a :
// Find the matching elements and save them for later
- jQuery.Select( a, c ) );
+ jQuery.find( a, c ) );
var fn = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];
if ( fn && fn.constructor == Function )
* The number of elements currently matched.
+ * @example $("img").length;
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result 2
+ *
* @property
* @name length
* @type Number
* The number of elements currently matched.
+ * @example $("img").size();
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result 2
+ *
* @name size
* @type Number
* way of accessing all matched elements (other than the jQuery object
* itself, which is, in fact, an array of elements).
+ * @example $("img").get();
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/> ]
+ *
* @name get
* @type Array<Element>
* Access a single matched element. <tt>num</tt> is used to access the
* <tt>num</tt>th element matched.
+ * @example $("img").get(1);
+ * @before <img src="test1.jpg"/> <img src="test2.jpg"/>
+ * @result [ <img src="test1.jpg"/> ]
+ *
* @name get
* @type Element
* @param Number num Access the element in the <tt>num</tt>th position.
* Set the jQuery object to an array of elements.
+ * @example $("img").get([ document.body ]);
+ * @result $("img").get() == [ document.body ]
+ *
* @private
* @name get
* @type jQuery
return num == undefined ?
// Return a 'clean' array
- $.map( this, function(a){ return a } ) :
+ jQuery.map( this, function(a){ return a } ) :
// Return just the object
* argument representing the position of the element in the matched
* set.
+ * @example $("img").each(function(){ this.src = "test.jpg"; });
+ * @before <img/> <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg"/> <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ *
* @name each
* @type jQuery
* @param Function fn A function to execute
* This method makes it easy to retreive a property value
* from the first matched element.
+ * @example $("img").attr("src");
+ * @before <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ * @result test.jpg
+ *
* @name attr
* @type Object
* @param String name The name of the property to access.
* This serves as the best way to set a large number of properties
* on all matched elements.
+ * @example $("img").attr({ src: "test.jpg", alt: "Test Image" });
+ * @before <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg" alt="Test Image"/>
+ *
* @name attr
* @type jQuery
* @param Hash prop A set of key/value pairs to set as object properties.
* Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.
+ * @example $("img").attr("src","test.jpg");
+ * @before <img/>
+ * @result <img src="test.jpg"/>
+ *
* @name attr
* @type jQuery
* @param String key The name of the property to set.
* @param Object value The value to set the property to.
- attr: function( key, value ) {
+ attr: function( key, value, type ) {
// Check to see if we're setting style values
return key.constructor != String || value ?
* This method makes it easy to retreive a style property value
* from the first matched element.
+ * @example $("p").css("red");
+ * @before <p style="color:red;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result red
+ *
* @name css
* @type Object
* @param String name The name of the property to access.
* This serves as the best way to set a large number of style properties
* on all matched elements.
+ * @example $("p").css({ color: "red", background: "blue" });
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result <p style="color:red; background:blue;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ *
* @name css
* @type jQuery
* @param Hash prop A set of key/value pairs to set as style properties.
* Set a single style property to a value, on all matched elements.
+ * @example $("p").css("color","red");
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result <p style="color:red;">Test Paragraph.</p>
+ *
* @name css
* @type jQuery
* @param String key The name of the property to set.
* a string that contains the combined text contents of all matched
* elements. This method works on both HTML and XML documents.
+ * @example $("p").text();
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result Test Paragraph.
+ *
* @name text
* @type String
- * Set a single style property to a value, on all matched elements.
+ * Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.
+ * This wrapping process is most useful for injecting additional
+ * stucture into a document, without ruining the original semantic
+ * qualities of a document.
+ *
+ * The way that is works is that it goes through the first element argument
+ * provided and finds the deepest element within the structure - it is that
+ * element that will en-wrap everything else.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").wrap("<div class='wrap'></div>");
+ * @before <p>Test Paragraph.</p>
+ * @result <div class='wrap'><p>Test Paragraph.</p></div>
* @name wrap
* @type jQuery
* @any String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target.
* @any Element elem A DOM element that will be wrapped.
* @any Array<Element> elems An array of elements, the first of which will be wrapped.
- * @any Object
+ * @any Object obj Any object, converted to a string, then a text node.
wrap: function() {
+ // The elements to wrap the target around
var a = jQuery.clean(arguments);
+ // Wrap each of the matched elements individually
return this.each(function(){
+ // Clone the structure that we're using to wrap
var b = a[0].cloneNode(true);
+ // Insert it before the element to be wrapped
this.parentNode.insertBefore( b, this );
+ // Find he deepest point in the wrap structure
while ( b.firstChild )
b = b.firstChild;
+ // Move the matched element to within the wrap structure
b.appendChild( this );
+ /**
+ * Append any number of elements to the inside of all matched elements.
+ * This operation is similar to doing an <tt>appendChild</tt> to all the
+ * specified elements, adding them into the document.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").append("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>I would like to say: </p>
+ * @result <p>I would like to say: <b>Hello</b></p>
+ *
+ * @name append
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @any String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and appended to the target.
+ * @any Element elem A DOM element that will be appended.
+ * @any Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be appended.
+ * @any Object obj Any object, converted to a string, then a text node.
+ */
append: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, true, 1, function(a){
- this.appendChild( 1 );
+ this.appendChild( a );
+ /**
+ * Prepend any number of elements to the inside of all matched elements.
+ * This operation is the best way to insert a set of elements inside, at the
+ * beginning, of all the matched element.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").prepend("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>, how are you?</p>
+ * @result <p><b>Hello</b>, how are you?</p>
+ *
+ * @name prepend
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @any String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and prepended to the target.
