r
- * @param Array<Element> elems An array of DOM elements to be encapsulated by a jQuery object.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- */\r
- * A shorthand for $(document).ready(), allowing you to bind a function\r
- * to be executed when the DOM document has finished loading. This function\r
- * behaves just like $(document).ready(), in that it should be used to wrap\r
- * all of the other $() operations on your page. While this function is,\r
- * technically, chainable - there really isn't much use for chaining against it.\r
- * You can have as many $(document).ready events on your page as you like.\r
- *\r
- * @example $(function(){\r
- * // Document is ready\r
- * });\r
- * @desc Executes the function when the DOM is ready to be used.\r
- *\r
- * @name $\r
- * @param Function fn The function to execute when the DOM is ready.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- */\r
- * A means of creating a cloned copy of a jQuery object. This function\r
- * copies the set of matched elements from one jQuery object and creates\r
- * another, new, jQuery object containing the same elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example var div = $("div");\r
- * $( div ).find("p");\r
- * @desc Locates all p elements with all div elements, without disrupting the original jQuery object contained in 'div' (as would normally be the case if a simple div.find("p") was done).\r
- *\r
- * @name $\r
- * @param jQuery obj The jQuery object to be cloned.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- */\r
-// Map the jQuery namespace to the '$' one\r
-var $ = jQuery;\r
-jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {\r
- /**\r
- * The current version of jQuery.\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @property\r
- * @name jquery\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- jquery: "@VERSION",\r
- /**\r
- * The number of elements currently matched.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").length;\r
- * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>\r
- * @result 2\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $("div").length == 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );\r
- *\r
- * @property\r
- * @name length\r
- * @type Number\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * The number of elements currently matched.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").size();\r
- * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>\r
- * @result 2\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $("div").size() == 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );\r
- *\r
- * @name size\r
- * @type Number\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- size: function() {\r
- return this.length;\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Access all matched elements. This serves as a backwards-compatible\r
- * way of accessing all matched elements (other than the jQuery object\r
- * itself, which is, in fact, an array of elements).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").get();\r
- * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>\r
- * @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test isSet( $("div").get(), q("main","foo"), "Get All Elements" );\r
- *\r
- * @name get\r
- * @type Array<Element>\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Access a single matched element. num is used to access the\r
- * Nth element matched.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").get(1);\r
- * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>\r
- * @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $("div").get(0) == document.getElementById("main"), "Get A Single Element" );\r
- *\r
- * @name get\r
- * @type Element\r
- * @param Number num Access the element in the Nth position.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the jQuery object to an array of elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").get([ document.body ]);\r
- * @result $("img").get() == [ document.body ]\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name get\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Elements elems An array of elements\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- get: function( num ) {\r
- // Watch for when an array (of elements) is passed in\r
- if ( num && num.constructor == Array ) {\r
- // Use a tricky hack to make the jQuery object\r
- // look and feel like an array\r
- this.length = 0;\r
- [].push.apply( this, num );\r
- return this;\r
- } else\r
- return num == undefined ?\r
- // Return a 'clean' array\r
- jQuery.merge( this, [] ) :\r
- // Return just the object\r
- this[num];\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Execute a function within the context of every matched element.\r
- * This means that every time the passed-in function is executed\r
- * (which is once for every element matched) the 'this' keyword\r
- * points to the specific element.\r
- *\r
- * Additionally, the function, when executed, is passed a single\r
- * argument representing the position of the element in the matched\r
- * set.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").each(function(){\r
- * this.src = "test.jpg";\r
- * });\r
- * @before <img/> <img/>\r
- * @result <img src="test.jpg"/> <img src="test.jpg"/>\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").each(function(i){\r
- * alert( "Image #" + i + " is " + this );\r
- * });\r
- * @before <img/> <img/>\r
- * @result <img src="test.jpg"/> <img src="test.jpg"/>\r
- *\r
- * @test var div = $("div");\r
- * div.each(function(){this.foo = 'zoo';});\r
- * var pass = true;\r
- * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {\r
- * if ( div.get(i).foo != "zoo" ) pass = false;\r
- * }\r
- * ok( pass, "Execute a function, Relative" );\r
- *\r
- * @name each\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Function fn A function to execute\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- each: function( fn, args ) {\r
- return jQuery.each( this, fn, args );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Searches every matched element for the object and returns\r
- * the index of the element, if found, starting with zero. \r
- * Returns -1 if the object wasn't found.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("*").index(document.getElementById('foobar')) \r
- * @before <div id="foobar"></div><b></b><span id="foo"></span>\r
- * @result 0\r
- *\r
- * @example $("*").index(document.getElementById('foo')) \r
- * @before <div id="foobar"></div><b></b><span id="foo"></span>\r
- * @result 2\r
- *\r
- * @example $("*").index(document.getElementById('bar')) \r
- * @before <div id="foobar"></div><b></b><span id="foo"></span>\r
- * @result -1\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $([window, document]).index(window) == 0, "Check for index of elements" );\r
- * ok( $([window, document]).index(document) == 1, "Check for index of elements" );\r
- * var inputElements = $('#radio1,#radio2,#check1,#check2');\r
- * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio1')) == 0, "Check for index of elements" );\r
- * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio2')) == 1, "Check for index of elements" );\r
- * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check1')) == 2, "Check for index of elements" );\r
- * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check2')) == 3, "Check for index of elements" );\r
- * ok( inputElements.index(window) == -1, "Check for not found index" );\r
- * ok( inputElements.index(document) == -1, "Check for not found index" );\r
- * \r
- * @name index\r
- * @type Number\r
- * @param Object obj Object to search for\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- index: function( obj ) {\r
- var pos = -1;\r
- this.each(function(i){\r
- if ( this == obj ) pos = i;\r
- });\r
- return pos;\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Access a property on the first matched element.\r
- * This method makes it easy to retrieve a property value\r
- * from the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").attr("src");\r
- * @before <img src="test.jpg"/>\r
- * @result test.jpg\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $('#text1').attr('value') == "Test", 'Check for value attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#text1').attr('type') == "text", 'Check for type attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#radio1').attr('type') == "radio", 'Check for type attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#check1').attr('type') == "checkbox", 'Check for type attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#simon1').attr('rel') == "bookmark", 'Check for rel attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#google').attr('title') == "Google!", 'Check for title attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#mark').attr('hreflang') == "en", 'Check for hreflang attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#en').attr('lang') == "en", 'Check for lang attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#simon').attr('class') == "blog link", 'Check for class attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#name').attr('name') == "name", 'Check for name attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#text1').attr('name') == "action", 'Check for name attribute' );\r
- * ok( $('#form').attr('action').indexOf("formaction") >= 0, 'Check for action attribute' );\r
- *\r
- * @name attr\r
- * @type Object\r
- * @param String name The name of the property to access.\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set a hash of key/value object properties to all matched elements.\r
- * This serves as the best way to set a large number of properties\r
- * on all matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").attr({ src: "test.jpg", alt: "Test Image" });\r
- * @before <img/>\r
- * @result <img src="test.jpg" alt="Test Image"/>\r
- *\r
- * @test var pass = true;\r
- * $("div").attr({foo: 'baz', zoo: 'ping'}).each(function(){\r
- * if ( this.getAttribute('foo') != "baz" && this.getAttribute('zoo') != "ping" ) pass = false;\r
- * });\r
- * ok( pass, "Set Multiple Attributes" );\r
- *\r
- * @name attr\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Hash prop A set of key/value pairs to set as object properties.\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").attr("src","test.jpg");\r
- * @before <img/>\r
- * @result <img src="test.jpg"/>\r
- *\r
- * @test var div = $("div");\r
- * div.attr("foo", "bar");\r
- * var pass = true;\r
- * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {\r
- * if ( div.get(i).getAttribute('foo') != "bar" ) pass = false;\r
- * }\r
- * ok( pass, "Set Attribute" );\r
- *\r
- * $("#name").attr('name', 'something');\r
- * ok( $("#name").name() == 'something', 'Set name attribute' );\r
- * $("#check2").attr('checked', true);\r
- * ok( document.getElementById('check2').checked == true, 'Set checked attribute' );\r
- * $("#check2").attr('checked', false);\r
- * ok( document.getElementById('check2').checked == false, 'Set checked attribute' );\r
- *\r
- * @name attr\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String key The name of the property to set.\r
- * @param Object value The value to set the property to.\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- attr: function( key, value, type ) {\r
- // Check to see if we're setting style values\r
- return key.constructor != String || value != undefined ?\r
- this.each(function(){\r
- // See if we're setting a hash of styles\r
- if ( value == undefined )\r
- // Set all the styles\r
- for ( var prop in key )\r
- jQuery.attr(\r
- type ? this.style : this,\r
- prop, key[prop]\r
- );\r
- // See if we're setting a single key/value style\r
- else\r
- jQuery.attr(\r
- type ? this.style : this,\r
- key, value\r
- );\r
- }) :\r
- // Look for the case where we're accessing a style value\r
- jQuery[ type || "attr" ]( this[0], key );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Access a style property on the first matched element.\r
- * This method makes it easy to retrieve a style property value\r
- * from the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").css("color");\r
- * @before <p style="color:red;">Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @result red\r
- * @desc Retrieves the color style of the first paragraph\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").css("fontWeight");\r
- * @before <p style="font-weight: bold;">Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @result bold\r
- * @desc Retrieves the font-weight style of the first paragraph.\r
- * Note that for all style properties with a dash (like 'font-weight'), you have to\r
- * write it in camelCase. In other words: Every time you have a '-' in a \r
- * property, remove it and replace the next character with an uppercase \r
- * representation of itself. Eg. fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily, borderWidth,\r
- * borderStyle, borderBottomWidth etc.\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $('#main').css("display") == 'none', 'Check for css property "display"');\r
- *\r
- * @name css\r
- * @type Object\r
- * @param String name The name of the property to access.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set a hash of key/value style properties to all matched elements.\r
- * This serves as the best way to set a large number of style properties\r
- * on all matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").css({ color: "red", background: "blue" });\r
- * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="color:red; background:blue;">Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible');\r
- * $('#foo').css({display: 'none'});\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden');\r
- * $('#foo').css({display: 'block'});\r
- * ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible');\r
- * \r
- * @name css\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Hash prop A set of key/value pairs to set as style properties.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set a single style property to a value, on all matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").css("color","red");\r
- * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="color:red;">Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @desc Changes the color of all paragraphs to red\r
- *\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible');\r
- * $('#foo').css('display', 'none');\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden');\r
- * $('#foo').css('display', 'block');\r
- * ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible');\r
- *\r
- * @name css\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String key The name of the property to set.\r
- * @param Object value The value to set the property to.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- css: function( key, value ) {\r
- return this.attr( key, value, "curCSS" );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Retrieve the text contents of all matched elements. The result is\r
- * a string that contains the combined text contents of all matched\r
- * elements. This method works on both HTML and XML documents.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").text();\r
- * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @result Test Paragraph.\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";\r
- * ok( $('#sap').text() == expected, 'Check for merged text of more then one element.' );\r
- *\r
- * @name text\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- text: function(e) {\r
- e = e || this;\r
- var t = "";\r
- for ( var j = 0; j < e.length; j++ ) {\r
- var r = e[j].childNodes;\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < r.length; i++ )\r
- if ( r[i].nodeType != 8 )\r
- t += r[i].nodeType != 1 ?\r
- r[i].nodeValue : jQuery.fn.text([ r[i] ]);\r
- }\r
- return t;\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.\r
- * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional\r
- * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic\r
- * qualities of a document.\r
- *\r
- * This works by going through the first element\r
- * provided (which is generated, on the fly, from the provided HTML)\r
- * and finds the deepest ancestor element within its\r
- * structure - it is that element that will en-wrap everything else.\r
- *\r
- * This does not work with elements that contain text. Any necessary text\r
- * must be added after the wrapping is done.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").wrap("<div class='wrap'></div>");\r
- * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>\r
- * @result <div class='wrap'><p>Test Paragraph.</p></div>\r
- * \r
- * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'\r
- * var result = $('#first').wrap('<div class="red"><span></span></div>').text();\r
- * ok( defaultText == result, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );\r
- * ok( $('#first').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );\r
- *\r
- * @name wrap\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.\r
- * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional\r
- * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic\r
- * qualities of a document.\r
- *\r
- * This works by going through the first element\r
- * provided and finding the deepest ancestor element within its\r
- * structure - it is that element that will en-wrap everything else.\r
- *\r
- * This does not work with elements that contain text. Any necessary text\r
- * must be added after the wrapping is done.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").wrap( document.getElementById('content') );\r
- * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p><div id="content"></div>\r
- * @result <div id="content"><p>Test Paragraph.</p></div>\r
- *\r
- * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'\r
- * var result = $('#first').wrap(document.getElementById('empty')).parent();\r
- * ok( result.is('ol'), 'Check for element wrapping' );\r
- * ok( result.text() == defaultText, 'Check for element wrapping' );\r
- *\r
- * @name wrap\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be wrapped.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- wrap: function() {\r
- // The elements to wrap the target around\r
- var a = jQuery.clean(arguments);\r
- // Wrap each of the matched elements individually\r
- return this.each(function(){\r
- // Clone the structure that we're using to wrap\r
- var b = a[0].cloneNode(true);\r
- // Insert it before the element to be wrapped\r
- this.parentNode.insertBefore( b, this );\r
- // Find the deepest point in the wrap structure\r
- while ( b.firstChild )\r
- b = b.firstChild;\r
- // Move the matched element to within the wrap structure\r
- b.appendChild( this );\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Append any number of elements to the inside of every matched elements,\r
- * generated from the provided HTML.\r
- * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the\r
- * specified elements, adding them into the document.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").append("<b>Hello</b>");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: <b>Hello</b></p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'\r
- * var result = $('#first').append('<b>buga</b>');\r
- * ok( result.text() == defaultText + 'buga', 'Check if text appending works' );\r
- *\r
- * @name append\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Append an element to the inside of all matched elements.\r
- * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the\r
- * specified elements, adding them into the document.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").append( $("#foo")[0] );\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: <b id="foo">Hello</b></p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";\r
- * $('#sap').append(document.getElementById('first'));\r
- * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of element" );\r
- *\r
- * @name append\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Append any number of elements to the inside of all matched elements.\r
- * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the\r
- * specified elements, adding them into the document.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").append( $("b") );\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: <b>Hello</b></p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";\r
- * $('#sap').append([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]);\r
- * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of array of elements" );\r
- *\r
- * @name append\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- append: function() {\r
- return this.domManip(arguments, true, 1, function(a){\r
- this.appendChild( a );\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Prepend any number of elements to the inside of every matched elements,\r
- * generated from the provided HTML.\r
- * This operation is the best way to insert dynamically created elements\r
- * inside, at the beginning, of all the matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").prepend("<b>Hello</b>");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <p><b>Hello</b>I would like to say: </p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'\r
- * var result = $('#first').prepend('<b>buga</b>');\r
- * ok( result.text() == 'buga' + defaultText, 'Check if text prepending works' );\r
- *\r
- * @name prepend\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Prepend an element to the inside of all matched elements.\r
- * This operation is the best way to insert an element inside, at the\r
- * beginning, of all the matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").prepend( $("#foo")[0] );\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>\r
- * @result <p><b id="foo">Hello</b>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * \r
- * @test var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";\r
- * $('#sap').prepend(document.getElementById('first'));\r
- * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of element" );\r
- *\r
- * @name prepend\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Prepend any number of elements to the inside of all matched elements.\r
- * This operation is the best way to insert a set of elements inside, at the\r
- * beginning, of all the matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").prepend( $("b") );\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>\r
- * @result <p><b>Hello</b>I would like to say: </p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";\r
- * $('#sap').prepend([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]);\r
- * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of array of elements" );\r
- *\r
- * @name prepend\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- prepend: function() {\r
- return this.domManip(arguments, true, -1, function(a){\r
- this.insertBefore( a, this.firstChild );\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Insert any number of dynamically generated elements before each of the\r
- * matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").before("<b>Hello</b>");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <b>Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = 'This is a normal link: bugaYahoo';\r
- * $('#yahoo').before('<b>buga</b>');\r
- * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), 'Insert String before' );\r
- *\r
- * @name before\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Insert an element before each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").before( $("#foo")[0] );\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>\r
- * @result <b id="foo">Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo";\r
- * $('#yahoo').before(document.getElementById('first'));\r
- * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert element before" );\r
- *\r
- * @name before\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Insert any number of elements before each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").before( $("b") );\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>\r
- * @result <b>Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo";\r
- * $('#yahoo').before([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]);\r
- * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements before" );\r
- *\r
- * @name before\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- before: function() {\r
- return this.domManip(arguments, false, 1, function(a){\r
- this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this );\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Insert any number of dynamically generated elements after each of the\r
- * matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").after("<b>Hello</b>");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = 'This is a normal link: Yahoobuga';\r
- * $('#yahoo').after('<b>buga</b>');\r
- * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), 'Insert String after' );\r
- *\r
- * @name after\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Insert an element after each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").after( $("#foo")[0] );\r
- * @before <b id="foo">Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:";\r
- * $('#yahoo').after(document.getElementById('first'));\r
- * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert element after" );\r
- *\r
- * @name after\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Insert any number of elements after each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").after( $("b") );\r
- * @before <b>Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>\r
- *\r
- * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark";\r
- * $('#yahoo').after([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]);\r
- * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements after" );\r
- *\r
- * @name after\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- after: function() {\r
- return this.domManip(arguments, false, -1, function(a){\r
- this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this.nextSibling );\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * End the most recent 'destructive' operation, reverting the list of matched elements\r
- * back to its previous state. After an end operation, the list of matched elements will\r
- * revert to the last state of matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").find("span").end();\r
- * @before <p><span>Hello</span>, how are you?</p>\r
- * @result $("p").find("span").end() == [ <p>...</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( 'Yahoo' == $('#yahoo').parent().end().text(), 'Check for end' );\r
- *\r
- * @name end\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- end: function() {\r
- return this.get( this.stack.pop() );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Searches for all elements that match the specified expression.\r
- * This method is the optimal way of finding additional descendant\r
- * elements with which to process.\r
- *\r
- * All searching is done using a jQuery expression. The expression can be\r
- * written using CSS 1-3 Selector syntax, or basic XPath.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").find("span");\r
- * @before <p><span>Hello</span>, how are you?</p>\r
