-/* parser.lex
+/* parser.y
Routines for compiling Flash2 AVM2 ABC Actionscript
int variable_count;
+ dict_t*allvars; // all variables (in all sublevels, but not for inner functions)
char inner;
char uses_parent_function;
+ NEW(methodstate_t,m);
+ m->allvars = dict_new();
+ return m;
void methodstate_destroy(methodstate_t*m)
- dict_destroy(m->unresolved_variables);
- m->unresolved_variables = 0;
+ dict_destroy(m->unresolved_variables); m->unresolved_variables = 0;
+ if(m->allvars) {
+ DICT_ITERATE_DATA(m->allvars, void*, data) {free(data);}
+ m->allvars = 0;
+ }
typedef struct _state {
int switch_var;
- dict_t*allvars; // also contains variables from sublevels
} state_t;
typedef struct _global {
if(state->vars) {
- if(state->new_vars && state->allvars) {
- parserassert(!state->old || state->old->allvars != state->allvars);
- DICT_ITERATE_DATA(state->allvars, void*, data) {
- free(data);
- }
- dict_destroy(state->allvars);
- }
state->active_namespace_urls = 0;
state->package = internal_filename_package = strdup(filename);
- state->allvars = dict_new();
global->token2info = dict_lookup(global->file2token2info,
current_filename // use long version
state->method = rfx_calloc(sizeof(methodstate_t));
dict_put(global->token2info, (void*)(ptroff_t)as3_tokencount, state->method);
state->method->late_binding = 1; // init scripts use getglobalscope, so we need a getlocal0/pushscope
+ state->method->allvars = dict_new();
} else {
state->method = dict_lookup(global->token2info, (void*)(ptroff_t)as3_tokencount);
state->method->variable_count = 0;
static variable_t* find_variable(state_t*s, const char*name)
if(s->method->no_variable_scoping) {
- return dict_lookup(s->allvars, name);
+ return dict_lookup(s->method->allvars, name);
} else {
state_t*top = s;
while(s) {
static code_t*defaultvalue(code_t*c, classinfo_t*type)
+ parserassert(!type || type->kind!=INFOTYPE_UNRESOLVED);
if(TYPE_IS_INT(type)) {
c = abc_pushbyte(c, 0);
} else if(TYPE_IS_UINT(type)) {
if(dict_contains(state->vars, name)) {
- *(int*)0=0;
syntaxerror("variable %s already defined", name);
dict_put(state->vars, name, v);
if(method->no_variable_scoping &&
as3_pass==2 &&
- dict_contains(state->allvars, name))
+ dict_contains(state->method->allvars, name))
- variable_t*v = dict_lookup(state->allvars, name);
- if(v->type != type)
+ variable_t*v = dict_lookup(state->method->allvars, name);
+ if(v->type != type && (!v->type || v->type->kind!=INFOTYPE_UNRESOLVED)) {
syntaxerror("variable %s already defined.", name);
+ }
return v;
- dict_put(state->allvars, name, v);
+ dict_put(state->method->allvars, name, v);
return v;
static code_t* wrap_function(code_t*c,code_t*header, code_t*body)
c = code_append(c, header);
- c = code_append(c, var_block(body, state->method->no_variable_scoping?state->allvars:state->vars));
+ c = code_append(c, var_block(body, state->method->no_variable_scoping?state->method->allvars:state->vars));
/* append return if necessary */
if(!c || (c->opcode != OPCODE_RETURNVOID &&
c->opcode != OPCODE_RETURNVALUE)) {
m->scope_code = add_scope_code(m->scope_code, m, 0);
if(m->slots) {
/* exchange unresolved identifiers with the actual objects */
- DICT_ITERATE_ITEMS(m->slots, char*, name, variable_t*, v) {
- if(v->type && v->type->kind == INFOTYPE_UNRESOLVED) {