+ * @any Element elem A DOM element that will be prepended.
+ * @any Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be prepended.
+ * @any Object obj Any object, converted to a string, then a text node.
+ */
prepend: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, true, -1, function(a){
this.insertBefore( a, this.firstChild );
+ /**
+ * Insert any number of elements before each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").before("<b>Hello</b>");
+ * @before <p>how are you?</p>
+ * @result <b>Hello</b><p>how are you?</p>
+ *
+ * @name before
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @any String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and inserted.
+ * @any Element elem A DOM element that will beinserted.
+ * @any Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be inserted.
+ * @any Object obj Any object, converted to a string, then a text node.
+ */
before: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, false, 1, function(a){
this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this );
+ /**
+ * Insert any number of elements after each of the matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").after("<p>I'm doing fine.</p>");
+ * @before <p>How are you?</p>
+ * @result <p>How are you?</p><p>I'm doing fine.</p>
+ *
+ * @name after
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @any String html A string of HTML, that will be created on the fly and inserted.
+ * @any Element elem A DOM element that will beinserted.
+ * @any Array<Element> elems An array of elements, all of which will be inserted.
+ * @any Object obj Any object, converted to a string, then a text node.
+ */
after: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, false, -1, function(a){
this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this.nextSibling );
+ * End all 'destructive' operations, reverting the list of matched elements.
+ * After an end operation, the list of matched elements will revert to the last
+ * state of matched elements.
+ *
+ * @example $("p").find("span").end();
+ * @before <p><span>Hello</span>, how are you?</p>
+ * @result $("p").find("span").end() == [ <p>...</p> ]
+ *
+ * @name end
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
+ end: function() {
+ return this.get( this.stack.pop() );
+ },
+ find: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){
+ return jQuery.find(t,a);
+ }), arguments );
+ },
+ filter: function(t) {
+ return t.constructor == Array ?
+ // Multi Filtering
+ this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this,function(a){
+ for ( var i = 0; i < t.length; i++ )
+ if ( jQuery.filter(t[i],[a]).r.length )
+ return a;
+ }), arguments ) :
+ this.pushStack( jQuery.filter(t,this).r, arguments );
+ },
+ not: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack( t.constructor == String ?
+ jQuery.filter(t,this,false).r :
+ jQuery.grep(this,function(a){ return a != t; }), arguments );
+ },
+ add: function(t) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.merge( this, t.constructor == String ?
+ jQuery.find(t) : t.constructor == Array ? t : [t] ), arguments );
+ },
+ /**
* A wrapper function for each() to be used by append and prepend.
* Handles cases where you're trying to modify the inner contents of
* a table, when you actually need to work with the tbody.
- * @private
* @member jQuery
- * @param {Function} fn The function doing the DOM manipulation.
+ * @param {String} expr The expression with which to filter
+ * @type Boolean
+ */
+ is: function(expr) {
+ return jQuery.filter(expr,this).r.length > 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ * :-P
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name domManip
+ * @param Array args
+ * @param Boolean table
+ * @param Number int
+ * @param Function fn The function doing the DOM manipulation.
* @type jQuery
domManip: function(args, table, dir, fn){
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name pushStack
+ * @param Array a
+ * @param Array args
+ * @type jQuery
+ */
pushStack: function(a,args) {
var fn = args && args[args.length-1];
return this;
- end: function() {
- this.get( this.stack.pop() );
- return this;
- },
- find: function(t) {
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function(a){
- return jQuery.Select(t,a);
- }), arguments );
- },
- filter: function(t) {
- return t.constructor == Array ?
- // Multi Filtering
- this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this,function(a){
- for ( var i = 0; i < t.length; i++ )
- if ( jQuery.filter(t[i],[a]).r.length )
- return a;
- }), arguments ) :
- this.pushStack( jQuery.filter(t,this).r, arguments );
- },
- not: function(t) {
- return this.pushStack( t.constructor == String ?
- jQuery.filter(t,this,false).r :
- jQuery.grep(this,function(a){ return a != t; }), arguments );
- },
- add: function(t) {
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.merge( this, t.constructor == String ?
- jQuery.Select(t) : t.constructor == Array ? t : [t] ), arguments );
- },
- /**
- * A wrapper function for each() to be used by append and prepend.
- * Handles cases where you're trying to modify the inner contents of
- * a table, when you actually need to work with the tbody.
