state->file->flags &= ~ABCFILE_LAZY;
state->init = abc_initscript(state->file, 0, 0);
- abc_method_body_t*m = state->init->method->body;
- __ getlocal_0(m);
- __ pushscope(m);
- __ findpropstrict(m, "[package]::trace");
- __ pushstring(m, "[entering global init function]");
- __ callpropvoid(m, "[package]::trace", 1);
+ code_t*c = state->init->method->body->code;
+ c = abc_getlocal_0(c);
+ c = abc_pushscope(c);
+ /* findpropstrict doesn't just return a scope object- it
+ also makes it "active" somehow. Push local_0 on the
+ scope stack and read it back with findpropstrict, it'll
+ contain properties like "trace". Trying to find the same
+ property on a "vanilla" local_0 yields only a "undefined" */
+ //c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace");
+ /*c = abc_getlocal_0(c);
+ c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace");
+ c = abc_coerce_a(c);
+ c = abc_setlocal_1(c);
+ c = abc_pushbyte(c, 0);
+ c = abc_setlocal_2(c);
+ code_t*xx = c = abc_label(c);
+ c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace");
+ c = abc_pushstring(c, "prop:");
+ c = abc_hasnext2(c, 1, 2);
+ c = abc_dup(c);
+ c = abc_setlocal_3(c);
+ c = abc_callpropvoid(c, "[package]::trace", 2);
+ c = abc_getlocal_3(c);
+ c = abc_kill(c, 3);
+ c = abc_iftrue(c,xx);*/
+ c = abc_findpropstrict(c, "[package]::trace");
+ c = abc_pushstring(c, "[entering global init function]");
+ c = abc_callpropvoid(c, "[package]::trace", 1);
+ state->init->method->body->code = c;
void* finalize_state()
to this:
- [prefix code] ([dup]) [read instruction] [setvar] [middlepart] [write instruction] [getvar]
+ [prefix code] ([dup]) [read instruction] [middlepart] [setvar] [write instruction] [getvar]
/* generate the write instruction, and maybe append a dup to the prefix code */
- code_t* write = abc_nop(middlepart);
+ code_t* write = abc_nop(0);
if(r->opcode == OPCODE_GETPROPERTY) {
write->opcode = OPCODE_SETPROPERTY;
multiname_t*m = (multiname_t*)r->data[0];
code_dump(r, 0, 0, "", stdout);
syntaxerror("illegal lvalue: can't assign a value to this expression");
- code_t* c = prefix;
+ code_t* c = 0;
+ c = code_append(c, prefix);
c = code_append(c, r);
+ c = code_append(c, middlepart);
c = abc_dup(c);
c = abc_setlocal(c, temp);
- c = code_append(c, middlepart);
+ c = code_append(c, write);
c = abc_getlocal(c, temp);
c = abc_kill(c, temp);