- * @result $("p").find("span") == [ <span>Hello</span> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( 'Yahoo' == $('#foo').find('.blogTest').text(), 'Check for find' );\r
- *\r
- * @name find\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to search with.\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- find: function(t) {\r
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){\r
- return jQuery.find(t,a);\r
- }), arguments );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Create cloned copies of all matched DOM Elements. This does\r
- * not create a cloned copy of this particular jQuery object,\r
- * instead it creates duplicate copies of all DOM Elements.\r
- * This is useful for moving copies of the elements to another\r
- * location in the DOM.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("b").clone().prependTo("p");\r
- * @before <b>Hello</b><p>, how are you?</p>\r
- * @result <b>Hello</b><p><b>Hello</b>, how are you?</p>\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo' == $('#en').text(), 'Assert text for #en' );\r
- * var clone = $('#yahoo').clone();\r
- * ok( 'Try them out:Yahoo' == $('#first').append(clone).text(), 'Check for clone' );\r
- * ok( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo' == $('#en').text(), 'Reassert text for #en' );\r
- *\r
- * @name clone\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- clone: function(deep) {\r
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){\r
- return a.cloneNode( deep != undefined ? deep : true );\r
- }), arguments );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not\r
- * match the specified expression. This method is used to narrow down\r
- * the results of a search.\r
- *\r
- * All searching is done using a jQuery expression. The expression\r
- * can be written using CSS 1-3 Selector syntax, or basic XPath.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").filter(".selected")\r
- * @before <p class="selected">Hello</p><p>How are you?</p>\r
- * @result $("p").filter(".selected") == [ <p class="selected">Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test isSet( $("input").filter(":checked").get(), q("radio2", "check1"), "Filter elements" );\r
- * @test $("input").filter(":checked",function(i){ \r
- * ok( this == q("radio2", "check1")[i], "Filter elements, context" );\r
- * });\r
- * @test $("#main > p#ap > a").filter("#foobar",function(){},function(i){\r
- * ok( this == q("google","groups", "mark")[i], "Filter elements, else context" );\r
- * });\r
- *\r
- * @name filter\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to search with.\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not\r
- * match at least one of the expressions passed to the function. This\r
- * method is used when you want to filter the set of matched elements\r
- * through more than one expression.\r
- *\r
- * Elements will be retained in the jQuery object if they match at\r
- * least one of the expressions passed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").filter([".selected", ":first"])\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p>Hello Again</p><p class="selected">And Again</p>\r
- * @result $("p").filter([".selected", ":first"]) == [ <p>Hello</p>, <p class="selected">And Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name filter\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Array<String> exprs A set of expressions to evaluate against\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- filter: function(t) {\r
- return this.pushStack(\r
- t.constructor == Array &&\r
- jQuery.map(this,function(a){\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < t.length; i++ )\r
- if ( jQuery.filter(t[i],[a]).r.length )\r
- return a;\r
- }) ||\r
- t.constructor == Boolean &&\r
- ( t ? this.get() : [] ) ||\r
- typeof t == "function" &&\r
- jQuery.grep( this, t ) ||\r
- jQuery.filter(t,this).r, arguments );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Removes the specified Element from the set of matched elements. This\r
- * method is used to remove a single Element from a jQuery object.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").not( document.getElementById("selected") )\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p id="selected">Hello Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name not\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element el An element to remove from the set\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes elements matching the specified expression from the set\r
- * of matched elements. This method is used to remove one or more\r
- * elements from a jQuery object.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").not("#selected")\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p id="selected">Hello Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test ok($("#main > p#ap > a").not("#google").length == 2, ".not")\r
- *\r
- * @name not\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression with which to remove matching elements\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- not: function(t) {\r
- return this.pushStack( t.constructor == String ?\r
- jQuery.filter(t,this,false).r :\r
- jQuery.grep(this,function(a){ return a != t; }), arguments );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Adds the elements matched by the expression to the jQuery object. This\r
- * can be used to concatenate the result sets of two expressions.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").add("span")\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p><span>Hello Again</span></p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <span>Hello Again</span> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name add\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression whose matched elements are added\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Adds each of the Elements in the array to the set of matched elements.\r
- * This is used to add a set of Elements to a jQuery object.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").add([document.getElementById("a"), document.getElementById("b")])\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p><span id="a">Hello Again</span><span id="b">And Again</span></p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <span id="a">Hello Again</span>, <span id="b">And Again</span> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name add\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Array<Element> els An array of Elements to add\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Adds a single Element to the set of matched elements. This is used to\r
- * add a single Element to a jQuery object.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").add( document.getElementById("a") )\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p><span id="a">Hello Again</span></p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <span id="a">Hello Again</span> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name add\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Element el An Element to add\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- add: function(t) {\r
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.merge( this, t.constructor == String ?\r
- jQuery.find(t) : t.constructor == Array ? t : [t] ), arguments );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Checks the current selection against an expression and returns true,\r
- * if the selection fits the given expression. Does return false, if the\r
- * selection does not fit or the expression is not valid.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input[@type='checkbox']").parent().is("form")\r
- * @before <form><input type="checkbox" /></form>\r
- * @result true\r
- * @desc Returns true, because the parent of the input is a form element\r
- * \r
- * @example $("input[@type='checkbox']").parent().is("form")\r
- * @before <form><p><input type="checkbox" /></p></form>\r
- * @result false\r
- * @desc Returns false, because the parent of the input is a p element\r
- *\r
- * @example $("form").is(null)\r
- * @before <form></form>\r
- * @result false\r
- * @desc An invalid expression always returns false.\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $('#form').is('form'), 'Check for element: A form must be a form' );\r
- * ok( !$('#form').is('div'), 'Check for element: A form is not a div' );\r
- * ok( $('#mark').is('.blog'), 'Check for class: Expected class "blog"' );\r
- * ok( !$('#mark').is('.link'), 'Check for class: Did not expect class "link"' );\r
- * ok( $('#simon').is('.blog.link'), 'Check for multiple classes: Expected classes "blog" and "link"' );\r
- * ok( !$('#simon').is('.blogTest'), 'Check for multiple classes: Expected classes "blog" and "link", but not "blogTest"' );\r
- * ok( $('#en').is('[@lang="en"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute lang to be "en"' );\r
- * ok( !$('#en').is('[@lang="de"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute lang to be "en", not "de"' );\r
- * ok( $('#text1').is('[@type="text"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute type to be "text"' );\r
- * ok( !$('#text1').is('[@type="radio"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute type to be "text", not "radio"' );\r
- * ok( $('#text2').is(':disabled'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected to be disabled' );\r
- * ok( !$('#text1').is(':disabled'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected not disabled' );\r
- * ok( $('#radio2').is(':checked'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected to be checked' );\r
- * ok( !$('#radio1').is(':checked'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected not checked' );\r
- * ok( $('#foo').is('[p]'), 'Check for child: Expected a child "p" element' );\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is('[ul]'), 'Check for child: Did not expect "ul" element' );\r
- * ok( $('#foo').is('[p][a][code]'), 'Check for childs: Expected "p", "a" and "code" child elements' );\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is('[p][a][code][ol]'), 'Check for childs: Expected "p", "a" and "code" child elements, but no "ol"' );\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is(0), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - 0' );\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is(null), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - null' );\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is(''), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - ""' );\r
- * ok( !$('#foo').is(undefined), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - undefined' );\r
- *\r
- * @name is\r
- * @type Boolean\r
- * @param String expr The expression with which to filter\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- is: function(expr) {\r
- return expr ? jQuery.filter(expr,this).r.length > 0 : false;\r
- },\r
- \r
- /**\r
- *\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name domManip\r
- * @param Array args\r
- * @param Boolean table\r
- * @param Number int\r
- * @param Function fn The function doing the DOM manipulation.\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- domManip: function(args, table, dir, fn){\r
- var clone = this.size() > 1;\r
- var a = jQuery.clean(args);\r
- return this.each(function(){\r
- var obj = this;\r
- if ( table && this.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TABLE" && a[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() != "THEAD" ) {\r
- var tbody = this.getElementsByTagName("tbody");\r
- if ( !tbody.length ) {\r
- obj = document.createElement("tbody");\r
- this.appendChild( obj );\r
- } else\r
- obj = tbody[0];\r
- }\r
- for ( var i = ( dir < 0 ? a.length - 1 : 0 );\r
- i != ( dir < 0 ? dir : a.length ); i += dir ) {\r
- fn.apply( obj, [ clone ? a[i].cloneNode(true) : a[i] ] );\r
- }\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- *\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name pushStack\r
- * @param Array a\r
- * @param Array args\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- pushStack: function(a,args) {\r
- var fn = args && args[args.length-1];\r
- var fn2 = args && args[args.length-2];\r
- \r
- if ( fn && fn.constructor != Function ) fn = null;\r
- if ( fn2 && fn2.constructor != Function ) fn2 = null;\r
- if ( !fn ) {\r
- if ( !this.stack ) this.stack = [];\r
- this.stack.push( this.get() );\r
- this.get( a );\r
- } else {\r
- var old = this.get();\r
- this.get( a );\r
- if ( fn2 && a.length || !fn2 )\r
- this.each( fn2 || fn ).get( old );\r
- else\r
- this.get( old ).each( fn );\r
- }\r
- return this;\r
- }\r
- * Extends the jQuery object itself. Can be used to add both static\r
- * functions and plugin methods.\r
- * \r
- * @example $.fn.extend({\r
- * check: function() {\r
- * this.each(function() { this.checked = true; });\r
- * ),\r
- * uncheck: function() {\r
- * this.each(function() { this.checked = false; });\r
- * }\r
- * });\r
- * $("input[@type=checkbox]").check();\r
- * $("input[@type=radio]").uncheck();\r
- * @desc Adds two plugin methods.\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name extend\r
- * @param Object obj\r
- * @type Object\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- * Extend one object with another, returning the original,\r
- * modified, object. This is a great utility for simple inheritance.\r
- * \r
- * @example var settings = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" };\r
- * var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" };\r
- * jQuery.extend(settings, options);\r
- * @result settings == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }\r
- *\r
- * @test var settings = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" };\r
- * var options = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" };\r
- * var optionsCopy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" };\r
- * var merged = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" };\r
- * jQuery.extend(settings, options);\r
- * isSet( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );\r
- * isSet ( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );\r
- *\r
- * @name $.extend\r
- * @param Object obj The object to extend\r
- * @param Object prop The object that will be merged into the first.\r
- * @type Object\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
-jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function(obj,prop) {\r
- if ( !prop ) { prop = obj; obj = this; }\r
- for ( var i in prop ) obj[i] = prop[i];\r
- return obj;\r
- /**\r
- * @private\r
- * @name init\r
- * @type undefined\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- init: function(){\r
- jQuery.initDone = true;\r
- jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.axis, function(i,n){\r
- jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(a) {\r
- var ret = jQuery.map(this,n);\r
- if ( a && a.constructor == String )\r
- ret = jQuery.filter(a,ret).r;\r
- return this.pushStack( ret, arguments );\r
- };\r
- });\r
- jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.to, function(i,n){\r
- jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(){\r
- var a = arguments;\r
- return this.each(function(){\r
- for ( var j = 0; j < a.length; j++ )\r
- jQuery(a[j])[n]( this );\r
- });\r
- };\r
- });\r
- jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.each, function(i,n){\r
- jQuery.fn[ i ] = function() {\r
- return this.each( n, arguments );\r
- };\r
- });\r
- jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.filter, function(i,n){\r
- jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(num,fn) {\r
- return this.filter( ":" + n + "(" + num + ")", fn );\r
- };\r
- });\r
- jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.attr, function(i,n){\r
- n = n || i;\r
- jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(h) {\r
- return h == undefined ?\r
- this.length ? this[0][n] : null :\r
- this.attr( n, h );\r
- };\r
- });\r
- jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.css, function(i,n){\r
- jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(h) {\r
- return h == undefined ?\r
- ( this.length ? jQuery.css( this[0], n ) : null ) :\r
- this.css( n, h );\r
- };\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * A generic iterator function, which can be used to seemlessly\r
- * iterate over both objects and arrays. This function is not the same\r
- * as $().each() - which is used to iterate, exclusively, over a jQuery\r
- * object. This function can be used to iterate over anything.\r
- *\r
- * @example $.each( [0,1,2], function(i){\r
- * alert( "Item #" + i + ": " + this );\r
- * });\r
- * @desc This is an example of iterating over the items in an array, accessing both the current item and its index.\r
- *\r
- * @example $.each( { name: "John", lang: "JS" }, function(i){\r
- * alert( "Name: " + i + ", Value: " + this );\r
- * });\r
- * @desc This is an example of iterating over the properties in an Object, accessing both the current item and its key.\r
- *\r
- * @name $.each\r
- * @param Object obj The object, or array, to iterate over.\r
- * @param Function fn The function that will be executed on every object.\r
- * @type Object\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
- each: function( obj, fn, args ) {\r
- if ( obj.length == undefined )\r
- for ( var i in obj )\r
- fn.apply( obj[i], args || [i, obj[i]] );\r
- else\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ )\r
- fn.apply( obj[i], args || [i, obj[i]] );\r
- return obj;\r
- },\r
- className: {\r
- add: function(o,c){\r
- if (jQuery.className.has(o,c)) return;\r
- o.className += ( o.className ? " " : "" ) + c;\r
- },\r
- remove: function(o,c){\r
- if( !c ) {\r
- o.className = "";\r
- } else {\r
- var classes = o.className.split(" ");\r
- for(var i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {\r
- if(classes[i] == c) {\r
- classes.splice(i, 1);\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- o.className = classes.join(' ');\r
- }\r
- },\r
- has: function(e,a) {\r
- if ( e.className != undefined )\r
- e = e.className;\r
- return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)").test(e);\r
- }\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Swap in/out style options.\r
- * @private\r
- */\r
- swap: function(e,o,f) {\r
- for ( var i in o ) {\r
- e.style["old"+i] = e.style[i];\r
- e.style[i] = o[i];\r
- }\r
- f.apply( e, [] );\r
- for ( var i in o )\r
- e.style[i] = e.style["old"+i];\r
- },\r
- css: function(e,p) {\r
- if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {\r
- var old = {}, oHeight, oWidth, d = ["Top","Bottom","Right","Left"];\r
- for ( var i in d ) {\r
- old["padding" + d[i]] = 0;\r
- old["border" + d[i] + "Width"] = 0;\r
- }\r
- jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {\r
- if (jQuery.css(e,"display") != "none") {\r
- oHeight = e.offsetHeight;\r
- oWidth = e.offsetWidth;\r
- } else {\r
- e = jQuery(e.cloneNode(true)).css({\r
- visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute", display: "block", right: "0", left: "0"\r
- }).appendTo(e.parentNode)[0];\r
- var parPos = jQuery.css(e.parentNode,"position");\r
- if ( parPos == "" || parPos == "static" )\r
- e.parentNode.style.position = "relative";\r
- oHeight = e.clientHeight;\r
- oWidth = e.clientWidth;\r
- if ( parPos == "" || parPos == "static" )\r
- e.parentNode.style.position = "static";\r
- e.parentNode.removeChild(e);\r
- }\r
- });\r
- return p == "height" ? oHeight : oWidth;\r
- }\r
- return jQuery.curCSS( e, p );\r
- },\r
- curCSS: function(elem, prop, force) {\r
- var ret;\r
- \r
- if (prop == 'opacity' && jQuery.browser.msie)\r
- return jQuery.attr(elem.style, 'opacity');\r
- if (!force && elem.style[prop]) {\r
- ret = elem.style[prop];\r
- } else if (elem.currentStyle) {\r
- var newProp = prop.replace(/\-(\w)/g,function(m,c){return c.toUpperCase();});\r
- ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || elem.currentStyle[newProp];\r
- } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {\r
- prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();\r
- var cur = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);\r
- if ( cur )\r
- ret = cur.getPropertyValue(prop);\r
- else if ( prop == 'display' )\r
- ret = 'none';\r
- else\r
- jQuery.swap(elem, { display: 'block' }, function() {\r
- ret = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this,null).getPropertyValue(prop);\r
- });\r
- }\r
- return ret;\r
- },\r
- clean: function(a) {\r
- var r = [];\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {\r
- if ( a[i].constructor == String ) {\r
- // trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected\r
- a[i] = jQuery.trim(a[i]);\r
- \r
- var table = "";\r
- if ( !a[i].indexOf("<thead") || !a[i].indexOf("<tbody") ) {\r
- table = "thead";\r
- a[i] = "<table>" + a[i] + "</table>";\r
- } else if ( !a[i].indexOf("<tr") ) {\r
- table = "tr";\r
- a[i] = "<table>" + a[i] + "</table>";\r
- } else if ( !a[i].indexOf("<td") || !a[i].indexOf("<th") ) {\r
- table = "td";\r
- a[i] = "<table><tbody><tr>" + a[i] + "</tr></tbody></table>";\r
- }\r
- var div = document.createElement("div");\r
- div.innerHTML = a[i];\r
- if ( table ) {\r
- div = div.firstChild;\r
- if ( table != "thead" ) div = div.firstChild;\r
- if ( table == "td" ) div = div.firstChild;\r
- }\r
- for ( var j = 0; j < div.childNodes.length; j++ )\r
- r.push( div.childNodes[j] );\r
- } else if ( a[i].jquery || a[i].length && !a[i].nodeType )\r
- for ( var k = 0; k < a[i].length; k++ )\r
- r.push( a[i][k] );\r
- else if ( a[i] !== null )\r
- r.push( a[i].nodeType ? a[i] : document.createTextNode(a[i].toString()) );\r
- }\r
- return r;\r
- },\r
- expr: {\r
- "": "m[2]== '*'||a.nodeName.toUpperCase()==m[2].toUpperCase()",\r
- "#": "a.getAttribute('id')&&a.getAttribute('id')==m[2]",\r
- ":": {\r
- // Position Checks\r
- lt: "i<m[3]-0",\r
- gt: "i>m[3]-0",\r
- nth: "m[3]-0==i",\r
- eq: "m[3]-0==i",\r
- first: "i==0",\r
- last: "i==r.length-1",\r
- even: "i%2==0",\r
- odd: "i%2",\r
- // Child Checks\r
- "nth-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,m[3]).cur",\r
- "first-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).cur",\r
- "last-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).last",\r
- "only-child": "jQuery.sibling(a).length==1",\r
- // Parent Checks\r
- parent: "a.childNodes.length",\r
- empty: "!a.childNodes.length",\r
- // Text Check\r
- contains: "(a.innerText||a.innerHTML).indexOf(m[3])>=0",\r
- // Visibility\r
- visible: "a.type!='hidden'&&jQuery.css(a,'display')!='none'&&jQuery.css(a,'visibility')!='hidden'",\r
- hidden: "a.type=='hidden'||jQuery.css(a,'display')=='none'||jQuery.css(a,'visibility')=='hidden'",\r
- // Form attributes\r
- enabled: "!a.disabled",\r
- disabled: "a.disabled",\r
- checked: "a.checked",\r
- selected: "a.selected || jQuery.attr(a, 'selected')",\r
- // Form elements\r
- text: "a.type=='text'",\r
- radio: "a.type=='radio'",\r
- checkbox: "a.type=='checkbox'",\r
- file: "a.type=='file'",\r
- password: "a.type=='password'",\r
- submit: "a.type=='submit'",\r
- image: "a.type=='image'",\r
- reset: "a.type=='reset'",\r
- button: "a.type=='button'",\r
- input: "a.nodeName.toLowerCase().match(/input|select|textarea|button/)"\r
- },\r
- ".": "jQuery.className.has(a,m[2])",\r
- "@": {\r
- "=": "z==m[4]",\r
- "!=": "z!=m[4]",\r
- "^=": "z && !z.indexOf(m[4])",\r
- "$=": "z && z.substr(z.length - m[4].length,m[4].length)==m[4]",\r
- "*=": "z && z.indexOf(m[4])>=0",\r
- "": "z"\r
- },\r
- "[": "jQuery.find(m[2],a).length"\r
- },\r
- token: [\r
- "\\.\\.|/\\.\\.", "a.parentNode",\r
- ">|/", "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)",\r
- "\\+", "jQuery.sibling(a).next",\r
- "~", function(a){\r
- var r = [];\r
- var s = jQuery.sibling(a);\r
- if ( s.n > 0 )\r
- for ( var i = s.n; i < s.length; i++ )\r
- r.push( s[i] );\r
- return r;\r
- }\r
- ],\r
- /**\r
- *\r
- * @test t( "Element Selector", "div", ["main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "Element Selector", "body", ["body"] );\r
- * t( "Element Selector", "html", ["html"] );\r
- * ok( $("*").size() >= 30, "Element Selector" );\r
- * t( "Parent Element", "div div", ["foo"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "ID Selector", "#body", ["body"] );\r
- * t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "body#body", ["body"] );\r
- * t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "ul#first", [] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "Class Selector", ".blog", ["mark","simon"] );\r
- * t( "Class Selector", ".blog.link", ["simon"] );\r
- * t( "Class Selector w/ Element", "a.blog", ["mark","simon"] );\r
- * t( "Parent Class Selector", "p .blog", ["mark","simon"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog, div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog , div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog ,div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog,div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "Child", "p > a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );\r
- * t( "Child", "p> a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );\r
- * t( "Child", "p >a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );\r
- * t( "Child", "p>a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );\r
- * t( "Child w/ Class", "p > a.blog", ["mark","simon"] );\r
- * t( "All Children", "code > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );\r
- * t( "All Grandchildren", "p > * > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );\r
- * t( "Adjacent", "a + a", ["groups"] );\r
- * t( "Adjacent", "a +a", ["groups"] );\r
- * t( "Adjacent", "a+ a", ["groups"] );\r
- * t( "Adjacent", "a+a", ["groups"] );\r
- * t( "Adjacent", "p + p", ["ap","en","sap"] );\r
- * t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "a + a, code > a", ["groups","anchor1","anchor2"] );\r
- * t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Exists", "a[@title]", ["google"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Exists", "*[@title]", ["google"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Exists", "[@title]", ["google"] );\r
- * \r
- * t( "Non-existing part of attribute [@name*=bla]", "[@name*=bla]", [] ); \r
- * t( "Non-existing start of attribute [@name^=bla]", "[@name^=bla]", [] ); \r
- * t( "Non-existing end of attribute [@name$=bla]", "[@name$=bla]", [] ); \r
- *\r
- * t( "Attribute Equals", "a[@rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Equals", 'a[@rel="bookmark"]', ["simon1"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Equals", "a[@rel=bookmark]", ["simon1"] );\r
- * t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "input[@type='hidden'],input[@type='radio']", ["hidden1","radio1","radio2"] );\r
- * t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "input[@type=\"hidden\"],input[@type='radio']", ["hidden1","radio1","radio2"] );\r
- * t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "input[@type=hidden],input[@type=radio]", ["hidden1","radio1","radio2"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "Attribute Begins With", "a[@href ^= 'http://www']", ["google","yahoo"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Ends With", "a[@href $= 'org/']", ["mark"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Contains", "a[@href *= 'google']", ["google","groups"] );\r
- * t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );\r
- * t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );\r
- * t( "Only Child", "a:only-child", ["simon1","anchor1","yahoo","anchor2"] );\r