- *
- * @member jQuery
- * @param {String} expr The expression with which to filter
- * @type Boolean
- */
- is: function(expr) {
- return jQuery.filter(expr,this).r.length > 0;
- }
+ extend: function(obj,prop) {\r if ( !prop ) {\r prop = obj;\r obj = this;\r }\r \r for ( var i in prop )\r obj[i] = prop[i];\r \r return obj;\r }
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend;
+new function() {
var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Figure out what browser is being used
- jQuery.browser =
- ( /webkit/.test(b) && "safari" ) ||
- ( /opera/.test(b) && "opera" ) ||
- ( /msie/.test(b) && "msie" ) ||
- ( !/compatible/.test(b) && "mozilla" ) ||
- "other";
+ jQuery.browser = {
+ safari: /webkit/.test(b),
+ opera: /opera/.test(b),
+ msie: /msie/.test(b) && !/opera/.test(b),
+ mozilla: /mozilla/.test(b) && !/compatible/.test(b)
+ };
// Check to see if the W3C box model is being used
- jQuery.boxModel = ( jQuery.browser != "msie" || document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" );
+ jQuery.boxModel = !jQuery.browser.msie || document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat";
var axis = {
parent: "a.parentNode",
siblings: jQuery.sibling
- for ( var i in axis ) {(function(){
+ for ( var i in axis ) new function(){
var t = axis[i];
jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(a) {
var ret = jQuery.map(this,t);
if ( a ) ret = jQuery.filter(a,ret).r;
return this.pushStack( ret, arguments );
- })();}
+ }
- var to = "html,append,prepend,before,after".split(',');
+ /*var to = ["append","prepend","before","after"];
- for ( var i = 0; i < to.length; i++ ) {(function(){
+ for ( var i = 0; i < to.length; i++ ) new function(){
var n = to[i];
jQuery.fn[ n + "To" ] = function(){
var a = arguments;
$(a[i])[n]( this );
- })();}
+ }*/
var each = {
show: function(){
toggle: function(){
var d = jQuery.css(this,"display");
- $(this)[ !d || d == "none" ? 'show' : 'hide' ]();
+ $(this)[ !d || d == "none" ? "show" : "hide" ]();
addClass: function(c){
toggleClass: function( c ){
- jQuery.className[ jQuery.hasWord(this,a) ? 'remove' : 'add' ](this,c);
+ jQuery.className[ jQuery.className.has(this,a) ? "remove" : "add" ](this,c);
- remove: function(){
- this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
+ remove: function(a){
+ if ( !a || jQuery.filter( [this], a ).r )
+ this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
empty: function(){
trigger: function( type ) {
jQuery.event.trigger( this, type );
- },
+ }
- for ( var i in each ) {(function(){
+ for ( var i in each ) new function() {
var n = each[i];
- jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(a,b) {
- var a = arguments;
+ jQuery.fn[ i ] = function() {
+ var args = arguments;
return this.each(function(){
- n.apply( this, a );
+ n.apply( this, args );
- })();}
+ }
var attr = {
- val: 'value',
- html: 'innerHTML'
+ val: "value",
+ html: "innerHTML",
+ value: null,
+ id: null,
+ title: null,
+ name: null,
+ href: null,
+ src: null,
+ rel: null
- for ( var i in attr ) {(function(){
+ for ( var i in attr ) new function() {
var n = attr[i];
jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(h) {
- return h == undefined && this.length ?
- this[0][n] : this.set( n, h );
+ return h == undefined ?
+ this.length ? this[0][n] : null :
+ this.attr( n, h );
- })();}
-jQuery.className = {
- add: function(o,c){
- if (jQuery.hasWord(o,c)) return;
- o.className += ( o.className ? " " : "" ) + c;
- },
- remove: function(o,c){
- o.className = !c ? "" :
- o.className.replace(
- new RegExp("(^|\\s*\\b[^-])"+c+"($|\\b(?=[^-]))", "g"), "");
-$.swap = function(e,o,f) {
- for ( var i in o ) {
- e.style["old"+i] = e.style[i];
- e.style[i] = o[i];
+ var css = "width,height,top,left,position,float,overflow,color,background".split(",");
+ for ( var i in css ) new function() {
+ var n = css[i];
+ jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(h) {
+ return h == undefined ?
+ this.length ? jQuery.css( this[0], n ) : null :
+ this.css( n, h );
+ };
- f.apply( e, [] );
- for ( var i in o )
- e.style[i] = e.style["old"+i];
-jQuery.css = function(e,p) {
- // Adapted from Prototype 1.4.0
- if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
- var old = {}, oHeight, oWidth, d = ["Top","Bottom","Right","Left"];
- for ( var i in d ) {
- old["padding" + d[i]] = 0;
- old["border" + d[i] + "Width"] = 0;
+ className: {
+ add: function(o,c){
+ if (jQuery.className.has(o,c)) return;
+ o.className += ( o.className ? " " : "" ) + c;
+ },
+ remove: function(o,c){
+ o.className = !c ? "" :
+ o.className.replace(
+ new RegExp("(^|\\s*\\b[^-])"+c+"($|\\b(?=[^-]))", "g"), "");
+ },
+ has: function(e,a) {
+ if ( e.className )
+ e = e.className;
+ return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)").test(e);
- $.swap( e, old, function() {
- if (jQuery.css(e,"display") != 'none') {
- oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
- oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
- } else
- $.swap( e, { visibility: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', display: '' },
