int lastx;
int lasty;
int lastsize;
+ int lastchar;
int charids[128];
int charadvance[128];
int charstorepos;
lastx = CHARMIDX;
lasty = CHARMIDY;
lastsize = -1;
+ lastchar = -1;
charatposition_t*chr = &chardata->chr[t];
- if(lastfont != chardata->chr[t].font ||
- lastx!=chardata->chr[t].x ||
- lasty!=chardata->chr[t].y ||
+ if(lastfont != chr->font ||
+ lastx!=chr->x ||
+ lasty!=chr->y ||
!colorcompare(&color, &chardata->chr[t].color) ||
charstorepos==127 ||
lastsize != chardata->chr[t].size ||
lastx = chr->x;
lasty = chr->y;
lastsize = chr->size;
+ } else {
+ assert(lastchar>=0);
+ if(pass==1 && lastchar!=chr->charid) {
+ swf_FontUsePair(chr->font, lastchar, chr->charid);
+ swf_FontUsePair(chr->font, chr->charid, lastchar);
+ }
if(t<chardata->pos-1) nextx = chardata->chr[t+1].x;
if(t==chardata->pos-1 && chardata->next) nextx = chardata->next->chr[0].x;
int dx = nextx-chr->x;
int advance;
if(dx>=0 && (dx<(1<<(advancebits-1)) || pass==0)) {
advance = dx;
advance = 0;
charids[charstorepos] = chr->charid;
charadvance[charstorepos] = advance;
+ lastchar = chr->charid;
charstorepos ++;
chardata = chardata->next;
float max1=-1e20,max2=-1e20;
int t;
float*row = malloc(sizeof(float)*(width+1));
- int filter_size = 20;
+ int filter_size = 10;
float* filter = malloc(sizeof(float)*(filter_size*2+1));
double var = filter_size/3;
for(t=-filter_size;t<=filter_size;t++) {
/* find two best x values */
int x1=-1,y1=-1,x2=-1,y2=-1;
- int nr_x = 1;
+ int nr_x = 0;
find_best(row, width, &x1, &x2, f->use->smallest_size,
char_bbox.xmin - font_bbox.xmin,
char_bbox.xmax - font_bbox.xmin, nr_x,
f->alignzones[t].dy = 0xffff;//floatToF16(460.80 / 1024.0);
} else {
- int t;
SRECT bounds = {0,0,0,0};
+ int t;
for(t=0;t<f->numchars;t++) {
SRECT b = f->layout->bounds[t];
for(t=0;t<=height;t++) {column_global[t]/=f->numchars/2;}
for(t=0;t<f->numchars;t++) {
- memcpy(column, column_global, sizeof(float)*(height+1));
+ //memcpy(column, column_global, sizeof(float)*(height+1));
+ memset(column, 0, sizeof(float)*(height+1));
+ int s;
+ int drawn = 0;
+ printf("[font %d] pairing %c with ", f->id, f->glyph2ascii[t]);
+ for(s=0;s<f->use->num_neighbors;s++) {
+ if(f->use->neighbors[s].char2 == t) {
+ printf("%c ", f->glyph2ascii[f->use->neighbors[s].char1]);
+ draw_char(f, f->use->neighbors[s].char1, row, column, bounds);
+ drawn++;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ for(s=0;s<=height;s++) {
+ column[t] /= drawn*2;
+ }
memset(row, 0, sizeof(float)*(width+1));
draw_char(f, t, row, column, bounds);
if(f->use->chars) {
rfx_free(f->use->chars);f->use->chars = 0;
+ if(f->use->neighbors) {
+ rfx_free(f->use->neighbors);f->use->neighbors = 0;
+ }
+ if(f->use->neighbors_hash) {
+ rfx_free(f->use->neighbors_hash);f->use->neighbors_hash = 0;
+ }
rfx_free(f->use); f->use = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Usage initialized twice");
return -1;
- f->use = (FONTUSAGE*)rfx_alloc(sizeof(FONTUSAGE));
- f->use->is_reduced = 0;
+ f->use = (FONTUSAGE*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(FONTUSAGE));
f->use->smallest_size = 0xffff;
- f->use->used_glyphs = 0;
f->use->chars = (int*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(f->use->chars[0]) * f->numchars);