- * t( "Empty", "ul:empty", ["firstUL"] );\r
- * t( "Enabled UI Element", "input:enabled", ["text1","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden1","hidden2","name"] );\r
- * t( "Disabled UI Element", "input:disabled", ["text2"] );\r
- * t( "Checked UI Element", "input:checked", ["radio2","check1"] );\r
- * t( "Selected Option Element", "option:selected", ["option1a","option2d","option3b","option3c"] );\r
- * t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google')", ["google","groups"] );\r
- * t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google Groups')", ["groups"] );\r
- * t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo"] );\r
- * t( "Not", "a.blog:not(.link)", ["mark"] );\r
- *\r
- * ok( jQuery.find("//*").length >= 30, "All Elements (//*)" );\r
- * t( "All Div Elements", "//div", ["main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "Absolute Path", "/html/body", ["body"] );\r
- * t( "Absolute Path w/ *", "/* /body", ["body"] );\r
- * t( "Long Absolute Path", "/html/body/dl/div/div/p", ["sndp","en","sap"] );\r
- * t( "Absolute and Relative Paths", "/html//div", ["main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "All Children, Explicit", "//code/*", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );\r
- * t( "All Children, Implicit", "//code/", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Exists", "//a[@title]", ["google"] );\r
- * t( "Attribute Equals", "//a[@rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] );\r
- * t( "Parent Axis", "//p/..", ["main","foo"] );\r
- * t( "Sibling Axis", "//p/../", ["firstp","ap","foo","first","firstUL","empty","form","sndp","en","sap"] );\r
- * t( "Sibling Axis", "//p/../*", ["firstp","ap","foo","first","firstUL","empty","form","sndp","en","sap"] );\r
- * t( "Has Children", "//p[a]", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "nth Element", "p:nth(1)", ["ap"] );\r
- * t( "First Element", "p:first", ["firstp"] );\r
- * t( "Last Element", "p:last", ["first"] );\r
- * t( "Even Elements", "p:even", ["firstp","sndp","sap"] );\r
- * t( "Odd Elements", "p:odd", ["ap","en","first"] );\r
- * t( "Position Equals", "p:eq(1)", ["ap"] );\r
- * t( "Position Greater Than", "p:gt(0)", ["ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );\r
- * t( "Position Less Than", "p:lt(3)", ["firstp","ap","sndp"] );\r
- * t( "Is A Parent", "p:parent", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );\r
- * t( "Is Visible", "input:visible", ["text1","text2","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","name"] );\r
- * t( "Is Hidden", "input:hidden", ["hidden1","hidden2"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "Grouped Form Elements", "input[@name='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "All Children of ID", "#foo/*", ["sndp", "en", "sap"] );\r
- * t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL/*", [] );\r
- *\r
- * t( "Form element :input", ":input", ["text1", "text2", "radio1", "radio2", "check1", "check2", "hidden1", "hidden2", "name", "button", "area1", "select1", "select2", "select3"] );\r
- * t( "Form element :radio", ":radio", ["radio1", "radio2"] );\r
- * t( "Form element :checkbox", ":checkbox", ["check1", "check2"] );\r
- * t( "Form element :text", ":text", ["text1", "text2", "hidden2", "name"] );\r
- * t( "Form element :radio:checked", ":radio:checked", ["radio2"] );\r
- * t( "Form element :checkbox:checked", ":checkbox:checked", ["check1"] );\r
- * t( "Form element :checkbox:checked, :radio:checked", ":checkbox:checked, :radio:checked", ["check1", "radio2"] );\r
- *\r
- * t( ":not() Existing attribute", "select:not([@multiple])", ["select1", "select2"]);\r
- * t( ":not() Equals attribute", "select:not([@name=select1])", ["select2", "select3"]);\r
- * t( ":not() Equals quoted attribute", "select:not([@name='select1'])", ["select2", "select3"]);\r
- *\r
- * @name $.find\r
- * @type Array<Element>\r
- * @private\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- find: function( t, context ) {\r
- // Make sure that the context is a DOM Element\r
- if ( context && context.nodeType == undefined )\r
- context = null;\r
- // Set the correct context (if none is provided)\r
- context = context || jQuery.context || document;\r
- if ( t.constructor != String ) return [t];\r
- if ( !t.indexOf("//") ) {\r
- context = context.documentElement;\r
- t = t.substr(2,t.length);\r
- } else if ( !t.indexOf("/") ) {\r
- context = context.documentElement;\r
- t = t.substr(1,t.length);\r
- // FIX Assume the root element is right :(\r
- if ( t.indexOf("/") >= 1 )\r
- t = t.substr(t.indexOf("/"),t.length);\r
- }\r
- var ret = [context];\r
- var done = [];\r
- var last = null;\r
- while ( t.length > 0 && last != t ) {\r
- var r = [];\r
- last = t;\r
- t = jQuery.trim(t).replace( /^\/\//i, "" );\r
- var foundToken = false;\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < jQuery.token.length; i += 2 ) {\r
- if ( foundToken ) continue;\r
- var re = new RegExp("^(" + jQuery.token[i] + ")");\r
- var m = re.exec(t);\r
- if ( m ) {\r
- r = ret = jQuery.map( ret, jQuery.token[i+1] );\r
- t = jQuery.trim( t.replace( re, "" ) );\r
- foundToken = true;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if ( !foundToken ) {\r
- if ( !t.indexOf(",") || !t.indexOf("|") ) {\r
- if ( ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();\r
- done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );\r
- r = ret = [context];\r
- t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);\r
- } else {\r
- var re2 = /^([#.]?)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)/i;\r
- var m = re2.exec(t);\r
- if ( m[1] == "#" ) {\r
- // Ummm, should make this work in all XML docs\r
- var oid = document.getElementById(m[2]);\r
- r = ret = oid ? [oid] : [];\r
- t = t.replace( re2, "" );\r
- } else {\r
- if ( !m[2] || m[1] == "." ) m[2] = "*";\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ )\r
- r = jQuery.merge( r,\r
- m[2] == "*" ?\r
- jQuery.getAll(ret[i]) :\r
- ret[i].getElementsByTagName(m[2])\r
- );\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if ( t ) {\r
- var val = jQuery.filter(t,r);\r
- ret = r = val.r;\r
- t = jQuery.trim(val.t);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if ( ret && ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();\r
- done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );\r
- return done;\r
- },\r
- getAll: function(o,r) {\r
- r = r || [];\r
- var s = o.childNodes;\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )\r
- if ( s[i].nodeType == 1 ) {\r
- r.push( s[i] );\r
- jQuery.getAll( s[i], r );\r
- }\r
- return r;\r
- },\r
- attr: function(elem, name, value){\r
- var fix = {\r
- "for": "htmlFor",\r
- "class": "className",\r
- "float": "cssFloat",\r
- innerHTML: "innerHTML",\r
- className: "className",\r
- value: "value",\r
- disabled: "disabled",\r
- checked: "checked"\r
- };\r
- \r
- // IE actually uses filters for opacity ... elem is actually elem.style\r
- if (name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie && value != undefined) {\r
- // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout\r
- // Would prefer to check element.hasLayout first but don't have access to the element here\r
- elem['zoom'] = 1; \r
- if (value == 1) // Remove filter to avoid more IE weirdness\r
- return elem["filter"] = elem["filter"].replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,"");\r
- else\r
- return elem["filter"] = elem["filter"].replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,"") + "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")";\r
- } else if (name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie) {\r
- return elem["filter"] ? parseFloat( elem["filter"].match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/)[1] )/100 : 1;\r
- }\r
- \r
- // Mozilla doesn't play well with opacity 1\r
- if (name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.mozilla && value == 1) value = 0.9999;\r
- if ( fix[name] ) {\r
- if ( value != undefined ) elem[fix[name]] = value;\r
- return elem[fix[name]];\r
- } else if( value == undefined && jQuery.browser.msie && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'FORM' && (name == 'action' || name == 'method') ) {\r
- return elem.getAttributeNode(name).nodeValue;\r
- } else if ( elem.getAttribute != undefined ) {\r
- if ( value != undefined ) elem.setAttribute( name, value );\r
- return elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );\r
- } else {\r
- name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(z,b){return b.toUpperCase();});\r
- if ( value != undefined ) elem[name] = value;\r
- return elem[name];\r
- }\r
- },\r
- // The regular expressions that power the parsing engine\r
- parse: [\r
- // Match: [@value='test'], [@foo]\r
- "\\[ *(@)S *([!*$^=]*) *('?\"?)(.*?)\\4 *\\]",\r
- // Match: [div], [div p]\r
- "(\\[)\s*(.*?)\s*\\]",\r
- // Match: :contains('foo')\r
- "(:)S\\(\"?'?([^\\)]*?)\"?'?\\)",\r
- // Match: :even, :last-chlid\r
- "([:.#]*)S"\r
- ],\r
- filter: function(t,r,not) {\r
- // Figure out if we're doing regular, or inverse, filtering\r
- var g = not !== false ? jQuery.grep :\r
- function(a,f) {return jQuery.grep(a,f,true);};\r
- while ( t && /^[a-z[({<*:.#]/i.test(t) ) {\r
- var p = jQuery.parse;\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < p.length; i++ ) {\r
- \r
- // Look for, and replace, string-like sequences\r
- // and finally build a regexp out of it\r
- var re = new RegExp(\r
- "^" + p[i].replace("S", "([a-z*_-][a-z0-9_-]*)"), "i" );\r
- var m = re.exec( t );\r
- if ( m ) {\r
- // Re-organize the first match\r
- if ( !i )\r
- m = ["",m[1], m[3], m[2], m[5]];\r
- // Remove what we just matched\r
- t = t.replace( re, "" );\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // :not() is a special case that can be optimized by\r
- // keeping it out of the expression list\r
- if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )\r
- r = jQuery.filter(m[3],r,false).r;\r
- // Otherwise, find the expression to execute\r
- else {\r
- var f = jQuery.expr[m[1]];\r
- if ( f.constructor != String )\r
- f = jQuery.expr[m[1]][m[2]];\r
- // Build a custom macro to enclose it\r
- eval("f = function(a,i){" +\r
- ( m[1] == "@" ? "z=jQuery.attr(a,m[3]);" : "" ) +\r
- "return " + f + "}");\r
- // Execute it against the current filter\r
- r = g( r, f );\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // Return an array of filtered elements (r)\r
- // and the modified expression string (t)\r
- return { r: r, t: t };\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.\r
- *\r
- * @example $.trim(" hello, how are you? ");\r
- * @result "hello, how are you?"\r
- *\r
- * @name $.trim\r
- * @type String\r
- * @param String str The string to trim.\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
- trim: function(t){\r
- return t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * All ancestors of a given element.\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name $.parents\r
- * @type Array<Element>\r
- * @param Element elem The element to find the ancestors of.\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- parents: function( elem ){\r
- var matched = [];\r
- var cur = elem.parentNode;\r
- while ( cur && cur != document ) {\r
- matched.push( cur );\r
- cur = cur.parentNode;\r
- }\r
- return matched;\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * All elements on a specified axis.\r
- *\r
- * @private\r
- * @name $.sibling\r
- * @type Array\r
- * @param Element elem The element to find all the siblings of (including itself).\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- sibling: function(elem, pos, not) {\r
- var elems = [];\r
- \r
- if(elem) {\r
- var siblings = elem.parentNode.childNodes;\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++ ) {\r
- if ( not === true && siblings[i] == elem ) continue;\r
- \r
- if ( siblings[i].nodeType == 1 )\r
- elems.push( siblings[i] );\r
- if ( siblings[i] == elem )\r
- elems.n = elems.length - 1;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return jQuery.extend( elems, {\r
- last: elems.n == elems.length - 1,\r
- cur: pos == "even" && elems.n % 2 == 0 || pos == "odd" && elems.n % 2 || elems[pos] == elem,\r
- prev: elems[elems.n - 1],\r
- next: elems[elems.n + 1]\r
- });\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Merge two arrays together, removing all duplicates. The final order\r
- * or the new array is: All the results from the first array, followed\r
- * by the unique results from the second array.\r
- *\r
- * @example $.merge( [0,1,2], [2,3,4] )\r
- * @result [0,1,2,3,4]\r
- *\r
- * @example $.merge( [3,2,1], [4,3,2] )\r
- * @result [3,2,1,4]\r
- *\r
- * @name $.merge\r
- * @type Array\r
- * @param Array first The first array to merge.\r
- * @param Array second The second array to merge.\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
- merge: function(first, second) {\r
- var result = [];\r
- // Move b over to the new array (this helps to avoid\r
- // StaticNodeList instances)\r
- for ( var k = 0; k < first.length; k++ )\r
- result[k] = first[k];\r
- // Now check for duplicates between a and b and only\r
- // add the unique items\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < second.length; i++ ) {\r
- var noCollision = true;\r
- // The collision-checking process\r
- for ( var j = 0; j < first.length; j++ )\r
- if ( second[i] == first[j] )\r
- noCollision = false;\r
- // If the item is unique, add it\r
- if ( noCollision )\r
- result.push( second[i] );\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Filter items out of an array, by using a filter function.\r
- * The specified function will be passed two arguments: The\r
- * current array item and the index of the item in the array. The\r
- * function should return 'true' if you wish to keep the item in\r
- * the array, false if it should be removed.\r
- *\r
- * @example $.grep( [0,1,2], function(i){\r
- * return i > 0;\r
- * });\r
- * @result [1, 2]\r
- *\r
- * @name $.grep\r
- * @type Array\r
- * @param Array array The Array to find items in.\r
- * @param Function fn The function to process each item against.\r
- * @param Boolean inv Invert the selection - select the opposite of the function.\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
- grep: function(elems, fn, inv) {\r
- // If a string is passed in for the function, make a function\r
- // for it (a handy shortcut)\r
- if ( fn.constructor == String )\r
- fn = new Function("a","i","return " + fn);\r
- var result = [];\r
- // Go through the array, only saving the items\r
- // that pass the validator function\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ )\r
- if ( !inv && fn(elems[i],i) || inv && !fn(elems[i],i) )\r
- result.push( elems[i] );\r
- return result;\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Translate all items in an array to another array of items. \r
- * The translation function that is provided to this method is \r
- * called for each item in the array and is passed one argument: \r
- * The item to be translated. The function can then return:\r
- * The translated value, 'null' (to remove the item), or \r
- * an array of values - which will be flattened into the full array.\r
- *\r
- * @example $.map( [0,1,2], function(i){\r
- * return i + 4;\r
- * });\r
- * @result [4, 5, 6]\r
- *\r
- * @example $.map( [0,1,2], function(i){\r
- * return i > 0 ? i + 1 : null;\r
- * });\r
- * @result [2, 3]\r
- * \r
- * @example $.map( [0,1,2], function(i){\r
- * return [ i, i + 1 ];\r
- * });\r
- * @result [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]\r
- *\r
- * @name $.map\r
- * @type Array\r
- * @param Array array The Array to translate.\r
- * @param Function fn The function to process each item against.\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
- map: function(elems, fn) {\r
- // If a string is passed in for the function, make a function\r
- // for it (a handy shortcut)\r
- if ( fn.constructor == String )\r
- fn = new Function("a","return " + fn);\r
- var result = [];\r
- // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their\r
- // new value (or values).\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) {\r
- var val = fn(elems[i],i);\r
- if ( val !== null && val != undefined ) {\r
- if ( val.constructor != Array ) val = [val];\r
- result = jQuery.merge( result, val );\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
- },\r
- /*\r
- * A number of helper functions used for managing events.\r
- * Many of the ideas behind this code orignated from Dean Edwards' addEvent library.\r
- */\r
- event: {\r
- // Bind an event to an element\r
- // Original by Dean Edwards\r
- add: function(element, type, handler) {\r
- // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object\r
- // around, causing it to be cloned in the process\r
- if ( jQuery.browser.msie && element.setInterval != undefined )\r
- element = window;\r
- // Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID\r
- if ( !handler.guid )\r
- handler.guid = this.guid++;\r
- // Init the element's event structure\r
- if (!element.events)\r
- element.events = {};\r
- // Get the current list of functions bound to this event\r
- var handlers = element.events[type];\r
- // If it hasn't been initialized yet\r
- if (!handlers) {\r
- // Init the event handler queue\r
- handlers = element.events[type] = {};\r
- // Remember an existing handler, if it's already there\r
- if (element["on" + type])\r
- handlers[0] = element["on" + type];\r
- }\r
- // Add the function to the element's handler list\r
- handlers[handler.guid] = handler;\r
- // And bind the global event handler to the element\r
- element["on" + type] = this.handle;\r
- // Remember the function in a global list (for triggering)\r
- if (!this.global[type])\r
- this.global[type] = [];\r
- this.global[type].push( element );\r
- },\r
- guid: 1,\r
- global: {},\r
- // Detach an event or set of events from an element\r
- remove: function(element, type, handler) {\r
- if (element.events)\r
- if (type && element.events[type])\r
- if ( handler )\r
- delete element.events[type][handler.guid];\r
- else\r
- for ( var i in element.events[type] )\r
- delete element.events[type][i];\r
- else\r
- for ( var j in element.events )\r
- this.remove( element, j );\r
- },\r
- trigger: function(type,data,element) {\r
- // Touch up the incoming data\r
- data = data || [];\r
- // Handle a global trigger\r
- if ( !element ) {\r
- var g = this.global[type];\r
- if ( g )\r
- for ( var i = 0; i < g.length; i++ )\r
- this.trigger( type, data, g[i] );\r
- // Handle triggering a single element\r
- } else if ( element["on" + type] ) {\r
- // Pass along a fake event\r
- data.unshift( this.fix({ type: type, target: element }) );\r
- // Trigger the event\r
- element["on" + type].apply( element, data );\r
- }\r
- },\r
- handle: function(event) {\r
- if ( typeof jQuery == "undefined" ) return;\r
- event = event || jQuery.event.fix( window.event );\r
- // If no correct event was found, fail\r
- if ( !event ) return;\r
- var returnValue = true;\r
- var c = this.events[event.type];\r
- var args = [].slice.call( arguments, 1 );\r
- args.unshift( event );\r
- for ( var j in c ) {\r
- if ( c[j].apply( this, args ) === false ) {\r
- event.preventDefault();\r
- event.stopPropagation();\r
- returnValue = false;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return returnValue;\r
- },\r
- fix: function(event) {\r
- if ( event ) {\r
- event.preventDefault = function() {\r
- this.returnValue = false;\r
- };\r
- event.stopPropagation = function() {\r
- this.cancelBubble = true;\r
- };\r
- }\r
- return event;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- * Contains flags for the useragent, read from navigator.userAgent.\r
- * Available flags are: safari, opera, msie, mozilla\r
- * This property is available before the DOM is ready, therefore you can\r
- * use it to add ready events only for certain browsers.\r
- *\r
- * See <a href="http://davecardwell.co.uk/geekery/javascript/jquery/jqbrowser/">\r
- * jQBrowser plugin</a> for advanced browser detection:\r
- *\r
- * @example $.browser.msie\r
- * @desc returns true if the current useragent is some version of microsoft's internet explorer\r
- *\r
- * @example if($.browser.safari) { $( function() { alert("this is safari!"); } ); }\r
- * @desc Alerts "this is safari!" only for safari browsers\r
- *\r
- * @name $.browser\r
- * @type Boolean\r
- * @cat Javascript\r
- */\r
-new function() {\r
- var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();\r
- // Figure out what browser is being used\r
- jQuery.browser = {\r
- safari: /webkit/.test(b),\r
- opera: /opera/.test(b),\r
- msie: /msie/.test(b) && !/opera/.test(b),\r
- mozilla: /mozilla/.test(b) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test(b)\r
- };\r
- // Check to see if the W3C box model is being used\r
- jQuery.boxModel = !jQuery.browser.msie || document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat";\r
-jQuery.macros = {\r
- to: {\r
- /**\r
- * Append all of the matched elements to another, specified, set of elements.\r
- * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular\r
- * $(A).append(B), in that instead of appending B to A, you're appending\r
- * A to B.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").appendTo("#foo");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo"></div>\r
- * @result <div id="foo"><p>I would like to say: </p></div>\r
- *\r
- * @name appendTo\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- appendTo: "append",\r
- /**\r
- * Prepend all of the matched elements to another, specified, set of elements.\r
- * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular\r
- * $(A).prepend(B), in that instead of prepending B to A, you're prepending\r
- * A to B.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").prependTo("#foo");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo"><b>Hello</b></div>\r
- * @result <div id="foo"><p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b></div>\r
- *\r
- * @name prependTo\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- prependTo: "prepend",\r
- /**\r
- * Insert all of the matched elements before another, specified, set of elements.\r
- * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular\r
- * $(A).before(B), in that instead of inserting B before A, you're inserting\r
- * A before B.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").insertBefore("#foo");\r
- * @before <div id="foo">Hello</div><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo">Hello</div>\r
- *\r
- * @name insertBefore\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- insertBefore: "before",\r
- /**\r
- * Insert all of the matched elements after another, specified, set of elements.\r
- * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular\r
- * $(A).after(B), in that instead of inserting B after A, you're inserting\r
- * A after B.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").insertAfter("#foo");\r
- * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo">Hello</div>\r
- * @result <div id="foo">Hello</div><p>I would like to say: </p>\r
- *\r
- * @name insertAfter\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- insertAfter: "after"\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS width of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").width();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "300px"\r
- *\r
- * @name width\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS width of every matched element. Be sure to include\r
- * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you\r
- * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").width("20px");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="width:20px;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name width\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS height of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").height();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "14px"\r
- *\r
- * @name height\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS height of every matched element. Be sure to include\r
- * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you\r
- * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").height("20px");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="height:20px;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name height\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS top of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").top();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "0px"\r
- *\r
- * @name top\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS top of every matched element. Be sure to include\r
- * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you\r
- * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").top("20px");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="top:20px;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name top\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS left of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").left();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "0px"\r
- *\r
- * @name left\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS left of every matched element. Be sure to include\r
- * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you\r
- * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").left("20px");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="left:20px;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name left\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS position of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").position();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "static"\r
- *\r
- * @name position\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS position of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").position("relative");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="position:relative;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name position\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS float of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").float();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "none"\r
- *\r
- * @name float\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS float of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").float("left");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="float:left;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name float\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS overflow of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").overflow();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "none"\r
- *\r
- * @name overflow\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS overflow of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").overflow("auto");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="overflow:auto;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name overflow\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS color of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").color();\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "black"\r
- *\r
- * @name color\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS color of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").color("blue");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="color:blue;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name color\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current CSS background of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").background();\r