- function(){
- oHeight = e.clientHeight;
- oWidth = e.clientWidth;
- });
- });
- return p == "height" ? oHeight : oWidth;
- }
+ },
- var r;
- if (e.style[p])
- r = e.style[p];
- else if (e.currentStyle)
- r = e.currentStyle[p];
- else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
- p = p.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();
- var s = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e,"");
- r = s ? s.getPropertyValue(p) : null;
- }
- return r;
-jQuery.clean = function(a) {
- var r = [];
- for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
- if ( a[i].constructor == String ) {
- if ( !a[i].indexOf("<tr") ) {
- var tr = true;
- a[i] = "<table>" + a[i] + "</table>";
- } else if ( !a[i].indexOf("<td") || !a[i].indexOf("<th") ) {
- var td = true;
- a[i] = "<table><tbody><tr>" + a[i] + "</tr></tbody></table>";
- }
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = a[i];
- if ( tr || td ) {
- div = div.firstChild.firstChild;
- if ( td ) div = div.firstChild;
- }
- for ( var j = 0; j < div.childNodes.length; j++ )
- r[r.length] = div.childNodes[j];
- } else if ( a[i].length && !a[i].nodeType )
- for ( var k = 0; k < a[i].length; k++ )
- r[r.length] = a[i][k];
- else if ( a[i] !== null )
- r[r.length] =
- a[i].nodeType ? a[i] : document.createTextNode(a[i].toString());
- }
- return r;
-jQuery.g = {
- "": "m[2]== '*'||a.nodeName.toUpperCase()==m[2].toUpperCase()",
- "#": "a.getAttribute('id')&&a.getAttribute('id')==m[2]",
- ":": {
- lt: "i<m[3]-0",
- gt: "i>m[3]-0",
- nth: "m[3]-0==i",
- eq: "m[3]-0==i",
- first: "i==0",
- last: "i==r.length-1",
- even: "i%2==0",
- odd: "i%2==1",
- "first-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).cur",
- "nth-child": "(m[3]=='even'?jQuery.sibling(a,m[3]).n%2==0:(m[3]=='odd'?jQuery.sibling(a,m[3]).n%2==1:jQuery.sibling(a,m[3]).cur))",
- "last-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0,true).cur",
- "nth-last-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,m[3],true).cur",
- "first-of-type": "jQuery.ofType(a,0)",
- "nth-of-type": "jQuery.ofType(a,m[3])",
- "last-of-type": "jQuery.ofType(a,0,true)",
- "nth-last-of-type": "jQuery.ofType(a,m[3],true)",
- "only-of-type": "jQuery.ofType(a)==1",
- "only-child": "jQuery.sibling(a).length==1",
- parent: "a.childNodes.length",
- empty: "!a.childNodes.length",
- root: "a==(a.ownerDocument||document).documentElement",
- contains: "(a.innerText||a.innerHTML).indexOf(m[3])!=-1",
- visible: "(!a.type||a.type!='hidden')&&(jQuery.css(a,'display')!='none'&&jQuery.css(a,'visibility')!= 'hidden')",
- hidden: "(a.type&&a.type=='hidden')||jQuery.css(a,'display')=='none'||jQuery.css(a,'visibility')== 'hidden'",
- enabled: "!a.disabled",
- disabled: "a.disabled",
- checked: "a.checked"
+ /**
+ * Swap in/out style options.
+ * @private
+ */
+ swap: function(e,o,f) {
+ for ( var i in o ) {
+ e.style["old"+i] = e.style[i];
+ e.style[i] = o[i];
+ }
+ f.apply( e, [] );
+ for ( var i in o )
+ e.style[i] = e.style["old"+i];
- ".": "jQuery.hasWord(a,m[2])",
- "@": {
- "=": "jQuery.attr(a,m[3])==m[4]",
- "!=": "jQuery.attr(a,m[3])!=m[4]",
- "~=": "jQuery.hasWord(jQuery.attr(a,m[3]),m[4])",
- "|=": "!jQuery.attr(a,m[3]).indexOf(m[4])",
- "^=": "!jQuery.attr(a,m[3]).indexOf(m[4])",
- "$=": "jQuery.attr(a,m[3]).substr( jQuery.attr(a,m[3]).length - m[4].length,m[4].length )==m[4]",
- "*=": "jQuery.attr(a,m[3]).indexOf(m[4])>=0",
- "": "m[3]=='*'?a.attributes.length>0:jQuery.attr(a,m[3])"
+ css: function(e,p) {
+ if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
+ var old = {}, oHeight, oWidth, d = ["Top","Bottom","Right","Left"];
+ for ( var i in d ) {
+ old["padding" + d[i]] = 0;
+ old["border" + d[i] + "Width"] = 0;
+ }
+ jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
+ if (jQuery.css(e,"display") != "none") {
+ oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
+ oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
+ } else
+ jQuery.swap( e, { visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute", display: "" },
+ function(){
+ oHeight = e.clientHeight;
+ oWidth = e.clientWidth;
+ });
+ });
+ return p == "height" ? oHeight : oWidth;
+ }
+ var r;
+ if (e.style[p])
+ r = e.style[p];
+ else if (e.currentStyle)
+ r = e.currentStyle[p];
+ else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
+ p = p.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();
+ var s = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e,"");
+ r = s ? s.getPropertyValue(p) : null;
+ }
+ return r;
- "[": "jQuery.Select(m[2],a).length"
-jQuery.token = [
- "\\.\\.|/\\.\\.", "a.parentNode",
- ">|/", "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)",
- "\\+", "jQuery.sibling(a).next",
- "~", function(a){
+ clean: function(a) {
var r = [];
- var s = jQuery.sibling(a);
- if ( s.n > 0 )
- for ( var i = s.n; i < s.length; i++ )
- r[r.length] = s[i];
+ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( a[i].constructor == String ) {
+ if ( !a[i].indexOf("<tr") ) {
+ var tr = true;
+ a[i] = "<table>" + a[i] + "</table>";