- classinfo_t*type = (classinfo_t*)registry_resolve((slotinfo_t*)v->type);
+ DICT_ITERATE_ITEMS(m->slots, char*, name, variable_t*, v1) {
+ if(v1->type && v1->type->kind == INFOTYPE_UNRESOLVED) {
+ classinfo_t*type = (classinfo_t*)registry_resolve((slotinfo_t*)v1->type);
if(!type || type->kind != INFOTYPE_CLASS) {
- syntaxerror("Couldn't find class %s::%s (%s)", v->type->package, v->type->name, name);
+ syntaxerror("Couldn't find class %s::%s (%s)", v1->type->package, v1->type->name, name);
- v->type = type;
+ v1->type = type;
+ }
+ if(m->allvars) {
+ DICT_ITERATE_ITEMS(m->allvars, char*, name2, variable_t*, v2) {
+ if(v2->type && v2->type->kind == INFOTYPE_UNRESOLVED) {
+ classinfo_t*type = (classinfo_t*)registry_resolve((slotinfo_t*)v2->type);
+ if(!type || type->kind != INFOTYPE_CLASS) {
+ syntaxerror("Couldn't find class %s::%s (%s)", v2->type->package, v2->type->name, name2);
+ }
+ v2->type = type;
+ }
+ }
if(as3_pass==1) {
state->cls = rfx_calloc(sizeof(classstate_t));
- state->cls->init = rfx_calloc(sizeof(methodstate_t));
- state->cls->static_init = rfx_calloc(sizeof(methodstate_t));
+ state->cls->init = methodstate_new();
+ state->cls->static_init = methodstate_new();
/* notice: we make no effort to initialize the top variable (local0) here,
even though it has special meaning. We just rely on the fact
state->new_vars = 1;
- state->allvars = dict_new();
if(as3_pass == 1) {
- state->method = rfx_calloc(sizeof(methodstate_t));
+ state->method = methodstate_new();
state->method->inner = 1;
state->method->is_static = parent_method->is_static;
state->method->variable_count = 0;
state->new_vars = 1;
- state->allvars = dict_new();
if(as3_pass == 1) {
- state->method = rfx_calloc(sizeof(methodstate_t));
+ state->method = methodstate_new();
state->method->has_super = 0;
state->method->is_static = mod->flags&FLAG_STATIC;
if(state->method->unresolved_variables) {
DICT_ITERATE_KEY(state->method->unresolved_variables, char*, vname) {
- if(!state->method->no_variable_scoping && dict_contains(state->allvars, vname)) {
- variable_t*v = dict_lookup(state->allvars, vname);
+ if(!state->method->no_variable_scoping && dict_contains(state->method->allvars, vname)) {
+ variable_t*v = dict_lookup(state->method->allvars, vname);
if(!v->is_inner_method) {
state->method->no_variable_scoping = 1;
as3_warning("function %s uses forward or outer block variable references (%s): switching into compatibility mode", name, vname);
methodstate_list_t*ml = state->method->innerfunctions;
while(ml) {
- insert_unresolved(ml->methodstate, xvars, state->allvars);
+ insert_unresolved(ml->methodstate, xvars, state->method->allvars);
ml = ml->next;
if(state->method->uses_slots) {
state->method->slots = dict_new();
int i = 1;
- DICT_ITERATE_ITEMS(state->allvars, char*, name, variable_t*, v) {
+ DICT_ITERATE_ITEMS(state->method->allvars, char*, name, variable_t*, v) {
if(!name) syntaxerror("internal error");
if(v->index && dict_contains(xvars, name)) {
v->init = v->kill = 0;
state->method->uses_slots = i;
dict_destroy(state->vars);state->vars = 0;
- dict_destroy(state->allvars);state->allvars = 0;
return 0;
syntaxerror("Variable %s already defined", $1);
- new_variable(state->method, $1, 0, 1, 0);
+ new_variable(state->method, $1, $2, 1, 0);
char slot = 0;