- * @before <p style="background:blue;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result "blue"\r
- *\r
- * @name background\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the CSS background of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").background("blue");\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>\r
- * @result <p style="background:blue;">This is just a test.</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name background\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat CSS\r
- */\r
- css: "width,height,top,left,position,float,overflow,color,background".split(","),\r
- /**\r
- * Reduce the set of matched elements to a single element.\r
- * The position of the element in the set of matched elements\r
- * starts at 0 and goes to length - 1.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").eq(1)\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>So is this</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name eq\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Number pos The index of the element that you wish to limit to.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Reduce the set of matched elements to all elements before a given position.\r
- * The position of the element in the set of matched elements\r
- * starts at 0 and goes to length - 1.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").lt(1)\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>This is just a test.</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name lt\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Number pos Reduce the set to all elements below this position.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Reduce the set of matched elements to all elements after a given position.\r
- * The position of the element in the set of matched elements\r
- * starts at 0 and goes to length - 1.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").gt(0)\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>So is this</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name gt\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param Number pos Reduce the set to all elements after this position.\r
- * @cat Core\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Filter the set of elements to those that contain the specified text.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").contains("test")\r
- * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>This is just a test.</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name contains\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String str The string that will be contained within the text of an element.\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- filter: [ "eq", "lt", "gt", "contains" ],\r
- attr: {\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current value of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").val();\r
- * @before <input type="text" value="some text"/>\r
- * @result "some text"\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $("#text1").val() == "Test", "Check for value of input element" );\r
- * ok( !$("#text1").val() == "", "Check for value of input element" );\r
- *\r
- * @name val\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the value of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").value("test");\r
- * @before <input type="text" value="some text"/>\r
- * @result <input type="text" value="test"/>\r
- *\r
- * @test document.getElementById('text1').value = "bla";\r
- * ok( $("#text1").val() == "bla", "Check for modified value of input element" );\r
- * $("#text1").val('test');\r
- * ok ( document.getElementById('text1').value == "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );\r
- *\r
- * @name val\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- val: "value",\r
- /**\r
- * Get the html contents of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div").html();\r
- * @before <div><input/></div>\r
- * @result <input/>\r
- *\r
- * @name html\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the html contents of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div").html("<b>new stuff</b>");\r
- * @before <div><input/></div>\r
- * @result <div><b>new stuff</b></div>\r
- *\r
- * @test var div = $("div");\r
- * div.html("<b>test</b>");\r
- * var pass = true;\r
- * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {\r
- * if ( div.get(i).childNodes.length == 0 ) pass = false;\r
- * }\r
- * ok( pass, "Set HTML" );\r
- *\r
- * @name html\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the html contents to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- html: "innerHTML",\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current id of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").id();\r
- * @before <input type="text" id="test" value="some text"/>\r
- * @result "test"\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $(document.getElementById('main')).id() == "main", "Check for id" );\r
- * ok( $("#foo").id() == "foo", "Check for id" );\r
- * ok( !$("head").id(), "Check for id" );\r
- *\r
- * @name id\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the id of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").id("newid");\r
- * @before <input type="text" id="test" value="some text"/>\r
- * @result <input type="text" id="newid" value="some text"/>\r
- *\r
- * @name id\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- id: null,\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current title of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").title();\r
- * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>\r
- * @result "my image"\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $(document.getElementById('google')).title() == "Google!", "Check for title" );\r
- * ok( !$("#yahoo").title(), "Check for title" );\r
- *\r
- * @name title\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the title of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").title("new title");\r
- * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>\r
- * @result <img src="test.jpg" title="new image"/>\r
- *\r
- * @name title\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- title: null,\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current name of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").name();\r
- * @before <input type="text" name="username"/>\r
- * @result "username"\r
- *\r
- * @test ok( $(document.getElementById('text1')).name() == "action", "Check for name" );\r
- * ok( $("#hidden1").name() == "hidden", "Check for name" );\r
- * ok( !$("#area1").name(), "Check for name" );\r
- *\r
- * @name name\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the name of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").name("user");\r
- * @before <input type="text" name="username"/>\r
- * @result <input type="text" name="user"/>\r
- *\r
- * @name name\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- name: null,\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current href of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("a").href();\r
- * @before <a href="test.html">my link</a>\r
- * @result "test.html"\r
- *\r
- * @name href\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the href of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("a").href("test2.html");\r
- * @before <a href="test.html">my link</a>\r
- * @result <a href="test2.html">my link</a>\r
- *\r
- * @name href\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- href: null,\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current src of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").src();\r
- * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>\r
- * @result "test.jpg"\r
- *\r
- * @name src\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the src of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("img").src("test2.jpg");\r
- * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>\r
- * @result <img src="test2.jpg" title="my image"/>\r
- *\r
- * @name src\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- src: null,\r
- /**\r
- * Get the current rel of the first matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("a").rel();\r
- * @before <a href="test.html" rel="nofollow">my link</a>\r
- * @result "nofollow"\r
- *\r
- * @name rel\r
- * @type String\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Set the rel of every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("a").rel("nofollow");\r
- * @before <a href="test.html">my link</a>\r
- * @result <a href="test.html" rel="nofollow">my link</a>\r
- *\r
- * @name rel\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.\r
- * @cat DOM/Attributes\r
- */\r
- rel: null\r
- },\r
- axis: {\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique parents of the matched\r
- * set of elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").parent()\r
- * @before <div><p>Hello</p><p>Hello</p></div>\r
- * @result [ <div><p>Hello</p><p>Hello</p></div> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name parent\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique parents of the matched\r
- * set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").parent(".selected")\r
- * @before <div><p>Hello</p></div><div class="selected"><p>Hello Again</p></div>\r
- * @result [ <div class="selected"><p>Hello Again</p></div> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name parent\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the parents with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- parent: "a.parentNode",\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched\r
- * set of elements (except for the root element).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("span").ancestors()\r
- * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>\r
- * @result [ <body>...</body>, <div>...</div>, <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name ancestors\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched\r
- * set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("span").ancestors("p")\r
- * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>\r
- * @result [ <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name ancestors\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the ancestors with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- ancestors: jQuery.parents,\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched\r
- * set of elements (except for the root element).\r
- *\r
- * @example $("span").ancestors()\r
- * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>\r
- * @result [ <body>...</body>, <div>...</div>, <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name parents\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched\r
- * set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("span").ancestors("p")\r
- * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>\r
- * @result [ <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name parents\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the ancestors with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- parents: jQuery.parents,\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique next siblings of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements.\r
- *\r
- * It only returns the very next sibling, not all next siblings.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").next()\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p>Hello Again</p><div><span>And Again</span></div>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello Again</p>, <div><span>And Again</span></div> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name next\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique next siblings of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * It only returns the very next sibling, not all next siblings.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").next(".selected")\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><div><span>And Again</span></div>\r
- * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name next\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the next Elements with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- next: "jQuery.sibling(a).next",\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique previous siblings of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements.\r
- *\r
- * It only returns the immediately previous sibling, not all previous siblings.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").prev()\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <div><span>Hello Again</span></div> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name prev\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing the unique previous siblings of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * It only returns the immediately previous sibling, not all previous siblings.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").previous(".selected")\r
- * @before <div><span>Hello</span></div><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><p>And Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <div><span>Hello</span></div> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name prev\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the previous Elements with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- prev: "jQuery.sibling(a).prev",\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique siblings of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div").siblings()\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <p>And Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test isSet( $("#en").siblings().get(), q("sndp", "sap"), "Check for siblings" ); \r
- *\r
- * @name siblings\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique siblings of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div").siblings(".selected")\r
- * @before <div><span>Hello</span></div><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><p>And Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test isSet( $("#sndp").siblings("[code]").get(), q("sap"), "Check for filtered siblings (has code child element)" ); \r
- * isSet( $("#sndp").siblings("[a]").get(), q("en", "sap"), "Check for filtered siblings (has anchor child element)" );\r
- *\r
- * @name siblings\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the sibling Elements with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- siblings: "jQuery.sibling(a, null, true)",\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique children of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div").children()\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <span>Hello Again</span> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test isSet( $("#foo").children().get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Check for children" );\r
- *\r
- * @name children\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique children of each of the\r
- * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("div").children(".selected")\r
- * @before <div><span>Hello</span><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><p>And Again</p></div>\r
- * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test isSet( $("#foo").children("[code]").get(), q("sndp", "sap"), "Check for filtered children" ); \r
- *\r
- * @name children\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr An expression to filter the child Elements with\r
- * @cat DOM/Traversing\r
- */\r
- children: "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)"\r
- },\r
- each: {\r
- /**\r
- * Remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("input").removeAttr("disabled")\r
- * @before <input disabled="disabled"/>\r
- * @result <input/>\r
- *\r
- * @name removeAttr\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String name The name of the attribute to remove.\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- removeAttr: function( key ) {\r
- this.removeAttribute( key );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Displays each of the set of matched elements if they are hidden.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").show()\r
- * @before <p style="display: none">Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p style="display: block">Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test var pass = true, div = $("div");\r
- * div.show().each(function(){\r
- * if ( this.style.display == "none" ) pass = false;\r
- * });\r
- * ok( pass, "Show" );\r
- *\r
- * @name show\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Effects\r
- */\r
- show: function(){\r
- this.style.display = this.oldblock ? this.oldblock : "";\r
- if ( jQuery.css(this,"display") == "none" )\r
- this.style.display = "block";\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Hides each of the set of matched elements if they are shown.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").hide()\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p style="display: none">Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * var pass = true, div = $("div");\r
- * div.hide().each(function(){\r
- * if ( this.style.display != "none" ) pass = false;\r
- * });\r
- * ok( pass, "Hide" );\r
- *\r
- * @name hide\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Effects\r
- */\r
- hide: function(){\r
- this.oldblock = this.oldblock || jQuery.css(this,"display");\r
- if ( this.oldblock == "none" )\r
- this.oldblock = "block";\r
- this.style.display = "none";\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Toggles each of the set of matched elements. If they are shown,\r
- * toggle makes them hidden. If they are hidden, toggle\r
- * makes them shown.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").toggle()\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p style="display: none">Hello Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <p style="display: none">Hello</p>, <p style="display: block">Hello Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name toggle\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Effects\r
- */\r
- toggle: function(){\r
- jQuery(this)[ jQuery(this).is(":hidden") ? "show" : "hide" ].apply( jQuery(this), arguments );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Adds the specified class to each of the set of matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").addClass("selected")\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test var div = $("div");\r
- * div.addClass("test");\r
- * var pass = true;\r
- * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {\r
- * if ( div.get(i).className.indexOf("test") == -1 ) pass = false;\r
- * }\r
- * ok( pass, "Add Class" );\r
- *\r
- * @name addClass\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String class A CSS class to add to the elements\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- addClass: function(c){\r
- jQuery.className.add(this,c);\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Removes the specified class from the set of matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").removeClass("selected")\r
- * @before <p class="selected">Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @test var div = $("div").addClass("test");\r
- * div.removeClass("test");\r
- * var pass = true;\r
- * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {\r
- * if ( div.get(i).className.indexOf("test") != -1 ) pass = false;\r
- * }\r
- * ok( pass, "Remove Class" );\r
- * \r
- * reset();\r
- *\r
- * var div = $("div").addClass("test").addClass("foo").addClass("bar");\r
- * div.removeClass("test").removeClass("bar").removeClass("foo");\r
- * var pass = true;\r
- * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {\r
- * if ( div.get(i).className.match(/test|bar|foo/) ) pass = false;\r
- * }\r
- * ok( pass, "Remove multiple classes" );\r
- *\r
- * @name removeClass\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String class A CSS class to remove from the elements\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- removeClass: function(c){\r
- jQuery.className.remove(this,c);\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Adds the specified class if it is present, removes it if it is\r
- * not present.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").toggleClass("selected")\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p><p class="selected">Hello Again</p>\r
- * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello</p>, <p>Hello Again</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name toggleClass\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String class A CSS class with which to toggle the elements\r
- * @cat DOM\r
- */\r
- toggleClass: function( c ){\r
- jQuery.className[ jQuery.className.has(this,c) ? "remove" : "add" ](this,c);\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all matched elements from the DOM. This does NOT remove them from the\r
- * jQuery object, allowing you to use the matched elements further.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").remove();\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p> how are <p>you?</p>\r
- * @result how are\r
- *\r
- * @name remove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes only elements (out of the list of matched elements) that match\r
- * the specified jQuery expression. This does NOT remove them from the\r
- * jQuery object, allowing you to use the matched elements further.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").remove(".hello");\r
- * @before <p class="hello">Hello</p> how are <p>you?</p>\r
- * @result how are <p>you?</p>\r
- *\r
- * @name remove\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String expr A jQuery expression to filter elements by.\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- remove: function(a){\r
- if ( !a || jQuery.filter( a, [this] ).r )\r
- this.parentNode.removeChild( this );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all child nodes from the set of matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").empty()\r
- * @before <p>Hello, <span>Person</span> <a href="#">and person</a></p>\r
- * @result [ <p></p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name empty\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat DOM/Manipulation\r
- */\r
- empty: function(){\r
- while ( this.firstChild )\r
- this.removeChild( this.firstChild );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Binds a handler to a particular event (like click) for each matched element.\r
- * The event handler is passed an event object that you can use to prevent\r
- * default behaviour. To stop both default action and event bubbling, your handler\r
- * has to return false.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").bind( "click", function() {\r
- * alert( $(this).text() );\r
- * } )\r
- * @before <p>Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert("Hello")\r
- *\r
- * @example $("form").bind( "submit", function() { return false; } )\r
- * @desc Cancel a default action and prevent it from bubbling by returning false\r
- * from your function.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("form").bind( "submit", function(event) {\r
- * event.preventDefault();\r
- * } );\r
- * @desc Cancel only the default action by using the preventDefault method.\r
- *\r
- *\r
- * @example $("form").bind( "submit", function(event) {\r
- * event.stopPropagation();\r
- * } )\r
- * @desc Stop only an event from bubbling by using the stopPropagation method.\r
- *\r
- * @name bind\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String type An event type\r
- * @param Function fn A function to bind to the event on each of the set of matched elements\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- bind: function( type, fn ) {\r
- if ( fn.constructor == String )\r
- fn = new Function("e", ( !fn.indexOf(".") ? "jQuery(this)" : "return " ) + fn);\r
- jQuery.event.add( this, type, fn );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * The opposite of bind, removes a bound event from each of the matched\r
- * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original\r
- * bind method.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unbind( "click", function() { alert("Hello"); } )\r
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name unbind\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String type An event type\r
- * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the event on each of the set of matched elements\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound events of a particular type from each of the matched\r
- * elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unbind( "click" )\r
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name unbind\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String type An event type\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- /**\r
- * Removes all bound events from each of the matched elements.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").unbind()\r
- * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>\r
- * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]\r
- *\r
- * @name unbind\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- unbind: function( type, fn ) {\r
- jQuery.event.remove( this, type, fn );\r
- },\r
- /**\r
- * Trigger a type of event on every matched element.\r
- *\r
- * @example $("p").trigger("click")\r
- * @before <p click="alert('hello')">Hello</p>\r
- * @result alert('hello')\r
- *\r
- * @name trigger\r
- * @type jQuery\r
- * @param String type An event type to trigger.\r
- * @cat Events\r
- */\r
- trigger: function( type, data ) {\r
- jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );\r
- }\r
- }\r
+ * jQuery @VERSION - New Wave Javascript
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 John Resig (jquery.com)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ *
+ * $Date$
+ * $Rev$
+ */
+// Global undefined variable
+window.undefined = window.undefined;
+ * Create a new jQuery Object
+ *
+ * @test ok( Array.prototype.push, "Array.push()" );
+ * ok( Function.prototype.apply, "Function.apply()" );
+ * ok( document.getElementById, "getElementById" );
+ * ok( document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName" );
+ * ok( RegExp, "RegExp" );
+ * ok( jQuery, "jQuery" );
+ * ok( $, "$()" );
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @private
+ * @name jQuery
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+jQuery = function(a,c) {
+ // Shortcut for document ready (because $(document).each() is silly)
+ if ( a && typeof a == "function" && jQuery.fn.ready )
+ return jQuery(document).ready(a);
+ // Make sure that a selection was provided
+ a = a || jQuery.context || document;
+ // Watch for when a jQuery object is passed as the selector
+ if ( a.jquery )
+ return jQuery( jQuery.merge( a, [] ) );
+ // Watch for when a jQuery object is passed at the context
+ if ( c && c.jquery )
+ return jQuery( c ).find(a);
+ // If the context is global, return a new object
+ if ( window == this )
+ return new jQuery(a,c);
+ // Handle HTML strings
+ var m = /^[^<]*(<.+>)[^>]*$/.exec(a);
+ if ( m ) a = jQuery.clean( [ m[1] ] );
+ // Watch for when an array is passed in
+ this.get( a.constructor == Array || a.length && !a.nodeType && a[0] != undefined && a[0].nodeType ?