+ } else if ( !a[i].indexOf("<td") || !a[i].indexOf("<th") ) {
+ var td = true;
+ a[i] = "<table><tbody><tr>" + a[i] + "</tr></tbody></table>";
+ }
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = a[i];
+ if ( tr || td ) {
+ div = div.firstChild.firstChild;
+ if ( td ) div = div.firstChild;
+ }
+ for ( var j = 0; j < div.childNodes.length; j++ )
+ r.push( div.childNodes[j] );
+ } else if ( a[i].jquery || a[i].length && !a[i].nodeType )
+ for ( var k = 0; k < a[i].length; k++ )
+ r.push( a[i][k] );
+ else if ( a[i] !== null )
+ r.push( a[i].nodeType ? a[i] : document.createTextNode(a[i].toString()) );
+ }
return r;
- }
-jQuery.Select = function( t, context ) {
- // Make sure that the context is a DOM Element
- if ( context && context.getElementsByTagName == undefined )
- context = null;
- // Set the correct context (if none is provided)
- context = context || jQuery.context || document;
- if ( t.constructor != String ) return [t];
- if ( !t.indexOf("//") ) {
- context = context.documentElement;
- t = t.substr(2,t.length);
- } else if ( !t.indexOf("/") ) {
- context = context.documentElement;
- t = t.substr(1,t.length);
- // FIX Assume the root element is right :(
- if ( t.indexOf("/") >= 1 )
- t = t.substr(t.indexOf("/"),t.length);
- }
- var ret = [context];
- var done = [];
- var last = null;
- while ( t.length > 0 && last != t ) {
- var r = [];
- last = t;
- t = jQuery.cleanSpaces(t).replace( /^\/\//i, "" );
+ },
+ expr: {
+ "": "m[2]== '*'||a.nodeName.toUpperCase()==m[2].toUpperCase()",
+ "#": "a.getAttribute('id')&&a.getAttribute('id')==m[2]",
+ ":": {
+ // Position Checks
+ lt: "i<m[3]-0",
+ gt: "i>m[3]-0",
+ nth: "m[3]-0==i",
+ eq: "m[3]-0==i",
+ first: "i==0",
+ last: "i==r.length-1",
+ even: "i%2==0",
+ odd: "i%2",
+ // Child Checks
+ "first-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).cur",
+ "last-child": "jQuery.sibling(a,0).last",
+ "only-child": "jQuery.sibling(a).length==1",
+ // Parent Checks
+ parent: "a.childNodes.length",
+ empty: "!a.childNodes.length",
+ // Text Check
+ contains: "(a.innerText||a.innerHTML).indexOf(m[3])>=0",
+ // Visibility
+ visible: "jQuery.css(a,'display')!='none'&&jQuery.css(a,'visibility')!='hidden'",
+ hidden: "jQuery.css(a,'display')=='none'||jQuery.css(a,'visibility')=='hidden'",
+ // Form elements
+ enabled: "!a.disabled",
+ disabled: "a.disabled",
+ checked: "a.checked"
+ },
+ ".": "jQuery.className.has(a,m[2])",
+ "@": {
+ "=": "z==m[4]",
+ "!=": "z!=m[4]",
+ "^=": "!z.indexOf(m[4])",
+ "$=": "z.substr(z.length - m[4].length,m[4].length)==m[4]",
+ "*=": "z.indexOf(m[4])>=0",
+ "": "z"
+ },
+ "[": "jQuery.find(m[2],a).length"
+ },
+ token: [
+ "\\.\\.|/\\.\\.", "a.parentNode",
+ ">|/", "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)",
+ "\\+", "jQuery.sibling(a).next",
+ "~", function(a){
+ var r = [];
+ var s = jQuery.sibling(a);
+ if ( s.n > 0 )
+ for ( var i = s.n; i < s.length; i++ )
+ r.push( s[i] );
+ return r;
+ }
+ ],
+ find: function( t, context ) {
+ // Make sure that the context is a DOM Element
+ if ( context && context.getElementsByTagName == undefined )
+ context = null;
+ // Set the correct context (if none is provided)
+ context = context || jQuery.context || document;
+ if ( t.constructor != String ) return [t];
+ if ( !t.indexOf("//") ) {
+ context = context.documentElement;
+ t = t.substr(2,t.length);
+ } else if ( !t.indexOf("/") ) {
+ context = context.documentElement;
+ t = t.substr(1,t.length);
+ // FIX Assume the root element is right :(
+ if ( t.indexOf("/") >= 1 )
+ t = t.substr(t.indexOf("/"),t.length);
+ }
+ var ret = [context];
+ var done = [];
+ var last = null;
+ while ( t.length > 0 && last != t ) {
+ var r = [];
+ last = t;
+ t = jQuery.trim(t).replace( /^\/\//i, "" );
+ var foundToken = false;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < jQuery.token.length; i += 2 ) {
+ var re = new RegExp("^(" + jQuery.token[i] + ")");
+ var m = re.exec(t);
+ if ( m ) {
+ r = ret = jQuery.map( ret, jQuery.token[i+1] );
+ t = jQuery.trim(t).replace( re, "" );
+ foundToken = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !foundToken ) {
+ if ( !t.indexOf(",") || !t.indexOf("|") ) {
+ if ( ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
+ done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
+ r = ret = [context];
+ t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);
+ } else {
+ var re2 = /^([#.]?)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)/i;
+ var m = re2.exec(t);
- var foundToken = false;
+ if ( m[1] == "#" ) {
+ // Ummm, should make this work in all XML docs
+ var oid = document.getElementById(m[2]);
+ r = ret = oid ? [oid] : [];
+ t = t.replace( re2, "" );
+ } else {
+ if ( !m[2] || m[1] == "." ) m[2] = "*";
- for ( var i = 0; i < jQuery.token.length; i += 2 ) {
- var re = new RegExp("^(" + jQuery.token[i] + ")");
- var m = re.exec(t);
- if ( m ) {
- r = ret = jQuery.map( ret, jQuery.token[i+1] );
- t = jQuery.cleanSpaces( t.replace( re, "" ) );
- foundToken = true;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ )
+ r = jQuery.merge( r,
+ m[2] == "*" ?