- f->use->glyphs_specified = 0;
return 0;
return 0;
+static unsigned hash2(int char1, int char2)
+ unsigned hash = char1^(char2<<8);
+ hash += (hash << 3);
+ hash ^= (hash >> 11);
+ hash += (hash << 15);
+ return hash;
+static void hashadd(FONTUSAGE*u, int char1, int char2, int nr)
+ unsigned hash = hash2(char1, char2);
+ while(1) {
+ hash = hash%u->neighbors_hash_size;
+ if(!u->neighbors_hash[hash]) {
+ u->neighbors_hash[hash] = nr+1;
+ return;
+ }
+ hash++;
+ }
+int swf_FontUseGetPair(SWFFONT * f, int char1, int char2)
+ FONTUSAGE*u = f->use;
+ if(!u || !u->neighbors_hash_size)
+ return 0;
+ unsigned hash = hash2(char1, char2);
+ while(1) {
+ hash = hash%u->neighbors_hash_size;
+ int pos = u->neighbors_hash[hash];
+ if(!pos)
+ return 0;
+ if(pos &&
+ u->neighbors[pos-1].char1 == char1 &&
+ u->neighbors[pos-1].char2 == char2) {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ hash++;
+ }
+void swf_FontUsePair(SWFFONT * f, int char1, int char2)
+ if (!f->use)
+ swf_FontInitUsage(f);
+ FONTUSAGE*u = f->use;
+ if(u->num_neighbors*3 >= u->neighbors_hash_size*2) {
+ if(u->neighbors_hash) {
+ free(u->neighbors_hash);
+ }
+ u->neighbors_hash_size = u->neighbors_hash_size?u->neighbors_hash_size*2:1024;
+ u->neighbors_hash = rfx_calloc(u->neighbors_hash_size*sizeof(int));
+ int t;
+ for(t=0;t<u->num_neighbors;t++) {
+ hashadd(u, u->neighbors[t].char1, u->neighbors[t].char2, t);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!swf_FontUseGetPair(f, char1, char2)) {
+ if(u->num_neighbors == u->neighbors_size) {
+ u->neighbors_size += 4096;
+ u->neighbors = rfx_realloc(u->neighbors, sizeof(SWFGLYPHPAIR)*u->neighbors_size);
+ }
+ u->neighbors[u->num_neighbors].char1 = char1;
+ u->neighbors[u->num_neighbors].char2 = char2;
+ hashadd(u, char1, char2, u->num_neighbors);
+ u->num_neighbors++;
+ } else {
+ // increase?
+ }
int swf_FontUseGlyph(SWFFONT * f, int glyph, U16 size)
if (!f->use)
SHAPE * shape;
+typedef struct _SWFGLYPHPAIR
+ U16 char1;
+ U16 char2;
typedef struct _FONTUSAGE
{ int* chars;
char is_reduced;
int used_glyphs;
int glyphs_specified;
U16 smallest_size;
+ SWFGLYPHPAIR* neighbors;
+ int num_neighbors;
+ int neighbors_size;
+ int* neighbors_hash;
+ int neighbors_hash_size;
int swf_FontInitUsage(SWFFONT * f);
int swf_FontUseGlyph(SWFFONT * f, int glyph, U16 size);
+void swf_FontUsePair(SWFFONT * f, int char1, int char2);
+int swf_FontUseGetPair(SWFFONT * f, int char1, int char2);
int swf_FontUseAll(SWFFONT* f);
int swf_FontUseUTF8(SWFFONT * f, U8 * s, U16 size);
int swf_FontUse(SWFFONT* f,U8 * s);
../lib/librfxswf$(A): ../lib/modules/swfrender.c ../lib/modules/swfshape.c ../lib/modules/swftext.c ../lib/modules/swffont.c ../lib/modules/swfbits.c ../lib/rfxswf.c ../lib/devices/swf.c ../lib/modules/swfalignzones.c
cd ../lib;$(MAKE) librfxswf$(A);cd -
+../lib/libpdf$(A): ../lib/pdf/
+ cd ../lib;$(MAKE) libpdf$(A);cd -
+../lib/libgfx$(A): ../lib/devices/*.c
+ cd ../lib;$(MAKE) libgfx$(A);cd -
+../lib/libgfxswf$(A): ../lib/devices/swf.c
+ cd ../lib;$(MAKE) libgfxswf$(A);cd -
# TODO: include the following rule only if lex is available
parser.yy.c: parser.lex
flex -B -s -oparser.yy.c parser.lex