+ // Assume that it is an array of DOM Elements
+ jQuery.merge( a, [] ) :
+ // Find the matching elements and save them for later
+ jQuery.find( a, c ) );
+ // See if an extra function was provided
+ var fn = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];
+ // If so, execute it in context
+ if ( fn && typeof fn == "function" )
+ this.each(fn);
+// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
+if ( typeof $ != "undefined" )
+ jQuery._$ = $;
+ * This function accepts a string containing a CSS selector,
+ * basic XPath, or raw HTML, which is then used to match a set of elements.
+ * The HTML string is different from the traditional selectors in that
+ * it creates the DOM elements representing that HTML string, on the fly,
+ * to be (assumedly) inserted into the document later.
+ *
+ * The core functionality of jQuery centers around this function.
+ * Everything in jQuery is based upon this, or uses this in some way.
+ * The most basic use of this function is to pass in an expression
+ * (usually consisting of CSS or XPath), which then finds all matching
+ * elements and remembers them for later use.
+ *
+ * By default, $() looks for DOM elements within the context of the
+ * current HTML document.
+ *
+ * @example $("div > p")
+ * @desc This finds all p elements that are children of a div element.
+ * @before <p>one</p> <div><p>two</p></div> <p>three</p>
+ * @result [ <p>two</p> ]
+ *
+ * @example $("<div><p>Hello</p></div>").appendTo("#body")
+ * @desc Creates a div element (and all of its contents) dynamically,
+ * and appends it to the element with the ID of body. Internally, an
+ * element is created and it's innerHTML property set to the given markup.
+ * It is therefore both quite flexible and limited.
+ *
+ * @name $
+ * @param String expr An expression to search with, or a string of HTML to create on the fly.
+ * @cat Core
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+ * This function accepts a string containing a CSS selector, or
+ * basic XPath, which is then used to match a set of elements with the
+ * context of the specified DOM element, or document
+ *
+ * @example $("div", xml.responseXML)
+ * @desc This finds all div elements within the specified XML document.
+ *
+ * @name $
+ * @param String expr An expression to search with.
+ * @param Element context A DOM Element, or Document, representing the base context.
+ * @cat Core
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+ * Wrap jQuery functionality around a specific DOM Element.
+ * This function also accepts XML Documents and Window objects
+ * as valid arguments (even though they are not DOM Elements).
+ *
+ * @example $(document).find("div > p")
+ * @before <p>one</p> <div><p>two</p></div> <p>three</p>
+ * @result [ <p>two</p> ]
+ *
+ * @example $(document.body).background( "black" );
+ * @desc Sets the background color of the page to black.
+ *
+ * @name $
+ * @param Element elem A DOM element to be encapsulated by a jQuery object.
+ * @cat Core
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+ * Wrap jQuery functionality around a set of DOM Elements.
+ *
+ * @example $( myForm.elements ).hide()
+ * @desc Hides all the input elements within a form
+ *
+ * @name $
+ * @param Array<Element> elems An array of DOM elements to be encapsulated by a jQuery object.
+ * @cat Core
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+ * A shorthand for $(document).ready(), allowing you to bind a function
+ * to be executed when the DOM document has finished loading. This function
+ * behaves just like $(document).ready(), in that it should be used to wrap
+ * all of the other $() operations on your page. While this function is,
+ * technically, chainable - there really isn't much use for chaining against it.
+ * You can have as many $(document).ready events on your page as you like.
+ *
+ * @example $(function(){
+ * // Document is ready
+ * });
+ * @desc Executes the function when the DOM is ready to be used.
+ *
+ * @name $
+ * @param Function fn The function to execute when the DOM is ready.
+ * @cat Core
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+ * A means of creating a cloned copy of a jQuery object. This function
+ * copies the set of matched elements from one jQuery object and creates
+ * another, new, jQuery object containing the same elements.
+ *
+ * @example var div = $("div");
+ * $( div ).find("p");
+ * @desc Locates all p elements with all div elements, without disrupting the original jQuery object contained in 'div' (as would normally be the case if a simple div.find("p") was done).
+ *
+ * @name $
+ * @param jQuery obj The jQuery object to be cloned.
+ * @cat Core
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+// Map the jQuery namespace to the '$' one
+var $ = jQuery;
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * The current version of jQuery.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @property
+ * @name jquery
+ * @type String
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ jquery: "@VERSION",
+ /**
+ * The number of elements currently matched.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").length;
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result 2
+ *
+ * @test ok( $("div").length == 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
+ *
+ * @property
+ * @name length
+ * @type Number
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ /**
+ * The number of elements currently matched.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").size();
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result 2
+ *
+ * @test ok( $("div").size() == 2, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
+ *
+ * @name size
+ * @type Number
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ size: function() {
+ return this.length;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Access all matched elements. This serves as a backwards-compatible
+ * way of accessing all matched elements (other than the jQuery object
+ * itself, which is, in fact, an array of elements).
+ *
+ * @example $("img").get();
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/> ]
+ *
+ * @test isSet( $("div").get(), q("main","foo"), "Get All Elements" );
+ *
+ * @name get
+ * @type Array<Element>
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ /**
+ * Access a single matched element. num is used to access the
+ * Nth element matched.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").get(1);
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> ]
+ *
+ * @test ok( $("div").get(0) == document.getElementById("main"), "Get A Single Element" );
+ *
+ * @name get
+ * @type Element
+ * @param Number num Access the element in the Nth position.
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the jQuery object to an array of elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").get([ document.body ]);
+ * @result $("img").get() == [ document.body ]
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name get
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Elements elems An array of elements
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ get: function( num ) {
+ // Watch for when an array (of elements) is passed in
+ if ( num && num.constructor == Array ) {
+ // Use a tricky hack to make the jQuery object
+ // look and feel like an array
+ this.length = 0;
+ [].push.apply( this, num );
+ return this;
+ } else
+ return num == undefined ?
+ // Return a 'clean' array
+ jQuery.merge( this, [] ) :
+ // Return just the object
+ this[num];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Execute a function within the context of every matched element.
+ * This means that every time the passed-in function is executed
+ * (which is once for every element matched) the 'this' keyword
+ * points to the specific element.
+ *
+ * Additionally, the function, when executed, is passed a single
+ * argument representing the position of the element in the matched
+ * set.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").each(function(){
+ * this.src = "test.jpg";
+ * });
+ * @before <img/> <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg"/> <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ *
+ * @example $("img").each(function(i){
+ * alert( "Image #" + i + " is " + this );
+ * });
+ * @before <img/> <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg"/> <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ *
+ * @test var div = $("div");
+ * div.each(function(){this.foo = 'zoo';});
+ * var pass = true;
+ * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
+ * if ( div.get(i).foo != "zoo" ) pass = false;
+ * }
+ * ok( pass, "Execute a function, Relative" );
+ *
+ * @name each
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Function fn A function to execute
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ each: function( fn, args ) {
+ return jQuery.each( this, fn, args );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Searches every matched element for the object and returns
+ * the index of the element, if found, starting with zero.
+ * Returns -1 if the object wasn't found.
+ *
+ * @example $("*").index(document.getElementById('foobar'))
+ * @before <div id="foobar"></div><b></b><span id="foo"></span>
+ * @result 0
+ *
+ * @example $("*").index(document.getElementById('foo'))
+ * @before <div id="foobar"></div><b></b><span id="foo"></span>
+ * @result 2
+ *
+ * @example $("*").index(document.getElementById('bar'))
+ * @before <div id="foobar"></div><b></b><span id="foo"></span>
+ * @result -1
+ *
+ * @test ok( $([window, document]).index(window) == 0, "Check for index of elements" );
+ * ok( $([window, document]).index(document) == 1, "Check for index of elements" );
+ * var inputElements = $('#radio1,#radio2,#check1,#check2');
+ * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio1')) == 0, "Check for index of elements" );
+ * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio2')) == 1, "Check for index of elements" );
+ * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check1')) == 2, "Check for index of elements" );
+ * ok( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check2')) == 3, "Check for index of elements" );
+ * ok( inputElements.index(window) == -1, "Check for not found index" );
+ * ok( inputElements.index(document) == -1, "Check for not found index" );
+ *
+ * @name index
+ * @type Number
+ * @param Object obj Object to search for
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ index: function( obj ) {
+ var pos = -1;
+ this.each(function(i){
+ if ( this == obj ) pos = i;
+ });
+ return pos;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Access a property on the first matched element.
+ * This method makes it easy to retrieve a property value
+ * from the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").attr("src");
+ * @before <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ * @result test.jpg
+ *
+ * @test ok( $('#text1').attr('value') == "Test", 'Check for value attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#text1').attr('type') == "text", 'Check for type attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#radio1').attr('type') == "radio", 'Check for type attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#check1').attr('type') == "checkbox", 'Check for type attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#simon1').attr('rel') == "bookmark", 'Check for rel attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#google').attr('title') == "Google!", 'Check for title attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#mark').attr('hreflang') == "en", 'Check for hreflang attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#en').attr('lang') == "en", 'Check for lang attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#simon').attr('class') == "blog link", 'Check for class attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#name').attr('name') == "name", 'Check for name attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#text1').attr('name') == "action", 'Check for name attribute' );
+ * ok( $('#form').attr('action').indexOf("formaction") >= 0, 'Check for action attribute' );
+ *
+ * @name attr
+ * @type Object
+ * @param String name The name of the property to access.
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set a hash of key/value object properties to all matched elements.
+ * This serves as the best way to set a large number of properties
+ * on all matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").attr({ src: "test.jpg", alt: "Test Image" });
+ * @before <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg" alt="Test Image"/>
+ *
+ * @test var pass = true;
+ * $("div").attr({foo: 'baz', zoo: 'ping'}).each(function(){
+ * if ( this.getAttribute('foo') != "baz" && this.getAttribute('zoo') != "ping" ) pass = false;
+ * });
+ * ok( pass, "Set Multiple Attributes" );
+ *
+ * @name attr
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Hash prop A set of key/value pairs to set as object properties.
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").attr("src","test.jpg");
+ * @before <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ *
+ * @test var div = $("div");
+ * div.attr("foo", "bar");
+ * var pass = true;
+ * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
+ * if ( div.get(i).getAttribute('foo') != "bar" ) pass = false;
+ * }
+ * ok( pass, "Set Attribute" );
+ *
+ * $("#name").attr('name', 'something');
+ * ok( $("#name").name() == 'something', 'Set name attribute' );
+ * $("#check2").attr('checked', true);
+ * ok( document.getElementById('check2').checked == true, 'Set checked attribute' );
+ * $("#check2").attr('checked', false);
+ * ok( document.getElementById('check2').checked == false, 'Set checked attribute' );
+ *
+ * @name attr
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String key The name of the property to set.
+ * @param Object value The value to set the property to.
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ attr: function( key, value, type ) {
+ // Check to see if we're setting style values
+ return key.constructor != String || value != undefined ?
+ this.each(function(){
+ // See if we're setting a hash of styles
+ if ( value == undefined )
+ // Set all the styles
+ for ( var prop in key )
+ jQuery.attr(
+ type ? this.style : this,
+ prop, key[prop]
+ );
+ // See if we're setting a single key/value style
+ else
+ jQuery.attr(
+ type ? this.style : this,
+ key, value
+ );
+ }) :
+ // Look for the case where we're accessing a style value
+ jQuery[ type || "attr" ]( this[0], key );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Access a style property on the first matched element.
+ * This method makes it easy to retrieve a style property value
+ * from the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").css("color");
+ * @before <p style="color:red;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result red
+ * @desc Retrieves the color style of the first paragraph
+ *
+ * @example $("p").css("fontWeight");
+ * @before <p style="font-weight: bold;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result bold
+ * @desc Retrieves the font-weight style of the first paragraph.
+ * Note that for all style properties with a dash (like 'font-weight'), you have to
+ * write it in camelCase. In other words: Every time you have a '-' in a
+ * property, remove it and replace the next character with an uppercase
+ * representation of itself. Eg. fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily, borderWidth,
+ * borderStyle, borderBottomWidth etc.
+ *
+ * @test ok( $('#main').css("display") == 'none', 'Check for css property "display"');
+ *
+ * @name css
+ * @type Object
+ * @param String name The name of the property to access.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set a hash of key/value style properties to all matched elements.
+ * This serves as the best way to set a large number of style properties
+ * on all matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").css({ color: "red", background: "blue" });
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result <p style="color:red; background:blue;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ *
+ * @test ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible');
+ * $('#foo').css({display: 'none'});
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden');
+ * $('#foo').css({display: 'block'});
+ * ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible');
+ *
+ * @name css
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Hash prop A set of key/value pairs to set as style properties.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set a single style property to a value, on all matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").css("color","red");
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result <p style="color:red;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @desc Changes the color of all paragraphs to red
+ *
+ *
+ * @test ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible');
+ * $('#foo').css('display', 'none');
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden');
+ * $('#foo').css('display', 'block');
+ * ok( $('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible');
+ *
+ * @name css
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String key The name of the property to set.
+ * @param Object value The value to set the property to.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ css: function( key, value ) {
+ return this.attr( key, value, "curCSS" );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the text contents of all matched elements. The result is
+ * a string that contains the combined text contents of all matched
+ * elements. This method works on both HTML and XML documents.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").text();
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result Test Paragraph.
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
+ * ok( $('#sap').text() == expected, 'Check for merged text of more then one element.' );
+ *
+ * @name text
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ text: function(e) {
+ e = e || this;
+ var t = "";
+ for ( var j = 0; j < e.length; j++ ) {
+ var r = e[j].childNodes;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < r.length; i++ )
+ if ( r[i].nodeType != 8 )
+ t += r[i].nodeType != 1 ?
+ r[i].nodeValue : jQuery.fn.text([ r[i] ]);
+ }
+ return t;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.
+ * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional
+ * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic
+ * qualities of a document.
+ *
+ * This works by going through the first element
+ * provided (which is generated, on the fly, from the provided HTML)
+ * and finds the deepest ancestor element within its
+ * structure - it is that element that will en-wrap everything else.
+ *
+ * This does not work with elements that contain text. Any necessary text
+ * must be added after the wrapping is done.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").wrap("<div class='wrap'></div>");
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result <div class='wrap'><p>Test Paragraph.</p></div>
+ *
+ * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
+ * var result = $('#first').wrap('<div class="red"><span></span></div>').text();
+ * ok( defaultText == result, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );
+ * ok( $('#first').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );
+ *
+ * @name wrap
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.
+ * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional
+ * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic
+ * qualities of a document.
+ *
+ * This works by going through the first element
+ * provided and finding the deepest ancestor element within its
+ * structure - it is that element that will en-wrap everything else.
+ *
+ * This does not work with elements that contain text. Any necessary text
+ * must be added after the wrapping is done.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").wrap( document.getElementById('content') );
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p><div id="content"></div>
+ * @result <div id="content"><p>Test Paragraph.</p></div>
+ *
+ * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
+ * var result = $('#first').wrap(document.getElementById('empty')).parent();
+ * ok( result.is('ol'), 'Check for element wrapping' );
+ * ok( result.text() == defaultText, 'Check for element wrapping' );
+ *
+ * @name wrap
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be wrapped.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ wrap: function() {
+ // The elements to wrap the target around
+ var a = jQuery.clean(arguments);
+ // Wrap each of the matched elements individually
+ return this.each(function(){
+ // Clone the structure that we're using to wrap
+ var b = a[0].cloneNode(true);
+ // Insert it before the element to be wrapped
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore( b, this );
+ // Find the deepest point in the wrap structure
+ while ( b.firstChild )
+ b = b.firstChild;
+ // Move the matched element to within the wrap structure
+ b.appendChild( this );
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Append any number of elements to the inside of every matched elements,
+ * generated from the provided HTML.
+ * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the
+ * specified elements, adding them into the document.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").append("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: <b>Hello</b></p>
+ *
+ * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
+ * var result = $('#first').append('<b>buga</b>');
+ * ok( result.text() == defaultText + 'buga', 'Check if text appending works' );
+ *
+ * @name append
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Append an element to the inside of all matched elements.
+ * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the
+ * specified elements, adding them into the document.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").append( $("#foo")[0] );
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: <b id="foo">Hello</b></p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";
+ * $('#sap').append(document.getElementById('first'));
+ * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of element" );
+ *
+ * @name append
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Append any number of elements to the inside of all matched elements.
+ * This operation is similar to doing an appendChild to all the
+ * specified elements, adding them into the document.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").append( $("b") );
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: <b>Hello</b></p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";
+ * $('#sap').append([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]);
+ * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of array of elements" );
+ *
+ * @name append
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ append: function() {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, true, 1, function(a){
+ this.appendChild( a );
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepend any number of elements to the inside of every matched elements,
+ * generated from the provided HTML.
+ * This operation is the best way to insert dynamically created elements
+ * inside, at the beginning, of all the matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").prepend("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p><b>Hello</b>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @test var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
+ * var result = $('#first').prepend('<b>buga</b>');
+ * ok( result.text() == 'buga' + defaultText, 'Check if text prepending works' );
+ *
+ * @name prepend
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Prepend an element to the inside of all matched elements.
+ * This operation is the best way to insert an element inside, at the
+ * beginning, of all the matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").prepend( $("#foo")[0] );
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>
+ * @result <p><b id="foo">Hello</b>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
+ * $('#sap').prepend(document.getElementById('first'));
+ * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of element" );
+ *
+ * @name prepend
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Prepend any number of elements to the inside of all matched elements.
+ * This operation is the best way to insert a set of elements inside, at the
+ * beginning, of all the matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").prepend( $("b") );
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>
+ * @result <p><b>Hello</b>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
+ * $('#sap').prepend([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]);
+ * ok( expected == $('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
+ *
+ * @name prepend
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ prepend: function() {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, true, -1, function(a){
+ this.insertBefore( a, this.firstChild );
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Insert any number of dynamically generated elements before each of the
+ * matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").before("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <b>Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = 'This is a normal link: bugaYahoo';
+ * $('#yahoo').before('<b>buga</b>');
+ * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), 'Insert String before' );
+ *
+ * @name before
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Insert an element before each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").before( $("#foo")[0] );
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>
+ * @result <b id="foo">Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo";
+ * $('#yahoo').before(document.getElementById('first'));
+ * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert element before" );
+ *
+ * @name before
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Insert any number of elements before each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").before( $("b") );
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>
+ * @result <b>Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo";
+ * $('#yahoo').before([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]);
+ * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements before" );
+ *
+ * @name before
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ before: function() {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, false, 1, function(a){
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this );
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Insert any number of dynamically generated elements after each of the
+ * matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").after("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = 'This is a normal link: Yahoobuga';
+ * $('#yahoo').after('<b>buga</b>');
+ * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), 'Insert String after' );
+ *
+ * @name after
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Insert an element after each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").after( $("#foo")[0] );
+ * @before <b id="foo">Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><b id="foo">Hello</b>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:";
+ * $('#yahoo').after(document.getElementById('first'));
+ * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert element after" );
+ *
+ * @name after
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Insert any number of elements after each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").after( $("b") );
+ * @before <b>Hello</b><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b>
+ *
+ * @test var expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark";
+ * $('#yahoo').after([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]);
+ * ok( expected == $('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements after" );
+ *
+ * @name after
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ after: function() {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, false, -1, function(a){
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this.nextSibling );
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * End the most recent 'destructive' operation, reverting the list of matched elements
+ * back to its previous state. After an end operation, the list of matched elements will
+ * revert to the last state of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").find("span").end();
+ * @before <p><span>Hello</span>, how are you?</p>
+ * @result $("p").find("span").end() == [ <p>...</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test ok( 'Yahoo' == $('#yahoo').parent().end().text(), 'Check for end' );
+ *
+ * @name end
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ end: function() {
+ return this.get( this.stack.pop() );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Searches for all elements that match the specified expression.