+ jQuery.getAll(ret[i]) :
+ ret[i].getElementsByTagName(m[2])
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( t ) {
+ var val = jQuery.filter(t,r);
+ ret = r = val.r;
+ t = jQuery.trim(val.t);
+ if ( ret && ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
+ done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
+ return done;
+ },
+ getAll: function(o,r) {
+ r = r || [];
+ var s = o.childNodes;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )
+ if ( s[i].nodeType == 1 ) {
+ r.push( s[i] );
+ jQuery.getAll( s[i], r );
+ }
+ return r;
+ },
+ attr: function(o,a,v){
+ if ( a && a.constructor == String ) {
+ var fix = {
+ "for": "htmlFor",
+ "class": "className",
+ "float": "cssFloat"
+ };
+ a = (fix[a] && fix[a].replace && fix[a] || a)
+ .replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(z,b){
+ return b.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ if ( v != undefined ) {
+ o[a] = v;
+ if ( o.setAttribute && a != "disabled" )
+ o.setAttribute(a,v);
+ }
+ return o[a] || o.getAttribute && o.getAttribute(a) || "";
+ } else
+ return "";
+ },
+ filter: function(t,r,not) {
+ // Figure out if we're doing regular, or inverse, filtering
+ var g = not !== false ? jQuery.grep :
+ function(a,f) {return jQuery.grep(a,f,true);};
- if ( !foundToken ) {
- if ( !t.indexOf(",") || !t.indexOf("|") ) {
- if ( ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
- done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
- r = ret = [context];
- t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);
- } else {
- var re2 = /^([#.]?)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)/i;
- var m = re2.exec(t);
- if ( m[1] == "#" ) {
- // Ummm, should make this work in all XML docs
- var oid = document.getElementById(m[2]);
- r = ret = oid ? [oid] : [];
- t = t.replace( re2, "" );
- } else {
- if ( !m[2] || m[1] == "." ) m[2] = "*";
+ // Look for a string-like sequence
+ var str = "([a-zA-Z*_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)";
+ // Look for something (optionally) enclosed with quotes
+ var qstr = " *'?\"?([^'\"]*)'?\"? *";
- for ( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ )
- r = jQuery.merge( r,
- m[2] == "*" ?
- jQuery.getAll(ret[i]) :
- ret[i].getElementsByTagName(m[2])
- );
- }
+ while ( t && /^[a-zA-Z\[*:.#]/.test(t) ) {
+ // Handles:
+ // [@foo], [@foo=bar], etc.
+ var re = new RegExp("^\\[ *@" + str + " *([!*$^=]*) *" + qstr + "\\]");
+ var m = re.exec(t);
+ // Re-organize the match
+ if ( m ) m = ["", "@", m[2], m[1], m[3]];
+ // Handles:
+ // [div], [.foo]
+ if ( !m ) {
+ re = new RegExp("^(\\[)" + qstr + "\\]");
+ m = re.exec(t);
- }
- if ( t ) {
- var val = jQuery.filter(t,r);
- ret = r = val.r;
- t = jQuery.cleanSpaces(val.t);
- }
- }
- if ( ret && ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
- done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
- return done;
-jQuery.getAll = function(o,r) {
- r = r || [];
- var s = o.childNodes;
- for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )
- if ( s[i].nodeType == 1 ) {
- r[r.length] = s[i];
- jQuery.getAll( s[i], r );
- }
- return r;
-jQuery.attr = function(o,a,v){
- if ( a && a.constructor == String ) {
- var fix = {
- "for": "htmlFor",
- "class": "className",
- "float": "cssFloat"
- };
- a = (fix[a] && fix[a].replace && fix[a]) || a;
- var r = /-([a-z])/ig;
- a = a.replace(r,function(z,b){return b.toUpperCase();});
- if ( v != undefined ) {
- o[a] = v;
- if ( o.setAttribute && a != "disabled" )
- o.setAttribute(a,v);
- }
- return o[a] || o.getAttribute(a) || "";
- } else
- return "";
-jQuery.filter = function(t,r,not) {
- var g = jQuery.grep;
- if ( not === false )
- g = function(a,f) {return jQuery.grep(a,f,true);};
- while ( t && t.match(/^[:\\.#\\[a-zA-Z\\*]/) ) {
- var re = /^\[ *@([a-z*_-][a-z0-9()_-]*) *([~!|*$^=]*) *'?"?([^'"]*)'?"? *\]/i;
- var m = re.exec(t);
- if ( m )
- m = ["", "@", m[2], m[1], m[3]];
- else {
- re = /^(\[) *([^\]]*) *\]/i;
- m = re.exec(t);
+ // Handles:
+ // :contains(test), :not(.foo)
if ( !m ) {
- re = /^(:)([a-z0-9*_-]*)\( *["']?([^ \)'"]*)['"]? *\)/i;
+ re = new RegExp("^(:)" + str + "\\(" + qstr + "\\)");
m = re.exec(t);
- if ( !m ) {
- re = /^([:\.#]*)([a-z0-9*_-]*)/i;
- m = re.exec(t);
- }
- }
- t = t.replace( re, "" );
- if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )
- r = jQuery.filter(m[3],r,false).r;
- else {
- var f = null;
- if ( jQuery.g[m[1]].constructor == String )
- f = jQuery.g[m[1]];
- else if ( jQuery.g[m[1]][m[2]] )
- f = jQuery.g[m[1]][m[2]];
- if ( f ) {
- eval("f = function(a,i){return " + f + "}");
+ // Handles:
+ // :foo, .foo, #foo, foo
+ if ( !m ) {
+ re = new RegExp("^([:.#]*)" + str);
+ m = re.exec(t);
+ }
+ // Remove what we just matched
+ t = t.replace( re, "" );
+ // :not() is a special case that can be optomized by
+ // keeping it out of the expression list
+ if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )
+ r = jQuery.filter(m[3],r,false).r;
+ // Otherwise, find the expression to execute
+ else {
+ // Build a custom macro to enclose it
+ eval("f = function(a,i){" +
+ ( m[1] == "@" ? "z=jQuery.attr(a,m[3]);" : "" ) +
+ "return " + jQuery.expr[m[1]] + "}");
+ // Execute it against the current filter
r = g( r, f );
- }
- return { r: r, t: t };
-jQuery.parents = function(a){
- var b = [];
- var c = a.parentNode;
- while ( c && c != document ) {
- b[b.length] = c;
- c = c.parentNode;
- }
- return b;
-jQuery.cleanSpaces = function(t){
- return t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
-jQuery.ofType = function(a,n,e) {
