* lib/example/avi2swf.cc: For now, converts small (!) avi movie files to swf. (using
- * configure: Does checking for byte order now.
- * rfxswf/pdf2swf: Applied Anjo Krank's patch for MacOS X.
+ * configure: Does checking for byte order and command substitution capability now.
+ * rfxswf: Applied Anjo Krank's patch for MacOS X.
+ * pdf2swf: Fixed font transformation matrix
* swfcombine: new options: --cat, --stack1, --merge, --frame
* swfs/: new directory, holds some standard SWFs primarily used for pdf2swf
- * pdf2swf: New options --viewer, --preloader
+ installs into ${DATADIR}/swftools/swfs
+ * pdf2swf: New options --viewer, --preloader, -b, -l
* pdf2swf: Fonts are now in ${DATADIR}/swftools/fonts
* fix memory leaks
* some bounding boxes are too big
* allow additional fontdirectories to be specified?
- * viewer/preloader: naming scheme; pass -X,-Y,-r options
* implement -q (--quiet) option, especially for -b and -l