+ * This method is the optimal way of finding additional descendant
+ * elements with which to process.
+ *
+ * All searching is done using a jQuery expression. The expression can be
+ * written using CSS 1-3 Selector syntax, or basic XPath.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").find("span");
+ * @before <p><span>Hello</span>, how are you?</p>
+ * @result $("p").find("span") == [ <span>Hello</span> ]
+ *
+ * @test ok( 'Yahoo' == $('#foo').find('.blogTest').text(), 'Check for find' );
+ *
+ * @name find
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to search with.
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ find: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){
+ return jQuery.find(t,a);
+ }), arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create cloned copies of all matched DOM Elements. This does
+ * not create a cloned copy of this particular jQuery object,
+ * instead it creates duplicate copies of all DOM Elements.
+ * This is useful for moving copies of the elements to another
+ * location in the DOM.
+ *
+ * @example $("b").clone().prependTo("p");
+ * @before <b>Hello</b><p>, how are you?</p>
+ * @result <b>Hello</b><p><b>Hello</b>, how are you?</p>
+ *
+ * @test ok( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo' == $('#en').text(), 'Assert text for #en' );
+ * var clone = $('#yahoo').clone();
+ * ok( 'Try them out:Yahoo' == $('#first').append(clone).text(), 'Check for clone' );
+ * ok( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo' == $('#en').text(), 'Reassert text for #en' );
+ *
+ * @name clone
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ clone: function(deep) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){
+ return a.cloneNode( deep != undefined ? deep : true );
+ }), arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not
+ * match the specified expression. This method is used to narrow down
+ * the results of a search.
+ *
+ * All searching is done using a jQuery expression. The expression
+ * can be written using CSS 1-3 Selector syntax, or basic XPath.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").filter(".selected")
+ * @before <p class="selected">Hello</p><p>How are you?</p>
+ * @result $("p").filter(".selected") == [ <p class="selected">Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test isSet( $("input").filter(":checked").get(), q("radio2", "check1"), "Filter elements" );
+ * @test $("input").filter(":checked",function(i){
+ * ok( this == q("radio2", "check1")[i], "Filter elements, context" );
+ * });
+ * @test $("#main > p#ap > a").filter("#foobar",function(){},function(i){
+ * ok( this == q("google","groups", "mark")[i], "Filter elements, else context" );
+ * });
+ *
+ * @name filter
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to search with.
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not
+ * match at least one of the expressions passed to the function. This
+ * method is used when you want to filter the set of matched elements
+ * through more than one expression.
+ *
+ * Elements will be retained in the jQuery object if they match at
+ * least one of the expressions passed.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").filter([".selected", ":first"])
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p>Hello Again</p><p class="selected">And Again</p>
+ * @result $("p").filter([".selected", ":first"]) == [ <p>Hello</p>, <p class="selected">And Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name filter
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Array<String> exprs A set of expressions to evaluate against
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ filter: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack(
+ t.constructor == Array &&
+ jQuery.map(this,function(a){
+ for ( var i = 0; i < t.length; i++ )
+ if ( jQuery.filter(t[i],[a]).r.length )
+ return a;
+ }) ||
+ t.constructor == Boolean &&
+ ( t ? this.get() : [] ) ||
+ typeof t == "function" &&
+ jQuery.grep( this, t ) ||
+ jQuery.filter(t,this).r, arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes the specified Element from the set of matched elements. This
+ * method is used to remove a single Element from a jQuery object.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").not( document.getElementById("selected") )
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p id="selected">Hello Again</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name not
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element el An element to remove from the set
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes elements matching the specified expression from the set
+ * of matched elements. This method is used to remove one or more
+ * elements from a jQuery object.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").not("#selected")
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p id="selected">Hello Again</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test ok($("#main > p#ap > a").not("#google").length == 2, ".not")
+ *
+ * @name not
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression with which to remove matching elements
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ not: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack( t.constructor == String ?
+ jQuery.filter(t,this,false).r :
+ jQuery.grep(this,function(a){ return a != t; }), arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the elements matched by the expression to the jQuery object. This
+ * can be used to concatenate the result sets of two expressions.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").add("span")
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p><span>Hello Again</span></p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <span>Hello Again</span> ]
+ *
+ * @name add
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression whose matched elements are added
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Adds each of the Elements in the array to the set of matched elements.
+ * This is used to add a set of Elements to a jQuery object.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").add([document.getElementById("a"), document.getElementById("b")])
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p><span id="a">Hello Again</span><span id="b">And Again</span></p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <span id="a">Hello Again</span>, <span id="b">And Again</span> ]
+ *
+ * @name add
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Array<Element> els An array of Elements to add
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Adds a single Element to the set of matched elements. This is used to
+ * add a single Element to a jQuery object.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").add( document.getElementById("a") )
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p><span id="a">Hello Again</span></p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <span id="a">Hello Again</span> ]
+ *
+ * @name add
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Element el An Element to add
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ add: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.merge( this, t.constructor == String ?
+ jQuery.find(t) : t.constructor == Array ? t : [t] ), arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Checks the current selection against an expression and returns true,
+ * if the selection fits the given expression. Does return false, if the
+ * selection does not fit or the expression is not valid.
+ *
+ * @example $("input[@type='checkbox']").parent().is("form")
+ * @before <form><input type="checkbox" /></form>
+ * @result true
+ * @desc Returns true, because the parent of the input is a form element
+ *
+ * @example $("input[@type='checkbox']").parent().is("form")
+ * @before <form><p><input type="checkbox" /></p></form>
+ * @result false
+ * @desc Returns false, because the parent of the input is a p element
+ *
+ * @example $("form").is(null)
+ * @before <form></form>
+ * @result false
+ * @desc An invalid expression always returns false.
+ *
+ * @test ok( $('#form').is('form'), 'Check for element: A form must be a form' );
+ * ok( !$('#form').is('div'), 'Check for element: A form is not a div' );
+ * ok( $('#mark').is('.blog'), 'Check for class: Expected class "blog"' );
+ * ok( !$('#mark').is('.link'), 'Check for class: Did not expect class "link"' );
+ * ok( $('#simon').is('.blog.link'), 'Check for multiple classes: Expected classes "blog" and "link"' );
+ * ok( !$('#simon').is('.blogTest'), 'Check for multiple classes: Expected classes "blog" and "link", but not "blogTest"' );
+ * ok( $('#en').is('[@lang="en"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute lang to be "en"' );
+ * ok( !$('#en').is('[@lang="de"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute lang to be "en", not "de"' );
+ * ok( $('#text1').is('[@type="text"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute type to be "text"' );
+ * ok( !$('#text1').is('[@type="radio"]'), 'Check for attribute: Expected attribute type to be "text", not "radio"' );
+ * ok( $('#text2').is(':disabled'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected to be disabled' );
+ * ok( !$('#text1').is(':disabled'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected not disabled' );
+ * ok( $('#radio2').is(':checked'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected to be checked' );
+ * ok( !$('#radio1').is(':checked'), 'Check for pseudoclass: Expected not checked' );
+ * ok( $('#foo').is('[p]'), 'Check for child: Expected a child "p" element' );
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is('[ul]'), 'Check for child: Did not expect "ul" element' );
+ * ok( $('#foo').is('[p][a][code]'), 'Check for childs: Expected "p", "a" and "code" child elements' );
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is('[p][a][code][ol]'), 'Check for childs: Expected "p", "a" and "code" child elements, but no "ol"' );
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is(0), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - 0' );
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is(null), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - null' );
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is(''), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - ""' );
+ * ok( !$('#foo').is(undefined), 'Expected false for an invalid expression - undefined' );
+ *
+ * @name is
+ * @type Boolean
+ * @param String expr The expression with which to filter
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ is: function(expr) {
+ return expr ? jQuery.filter(expr,this).r.length > 0 : false;
+ },
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name domManip
+ * @param Array args
+ * @param Boolean table
+ * @param Number int
+ * @param Function fn The function doing the DOM manipulation.
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ domManip: function(args, table, dir, fn){
+ var clone = this.size() > 1;
+ var a = jQuery.clean(args);
+ return this.each(function(){
+ var obj = this;
+ if ( table && this.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TABLE" && a[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() != "THEAD" ) {
+ var tbody = this.getElementsByTagName("tbody");
+ if ( !tbody.length ) {
+ obj = document.createElement("tbody");
+ this.appendChild( obj );
+ } else
+ obj = tbody[0];
+ }
+ for ( var i = ( dir < 0 ? a.length - 1 : 0 );
+ i != ( dir < 0 ? dir : a.length ); i += dir ) {
+ fn.apply( obj, [ clone ? a[i].cloneNode(true) : a[i] ] );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name pushStack
+ * @param Array a
+ * @param Array args
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ pushStack: function(a,args) {
+ var fn = args && args[args.length-1];
+ var fn2 = args && args[args.length-2];
+ if ( fn && fn.constructor != Function ) fn = null;
+ if ( fn2 && fn2.constructor != Function ) fn2 = null;
+ if ( !fn ) {
+ if ( !this.stack ) this.stack = [];
+ this.stack.push( this.get() );
+ this.get( a );
+ } else {
+ var old = this.get();
+ this.get( a );
+ if ( fn2 && a.length || !fn2 )
+ this.each( fn2 || fn ).get( old );
+ else
+ this.get( old ).each( fn );
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ * Extends the jQuery object itself. Can be used to add both static
+ * functions and plugin methods.
+ *
+ * @example $.fn.extend({
+ * check: function() {
+ * this.each(function() { this.checked = true; });
+ * ),
+ * uncheck: function() {
+ * this.each(function() { this.checked = false; });
+ * }
+ * });
+ * $("input[@type=checkbox]").check();
+ * $("input[@type=radio]").uncheck();
+ * @desc Adds two plugin methods.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name extend
+ * @param Object obj
+ * @type Object
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ * Extend one object with another, returning the original,
+ * modified, object. This is a great utility for simple inheritance.
+ *
+ * @example var settings = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" };
+ * var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" };
+ * jQuery.extend(settings, options);
+ * @result settings == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }
+ *
+ * @test var settings = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" };
+ * var options = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" };
+ * var optionsCopy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" };
+ * var merged = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" };
+ * jQuery.extend(settings, options);
+ * isSet( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
+ * isSet ( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );
+ *
+ * @name $.extend
+ * @param Object obj The object to extend
+ * @param Object prop The object that will be merged into the first.
+ * @type Object
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function(obj,prop) {
+ if ( !prop ) { prop = obj; obj = this; }
+ for ( var i in prop ) obj[i] = prop[i];
+ return obj;
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @name init
+ * @type undefined
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ init: function(){
+ jQuery.initDone = true;
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.axis, function(i,n){
+ jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(a) {
+ var ret = jQuery.map(this,n);
+ if ( a && a.constructor == String )
+ ret = jQuery.filter(a,ret).r;
+ return this.pushStack( ret, arguments );
+ };
+ });
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.to, function(i,n){
+ jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(){
+ var a = arguments;
+ return this.each(function(){
+ for ( var j = 0; j < a.length; j++ )
+ jQuery(a[j])[n]( this );
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.each, function(i,n){
+ jQuery.fn[ i ] = function() {
+ return this.each( n, arguments );
+ };
+ });
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.filter, function(i,n){
+ jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(num,fn) {
+ return this.filter( ":" + n + "(" + num + ")", fn );
+ };
+ });
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.attr, function(i,n){
+ n = n || i;
+ jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(h) {
+ return h == undefined ?
+ this.length ? this[0][n] : null :
+ this.attr( n, h );
+ };
+ });
+ jQuery.each( jQuery.macros.css, function(i,n){
+ jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(h) {
+ return h == undefined ?
+ ( this.length ? jQuery.css( this[0], n ) : null ) :
+ this.css( n, h );
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * A generic iterator function, which can be used to seemlessly
+ * iterate over both objects and arrays. This function is not the same
+ * as $().each() - which is used to iterate, exclusively, over a jQuery
+ * object. This function can be used to iterate over anything.
+ *
+ * @example $.each( [0,1,2], function(i){
+ * alert( "Item #" + i + ": " + this );
+ * });
+ * @desc This is an example of iterating over the items in an array, accessing both the current item and its index.
+ *
+ * @example $.each( { name: "John", lang: "JS" }, function(i){
+ * alert( "Name: " + i + ", Value: " + this );
+ * });
+ * @desc This is an example of iterating over the properties in an Object, accessing both the current item and its key.
+ *
+ * @name $.each
+ * @param Object obj The object, or array, to iterate over.
+ * @param Function fn The function that will be executed on every object.
+ * @type Object
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+ each: function( obj, fn, args ) {
+ if ( obj.length == undefined )
+ for ( var i in obj )
+ fn.apply( obj[i], args || [i, obj[i]] );
+ else
+ for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ )
+ fn.apply( obj[i], args || [i, obj[i]] );
+ return obj;
+ },
+ className: {
+ add: function(o,c){
+ if (jQuery.className.has(o,c)) return;
+ o.className += ( o.className ? " " : "" ) + c;
+ },
+ remove: function(o,c){
+ if( !c ) {
+ o.className = "";
+ } else {
+ var classes = o.className.split(" ");
+ for(var i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
+ if(classes[i] == c) {
+ classes.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ o.className = classes.join(' ');
+ }
+ },
+ has: function(e,a) {
+ if ( e.className != undefined )
+ e = e.className;
+ return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)").test(e);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Swap in/out style options.
+ * @private
+ */
+ swap: function(e,o,f) {
+ for ( var i in o ) {
+ e.style["old"+i] = e.style[i];
+ e.style[i] = o[i];
+ }
+ f.apply( e, [] );
+ for ( var i in o )
+ e.style[i] = e.style["old"+i];
+ },
+ css: function(e,p) {
+ if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
+ var old = {}, oHeight, oWidth, d = ["Top","Bottom","Right","Left"];
+ for ( var i in d ) {
+ old["padding" + d[i]] = 0;
+ old["border" + d[i] + "Width"] = 0;
+ }
+ jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
+ if (jQuery.css(e,"display") != "none") {
+ oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
+ oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
+ } else {
+ e = jQuery(e.cloneNode(true)).css({
+ visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute", display: "block", right: "0", left: "0"
+ }).appendTo(e.parentNode)[0];
+ var parPos = jQuery.css(e.parentNode,"position");
+ if ( parPos == "" || parPos == "static" )
+ e.parentNode.style.position = "relative";
+ oHeight = e.clientHeight;
+ oWidth = e.clientWidth;
+ if ( parPos == "" || parPos == "static" )
+ e.parentNode.style.position = "static";
+ e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
+ }
+ });
+ return p == "height" ? oHeight : oWidth;
+ }
+ return jQuery.curCSS( e, p );
+ },
+ curCSS: function(elem, prop, force) {
+ var ret;
+ if (prop == 'opacity' && jQuery.browser.msie)
+ return jQuery.attr(elem.style, 'opacity');
+ if (!force && elem.style[prop]) {
+ ret = elem.style[prop];
+ } else if (elem.currentStyle) {
+ var newProp = prop.replace(/\-(\w)/g,function(m,c){return c.toUpperCase();});
+ ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || elem.currentStyle[newProp];
+ } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
+ prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();
+ var cur = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
+ if ( cur )
+ ret = cur.getPropertyValue(prop);
+ else if ( prop == 'display' )
+ ret = 'none';
+ else
+ jQuery.swap(elem, { display: 'block' }, function() {
+ ret = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this,null).getPropertyValue(prop);
+ });
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ clean: function(a) {
+ var r = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( a[i].constructor == String ) {
+ // trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
+ a[i] = jQuery.trim(a[i]);
+ var table = "";
+ if ( !a[i].indexOf("<thead") || !a[i].indexOf("<tbody") ) {
+ table = "thead";
+ a[i] = "<table>" + a[i] + "</table>";
+ } else if ( !a[i].indexOf("<tr") ) {
+ table = "tr";
+ a[i] = "<table>" + a[i] + "</table>";
+ } else if ( !a[i].indexOf("<td") || !a[i].indexOf("<th") ) {
+ table = "td";
+ a[i] = "<table><tbody><tr>" + a[i] + "</tr></tbody></table>";
+ }
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = a[i];
+ if ( table ) {
+ div = div.firstChild;
+ if ( table != "thead" ) div = div.firstChild;
+ if ( table == "td" ) div = div.firstChild;
+ }
+ for ( var j = 0; j < div.childNodes.length; j++ )
+ r.push( div.childNodes[j] );
+ } else if ( a[i].jquery || a[i].length && !a[i].nodeType )
+ for ( var k = 0; k < a[i].length; k++ )
+ r.push( a[i][k] );
+ else if ( a[i] !== null )
+ r.push( a[i].nodeType ? a[i] : document.createTextNode(a[i].toString()) );
+ }
+ return r;
+ },
+ expr: {
+ "": "m[2]== '*'||a.nodeName.toUpperCase()==m[2].toUpperCase()",
+ "#": "a.getAttribute('id')&&a.getAttribute('id')==m[2]",
+ ":": {
+ // Position Checks
+ lt: "i<m[3]-0",
+ gt: "i>m[3]-0",
+ nth: "m[3]-0==i",
+ eq: "m[3]-0==i",
+ first: "i==0",
+ last: "i==r.length-1",
+ even: "i%2==0",
+ odd: "i%2",
+ // Child Checks
+ "nth-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,m[3]).cur",
+ "first-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).cur",
+ "last-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).last",
+ "only-child": "jQuery.sibling(a).length==1",
+ // Parent Checks
+ parent: "a.childNodes.length",
+ empty: "!a.childNodes.length",
+ // Text Check
+ contains: "(a.innerText||a.innerHTML).indexOf(m[3])>=0",
+ // Visibility
+ visible: "a.type!='hidden'&&jQuery.css(a,'display')!='none'&&jQuery.css(a,'visibility')!='hidden'",
+ hidden: "a.type=='hidden'||jQuery.css(a,'display')=='none'||jQuery.css(a,'visibility')=='hidden'",
+ // Form attributes
+ enabled: "!a.disabled",
+ disabled: "a.disabled",
+ checked: "a.checked",
+ selected: "a.selected || jQuery.attr(a, 'selected')",
+ // Form elements
+ text: "a.type=='text'",
+ radio: "a.type=='radio'",
+ checkbox: "a.type=='checkbox'",
+ file: "a.type=='file'",
+ password: "a.type=='password'",
+ submit: "a.type=='submit'",
+ image: "a.type=='image'",
+ reset: "a.type=='reset'",
+ button: "a.type=='button'",
+ input: "a.nodeName.toLowerCase().match(/input|select|textarea|button/)"
+ },
+ ".": "jQuery.className.has(a,m[2])",
+ "@": {
+ "=": "z==m[4]",
+ "!=": "z!=m[4]",
+ "^=": "z && !z.indexOf(m[4])",
+ "$=": "z && z.substr(z.length - m[4].length,m[4].length)==m[4]",
+ "*=": "z && z.indexOf(m[4])>=0",
+ "": "z"
+ },
+ "[": "jQuery.find(m[2],a).length"
+ },
+ token: [