- var t = jQuery.grep(jQuery.sibling(a),function(b){ return b.nodeName == a.nodeName; });
- if ( e ) n = t.length - n - 1;
- return n != undefined ? t[n] == a : t.length;
-jQuery.sibling = function(a,n,e) {
- var type = [];
- var tmp = a.parentNode.childNodes;
- for ( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) {
- if ( tmp[i].nodeType == 1 )
- type[type.length] = tmp[i];
- if ( tmp[i] == a )
- type.n = type.length - 1;
- }
- if ( e ) n = type.length - n - 1;
- type.cur = type[n] == a;
- type.next = type[type.n + 1];
- return type;
-jQuery.hasWord = function(e,a) {
- if ( e.className )
- e = e.className;
- return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)").test(e);
-jQuery.merge = function(a,b) {
- var d = [];
- for ( var k = 0; k < b.length; k++ ) d[k] = b[k];
- for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
- var c = true;
- for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ )
- if ( a[i] == b[j] )
- c = false;
- if ( c ) d[d.length] = a[i];
- }
- return d;
-jQuery.grep = function(a,f,s) {
- if ( f.constructor == String )
- f = new Function("a","i","return " + f);
- var r = [];
- if ( a )
- for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
- if ( (!s && f(a[i],i)) || (s && !f(a[i],i)) )
- r[r.length] = a[i];
- return r;
-jQuery.map = function(a,f) {
- if ( f.constructor == String )
- f = new Function("a","return " + f);
- var r = [];
- for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
- var t = f(a[i],i);
- if ( t !== null && t != undefined ) {
- if ( t.constructor != Array ) t = [t];
- r = jQuery.merge( t, r );
+ // Return an array of filtered elements (r)
+ // and the modified expression string (t)
+ return { r: r, t: t };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.trim
+ * @type String
+ * @param String str The string to trim.
+ */
+ trim: function(t){
+ return t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ },
+ /**
+ * All ancestors of a given element.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.parents
+ * @type Array<Element>
+ * @param Element elem The element to find the ancestors of.
+ */
+ parents: function(a){
+ var b = [];
+ var c = a.parentNode;
+ while ( c && c != document ) {
+ b.push( c );
+ c = c.parentNode;
- }
- return r;
-jQuery.event = {
- // Bind an event to an element
- // Original by Dean Edwards
- add: function(element, type, handler) {
- // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
- // around, causing it to be cloned in the process
- if ( jQuery.browser == "msie" && element.setInterval != undefined )
- element = window;
- if (!handler.guid) handler.guid = jQuery.event.guid++;
- if (!element.events) element.events = {};
- var handlers = element.events[type];
- if (!handlers) {
- handlers = element.events[type] = {};
- if (element["on" + type])
- handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
+ return b;
+ },
+ /**
+ * All elements on a specified axis.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.sibling
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Element elem The element to find all the siblings of (including itself).
+ */
+ sibling: function(a,n) {
+ var type = [];
+ var tmp = a.parentNode.childNodes;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( tmp[i].nodeType == 1 )
+ type.push( tmp[i] );
+ if ( tmp[i] == a )
+ type.n = type.length - 1;
- handlers[handler.guid] = handler;
- element["on" + type] = this.handle;
- if (!this.global[type])
- this.global[type] = [];
- this.global[type].push( element );
+ type.last = type.n == type.length - 1;
+ type.cur =
+ n == "even" && type.n % 2 == 0 ||
+ n == "odd" && type.n % 2 ||
+ type[n] == a;
+ type.next = type[type.n + 1];
+ return type;
- guid: 1,
- global: {},
+ /**
+ * Merge two arrays together, removing all duplicates.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.merge
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Array a The first array to merge.
+ * @param Array b The second array to merge.
+ */
+ merge: function(a,b) {
+ var d = [];
+ // Move b over to the new array (this helps to avoid
+ // StaticNodeList instances)
+ for ( var k = 0; k < b.length; k++ )
+ d[k] = b[k];
- // Detach an event or set of events from an element
- remove: function(element, type, handler) {
- if (element.events)
- if (type && element.events[type])
- if ( handler )
- delete element.events[type][handler.guid];
- else
- for ( var i in element.events[type] )
- delete element.events[type][i];
- else
- for ( var j in element.events )
- this.remove( element, j );
+ // Now check for duplicates between a and b and only
+ // add the unique items
+ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
+ var c = true;
+ // The collision-checking process
+ for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ )
+ if ( a[i] == b[j] )
+ c = false;
+ // If the item is unique, add it
+ if ( c )
+ d.push( a[i] );
+ }
+ return d;
- trigger: function(type,data,element) {
- // Touch up the incoming data
- data = data || [];
- // Handle a global trigger
- if ( !element ) {
- var g = this.global[type];
- if ( g )
- for ( var i = 0; i < g.length; i++ )
- this.trigger( type, data, g[i] );
- // Handle triggering a single element
- } else if ( element["on" + type] ) {
- // Pass along a fake event
- data.unshift( this.fix({ type: type, target: element }) );
- // Trigger the event
- element["on" + type].apply( element, data );
+ /**
+ * Remove items that aren't matched in an array. The function passed
+ * in to this method will be passed two arguments: 'a' (which is the
+ * array item) and 'i' (which is the index of the item in the array).