+ "\\.\\.|/\\.\\.", "a.parentNode",
+ ">|/", "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)",
+ "\\+", "jQuery.sibling(a).next",
+ "~", function(a){
+ var r = [];
+ var s = jQuery.sibling(a);
+ if ( s.n > 0 )
+ for ( var i = s.n; i < s.length; i++ )
+ r.push( s[i] );
+ return r;
+ }
+ ],
+ /**
+ *
+ * @test t( "Element Selector", "div", ["main","foo"] );
+ * t( "Element Selector", "body", ["body"] );
+ * t( "Element Selector", "html", ["html"] );
+ * ok( $("*").size() >= 30, "Element Selector" );
+ * t( "Parent Element", "div div", ["foo"] );
+ *
+ * t( "ID Selector", "#body", ["body"] );
+ * t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "body#body", ["body"] );
+ * t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "ul#first", [] );
+ *
+ * t( "Class Selector", ".blog", ["mark","simon"] );
+ * t( "Class Selector", ".blog.link", ["simon"] );
+ * t( "Class Selector w/ Element", "a.blog", ["mark","simon"] );
+ * t( "Parent Class Selector", "p .blog", ["mark","simon"] );
+ *
+ * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog, div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );
+ * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog , div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );
+ * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog ,div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );
+ * t( "Comma Support", "a.blog,div", ["mark","simon","main","foo"] );
+ *
+ * t( "Child", "p > a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
+ * t( "Child", "p> a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
+ * t( "Child", "p >a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
+ * t( "Child", "p>a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] );
+ * t( "Child w/ Class", "p > a.blog", ["mark","simon"] );
+ * t( "All Children", "code > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );
+ * t( "All Grandchildren", "p > * > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );
+ * t( "Adjacent", "a + a", ["groups"] );
+ * t( "Adjacent", "a +a", ["groups"] );
+ * t( "Adjacent", "a+ a", ["groups"] );
+ * t( "Adjacent", "a+a", ["groups"] );
+ * t( "Adjacent", "p + p", ["ap","en","sap"] );
+ * t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "a + a, code > a", ["groups","anchor1","anchor2"] );
+ * t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Exists", "a[@title]", ["google"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Exists", "*[@title]", ["google"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Exists", "[@title]", ["google"] );
+ *
+ * t( "Non-existing part of attribute [@name*=bla]", "[@name*=bla]", [] );
+ * t( "Non-existing start of attribute [@name^=bla]", "[@name^=bla]", [] );
+ * t( "Non-existing end of attribute [@name$=bla]", "[@name$=bla]", [] );
+ *
+ * t( "Attribute Equals", "a[@rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Equals", 'a[@rel="bookmark"]', ["simon1"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Equals", "a[@rel=bookmark]", ["simon1"] );
+ * t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "input[@type='hidden'],input[@type='radio']", ["hidden1","radio1","radio2"] );
+ * t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "input[@type=\"hidden\"],input[@type='radio']", ["hidden1","radio1","radio2"] );
+ * t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "input[@type=hidden],input[@type=radio]", ["hidden1","radio1","radio2"] );
+ *
+ * t( "Attribute Begins With", "a[@href ^= 'http://www']", ["google","yahoo"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Ends With", "a[@href $= 'org/']", ["mark"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Contains", "a[@href *= 'google']", ["google","groups"] );
+ * t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] );
+ * t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] );
+ * t( "Only Child", "a:only-child", ["simon1","anchor1","yahoo","anchor2"] );
+ * t( "Empty", "ul:empty", ["firstUL"] );
+ * t( "Enabled UI Element", "input:enabled", ["text1","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden1","hidden2","name"] );
+ * t( "Disabled UI Element", "input:disabled", ["text2"] );
+ * t( "Checked UI Element", "input:checked", ["radio2","check1"] );
+ * t( "Selected Option Element", "option:selected", ["option1a","option2d","option3b","option3c"] );
+ * t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google')", ["google","groups"] );
+ * t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google Groups')", ["groups"] );
+ * t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo"] );
+ * t( "Not", "a.blog:not(.link)", ["mark"] );
+ *
+ * ok( jQuery.find("//*").length >= 30, "All Elements (//*)" );
+ * t( "All Div Elements", "//div", ["main","foo"] );
+ * t( "Absolute Path", "/html/body", ["body"] );
+ * t( "Absolute Path w/ *", "/* /body", ["body"] );
+ * t( "Long Absolute Path", "/html/body/dl/div/div/p", ["sndp","en","sap"] );
+ * t( "Absolute and Relative Paths", "/html//div", ["main","foo"] );
+ * t( "All Children, Explicit", "//code/*", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );
+ * t( "All Children, Implicit", "//code/", ["anchor1","anchor2"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Exists", "//a[@title]", ["google"] );
+ * t( "Attribute Equals", "//a[@rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] );
+ * t( "Parent Axis", "//p/..", ["main","foo"] );
+ * t( "Sibling Axis", "//p/../", ["firstp","ap","foo","first","firstUL","empty","form","sndp","en","sap"] );
+ * t( "Sibling Axis", "//p/../*", ["firstp","ap","foo","first","firstUL","empty","form","sndp","en","sap"] );
+ * t( "Has Children", "//p[a]", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] );
+ *
+ * t( "nth Element", "p:nth(1)", ["ap"] );
+ * t( "First Element", "p:first", ["firstp"] );
+ * t( "Last Element", "p:last", ["first"] );
+ * t( "Even Elements", "p:even", ["firstp","sndp","sap"] );
+ * t( "Odd Elements", "p:odd", ["ap","en","first"] );
+ * t( "Position Equals", "p:eq(1)", ["ap"] );
+ * t( "Position Greater Than", "p:gt(0)", ["ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
+ * t( "Position Less Than", "p:lt(3)", ["firstp","ap","sndp"] );
+ * t( "Is A Parent", "p:parent", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] );
+ * t( "Is Visible", "input:visible", ["text1","text2","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","name"] );
+ * t( "Is Hidden", "input:hidden", ["hidden1","hidden2"] );
+ *
+ * t( "Grouped Form Elements", "input[@name='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] );
+ *
+ * t( "All Children of ID", "#foo/*", ["sndp", "en", "sap"] );
+ * t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL/*", [] );
+ *
+ * t( "Form element :input", ":input", ["text1", "text2", "radio1", "radio2", "check1", "check2", "hidden1", "hidden2", "name", "button", "area1", "select1", "select2", "select3"] );
+ * t( "Form element :radio", ":radio", ["radio1", "radio2"] );
+ * t( "Form element :checkbox", ":checkbox", ["check1", "check2"] );
+ * t( "Form element :text", ":text", ["text1", "text2", "hidden2", "name"] );
+ * t( "Form element :radio:checked", ":radio:checked", ["radio2"] );
+ * t( "Form element :checkbox:checked", ":checkbox:checked", ["check1"] );
+ * t( "Form element :checkbox:checked, :radio:checked", ":checkbox:checked, :radio:checked", ["check1", "radio2"] );
+ *
+ * t( ":not() Existing attribute", "select:not([@multiple])", ["select1", "select2"]);
+ * t( ":not() Equals attribute", "select:not([@name=select1])", ["select2", "select3"]);
+ * t( ":not() Equals quoted attribute", "select:not([@name='select1'])", ["select2", "select3"]);
+ *
+ * @name $.find
+ * @type Array<Element>
+ * @private
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ find: function( t, context ) {
+ // Make sure that the context is a DOM Element
+ if ( context && context.nodeType == undefined )
+ context = null;
+ // Set the correct context (if none is provided)
+ context = context || jQuery.context || document;
+ if ( t.constructor != String ) return [t];
+ if ( !t.indexOf("//") ) {
+ context = context.documentElement;
+ t = t.substr(2,t.length);
+ } else if ( !t.indexOf("/") ) {
+ context = context.documentElement;
+ t = t.substr(1,t.length);
+ // FIX Assume the root element is right :(
+ if ( t.indexOf("/") >= 1 )
+ t = t.substr(t.indexOf("/"),t.length);
+ }
+ var ret = [context];
+ var done = [];
+ var last = null;
+ while ( t.length > 0 && last != t ) {
+ var r = [];
+ last = t;
+ t = jQuery.trim(t).replace( /^\/\//i, "" );
+ var foundToken = false;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < jQuery.token.length; i += 2 ) {
+ if ( foundToken ) continue;
+ var re = new RegExp("^(" + jQuery.token[i] + ")");
+ var m = re.exec(t);
+ if ( m ) {
+ r = ret = jQuery.map( ret, jQuery.token[i+1] );
+ t = jQuery.trim( t.replace( re, "" ) );
+ foundToken = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !foundToken ) {
+ if ( !t.indexOf(",") || !t.indexOf("|") ) {
+ if ( ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
+ done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
+ r = ret = [context];
+ t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);
+ } else {
+ var re2 = /^([#.]?)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)/i;
+ var m = re2.exec(t);
+ if ( m[1] == "#" ) {
+ // Ummm, should make this work in all XML docs
+ var oid = document.getElementById(m[2]);
+ r = ret = oid ? [oid] : [];
+ t = t.replace( re2, "" );
+ } else {
+ if ( !m[2] || m[1] == "." ) m[2] = "*";
+ for ( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ )
+ r = jQuery.merge( r,
+ m[2] == "*" ?
+ jQuery.getAll(ret[i]) :
+ ret[i].getElementsByTagName(m[2])
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( t ) {
+ var val = jQuery.filter(t,r);
+ ret = r = val.r;
+ t = jQuery.trim(val.t);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ret && ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
+ done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
+ return done;
+ },
+ getAll: function(o,r) {
+ r = r || [];
+ var s = o.childNodes;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )
+ if ( s[i].nodeType == 1 ) {
+ r.push( s[i] );
+ jQuery.getAll( s[i], r );
+ }
+ return r;
+ },
+ attr: function(elem, name, value){
+ var fix = {
+ "for": "htmlFor",
+ "class": "className",
+ "float": "cssFloat",
+ innerHTML: "innerHTML",
+ className: "className",
+ value: "value",
+ disabled: "disabled",
+ checked: "checked"
+ };
+ // IE actually uses filters for opacity ... elem is actually elem.style
+ if (name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie && value != undefined) {
+ // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
+ // Would prefer to check element.hasLayout first but don't have access to the element here
+ elem['zoom'] = 1;
+ if (value == 1) // Remove filter to avoid more IE weirdness
+ return elem["filter"] = elem["filter"].replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,"");
+ else
+ return elem["filter"] = elem["filter"].replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,"") + "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")";
+ } else if (name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie) {
+ return elem["filter"] ? parseFloat( elem["filter"].match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/)[1] )/100 : 1;
+ }
+ // Mozilla doesn't play well with opacity 1
+ if (name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.mozilla && value == 1) value = 0.9999;
+ if ( fix[name] ) {
+ if ( value != undefined ) elem[fix[name]] = value;
+ return elem[fix[name]];
+ } else if( value == undefined && jQuery.browser.msie && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'FORM' && (name == 'action' || name == 'method') ) {
+ return elem.getAttributeNode(name).nodeValue;
+ } else if ( elem.getAttribute != undefined ) {
+ if ( value != undefined ) elem.setAttribute( name, value );
+ return elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
+ } else {
+ name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(z,b){return b.toUpperCase();});
+ if ( value != undefined ) elem[name] = value;
+ return elem[name];
+ }
+ },
+ // The regular expressions that power the parsing engine
+ parse: [
+ // Match: [@value='test'], [@foo]
+ "\\[ *(@)S *([!*$^=]*) *('?\"?)(.*?)\\4 *\\]",
+ // Match: [div], [div p]
+ "(\\[)\s*(.*?)\s*\\]",
+ // Match: :contains('foo')
+ "(:)S\\(\"?'?([^\\)]*?)\"?'?\\)",
+ // Match: :even, :last-chlid
+ "([:.#]*)S"
+ ],
+ filter: function(t,r,not) {
+ // Figure out if we're doing regular, or inverse, filtering
+ var g = not !== false ? jQuery.grep :
+ function(a,f) {return jQuery.grep(a,f,true);};
+ while ( t && /^[a-z[({<*:.#]/i.test(t) ) {
+ var p = jQuery.parse;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < p.length; i++ ) {
+ // Look for, and replace, string-like sequences
+ // and finally build a regexp out of it
+ var re = new RegExp(
+ "^" + p[i].replace("S", "([a-z*_-][a-z0-9_-]*)"), "i" );
+ var m = re.exec( t );
+ if ( m ) {
+ // Re-organize the first match
+ if ( !i )
+ m = ["",m[1], m[3], m[2], m[5]];
+ // Remove what we just matched
+ t = t.replace( re, "" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // :not() is a special case that can be optimized by
+ // keeping it out of the expression list
+ if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )
+ r = jQuery.filter(m[3],r,false).r;
+ // Otherwise, find the expression to execute
+ else {
+ var f = jQuery.expr[m[1]];
+ if ( f.constructor != String )
+ f = jQuery.expr[m[1]][m[2]];
+ // Build a custom macro to enclose it
+ eval("f = function(a,i){" +
+ ( m[1] == "@" ? "z=jQuery.attr(a,m[3]);" : "" ) +
+ "return " + f + "}");
+ // Execute it against the current filter
+ r = g( r, f );
+ }
+ }
+ // Return an array of filtered elements (r)
+ // and the modified expression string (t)
+ return { r: r, t: t };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
+ *
+ * @example $.trim(" hello, how are you? ");
+ * @result "hello, how are you?"
+ *
+ * @name $.trim
+ * @type String
+ * @param String str The string to trim.
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+ trim: function(t){
+ return t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ },
+ /**
+ * All ancestors of a given element.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.parents
+ * @type Array<Element>
+ * @param Element elem The element to find the ancestors of.
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ parents: function( elem ){
+ var matched = [];
+ var cur = elem.parentNode;
+ while ( cur && cur != document ) {
+ matched.push( cur );
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ }
+ return matched;
+ },
+ /**
+ * All elements on a specified axis.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.sibling
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Element elem The element to find all the siblings of (including itself).
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ sibling: function(elem, pos, not) {
+ var elems = [];
+ if(elem) {
+ var siblings = elem.parentNode.childNodes;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( not === true && siblings[i] == elem ) continue;
+ if ( siblings[i].nodeType == 1 )
+ elems.push( siblings[i] );
+ if ( siblings[i] == elem )
+ elems.n = elems.length - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return jQuery.extend( elems, {
+ last: elems.n == elems.length - 1,
+ cur: pos == "even" && elems.n % 2 == 0 || pos == "odd" && elems.n % 2 || elems[pos] == elem,
+ prev: elems[elems.n - 1],
+ next: elems[elems.n + 1]
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Merge two arrays together, removing all duplicates. The final order
+ * or the new array is: All the results from the first array, followed
+ * by the unique results from the second array.
+ *
+ * @example $.merge( [0,1,2], [2,3,4] )
+ * @result [0,1,2,3,4]
+ *
+ * @example $.merge( [3,2,1], [4,3,2] )
+ * @result [3,2,1,4]
+ *
+ * @name $.merge
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Array first The first array to merge.
+ * @param Array second The second array to merge.
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+ merge: function(first, second) {
+ var result = [];
+ // Move b over to the new array (this helps to avoid
+ // StaticNodeList instances)
+ for ( var k = 0; k < first.length; k++ )
+ result[k] = first[k];
+ // Now check for duplicates between a and b and only
+ // add the unique items
+ for ( var i = 0; i < second.length; i++ ) {
+ var noCollision = true;
+ // The collision-checking process
+ for ( var j = 0; j < first.length; j++ )
+ if ( second[i] == first[j] )
+ noCollision = false;
+ // If the item is unique, add it
+ if ( noCollision )
+ result.push( second[i] );
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Filter items out of an array, by using a filter function.
+ * The specified function will be passed two arguments: The
+ * current array item and the index of the item in the array. The
+ * function should return 'true' if you wish to keep the item in
+ * the array, false if it should be removed.
+ *
+ * @example $.grep( [0,1,2], function(i){
+ * return i > 0;
+ * });
+ * @result [1, 2]
+ *
+ * @name $.grep
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Array array The Array to find items in.
+ * @param Function fn The function to process each item against.
+ * @param Boolean inv Invert the selection - select the opposite of the function.
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+ grep: function(elems, fn, inv) {
+ // If a string is passed in for the function, make a function
+ // for it (a handy shortcut)
+ if ( fn.constructor == String )
+ fn = new Function("a","i","return " + fn);
+ var result = [];
+ // Go through the array, only saving the items
+ // that pass the validator function
+ for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ )
+ if ( !inv && fn(elems[i],i) || inv && !fn(elems[i],i) )
+ result.push( elems[i] );
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Translate all items in an array to another array of items.
+ * The translation function that is provided to this method is
+ * called for each item in the array and is passed one argument:
+ * The item to be translated. The function can then return:
+ * The translated value, 'null' (to remove the item), or
+ * an array of values - which will be flattened into the full array.
+ *
+ * @example $.map( [0,1,2], function(i){
+ * return i + 4;
+ * });
+ * @result [4, 5, 6]
+ *
+ * @example $.map( [0,1,2], function(i){
+ * return i > 0 ? i + 1 : null;
+ * });
+ * @result [2, 3]
+ *
+ * @example $.map( [0,1,2], function(i){
+ * return [ i, i + 1 ];
+ * });
+ * @result [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]
+ *
+ * @name $.map
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Array array The Array to translate.
+ * @param Function fn The function to process each item against.
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+ map: function(elems, fn) {
+ // If a string is passed in for the function, make a function
+ // for it (a handy shortcut)
+ if ( fn.constructor == String )
+ fn = new Function("a","return " + fn);
+ var result = [];
+ // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+ // new value (or values).
+ for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) {
+ var val = fn(elems[i],i);
+ if ( val !== null && val != undefined ) {
+ if ( val.constructor != Array ) val = [val];
+ result = jQuery.merge( result, val );
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ /*
+ * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
+ * Many of the ideas behind this code orignated from Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
+ */
+ event: {
+ // Bind an event to an element
+ // Original by Dean Edwards
+ add: function(element, type, handler) {
+ // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
+ // around, causing it to be cloned in the process
+ if ( jQuery.browser.msie && element.setInterval != undefined )
+ element = window;
+ // Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
+ if ( !handler.guid )
+ handler.guid = this.guid++;
+ // Init the element's event structure
+ if (!element.events)
+ element.events = {};
+ // Get the current list of functions bound to this event
+ var handlers = element.events[type];
+ // If it hasn't been initialized yet
+ if (!handlers) {
+ // Init the event handler queue
+ handlers = element.events[type] = {};
+ // Remember an existing handler, if it's already there
+ if (element["on" + type])
+ handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
+ }
+ // Add the function to the element's handler list
+ handlers[handler.guid] = handler;
+ // And bind the global event handler to the element
+ element["on" + type] = this.handle;
+ // Remember the function in a global list (for triggering)
+ if (!this.global[type])
+ this.global[type] = [];
+ this.global[type].push( element );
+ },
+ guid: 1,
+ global: {},
+ // Detach an event or set of events from an element
+ remove: function(element, type, handler) {
+ if (element.events)
+ if (type && element.events[type])
+ if ( handler )
+ delete element.events[type][handler.guid];
+ else
+ for ( var i in element.events[type] )
+ delete element.events[type][i];
+ else
+ for ( var j in element.events )
+ this.remove( element, j );
+ },
+ trigger: function(type,data,element) {
+ // Touch up the incoming data
+ data = data || [];
+ // Handle a global trigger
+ if ( !element ) {
+ var g = this.global[type];
+ if ( g )
+ for ( var i = 0; i < g.length; i++ )
+ this.trigger( type, data, g[i] );
+ // Handle triggering a single element
+ } else if ( element["on" + type] ) {
+ // Pass along a fake event
+ data.unshift( this.fix({ type: type, target: element }) );
+ // Trigger the event
+ element["on" + type].apply( element, data );
+ }
+ },
+ handle: function(event) {
+ if ( typeof jQuery == "undefined" ) return;
+ event = event || jQuery.event.fix( window.event );
+ // If no correct event was found, fail
+ if ( !event ) return;
+ var returnValue = true;
+ var c = this.events[event.type];
+ var args = [].slice.call( arguments, 1 );
+ args.unshift( event );
+ for ( var j in c ) {
+ if ( c[j].apply( this, args ) === false ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ returnValue = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+ },
+ fix: function(event) {
+ if ( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault = function() {
+ this.returnValue = false;
+ };
+ event.stopPropagation = function() {
+ this.cancelBubble = true;
+ };
+ }
+ return event;
+ }
+ }
+ * Contains flags for the useragent, read from navigator.userAgent.
+ * Available flags are: safari, opera, msie, mozilla
+ * This property is available before the DOM is ready, therefore you can
+ * use it to add ready events only for certain browsers.
+ *
+ * See <a href="http://davecardwell.co.uk/geekery/javascript/jquery/jqbrowser/">
+ * jQBrowser plugin</a> for advanced browser detection:
+ *
+ * @example $.browser.msie
+ * @desc returns true if the current useragent is some version of microsoft's internet explorer
+ *
+ * @example if($.browser.safari) { $( function() { alert("this is safari!"); } ); }
+ * @desc Alerts "this is safari!" only for safari browsers
+ *
+ * @name $.browser
+ * @type Boolean
+ * @cat Javascript
+ */
+new function() {
+ var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ // Figure out what browser is being used
+ jQuery.browser = {
+ safari: /webkit/.test(b),
+ opera: /opera/.test(b),
+ msie: /msie/.test(b) && !/opera/.test(b),
+ mozilla: /mozilla/.test(b) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test(b)
+ };
+ // Check to see if the W3C box model is being used
+ jQuery.boxModel = !jQuery.browser.msie || document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat";
+jQuery.macros = {
+ to: {
+ /**
+ * Append all of the matched elements to another, specified, set of elements.
+ * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular
+ * $(A).append(B), in that instead of appending B to A, you're appending
+ * A to B.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").appendTo("#foo");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo"></div>
+ * @result <div id="foo"><p>I would like to say: </p></div>
+ *
+ * @name appendTo
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ appendTo: "append",
+ /**
+ * Prepend all of the matched elements to another, specified, set of elements.
+ * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular
+ * $(A).prepend(B), in that instead of prepending B to A, you're prepending
+ * A to B.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").prependTo("#foo");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo"><b>Hello</b></div>
+ * @result <div id="foo"><p>I would like to say: </p><b>Hello</b></div>
+ *
+ * @name prependTo
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ prependTo: "prepend",
+ /**
+ * Insert all of the matched elements before another, specified, set of elements.
+ * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular
+ * $(A).before(B), in that instead of inserting B before A, you're inserting
+ * A before B.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").insertBefore("#foo");
+ * @before <div id="foo">Hello</div><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo">Hello</div>
+ *
+ * @name insertBefore
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ insertBefore: "before",
+ /**
+ * Insert all of the matched elements after another, specified, set of elements.
+ * This operation is, essentially, the reverse of doing a regular
+ * $(A).after(B), in that instead of inserting B after A, you're inserting
+ * A after B.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").insertAfter("#foo");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p><div id="foo">Hello</div>
+ * @result <div id="foo">Hello</div><p>I would like to say: </p>
+ *
+ * @name insertAfter
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr A jQuery expression of elements to match.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ insertAfter: "after"
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS width of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").width();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "300px"
+ *
+ * @name width
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS width of every matched element. Be sure to include
+ * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you
+ * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").width("20px");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="width:20px;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name width
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS height of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").height();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "14px"
+ *
+ * @name height
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS height of every matched element. Be sure to include
+ * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you
+ * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").height("20px");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="height:20px;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name height
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS top of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").top();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "0px"
+ *
+ * @name top
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS top of every matched element. Be sure to include
+ * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you
+ * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").top("20px");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="top:20px;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name top
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS left of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").left();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "0px"
+ *
+ * @name left
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS left of every matched element. Be sure to include
+ * the "px" (or other unit of measurement) after the number that you
+ * specify, otherwise you might get strange results.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").left("20px");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="left:20px;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name left
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS position of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").position();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "static"
+ *
+ * @name position
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS position of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").position("relative");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="position:relative;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name position
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS float of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").float();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "none"
+ *
+ * @name float
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS float of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").float("left");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="float:left;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name float
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS overflow of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").overflow();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "none"
+ *
+ * @name overflow
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS overflow of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").overflow("auto");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="overflow:auto;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name overflow
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS color of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").color();
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "black"
+ *
+ * @name color
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS color of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").color("blue");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="color:blue;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name color
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get the current CSS background of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").background();
+ * @before <p style="background:blue;">This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result "blue"
+ *
+ * @name background
+ * @type String
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the CSS background of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").background("blue");
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p>
+ * @result <p style="background:blue;">This is just a test.</p>
+ *
+ * @name background
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the CSS property to the specified value.
+ * @cat CSS
+ */
+ css: "width,height,top,left,position,float,overflow,color,background".split(","),
+ /**
+ * Reduce the set of matched elements to a single element.
+ * The position of the element in the set of matched elements
+ * starts at 0 and goes to length - 1.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").eq(1)
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>
+ * @result [ <p>So is this</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name eq
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Number pos The index of the element that you wish to limit to.
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ /**
+ * Reduce the set of matched elements to all elements before a given position.
+ * The position of the element in the set of matched elements
+ * starts at 0 and goes to length - 1.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").lt(1)
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>
+ * @result [ <p>This is just a test.</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name lt
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Number pos Reduce the set to all elements below this position.
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ /**
+ * Reduce the set of matched elements to all elements after a given position.
+ * The position of the element in the set of matched elements
+ * starts at 0 and goes to length - 1.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").gt(0)
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>
+ * @result [ <p>So is this</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name gt
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param Number pos Reduce the set to all elements after this position.
+ * @cat Core
+ */
+ /**
+ * Filter the set of elements to those that contain the specified text.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").contains("test")
+ * @before <p>This is just a test.</p><p>So is this</p>
+ * @result [ <p>This is just a test.</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name contains
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String str The string that will be contained within the text of an element.
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ filter: [ "eq", "lt", "gt", "contains" ],
+ attr: {
+ /**
+ * Get the current value of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").val();
+ * @before <input type="text" value="some text"/>
+ * @result "some text"
+ *
+ * @test ok( $("#text1").val() == "Test", "Check for value of input element" );
+ * ok( !$("#text1").val() == "", "Check for value of input element" );
+ *
+ * @name val
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the value of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").value("test");
+ * @before <input type="text" value="some text"/>
+ * @result <input type="text" value="test"/>
+ *
+ * @test document.getElementById('text1').value = "bla";
+ * ok( $("#text1").val() == "bla", "Check for modified value of input element" );
+ * $("#text1").val('test');
+ * ok ( document.getElementById('text1').value == "test", "Check for modified (via val(String)) value of input element" );
+ *
+ * @name val
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ val: "value",
+ /**
+ * Get the html contents of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("div").html();
+ * @before <div><input/></div>
+ * @result <input/>
+ *
+ * @name html
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the html contents of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("div").html("<b>new stuff</b>");
+ * @before <div><input/></div>
+ * @result <div><b>new stuff</b></div>
+ *
+ * @test var div = $("div");
+ * div.html("<b>test</b>");
+ * var pass = true;
+ * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
+ * if ( div.get(i).childNodes.length == 0 ) pass = false;
+ * }
+ * ok( pass, "Set HTML" );
+ *
+ * @name html
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the html contents to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ html: "innerHTML",
+ /**
+ * Get the current id of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").id();
+ * @before <input type="text" id="test" value="some text"/>
+ * @result "test"
+ *
+ * @test ok( $(document.getElementById('main')).id() == "main", "Check for id" );
+ * ok( $("#foo").id() == "foo", "Check for id" );
+ * ok( !$("head").id(), "Check for id" );
+ *
+ * @name id
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the id of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").id("newid");
+ * @before <input type="text" id="test" value="some text"/>
+ * @result <input type="text" id="newid" value="some text"/>
+ *
+ * @name id
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ id: null,
+ /**
+ * Get the current title of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").title();
+ * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>
+ * @result "my image"
+ *
+ * @test ok( $(document.getElementById('google')).title() == "Google!", "Check for title" );
+ * ok( !$("#yahoo").title(), "Check for title" );
+ *
+ * @name title
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the title of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").title("new title");
+ * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg" title="new image"/>
+ *
+ * @name title
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ title: null,
+ /**
+ * Get the current name of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").name();
+ * @before <input type="text" name="username"/>
+ * @result "username"
+ *
+ * @test ok( $(document.getElementById('text1')).name() == "action", "Check for name" );
+ * ok( $("#hidden1").name() == "hidden", "Check for name" );
+ * ok( !$("#area1").name(), "Check for name" );
+ *
+ * @name name
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the name of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").name("user");
+ * @before <input type="text" name="username"/>
+ * @result <input type="text" name="user"/>
+ *
+ * @name name
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ name: null,
+ /**
+ * Get the current href of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("a").href();
+ * @before <a href="test.html">my link</a>
+ * @result "test.html"
+ *
+ * @name href
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the href of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("a").href("test2.html");
+ * @before <a href="test.html">my link</a>
+ * @result <a href="test2.html">my link</a>
+ *
+ * @name href
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ href: null,
+ /**
+ * Get the current src of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").src();
+ * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>
+ * @result "test.jpg"
+ *
+ * @name src
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the src of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("img").src("test2.jpg");
+ * @before <img src="test.jpg" title="my image"/>
+ * @result <img src="test2.jpg" title="my image"/>
+ *
+ * @name src
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ src: null,
+ /**
+ * Get the current rel of the first matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("a").rel();
+ * @before <a href="test.html" rel="nofollow">my link</a>
+ * @result "nofollow"
+ *
+ * @name rel
+ * @type String
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ /**
+ * Set the rel of every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("a").rel("nofollow");
+ * @before <a href="test.html">my link</a>
+ * @result <a href="test.html" rel="nofollow">my link</a>
+ *
+ * @name rel
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String val Set the property to the specified value.
+ * @cat DOM/Attributes
+ */
+ rel: null
+ },
+ axis: {
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique parents of the matched
+ * set of elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").parent()
+ * @before <div><p>Hello</p><p>Hello</p></div>
+ * @result [ <div><p>Hello</p><p>Hello</p></div> ]
+ *
+ * @name parent
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique parents of the matched
+ * set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").parent(".selected")
+ * @before <div><p>Hello</p></div><div class="selected"><p>Hello Again</p></div>
+ * @result [ <div class="selected"><p>Hello Again</p></div> ]
+ *
+ * @name parent
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the parents with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ parent: "a.parentNode",
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched
+ * set of elements (except for the root element).
+ *
+ * @example $("span").ancestors()
+ * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>
+ * @result [ <body>...</body>, <div>...</div>, <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]
+ *
+ * @name ancestors
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched
+ * set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * @example $("span").ancestors("p")
+ * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>
+ * @result [ <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]
+ *
+ * @name ancestors
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the ancestors with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ ancestors: jQuery.parents,
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched
+ * set of elements (except for the root element).
+ *
+ * @example $("span").ancestors()
+ * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>
+ * @result [ <body>...</body>, <div>...</div>, <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]
+ *
+ * @name parents
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched
+ * set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * @example $("span").ancestors("p")
+ * @before <html><body><div><p><span>Hello</span></p><span>Hello Again</span></div></body></html>
+ * @result [ <p><span>Hello</span></p> ]
+ *
+ * @name parents
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the ancestors with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ parents: jQuery.parents,
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique next siblings of each of the
+ * matched set of elements.
+ *
+ * It only returns the very next sibling, not all next siblings.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").next()
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p>Hello Again</p><div><span>And Again</span></div>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello Again</p>, <div><span>And Again</span></div> ]
+ *
+ * @name next
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique next siblings of each of the
+ * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * It only returns the very next sibling, not all next siblings.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").next(".selected")
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><div><span>And Again</span></div>
+ * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name next
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the next Elements with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ next: "jQuery.sibling(a).next",
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique previous siblings of each of the
+ * matched set of elements.
+ *
+ * It only returns the immediately previous sibling, not all previous siblings.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").prev()
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>
+ * @result [ <div><span>Hello Again</span></div> ]
+ *
+ * @name prev
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing the unique previous siblings of each of the
+ * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * It only returns the immediately previous sibling, not all previous siblings.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").previous(".selected")
+ * @before <div><span>Hello</span></div><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><p>And Again</p>
+ * @result [ <div><span>Hello</span></div> ]
+ *
+ * @name prev
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the previous Elements with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ prev: "jQuery.sibling(a).prev",
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique siblings of each of the
+ * matched set of elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("div").siblings()
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p>, <p>And Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test isSet( $("#en").siblings().get(), q("sndp", "sap"), "Check for siblings" );
+ *
+ * @name siblings
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique siblings of each of the
+ * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * @example $("div").siblings(".selected")
+ * @before <div><span>Hello</span></div><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><p>And Again</p>
+ * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test isSet( $("#sndp").siblings("[code]").get(), q("sap"), "Check for filtered siblings (has code child element)" );
+ * isSet( $("#sndp").siblings("[a]").get(), q("en", "sap"), "Check for filtered siblings (has anchor child element)" );
+ *
+ * @name siblings
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the sibling Elements with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ siblings: "jQuery.sibling(a, null, true)",
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique children of each of the
+ * matched set of elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("div").children()
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><div><span>Hello Again</span></div><p>And Again</p>
+ * @result [ <span>Hello Again</span> ]
+ *
+ * @test isSet( $("#foo").children().get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Check for children" );
+ *
+ * @name children
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ /**
+ * Get a set of elements containing all of the unique children of each of the
+ * matched set of elements, and filtered by an expression.
+ *
+ * @example $("div").children(".selected")
+ * @before <div><span>Hello</span><p class="selected">Hello Again</p><p>And Again</p></div>
+ * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test isSet( $("#foo").children("[code]").get(), q("sndp", "sap"), "Check for filtered children" );
+ *
+ * @name children
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr An expression to filter the child Elements with
+ * @cat DOM/Traversing
+ */
+ children: "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)"
+ },
+ each: {
+ /**
+ * Remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("input").removeAttr("disabled")
+ * @before <input disabled="disabled"/>
+ * @result <input/>
+ *
+ * @name removeAttr
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String name The name of the attribute to remove.
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ removeAttr: function( key ) {
+ this.removeAttribute( key );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays each of the set of matched elements if they are hidden.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").show()
+ * @before <p style="display: none">Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p style="display: block">Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test var pass = true, div = $("div");
+ * div.show().each(function(){
+ * if ( this.style.display == "none" ) pass = false;
+ * });
+ * ok( pass, "Show" );
+ *
+ * @name show
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Effects
+ */
+ show: function(){
+ this.style.display = this.oldblock ? this.oldblock : "";
+ if ( jQuery.css(this,"display") == "none" )
+ this.style.display = "block";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hides each of the set of matched elements if they are shown.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").hide()
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p style="display: none">Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * var pass = true, div = $("div");
+ * div.hide().each(function(){
+ * if ( this.style.display != "none" ) pass = false;
+ * });
+ * ok( pass, "Hide" );
+ *
+ * @name hide
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Effects
+ */
+ hide: function(){
+ this.oldblock = this.oldblock || jQuery.css(this,"display");
+ if ( this.oldblock == "none" )
+ this.oldblock = "block";
+ this.style.display = "none";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Toggles each of the set of matched elements. If they are shown,
+ * toggle makes them hidden. If they are hidden, toggle
+ * makes them shown.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").toggle()
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p style="display: none">Hello Again</p>
+ * @result [ <p style="display: none">Hello</p>, <p style="display: block">Hello Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name toggle
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Effects
+ */
+ toggle: function(){
+ jQuery(this)[ jQuery(this).is(":hidden") ? "show" : "hide" ].apply( jQuery(this), arguments );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified class to each of the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").addClass("selected")
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test var div = $("div");
+ * div.addClass("test");
+ * var pass = true;
+ * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
+ * if ( div.get(i).className.indexOf("test") == -1 ) pass = false;
+ * }
+ * ok( pass, "Add Class" );
+ *
+ * @name addClass
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String class A CSS class to add to the elements
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ addClass: function(c){
+ jQuery.className.add(this,c);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes the specified class from the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").removeClass("selected")
+ * @before <p class="selected">Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @test var div = $("div").addClass("test");
+ * div.removeClass("test");
+ * var pass = true;
+ * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
+ * if ( div.get(i).className.indexOf("test") != -1 ) pass = false;
+ * }
+ * ok( pass, "Remove Class" );
+ *
+ * reset();
+ *
+ * var div = $("div").addClass("test").addClass("foo").addClass("bar");
+ * div.removeClass("test").removeClass("bar").removeClass("foo");
+ * var pass = true;
+ * for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
+ * if ( div.get(i).className.match(/test|bar|foo/) ) pass = false;
+ * }
+ * ok( pass, "Remove multiple classes" );
+ *
+ * @name removeClass
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String class A CSS class to remove from the elements
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ removeClass: function(c){
+ jQuery.className.remove(this,c);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified class if it is present, removes it if it is
+ * not present.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").toggleClass("selected")
+ * @before <p>Hello</p><p class="selected">Hello Again</p>
+ * @result [ <p class="selected">Hello</p>, <p>Hello Again</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name toggleClass
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String class A CSS class with which to toggle the elements
+ * @cat DOM
+ */
+ toggleClass: function( c ){
+ jQuery.className[ jQuery.className.has(this,c) ? "remove" : "add" ](this,c);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes all matched elements from the DOM. This does NOT remove them from the
+ * jQuery object, allowing you to use the matched elements further.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").remove();
+ * @before <p>Hello</p> how are <p>you?</p>
+ * @result how are
+ *
+ * @name remove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes only elements (out of the list of matched elements) that match
+ * the specified jQuery expression. This does NOT remove them from the
+ * jQuery object, allowing you to use the matched elements further.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").remove(".hello");
+ * @before <p class="hello">Hello</p> how are <p>you?</p>
+ * @result how are <p>you?</p>
+ *
+ * @name remove
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String expr A jQuery expression to filter elements by.
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ remove: function(a){
+ if ( !a || jQuery.filter( a, [this] ).r )
+ this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes all child nodes from the set of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").empty()
+ * @before <p>Hello, <span>Person</span> <a href="#">and person</a></p>
+ * @result [ <p></p> ]
+ *
+ * @name empty
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat DOM/Manipulation
+ */
+ empty: function(){
+ while ( this.firstChild )
+ this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Binds a handler to a particular event (like click) for each matched element.
+ * The event handler is passed an event object that you can use to prevent
+ * default behaviour. To stop both default action and event bubbling, your handler
+ * has to return false.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").bind( "click", function() {
+ * alert( $(this).text() );
+ * } )
+ * @before <p>Hello</p>
+ * @result alert("Hello")
+ *
+ * @example $("form").bind( "submit", function() { return false; } )
+ * @desc Cancel a default action and prevent it from bubbling by returning false
+ * from your function.
+ *
+ * @example $("form").bind( "submit", function(event) {
+ * event.preventDefault();
+ * } );
+ * @desc Cancel only the default action by using the preventDefault method.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example $("form").bind( "submit", function(event) {
+ * event.stopPropagation();
+ * } )
+ * @desc Stop only an event from bubbling by using the stopPropagation method.
+ *
+ * @name bind
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String type An event type
+ * @param Function fn A function to bind to the event on each of the set of matched elements
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ bind: function( type, fn ) {
+ if ( fn.constructor == String )
+ fn = new Function("e", ( !fn.indexOf(".") ? "jQuery(this)" : "return " ) + fn);
+ jQuery.event.add( this, type, fn );
+ },
+ /**
+ * The opposite of bind, removes a bound event from each of the matched
+ * elements. You must pass the identical function that was used in the original
+ * bind method.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unbind( "click", function() { alert("Hello"); } )
+ * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name unbind
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String type An event type
+ * @param Function fn A function to unbind from the event on each of the set of matched elements
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound events of a particular type from each of the matched
+ * elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unbind( "click" )
+ * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name unbind
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String type An event type
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ /**
+ * Removes all bound events from each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").unbind()
+ * @before <p onclick="alert('Hello');">Hello</p>
+ * @result [ <p>Hello</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name unbind
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ unbind: function( type, fn ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, type, fn );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Trigger a type of event on every matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").trigger("click")
+ * @before <p click="alert('hello')">Hello</p>
+ * @result alert('hello')
+ *
+ * @name trigger
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param String type An event type to trigger.
+ * @cat Events
+ */
+ trigger: function( type, data ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
+ }
+ }