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.grep
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Array array The Array to find items in.
+ * @param Function fn The function to process each item against.
+ * @param Boolean inv Invert the selection - select the opposite of the function.
+ */
+ grep: function(a,f,s) {
+ // If a string is passed in for the function, make a function
+ // for it (a handy shortcut)
+ if ( f.constructor == String )
+ f = new Function("a","i","return " + f);
+ var r = [];
+ // Go through the array, only saving the items
+ // that pass the validator function
+ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
+ if ( !s && f(a[i],i) || s && !f(a[i],i) )
+ r.push( a[i] );
+ return r;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Translate all items in array to another array of items. The translation function
+ * that is provided to this method is passed one argument: 'a' (the item to be
+ * translated). If an array is returned, that array is mapped out and merged into
+ * the full array. Additionally, returning 'null' or 'undefined' will delete the item
+ * from the array. Both of these changes imply that the size of the array may not
+ * be the same size upon completion, as it was when it started.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @name $.map
+ * @type Array
+ * @param Array array The Array to translate.
+ * @param Function fn The function to process each item against.
+ */
+ map: function(a,f) {
+ // If a string is passed in for the function, make a function
+ // for it (a handy shortcut)
+ if ( f.constructor == String )
+ f = new Function("a","return " + f);
+ var r = [];
+ // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+ // new value (or values).
+ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
+ var t = f(a[i],i);
+ if ( t !== null && t != undefined ) {
+ if ( t.constructor != Array ) t = [t];
+ r = jQuery.merge( t, r );
+ }
+ return r;
- handle: function(event) {
- // Handle adding events to items in IFrames, in IE
- event = event ||
- jQuery.event.fix( ((this.ownerDocument || this.document ||
- this).parentWindow || window).event );
- // If no correct event was found, fail
- if ( !event ) return;
+ /*
+ * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
+ * Many of the ideas behind this code orignated from Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
+ */
+ event: {
- var returnValue = true, handlers = [];
+ // Bind an event to an element
+ // Original by Dean Edwards
+ add: function(element, type, handler) {
+ // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
+ // around, causing it to be cloned in the process
+ if ( jQuery.browser.msie && element.setInterval != undefined )
+ element = window;
+ // Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
+ if ( !handler.guid )
+ handler.guid = this.guid++;
+ // Init the element's event structure
+ if (!element.events)
+ element.events = {};
+ // Get the current list of functions bound to this event
+ var handlers = element.events[type];
+ // If it hasn't been initialized yet
+ if (!handlers) {
+ // Init the event handler queue
+ handlers = element.events[type] = {};
+ // Remember an existing handler, if it's already there
+ if (element["on" + type])
+ handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
+ }
+ // Add the function to the element's handler list
+ handlers[handler.guid] = handler;
+ // And bind the global event handler to the element
+ element["on" + type] = this.handle;
- for ( var j in this.events[event.type] )
- handlers[handlers.length] = this.events[event.type][j];
+ // Remember the function in a global list (for triggering)
+ if (!this.global[type])
+ this.global[type] = [];
+ this.global[type].push( element );
+ },
+ guid: 1,
+ global: {},
+ // Detach an event or set of events from an element
+ remove: function(element, type, handler) {
+ if (element.events)
+ if (type && element.events[type])
+ if ( handler )
+ delete element.events[type][handler.guid];
+ else
+ for ( var i in element.events[type] )
+ delete element.events[type][i];
+ else
+ for ( var j in element.events )
+ this.remove( element, j );
+ },
+ trigger: function(type,data,element) {
+ // Touch up the incoming data
+ data = data || [];
+ // Handle a global trigger
+ if ( !element ) {
+ var g = this.global[type];
+ if ( g )
+ for ( var i = 0; i < g.length; i++ )
+ this.trigger( type, data, g[i] );
+ // Handle triggering a single element
+ } else if ( element["on" + type] ) {
+ // Pass along a fake event
+ data.unshift( this.fix({ type: type, target: element }) );
- for ( var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++ )
- if ( handlers[i].constructor == Function ) {
- this.handleEvent = handlers[i];
- if (this.handleEvent(event) === false) {
+ // Trigger the event
+ element["on" + type].apply( element, data );
+ }
+ },
+ handle: function(event) {
+ event = event || jQuery.event.fix( window.event );
+ // If no correct event was found, fail
+ if ( !event ) return;
+ var returnValue = true;
+ for ( var j in this.events[event.type] ) {
+ if (this.events[event.type][j](event) === false) {
returnValue = false;
- return returnValue;
- },
- fix: function(event) {
- if ( event ) {
- event.preventDefault = function() {
- this.returnValue = false;
- };
+ return returnValue;
+ },
- event.stopPropagation = function() {
- this.cancelBubble = true;
- };
+ fix: function(event) {
+ if ( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault = function() {
+ this.returnValue = false;
+ };
+ event.stopPropagation = function() {
+ this.cancelBubble = true;
+ };
+ }
+ return event;
- return event;
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